>neofascist group Veneto Fronte Skinhead" forcefully raided into the room where Como without border'' was having a meeting
Italian Skinheads interrupt pro-migrant reunion
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Nice. We need more of this sort of thing. Once normies can't escape thinking about racial politics, then we will win.
He's right you know!
There is going to be a protest, always near Milan, next week organized by Forza Nuova, another far right group
Such a couple of handsome spaghettiniggers!
I hope they reproduce with some spaghettineggresses.
Radical, good luck, Pastabros.
They are from Como, so they have a decent chance of being more Swiss/Austrian than actual Italian.
Oh I see.
Still I hope they retake their country and purge the browns and the fucking libs.
Alessandra Mussolini defends them in row with state TV broadcaster RAI
I love to read about this and I fully support them and I hate to say this but for real the only true sulution requires raiding the Italian parliament rather than groups like this that have the support of the government.
That's not really what Benito's policy was about.
Mediterraneans are slightly melanin enriched. Italians do have olive skin.
CasaPound is/was trying to get into the parliament, but as you can imagine, they find many obstacles.
Vid related is an example of media manipulation against them.
This is very likely to happen at some point
Don't pretend you don't understand what I meant.
Nice D&C
Nice autism. We also call swedes snow-niggers.
It is a joke, you fucking retard, literally KYS.
That background looks like a serious fire hazard, shouldn´t the local authorities be notified that these facilies aren´t safe?
< Let (((me))) tell you who is White.
Nice Youtube lingo.
I really don't.
I'm also not sure if you're really dumb or just shitposting.
Can you give some translations.
Remove the immigrants and niggers, you ignorant dope.
Mussolini criticizes the fact that the media used the word 'blitz' to describe this event.
She says that she hasn't seen any violence, and that the actually violent ones are groups from the left and often have their faces covered.
She also points to the fact that many ONGs exploit the immigrants for money, and that while these people are welcomed, in the meantime there are Italians forced to sleep on the street because homeless.
God bless!
TRANSLATION ? botabing botaboom scussy scussy no comprahindia GESEPIE oh yeah MAMMA MIA THE BLACK GUY STOLE MY MOPED
Me ne freego! Nigger-Sama..
We just need that in Latin and it can be Holla Forums's official slogan.
"Amor Populum Tuum,
Non Amor Homines"
(Rough translation, "Love your people ; Do not love men")
I was in Veneto a few months ago, it's full of gipsies, african nigs and a few mudslimes human curtains.
Pic related: African nigs freely riding their bikes in Veneto countryside (not far from Treviso).
Grow a stylish cut you savages. Unless you're becoming bald ofcourse.
also im surprised they're not post mussolini facists… what happened italy?
I bet the fags of the Alt Right will trash these guys.
Are you saying the alt right will attack the full right?
Just as we always said?
There is no place for 1488larpers in the New-Right goy! *:^)*
Why did people here tolerate them at all?
We need true nazies. Not leather perverts.
They need to clean their act.
It's time for the final redpill on the "skinhead" insult.
that pic is bullshit..creative…but still bullshit
I know right?
Like who would marry a dog?
user, i..
Muh based skinhead culture
I love jamaica! Its white!
Looks like Stormfront in more ways than one.
Hatred on skinheads on this board have always been dumb to me, they are better allies than the "alt-right".
There's only one thing leftists understand, it's violence, not reason.
Because in northern Italy there has been more German influence than anywhere else.
Mussolini is usually praised in cities such as Rome and Latina (aka Littoria), where fascism really helped the population through the creation of new job opportunities, sanitation of swamps and generally construction of new infrastructures.
>pic related is palazzo Mussolini
Talking to shitskins is not productive.
They are European, but many are pretty borderline white when talking about skin color.
They are similar.
Not more nor less than any other European country, they are the main arrival point for sandniggers. They should be smarter and sink everything.
Could they maybe change that name though?
You can't really do that. There is sea/marine related ethic that forces everyone to help whoever is drawing.
The mass immigration is simply a symptom of another problem. The jews.
This big mess is caused by the US, if it wasn't for them, people would peacefully stay still from where they are. Real Muslims don't even want to move in non-muslims countries, since it's considered a sin, al-Religion of Cuck™.org/a-code-of-practice-for-muslims-in-the-west-ayatullah-sistani/migration-non-muslim-countries
Yea, I agree that their name doesn't really help to get good publicity.
