Trump celebrates 'biggest tax cuts in history' after Republicans' push $1.5 TRILLION bill - that the Democrats said they did not have time to read - through the Senate
Democraps BTFO
Trump celebrates 'biggest tax cuts in history' after Republicans' push $1.5 TRILLION bill - that the Democrats said they did not have time to read - through the Senate
Democraps BTFO
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Man I love this goy
This is his first big victory. If it hadn't been for that piece of dog shit John Mccain, it would be his second.
Also, the Neocons and Rhinos only passed this because it gives huge tax cuts to the wealthy.
Yay, I'm an even poorer white man now.
Wow fuck that. How can we increase the visibility of people’s displeasure with this bullshit? Breitbart and the like won’t help I’m sure. No kike should get a fucking CENT of American money.
Jon Tester couldn't pass the test.
Keep pushing petitons and demand an answer from the WH?
Why are people passing/signing something without reading it?
How many times did these kikes pass bills or laws under are noses. How many times has a bill that is not in favor of the people that has been votes against by the people but still pass.
lol, look at this faggot who thinks his government still works for him
Well since Israel is still getting money, who wants to help me track down a jew I can claim as a blood relative so I can make Aaliyah and get my shekels back?
Schumer is really fucking angry.
Dems don't even bother reading it. They vote no on anything presented by Republicans, no matter what it is. Republicans do the same.
The wrangling over what is in the bill, and the last minute add ons, are all to get the Republican majority on board. For example, if Colorado wants a couple million for a sports stadium, the representative will threaten not to sign the bill unless that is added on as a footnote. It's called pork barrel.
If one of us gets into Congress, we need to write “The holocaust did not happen” onto a bill and get it passed. It then becomes official US government policy.
It isn't about working for me moron, it's about kikes kvetching about what they do or don't get while crying foul about not reading a fucking bigly legal document involving law.
Eat shit, hebe.
Instead put "hitler did nothing wrong" which means that even if it did happen, it wasnt wrong. It works on a better level.
Party above all else.
Aww, isn’t that cute.
What the fuck are you doing here if you haven’t learned the truth yet?
I know.
Fuck you kids are dense.
Are you implying Hitler did something wrong beyond not finishing the job, moshe?
The Holocaust Happened
in my mind
What a person cant be optimistic here? Lets imagine that it did happen. That means that someone managed to single handedly kill off one of the worst groups that has plagued the entire world for centuries. That means that if one person can do it, couldnt others?
Fuck off you dumb faggot. "Ill say reported, that will show him". Shouting reported is like grandstanding at best. "Ill tell everyone that I told on him to the moderators, everyone look at me!" Either report, or dont. Also on what fucking grounds for reporting? Eat a dick.
That faggot thinks there's a possibility that were actually all very wrong and the holocaust did in fact Shoah the six gorillon.
This is of course bullshit and everyone here knows it. This poster is obviously a shill trying to introduce this kiked notion.
Go be a zionist civnat somewhere else.
Except they’ve literally never had more control, YOU FUCKING FAGGOT, and it’s all because of the LIE that was the holocaust. Expose that and every race on Earth is out for blood. Kill yourself.
That poster is a kike.
the fact that they do this, unerringly, requires that this system ultimately cannot be reformed. nothing will change until we bring out the guillotines and release the rivers of blood the gods demand. only then will our circumstances improve.
Swallowing that lefty meme, eh?
So, it didn't happen.
Is that Grima getting directions from Saruman?
Now let's sell Israel and spend the money on construction of new churches.
Sell it? There's prime property to steal neighbor's oil from that location and we can keep selling dirty jew salt to tourists.
No I just dont deal in absolutes.
At this point it would be pointless to argue with you. I mean in order to convince you I would need to livestream me branding a swastika on my hand or something to show that im part of the cool crowd. The way I look at it, I wasnt there so I dont know shit about shit, neither do you or anyone else. The only thing we have to go on are conflicting reports from each side. The side disproving the holocaust has a lot more evidence than the side that constantly changes numbers (I think the red cross reports like 200k at times and then that group or others reported in the millions, even though technology wasnt even near the point to dispose of the bodies or even kill that kind of number within a short amount of time).
