Walmart Yes!

White Walmart shoppers tend to skew conservative and patriotic. Would be a shame if they found out their favorite store sells merchandise glorifying communist terrorists.

Other urls found in this thread:

Is this really worth its own thread though?

I thought that antifags were anticorporate.

With their iphones? And anti government with their student loans?

No, they're anti-white. If a corporation is run by niggers or kikes, they're all for it.


Also, the whole capitalist vs communist shit is distraction. Economics don't fucking matter when you're dealing with ethnic cleansing. What's going on right now is a race war, anyone who goes "fucking liberals, fucking commies, fucking capitalists, etc, etc" is either a useful idiot, a coward, or a kike. This is a race war, make no mistake, the only real enemy is the Jew.

dont forget they go to mcdicks/starbucks before and after every protest

the irony will most likely be lost on antifags


At least Walmart knows their customers. Topkek.

There is no irony. Why are you pretending there is? Antifa is about destroying white supremacy, and by that they mean destroying white people. Most corporations are owned by Jews who have the same goals.

maybe, maybe not. It depends on what other thread died for it.

your thread is 100% shit

Reminder that the DHS has declared them a terrorist group. Wal-Mart’s going down.

As a proud father of an Aryan family I haven't shopped at Walmart in years.
Will continue to not shop there ever

This makes the fags REEEEEEE!

… it may be interesting to steal one, for tactical purposes

That was supposed to be "This makes the fags REEEEEE!"
Autocorrect changed fags to fags.

Never mind, that's not autocorrect. Apparently there's a word filter in play here. V*e*g*a*n*s

Walmart no?

its the word filter, changes m0hammad to mohomo'd the pedo goatfucker


fun fact: you can buy an isis flag on ebay using paypal but you cannot buy a confederate flag on ebay using paypal.
Something about racism.

I remember reading a Black Friday thread on Holla Forums and those retards were talking about stealing from walmart like nigs. They are jokes


A word from Goebbels, on Hitlers thoughts towards the vegetarian question,
"An extended chapter of our talk was devoted by the Führer to the vegetarian question. He believes more than ever that meat-eating is harmful to humanity. Of course he knows that during the war we cannot completely upset our food system. After the war, however, he intends to tackle this problem also. Maybe he is right. Certainly the arguments that he adduces in favor of his standpoint are very compelling"

Is this Saw 10?

He's talking about the way of slaughter you absolute retard. "kosher" and "halal" slaughter are made so that the animal suffers as much as pain as possible for the longest time as possible, that's the fucked up part.

Take a look at how kike meat is made

Yeah, it's disgusting. The animals also are not allowed to have any form of pain reducing thing.


They just had to pull pic related too, but not the antifa one. Digging their heels in.


Just 1 more reason to hate filthy jews.

It's a kosher slaughter machine.

top kek
have a bump.

Holy shit I totally missed that.

Kamphy, pls.

race war is eternal. it only halts when there is one race left standing

This has to be corporate tier level trolling

Reported for being a fag piece of shit.

Just some good ol' Jews Jewing Jews m8.


Vegetarian is not the same as ve-gan.

So I have no way of knowing if I'm supporting sick kike blood rituals.

No shit, faggot. Thanks for asserting something no one questioned.

Every arguement made against factory farm meat always relies on halall and kosher practices to justify ending them. Makes you think.

Well it matters to some extent, in the fact that all international capitalists are anti-white, even the white ones. But economics is only the operational level of race war. Tactical level is shit like journalism.

Not seeing walmart selling this, just this idiot:

It's like that white guy that made mad dosh off anti-white socjus faggots by selling those white tears mugs.

looks like boomers think that putting "walmart" in a google search means all items shown are from walmart. It's fake news.

Apparently he was wronng about one thing.

Daily reminder supermarket eggs are unfertilized eggs.

Wal-mart sells 3rd party items through their website, so even though their own sweatshops didn't produce them, walmart is still hellping to sell these. They already got shit for the shirt about hanging journalists and stopped that, this is the same circumstance.

On another note, we should take the opportunity to inform niggers advocating for "black christmas" that wal-mart is a "white" owned company and they shouldn't spend their gibs on layaway there.

It's just asserting that you can't mess with the war food supply until after its over.

(((out-of stock)))
Shut it down

tbhfam, the only bad thing about meat is the huge amounts of pollution its production produces. I really don't care if animals suffer or some gay shit like that, but I do care if my ground water supply is permanently contaminated with pig shit.
Lab grown meat, when?

Lefty nigger detected. Stay salty, Wal-Mart is going to lose business over this.

that looks fake

Isn't that all chicken eggs. I wouldn't want to buy an egg with a chick in it if I was going to eat it.

At least it was made in a communist society.

Kikes are truly the most disgusting creatures to inhabit our world. They do this for religion? Only a devil would command this.


Explain the "irony" please, anime crossdresser

jeez just use the mechanical hammer to the skull like we do in America.
why make them drop and break their legs first? what does that do for the meat?

Nope, you could buy fertilized eggs at a farmer's market or the Amish.

Fear and pain adrenaline is pumped into the meat before death. It would more than likely change the taste of the meat but I would think it would make the meat taste gamy as fuck and ruin the taste of the beef.


what am I seeing here?

sounds like a nice way to set up a honeypot

Hitler banned kosher slaughter you fucking Turk, the Swiss had it banned since goddamn 1892. Kikes got so triggered afterwards that every rabbi in the country fancied himself an 'academic expert' and claimed that kosher slaughter was the best for the animal. And if I am to explain why being against kikes gaining profit from the killing of animals, more so in this particular brutal way, is bad, then hang yourself like you deserve to.

On a side note, anons pls watch Der Ewige Jude, it contains the above information and more. If anyone wants it I can upload it somewhere.


w e w

Because kikes are evil.