Forza Nuova and Casa Pound are probably smarter.
They may shout about terror.
We answer with Mussolini’s familiar words: “Terror? Never! It is social hygiene. We take these individuals out of circulation just as a doctor does to a bacterium."
Yea think you better stick with vernacular languages for a phrase containing ‘faggot.’ Best thing I’ve heard in awhile though. God bless Italy.
Shut the fuck off kike.
It is a crime to illegally set foot on foreign land. They should arrest them all as soon they are out of the water and deport them without hesitation.
But even the deportation costs tax payer money. I would forbid them under threat of death to come on land, but we are not barbarians, so make hem walk the long way home on their own.
The EU and European leaders inviting every sandnigger in sure are only a symptom too?
The Jew spreads corruption, but only a traitor succumbs. I would argue the US itself is a symptom.
Fuck off.
Hello, borderline white Italian.
Your criticism gives off a very slippery vibe, something you can't either agree or disagree with.
It's sending a message that shitskin enclaves aren't safe anymore.
The sun in Southern Europe gets really hot, even at this time of the year.
They lack coordination, but that is all. In "White Power" (IIRC), Rockwell talked about his encounter with a homeless beatnik, with whom he spoke and accepted into the ANP. You should read the whole story, it's in the first pages of the book. Aforementioned beatnik was more than content cleaning toilets and sleeping in a wrecked car with a couple blankets, and eventually rose to the rank of commander and performed more offensive operations against the ANP's enemies than almost any other member there. Point is, White determination for self-improvement alone can do wonders to a person, skinhead or not.
I can get behind that, but shitty generalizations like "any other European country" don't fit the knowledge of a Holla Forumsack. Are you seriously saying Italy is as fucked as Hungary, or Sweden? Really fucking dumb.
Hello kike, now fuck off.
If the PIGS had that trait, they wouldn't be in the situation they are currently in.
Speak for yourself, kike.
Why, because skinheads are factually the social bottom of white society? They are biker gang tier, most of them don't even care a shit about the big picture, they just share the same gang mentality like all other borderline criminal scum. Just because they are white supremacists doesn't make up for the everything else. They are garbage with no influence other then being used as propaganda tool by the media.
Or is it about Italians? To be honest with you, i, as a northern European would not make children with southern Europeans, it may be not racemixing but it still dilutes northern features.
I am saying that we are in the same boat, which is Europa. We cannot have a sandnigger country aka Sweden for example in the middle of Europe. We have to keep them out of our borders. Italy as the gateway to inner Europe should be much, much harder on their border control and enforcement.
Off yourself, Avi.
Because a strong leader can turn them into die-hard foot soliders and instill discipline into them in a matter of weeks. There is documented evidence of this, which I pointed out to you but I doubt you put any effort into processing it.
Yet they form the backbone of many well-determined and established nationalist movements, e.g. GD (with members of which I have a very good relation). Again, on their own they are undeniably chaotic and ineffective, I agree on that this much, but undeniably useful in their own right when put into the right place.
if anything it's the fact that they literally did nothing.
they came, they read their piece and they left.
now italian media is seeing fascists anywhere.
probably the biggest redpill is seeing everyone who (((matters))) completely flipping their shit over something like this and doing nothing when some rapefugee drives a van of peace or knives people in the name of allah.
as I already said in some other thread, I believe it's because of the recent elections where fascist parties gained (CasaPound to be specific) an unexpected amount of votes, and the left started to get concerned about it
They would prove to be better footsoldiers than you, whoever you are.
the eternal DnC cuck
Wow these are principled fash types and not your garden variety retards
who cares though. we can argue economics with our people after the race war.
They were never fully tolerated.
yeah, literally what I consider.
I don't even care about how a skinhead looks but I do want them to have a running tally
That's not exactly what they said, but in the speech was mentioned modernism, how globalism is pushed on everyday basis and rambled something about technology, but I'm not sure myself what it meant.
They can still function and assist in a productive society. Italians are not mongrels, neither do they act like they are. Their skin color may be olive, but they are still considered Europeans because they act better than spics or other races. Who would you rather live next to Italians or SJW's breeding with nogs?
Faggot i-tie skins ramble about muh communism.
Fuckin kikes.
t. Yank
Italy cannot just kick migrants out
Matteo Renzi - the Goldman Sachs plant -
made a deal with th EU and NGOs
This is the result
Hungary is fine