I could be a faggot and state an absolute without knowing for clear fact that it did happen (most reports are second hand information, barely any are first hand information…you learn this in fucking highschool btw). While I am on the side of believing that the evidence provided to me says that they could not in any way shape or form do the things that people state (The gas people claimed they used, Zyklon B apparently fucks with the surroundings and leaves residue, missing graves/bodies ect ect) I still wasnt there. I can not personally confirm that it did or did not happen. But apparently I am the bad guy for being a realist. Go ahead call me all sorts of variations of jew. Its just shitposting anyways. Also you want to talk about control? Well they had it before we were even born. They somehow managed to convince all the countries to give them land that none of them owned really starting the entire bullshit in the middle east. If they could do that then we could easily believe that they could worm their way in to positions like the media, universities and other places of power that could shift the social construct of the nation. The same shit, different country. They always do this in places that has positions of power so easily graspable. They did it in Germany with banks until the German leaders figured out what they were doing and put laws in place to stop them from fucking over their economy. They have always had "that control" its just that every time they were kicked out of the country. Its just that now they moved their control to America. Its not just because of the lie but because they are very well practiced on how to go about infiltrating a society. They have done this for centuries. The only problem is for America is that they have set it up to the point where they have laws behind laws (America is a country of laws) making it very very hard to force them out. Nothing short of armed force would do such a thing at this point. That or we would need to just go petal to the metal on laws that specifically target their strongholds (Media, Banks, Universities, Hospitals).
Is that the pitch that suckered the U.S. into defending those perpetual victims?
You hardly need a pitch when the people making the rules are jews.
Imagining a guillotine with a massive engine strolling through a town decapitating kikes left and right. Kek'd, polite sage
Hail to the King baby.
Yes actually. America is strong due to the creation of the "Petro Dollar".There was a great thread on this a while back that explained everything to me. If I was to break it down it would be that we, America, give certain liberties to Saudi Arabia like being their miltary for anything that threatens them or other. They in turn say that they will ONLY sell their oil products in USD. This means that in order to buy oil you must have American Currency. This makes our, America's, currency fucking stupidly strong and the most prioritized currency in the market. This is why there was that retarded Chinese/Russian/Other union that was starting to form saying that they would do some bullshit with oil and have their own currencies as base to buy their oil. But that shit probably didnt pan out so everyone on the planet went back to the main exporter of oil which is SA. Now im probably missing a few things here or there but really i believe all you need to know is this. Main exporter asks for military might in exchange for selling oil in your currency, making your currency the only one people give a shit about.
Thank you, im pretty tired from a long night.
It doesn't even matter if it happened, because it should have and should happen again or for the first time.
Reality is absolute. Formatting and grammar could use some work. Despite these minor critiques it was a decent enough read. 3.4/5
Yea sorry im fucking super tired. Managing niggers every night all night makes you mentally drained.
Israel is strong. America is a third world country.
Despite the fact that 6 million jews were reportedly killed (just jews mind you, 10ish million total was the last total I remember seeing), that doesn't mean that simple arithmetic would support that theory. Ever person has 20+ teeth, which are made of incredibly tough enamel. Also bones survive the cremation process. When you think of the 'ashes' that one normally thinks of in an urn, that's after the harder bits that survive the cremation fires are then ground up to bits using ball mills that grind it into a fine powder. Barring that, we should have 20 * 6 million teeth littering the European countryside from Jewish internment camp 'victims'. No one denies that these remains are not found, they simply say that it was burned despite the fact that even modern cremation ovens cannot burn bones reliably and definitely not within the timeframe we are given.
1.5M dead at Auschwitz with 6 ovens? Even with fires going 24/7 (which is impossible since furnaces must be cleaned and repaired) cannot fill this number even if this started the first day of the war until the last burning 10 bodies per hour. Let alone that the time of a modern cremation is 2 hours at least (verify this by calling a local cremation shop in your area and inquiring) and you have a bunch of arithmetic impossibilities. There is no overcoming this. This isn't even to mention the amount of accelerant, at the time was soda ash, that would have been needed to get over the two endothermic body burn periods – measurable by soda ash deliveries to camps – just the arithmetic problems alone discount the official narrative.
Thats a good point on the teeth. I never even thought of that before. Ill have to use that.
Say, “The holocaust did not happen.”
Here’s a reference for the two versions (not constitutional) of the tax plan that the houses of congress now have to reconcile.
Yes, that is not even REMOTELY the image that I selected. Are we having the fucking Infinity problems again?!
Does the hague have double jeopardy protections in place? Since everyone is already guilty, may as well gas the yids right?
How much do they pay zoo keepers these days? Do you get to shoot tranqs?
kek or just a chopper with nip folded blades and a platform above to walk kikes off into the blades
maybe have a rollercoaster that goes along a track and when it hits the end of the track it tips and dumps its load of jews into the blades of the whirlybird
Serious question but why do we need politicians? Better stated, career politicians. Wouldn't it be better to have proven intelligent business or military leaders than some shmuck who made an entire career lying and cheating to the top? Guys like Schumur have absolutely no conception of the real world, can be bought off, are shown to be corrupt again and again… it's just insane.
