See vid.


1. guy controls everything
2. jewish parasite hijacks
3. things gets bad and backfires for the jewish overlord controling everything so they fuck off and leave everything to the woman.
4. woman says "what the fuck am I suppose to do with this job?"
5. they follow their innocence of constantly being trapped into the mind of a fucking child and make stupid emotional decisions

woman don't destroy nations, jews do, of course whores are terrifying traps ready to ruin a man's life and drag him down to a degenerate world, but thats a jewish problem, woman are whores because of jews, simple as that, as soon as a patriot takes back his nation, he'll set the record and the wild will be tamed once again.

Obviously jews set things in motion, however the video creator makes points irregardless of that:

voting, sexual freedom etc. must be restricted or else we'll have a clusterfuck like today

if the social framework is lacking for patriachy the only way to handle things is moving innawoods where you can be the sole patriach


the creator is a Holla Forumsack

it seems any discussions regarding women aside from get a white waifu and have a bazillion kids is actively censored


My fucking god, how new are all of you if you don't have 95% of all vids from BPS watched already?

i get your point but sitting through all of them is probably even more sad

So simple as to remove their rights/privileges and to return to full patriarchy.
Today this meme is called "White Sharia".
… I know, I know; the mods get mad every time they read this designation.

until the government invades your wooden shed because of some corporate kike attempting to expand business related shit where you reside.

Honestly, at this point, if you want to avoid the easy way out "suicide" I would look into hijacking tech or some stupid astronaut shit, learn as much as you can, wait until they start shipping fags into space that way you can settle on mars, if they send nigger on board, larp until you get to the planet, kill them one by one and leave the remaining whites alive, if they are real scientist and are smart, chances are they might agree with your action since they don't want another shithole planet full of niggers.

Watch this, my White Knight "friend":

Female nature is a poison that every civilization ever has had to contain. Jews simply uncorked the bottle.

*tips fedora

The only way a gynocentric society can sustain itself is by feeding on another.
This is why we have (((Jews))). But to feed on a society, (((they))) must first infect that society with gynocentrism (today we call it feminism). Jew men look like cucks and lack morals, because that is what gynocentric societies naturally select for.

Traditionalism before Feminism was also Gynocentric, dummy.

Do you understand why I called you a newfaggot, newfaggot? Sitting through all of BPS videos for the next few hours doesn't make you less of a newfaggot.

What, exactly, is wrong with hooktube chaim?

Don't spoonfeed newniggers.

It doesn't matter user. The next big civilizational reset is literally on the horizon. After that feminism will be a non-issue.

Why can't you into WEBM instead of shilling a website, Shlomo?

Women are not housewives, and they are not baby factories. They are, however, the property of Men. Understand that and you'll be fine.

Then eventually we'll be right back at square-one. Watch this vid:


Except that we're talking about female nature you terminal autist , not the role of women in society.

Because the webm would be too big to upload you fucking cretin.

It will be if men don't understand female nature and keep seeing them as innocent angels that can't do no wrong.

You are a legitimate retard. ( See )

Why do you keep spamming this?

Well that's exactly what won't occur user. When the world is back to 'square one' as user puts it, there won't be the luxury of coddling anyone. Not men, women, or children. If you don't produce, you don't live. The parasitic leech behavior of women will simply not be tolerated and this is ofc, a good thing. And degeneracy. Heh, let's just say things like sodomites will no longer be openly 'celebrated' and leave it at that for now.

And meantime we go to square one, we have to deal with the issue.
It is a must to remove all their privileges and pseudo rights.
To discipline them and put them to do something constructive.

…but they should be.

…and it's your duty to make them housewives and baby factories.