Really, you know, activates my almonds.
I've been saying the same for years. I think it should be similar to service in the military. Serve your country for 4-8 years and go back to what you did before. Term limits would help big time but the politicians are not going to cut their throats by voting that into existence.
If I am reading this right it means the poorest people would end up being taxed less after all is said and done, but I probably am not
Question: Is this better or worse for Boomers? I have the feeling they are getting away with too much again. Not that it would make the new tax plan worse then the old one overall.
Republic republic!
we don't
yes, for us. but not for jews.
answer to previous answers this.
Their pensions etc. are firmly protected. This affects the poors and youngins.
The biggest cause of the kikes kvetching is the SALT deduction repeal.
Basically before rich jews in New York and California could deduct their ridiculous State and Local Taxes from their federal tax amount, forcing the rest of the country to pay for their dumbass policies. It's been capped at $10,000 for property tax only, meaning that these jews will have to pay their retarded blue state tax AND the federal tax while everyone else gets a lower rate and red states get the most due to low tax policies.
What about this bill is a 'success' as you put it?
Anything big I'm missing here? I'm still trying to wrap my head around this & there's so much disinfo I can't sort it all out.
niggercare defunded IIRC
Also you save a shitload for getting married.
Anything else?
Elaborate. How does this work? Illegals tend to get married more than any other demographic so this kinda worries me.
We should spam dons twitter with complains against money saint to pissrael and re-tweet en masse.
Jeez, I had no idea the wealthiest pay that much for nigger-breeding facilities and war to protect the only democracy in the Middle East.
Remember the last time a bill was passed & "you have to pass it to read it" was said? well, it's payback time.
uh, user…
Current rates in images.
From last thread:
Tax Rate Table
Income —— Tax Rate, based on taxable income
Somebody from (((Fox))) made a tax plan calculator.
beware if you live in Jew York or Cali, you might get fucked.
In case I didn't make it clear:
beware data mining
Add into that Cruz' amendment, that Pence tie-broke, let's you deduct costs of sending your kids to private school or homeschooling. White families got some help
One thing I got to ask though. I know it just passed and people might not know too much about it but lets say people were on it. Would that mean they are going to be instantly denied or that they wont be able to renew and new people are not able to enroll? I also think they did stuff with medicade correct?
Which program?
Also they didn't seem to do anything with medicaid, except for making the Democrats kvetch.
Oh sorry. Obamacare was being defunded right? So I know people who are actually on it and when I told them about it they asked me all sorts of questions I just could not answer like are they going to get instantly kicked off, will they still be insured until renewal date ect. I think that whatever plan will be kept but for people trying to renew or are new to it they wont be able to. Fuck me for not going into any sort of tax classes.
How does this affect New York & California? Media won't shut up about them.
Kikes are screaming about ‘muh property taxes’ (which shouldn’t constitutionally exist).
This is a big reason how and why
ah, now that makes sense. I'm surprised Illinois isn't going to be bankrupt by this too, but it's a start. now if we can only start the crackdown on sanctuary cities. I guess we still need the wall before they can really take action. this is exciting.
From what I understand, the states with the highest taxes fuck over the richest. Trump and his team apparently did an amazing job on fucking over the opposition/blue states.
Think about it, this stroke just shit on every single rich faggot that voted against him on a state level. The two main opposition states (New York and California) just got royally fucked. He fucked with EVERYONE from hollywood to people running media outlets in the two states that have been giving him the most problems. All at the same time as disguising it as a way to lower the tax on the poorer people. Every single rich asshole that went up against him now will have to pay the blue state's retarded tax policy. Its fucking brilliant. He shit on everyone.
Is that a image real?
Heil Commander
Wait, doesn't that also mean bluestate kikes now have to pay the most for all their welfare pets they've created now, instead of the white families? Trump really knows how to flip cards around, considering they've imported spics and spawned niggers only to end up paying the bill. The final kek would be using their own "social programs" to import niggers into kike neighbourhoods, just like they moved niggers into ours.
Dat 15% joint fillings tho
I don't honestly even care at this point, theres really nothing for them to find out about me
In any event, I ran my numbers through this… making less than 25k a year, the "house plan" saves me roughly 400 a year, and thats with a "tax credit of $300" … mind you those nice "reductions and credits" go away after a few years anyway. Thats not even getting into the fact that the house bill does away with the student loan payment deduction, and gets rid of tax free income if you work for your college while going to grad school (yes, I have to go to grad school, I already fucked up and wasted years getting a bachelors in psych, gotta get a masters in counseling if I want to do anything)
So, after all the "muh helping lower income americans, muh helping the middle class," what do we actually get? Fucking nothing. No actually worse than nothing, we get a subtle change that makes going to college even more expensive rather than fixing college as it is and stopping gender studies bullshit and watering down degrees by pumping them out to 1.5 gpa diversity admissions. Oh and any tax breaks we get go away after a few years, at which point they'll just be right back up where they were before, BUT we'll also have lost various deductions and whatnot we could take. Fuck the individual mandate, I didnt pay it anyway cause I cant fucking afford health insurance anyway, its meaningless to me and could have been its own fucking bill anyway to gut obamacare
like I said, net result, we all get hosed once again, the rinos get to claim victory to get re-elected next year, in a few years once they're out of office and trying to get back in they get to campaign on "muh tax reform" again because all their bullshit expires anyway and democrats wont extend it even if it was worth anything, meanwhile the left gets to rally against this shit because it is shit, and win next presidential cycle and then fuck us all even harder… and the song and dance continues
I'm so sick of it all. All I want to do, ALL I WANT, is to go back to grad school to earn a degree that will at best make me $50k a year so I can support myself, help my family when they need it, live a quiet and minimalistic lifestyle, and work at a job helping people with mental illness/behavioral issues get their lives straightened out so they can have better lives for themselves and be happy to…. but I can't even do that because the government has its dick so far up my ass I can't get ahead long enough to accomplish the things I need to in order to get there. And fuck it even if I did at this point, I'd end up spending the next 30 years paying off the debt for the degree and training in the first place. By then I'll be damn near old enough to retire, but who even cares because SS wont be there by then, so I'll just be working till I die, never having been able to do the simple things I wanted to
You FBI anons paying attention? This is the sort of "no way out" mentality that is rapidly spreading throughout the USA. We have simple needs and wants, and the leadership you fucks are so busy enabling and covering for and keeping in power (you and other shadowy groups) is so busy doing everything it can to keep us from those simple things so they can sit fat and pretty while we toil and suffer. THIS IS HOW REVOLUTIONS START YOU FUCKING INCOMPETENT PIECES OF SHIT. Take that shit to your bosses for a change and tell them to pay some fucking attention and stop wasting time and money paying your sorry ass to read our shitposting and actually go after the criminals running this nation if you guys expect to actually live to retirement. Because between the left and the right both having had enough of all of this shit, its only a matter of time at this point before they stop fighting among themselves and start going after the people causing all this suffering (your kind) and then just split the country and each go our own ways after your heads are all on pikes.
Sorry I went off on a bit of a rant there. This is also why I've been avoiding even lurking for awhile, I've spent the last several months working on a "behavioral-ICU" floor, schizos, psychotics, extreme autism/MR, major bipolar, major depression, SI, HI, gotten hit a few times, had to clean up shit once, I've seen more dicks (body audits and the like) in the last three months than i'd seen in the rest of my life combined, working myself to death to keep some sanity and calmness on the floor, and I get nowhere for it all. Then I see shit about "muh tax cuts for the lower - middle class americans" and actually look into it, and realize its just more fucking bullshit theater to appease the masses for a short time and divert their attention… I couldn't take it for awhile and had to go quiet and drown myself in video games to avoid losing my calm. But, that only works for so long…. hint hint fbi shills, distractions only distract you until the fire is at your feet, and we've hit that point
Oh look, we're getting trickled on again.
Is this a new copy pasta?
So when the Day comes, your variant of the line will be, “Why did you force me to do this? I just wanted to earn enough to support my family.”
but it's Trump doing it so it's just him outmaneuvering everyone, even if your taxes go up it's a win for you,
t. Blumpkin
more like Jon Low-test
learn to speed read, faggot
Probably more something like, "you deserve this." I like to keep smarmy quips to defeated foes short.. they deserve only that
yes, essentially they don't get to send all their tax dollars to state welfare coverage while dodging federal tax and having the rest of the country make up their share. they're fucked.
Criminally underchecked full house dubs.
Term limits only work if the people taking over are verifiably incorruptible. If lobbying is still legal and voter fraud is still allowed to happen, the Jew will just put his own forward every time and nothing will change.
Besides, Assad is a dictator and his people legitimately loved him. When the system works for the people, it doesn't matter; we could have career politicians if they actually cared about us.
Whatever the case, Capitol Hill needs a purge. I hope the next round of accusations and investigations brings it down on them.
Except it saves him $400 a year. The trouble is that $400 is virtually worthless so he's not in much of a better position. Hillary would have made his life worse, however. It all depends on other factors, of course.
One way or another it'll end with your head on a pike, kike.
Doesnt really, as I said, taking out student loan payment deductions. That saved me about $250 a year on taxes… so its more like $150. Additionally, like I said, any "cuts" will go away in a few years anyway, but removed deductions wont return, so in the end, my taxes will go up… living at the bottom, my taxes will go up. Just keep that in mind. Businesses get cuts, families get some cuts, I cant even get a chance to start a family because I got nothin. Cant even go back to school because I cant afford it, wanted to work for the school and have basically federal income tax free income to help pay for it, cant do THAT either now since its taxed as regular income, so fat chance affording grad school.
Its still 'worse" its just "better" for a few years BEFORE it gets worse. Which is truly the most disgusting and underhanded part of it all. It looks shiny because "hey its something…" as they mutter "… for now" under their breath. Then in a few years, its even worse than before, and they start their song and dance about "tax reform" all over again.
It's okay goy, those large tax cuts on businesses will ensure the wealth trickles down :^)
$150 or $400, that's a lunch and a few martinis for any new york faggot kike. Virtually meaningless dollars.
The SALT property tax deduction thing is huge though, and it will fuck the kikes and blue state commies right in the ass. Move to a red state and enjoy the salt from the blue state faggots.
What the fuck kind of state and income are you living with user?
i'm with you, fam.
i'm a 30 year old college grad that hasn't been able to find a decent job since graduating 5 years ago. closest i came was actually a GOVERNMENT job that was still half-shitty.
meanwhile all the older people in my family think unions and "muh taxes" are the reason why the economy sucks, and not banks & mega corporations draining wealth out of the rest of us. many days i unironically hope for nuclear holocaust or societal collapse. fuck it, all most of my generation has to look forward to is a slow and painful decline as my own country gets taken over by imported nonwhites.
Heil Don
Found an interesting article on a certain liberal tech news site. An accountant explains how the tax plan will affect tech workers mostly living in coastal cities. Few people here are talking about the exact details of the tax plan, so make sure to give it a read, as it's obviously relevant to all of us.
There's more to it than that, mostly good and some bad (the mortgage grandfather clause is the eternal boomer once again enriching himself at our expense), but the gist of it is, this new tax code was specifically designed to fuck blue states and blue state workers in the ass, hard, with no lube. I can't possibly overstate the impact this is going to have on their lives and politics over the next 7 years.
Should kill yourself. Not that I believe your story.
What did you major in? Fucking sheboons?
This is fucking glorious.
really makes you think
and I'm pretty sure the one above the one of him smooching the nonwhite while staring into the camera, is a tranny.
Don't even bother reading all the evidence that the holohoax didn't happen instead go read up on Germany's man power shortages, logistics break down,supply shortages,destruction of rail systems, and Allied bombing campaign, etc. during the war.
The US gloats about it in their "how the US won the war" books and documents yet they would have you believe that the Germans wasted supplies, men, and resources on death camps to kill jews rather than using said things on the war effort? The entire thing is asinine and only plausible to people with no understanding of WWII.
Decisions have consequences, user. The only people I know that have a BA in psychology did it because it was easy and they like to party. It's just one step above something the ends in "studies".
You have an effective federal tax rate of 6.77%. That's practically nothing. In fact, it's $1692 a year. $400 is a 25% reduction. What you are asking for is gibs, nigger style.
No, I know we're getting fucked. But I don't want to get fucked even more by having to pay for your shitty life choices.
Perhaps you should start stealing your tard's meds.
I live in a red state… and have both a state and local tax I have to pay
Alabama, and about $25k a year, $13/hr 36 hour weeks 3x 12 hour shifts that beat me to hell and back so I can barely recover between days… Im trying to find something else.
I also want to start a video series on jewtube (some kind of ad shekels would be nice) doing… well, something, wouldn't be relevant to pol so meh… but damned if I have the money for video editing software or the energy to do it most of the time
I actually took my degree seriously. I also don't drink or do drugs. The whole point was to pause at the bachelor level with this foundation, work "in the field" for awhile and figure out where I wanted to go from there, where to specialize in exactly, and then go back to grad school. Well, I did that, and I know what I want to do now. But, naturally, I can't afford grad school. I always knew staying at the bachelor level with a psych degree was going to be … suboptimal to say the least. It was not an "end game" point, it was basically a halftime show pause before grad school. But as I said, can't even get there now, I'm just stuck in this pit.
I literally want nothing of the sort. All I want is to not be taxed to death. You act like 7% of my income is "nothing" or "not a big deal," but you forget that 7% of basically "just enough to live on" sorta puts you in the red consistently. I dont even live some "luxurious" life style. I have an appartment, my sister helps with the utilities because my mom lives with me and so we jointly help take care of her expenses that way. I pay for gas back and forth to work, I buy groceries, I drive a 20+ year old car that I maintain so it doesnt fall apart because I cannot afford a new one. I have a cheap cellphone because I need some way to communicate with the outside world, and I pay for car insurance. thats it man, and I can still barely break even.
To put it further into context, that $1700 a year you mentioned? Yeah, thats more than I bring home in a month after taxes. So effectively as it stands the feds take more than an entire months worth of my life every year, and it puts me in a position that sucks ass.
And again, this is going purely by the house bills best estimates for me. The senates bill estimates are less than $300 a year back. You're talking about a whopping $30/mo at best that I'll see extra. Being who I am, that money will just go in the bank. But the point still remains, its practically fucking nothing. And for what? So they could cram in some breaks for all their big nosed business buddies so they can make even bigger profits that will, again, NEVER impact the vast majority of people because those businesses wont raise wages, or improve working conditions, or even hire more workers and lower work load. They will continue the same path they've been on of screwing us as hard as they can, because thats life.
And like I said before, even then, those "amazing breaks" end after a few years, and you KNOW that shit wont get extended, I've explained why already. And at the point people like me will be even worse off than before.
Yeah, sure, blue states get ultra fucked. But at the same time, those "blue states" are mostly blue because of one or two large blue cities, meanwhile the rest of the people in the state (ya know, all those red counties you see on election maps) get fucked all the same. Yeah, its good because it will force those states to change. But really how much do you think they will? Maybe a smidge, maybe they'll lower taxes a touch, or give some sort of breaks or other things they can list as deductions for people. But they'll make sure any budget falls land squarely on the red counties, and their precious blue counties and cities will continue to receive all the gibs they can handle. So it won't even end up impacting them as far as services go anyway, and net they'll try to keep their income the same so as to keep their voter cattle happy and blind.
Like I said, the only thing thatll stick, thatll end up lasting, are tax cuts for businesses. Those will never go away, guarantee it. And neither you nor I will ever benefit from those cuts. But you can rest assured all those nice big businesses with their millions funneled into their pet social manipulation projects, will be nice and happy to have all those extra shekels to play with.
Why do you think a congress full of … their… pets, actually passed any of this? Because its "good for us?" because it "works for our agenda?" HAH! How naive can you be?
Do you think Cali or NY can fund millions of illegals taxing farmers?
Good shit. This tax plan was the original reason I decided to vote for Trump, as it was stated on his platform on his site during the campaign. Lowering the corporate tax rate down to 20% is the best thing on the bill. The US's tax rate at 35% is the highest in the entirety of the developed world. Bar none. That happens to be one of the main driving forces for outsourcing factories. What this means is that businesses will be paying less to operate domestic than they would in Chinkistan. To drive this further, Trump would need to introduce the other bill that would impose a 15% tariff on US businesses on corporations that outsource labor then sell back to the US. Make no mistake, this scares the kikes. Today is a day to celebrate.
good news for you user, apparently
so you better call your Rep and Senator
Like pottery.
gullitines are totally bourgeois user
Bit of a mute point when 100% of democrats voted no anyway.
Didn't read it, Voted No. Didn't show up to work. Died from cannibal related injuries.
All would have provided a similar end result.
I thought the democrafts and leftists were into being cucked. They got to watch the dem amendments get fucked one after another.
They only like being cucked by non-whites.
Not the white superchad Drumpf.
So I'll save an extra couple grand. Really don't want what it costed to get that. I wanted a failed tax bill so we could oust all cuck incumbents. I can live without a few extra thousand, my country can't survive traitors in its midst for much longer.
killing fields in cambodia, every time it rains teeth wash up to the surface of the soil. google it
all the shit in this country, the welfare niggers and spics and government makework jobs and service industry and basically any jobs for women besides nursing, are already on the back of the people who do actual work. The only other thing propping them up is financial shenanigans.
absolutely civic
This shit helps my family a lot and a bunch of the changes fuck kikes over, so I'm pretty happy about it.
Goverment policy shitposting is the absolute final form.
What I'm hearing is this makes liberal states and college/university (eg opt in brainwashing) unviable. Goddamn this madman
no, what you should be hearing is that it gives a tiny tax cut to working americans whilst slathering urban elites with billions of shekels. you're a dipshit. look at the totality of the plan
You can fuck right off you entitled piece of shit.
Quit acting like other people are at fault for your position in life. YOU MADE THESE DECISIONS
You're complaining about not being able to find a good job. WHY. DO. YOU. THINK. THAT. IS?
You're clearly getting the images from some fucked up area with those goofy filenames. I wouldn't be surprised if there was a fuckup on that end.
Butthurt leftist detected..
This will help ruin blue states and the college "economy" which shouldn't even been profiteering.
Not only that but businesses get 30% more money to throw around. This lowers the % burden on wages and upkeep meaning they can report higher numbers to investors while having a lot of breathing room to innovate. In addition, killing NAFTA and overseas agreements with tariffs means the most successful thing to do is buy and sell locally, keeping money in your country's economy and not giving outsiders a chance.
Neck yourself, Kike.
You don't pay shit in taxes anyway, fuck off.
Destroying a country and bankrupting the middle class, all to trigger the libs. You guys are classic.
Do you hallucinate often or is this something that only started recently?
It's just a leftypol avatarfag
If you're in favor of asset stripping an entire nation, you're usually either one of the (((billionaires))) getting rich or too retarded to see what's happening. I'm guessing it's the latter with you.
you don't know how big this is.
Takes one to know one.
You realize this is going to push those states further left? Suburban congressmen have a zero chance of survival now.
Virginia will have a majority democratic congressional delegation
California will lose its handful of republican congressmen and become a totally one party state.
New Jersey will become a one party state like California
New York will lose its conservative state senate and a good number of congressmen.
Great plan. Now we're going to have majority leader pelosi again.
They would save 3.49 trillions US dollars tax money if they cut the welfare.
I have this weird / shitty feeling that this bill isn't what Trump actually wants and isn't good in the Holla Forums sense. I get the feeling from how this was all handled that the hand-writing in the margin and shit are additions by the (((GOP))) cucks like McCain etc. and are what the dems want. I could easily be wrong but that or the fact that it was pushed on a Friday with no time to read makes me think that the libshits intended for it to be done on Friday and just signaled outrage to appease their masses. When they'll use some stipulation rule to reverse it come monday.
Dont be sad, rich jews have even more money now.
every single amendment the democrats tried to add to this bill didn't pass the vote threshold to be added. anything about this bill that is bad is entirely a product of the GOPe
Show where are these small increments, that will make people believe you.
Can you please post a webm of this whole segment? I like watching these videos were there is work on big projects.
And you own one? Smallbusiness will be able to compete with them, for sure.
Large corporations should pay NO taxes. They don't pay a dime anyway so if you don't force them to keep all their money abroad I'm sure they'll keep more in country to be used by our banks and diversify investment.
Small business owners will pay ziltch which is great for a lot of people I know. More customers /space/product/service would cost them more risk to invest in accommodation be it overhead or staff acquisition but having what they pay in federal taxes completely forgiven will give them an opportunity to improve or increase wages. Before you scoff at that I say stuff it because small businesses do often pay their employees fairly well.
if the SALT part stays, i'm going to be so fucking happy the liberal fucksticks will have to suffer their own policies for once instead of just being bailed out by the federal government
Wow, so we've reached the level of Reagan and Bush 2. Fantastic.
Wake me up when they pass something that isn't a cornerstone of every cuckservative's campaign.
Corporations are people :^)
I can't help but think you're new. You know racial survival isn't a matter of ConAgra will keep more money at JewBank#32809?
lol wut
This isn't the donald you retard
This tax weakens USA to favour his friends. Good job finding a way to fund the army without those millions
If they cut the welfare you'd face a left wing revolution, sic, that's why he's president and you a "totally a nazi" kid
I like to see that happening for the lolz.
I doubt someone retarded enough to cut everything that keeps the millions and millions of poor 'muricans pacified will ever win. But yes, i'd love to see 'murica implode too.
Wew. No wonder they're so hot and bothered.
What did the handwritten notes say Holla Forums?
The army would fund itself just fine if we stopped letting ourselves be raped by defense contractors and their multi billion dollar boondoggles.
( * cricket noises * over in the democrat camp )
these scumbags in Washington hate this country and want to see it destroyed.
Poeple with enough cash would tax evade anyway. Taxes are for dumb goyim.
Unless someone want to commit a suicide but none of them are suicidal enough to do that.
Honestly I think the tax should be voluntary so there is not much money left for them to spend on.
why is democraps red and republicans blue
Well rather than using blanket "principles" like a faggot you could, assuming you had the power, construct a tax code specifically designed to garner support from desirable parties while impoverishing your enemies(kikes).
You could for example provide a 0% tax on industrial or agricultural corporations which relegate all their production to the USA. When combined with 300% tarrifs like we once had this would effectively force the entire industrial process from resource extraction to finishing to be done entirley in the USA as far as possible You could make individual exceptions for resources such as chromium which are not readily available within the territories held by the US or say bananas which don't grow well in the latitudes available to the nation. At the same time corporations which provides services but which are over a certain size can be harshly taxed, so as to limit their influence, they don't produce measurable goods and thus are a haven for the weak and women. It is best to keep them small and destroy them periodically. Financial corporations are taxed so harshly as to make them completely non-viable, charge shlomo 200% income and take his life in payment.
That would be the desirable solution. A corporation which is effectively forced to be nationalist is a benefit to the prestige and power of the host nation. A corporation which isn't nationalist is treated in such a manner that it cannot compete and foreign corporations are simply forbidden.
The problem is that for 100 years the law has actually discouraged a noblesse which is invested in the local population from forming. The only place it exists is in rural America where the industrial base moved to after the 70s. And the US does have 2.7 times the total industrial output of China.
Is this your new tactic? Nice try.
i wish john mccain and his 400 tulpas would fuck off already. Holla Forums is not a neocohen board.
He didn't really say that the holocaust happened; he just said that even if it did happen it was justified. Like saying "the holocaust didn't happen, but it should have."
Load our fleets of Chinook and other heli? Get to the choppa commies!
I got my fiance pregnet and just started working the the oil fields as a hand for 16$ and hour but work 70 hours a week minimum. Stop being a pussy you chose the path for the entitled and weak
You may wanna find another long term job if you wish to properly provide for your clan. Oil especially, but all scarcity based resources will be phased out as we get the Jew out of our energy industry.
Zero point energy extraction/transmutation and scalar field engineering is the future.
So, 90% of that $1.5Trillion cut is granted to those who make more than $200k a year, right?
Anti slide bump
And yet instead of abstaining, he just voted against it without reading. Also:
How would you fund a revolution once there is no more money coming in because welfare doesn't exist anymore? If you miss nine meals in a row, your survival instincts kick in and you turn rabid. Which means the left would literally eat each other if that happened.
Also the right have you outgunned 3 to 1. Bongs and dildos dont beat bullets.
With the power of friendship and never giving up? I don't know what their plans are exactly but I do know they think Star Wars and Harry Potter are manuals on how to into warfare.
Based Ted
I'm extremely confused.
Literally robbing the poor and normies to fund fat programs that rich benefit from the most, while they get to keep the money they would have spent on those state programs. This makes all the rich people get fucked
I don't know goys. I'm a 21 yo barely making $10 an hour. How does this affect me? Taxes already fucks me in the ass. Will I get fucked harder? Does Niggercare getting repealed mean I won't be forced to get healthcare? Might be worth it to see California and Jew York go up in flames and push us closer to Civil War 2: Electric Boogaloo.
There's a tier in earnings where if you're there, you're better off going on gibs while trying to get some programs to fund you going into the trades and the like user. This was the original purpose of the gibs, please use it as it was intended for.
It's time to pay for your own welfare programs Holla Forums. Salty about SALT. Lol. The best memes write themselves.
I thought about going on gibs in order to accelerate the downfall, but I wouldn't get any because I'm not a shitskin or mentally ill. Plus I'd feel like a leech feeding on the anons who are working hard, a feeling I don't like at all.
Absolutely beautiful.
So its mostly cuts for US businesses in the hope to drive economic growth back home?
Why the hell is the internet going ballistic about it then? There's a lot of salt out there at the moment.
You tell me. One of my friends did a cursory google search last night to find out what he could on the changes of rate and the first two results on google were reporting false numbers.
No. They still have to pay their blue state taxes. AND the federal taxes (like anyone else) they were dodging.
So kikes being kikes they will soon find a loophole to not pay their blue state taxes… which will bankrupt them.
u wot m8
Don't you know being a mother is oppression for women these days? Our enemies don't view children as the future, they view them as a resource for manipulation. As other anons have said, let them die out
Great, so I don't have to sign up for king nigger's health plans and can save myself ~2k this year. I'm happy.
Not for quite some time. He was faking his leg injury, and it looks like he was faking brain cancer too.
Why? Malingering for sympathy, of course.
But the teachers will lose their deductible school supplies :(
So is this tax plan any good? what will it mean for me?
that's pachinko silly
you know damn well that first pic WAS the real tax plan
Is this your guess as to what they’ll agree upon, or is this what they’ve already agreed upon?
posted the bingo card, why don't you go ahead and play a game?
Ah, yes; I see. This is what they will do.
Typical Democrats: too pussy to vote against the bill, so they whine about legibility. A far cry from the Grangers et al
if you pay taxes you will dipshit
NEET masterrace checking in. Taxes are for cucks roflcopter
Public school is rotten.
hey Holla Forums, remember this from last year or the year before?
i think this picture actually came from his website
remember what the art of the deal said about starting with more what you want then working your way down to what you really want?
maybe its gonna take some convincing for the swamp to actually implement this here stuff, and hes waiting until the people are really angry about the taxes and calling their representatives and such to complain about it