It's that time again. Find the tastiest, saltiest tears you can while it’s fresh. Their despair is your pleasure.
Tax Bill Salt Thread
While I don't particularly care how much international bankers pretend to pay in taxes, it's immensely validating to watch redditors act like such perfect stereotypes of themselves. Bitchy, pretentious, and obsessed with the idea that their basic bitch political views are profound, courageous, and evidence of exceptional intelligence. I also like the feigned patriotism that they picked up from Bush - era neoconservatives like Kristol. Forcing those nationwrecking kikes out of the American right and into the left was one of the best things we got out of 2016.
To my seasoned eye, at least half of those comments appear to be typical Shareblue and company concern shills preying on bluepilled normies who think the interactions they have on namefag fora like plebbit are genuine and not paid shills who are trying to manipulate them. Literally every sob story you could think of was posted in a span of a few minutes, I'm sure they had their salt prepared ahead of time in case the bill passed.
At first I wondered, why would Shareblue pour out salt deliberately? Then all kinds of possibilities emerged, but mainly pic.
Obviously because they're going to try to turn this tax bill into a major issue for 2018. They need a burst of emotion to prime the talking points.
Sooooo what happens next year when the exact opposite of their doom and gloom happens? Tax reform is a lot more tangible than "muh Russia" and the like.
Who knew all you had to do to commit mass murder was stop actively paying to keep people alive.
The Democratic party is about to become really bizarre, black supremacist, mestizo invaders, queers and proto-marxist lead by zionist jews.
Seems to be the case.
Once you acknowledge that groups like Shareblue exist, it changes everything.
Can anyone explain to me how this tax bill passing is nothing but a short sighted victory? The bill's 'individual' provisions all have a sunset date while the corporate gibs don't, and the fact that none of the loopholes were repealed means corporations will now pay near-zero tax if not get refunds.
Now McConnell has a legislative victory he can try to hold onto power with in 2018.
Pretty obvious (((how))) this was allowed to begin with.
Plus Jeff Flake claims that the GOP leadership promised him that they'll be passing amnesty soon to secure his and other cuck votes.
Checked. Don't forget that Plebbit bans people for talking about shills now or calling out shills, which is basically an admission that they're purely a fake shill site at this point.
This guy was in the other thread too, what he means by "corporate gibs" is the reduction in corporate tax rate, which is in no way comparable to welfare and is universally understood to be an economic stimulus. I recommend filtering TOR for the near future if you haven't already.
Good call on the shill user.
Unless if by "universal" you mean "very few economists", then you're wrong. This month the Atlanta Federal Reserve Bank, as just one example, polled its executives on whether this tax cut would affect their investment plans. Only 8% of them said they would increase hiring. Lower taxes will boost profits, and workers will see none of those benefits.
You've been swindled corporate kikes, and you think reddit salt is a reliable indicator of where to fall on political issues.
All day today.
Shareblue wants to shephard their useful idiots from now on. It's something that I've expected for a while now. The shills need useful idiots to blend in, but more important for them is they don't want to bleed them anymore - less useful idiots means more people they have to shill to. They want to ensure that they keep the useful idiots from ever even thinking twice about their programming.
The sooner this happens, the better. Shitskins and assorted degenerates can't sustain a political party. Whatever ignorant normalfag still voting democrat is left over will be disenfranchised or enriched. The (((media))) can only sweep so many revealing signs of this under the rug.
(((Federal Reserve)))
Yeah user, let's use (((them))) as an reliable example. Thanks.
Good, GOOD. How do we get them to do more of this?
Look at #gradtax; it's hundreds of can't even yaas Jewesses flipping out.
I don't think you understand because you're a retarded cuckchan migrant. The tax cuts will be used not for job creation, but solely for stock buybacks (similar to the wealth repatriation that might not happen) so the only person who benefits is stockholders. This does not affect anyone in the middle class substantially as they are largely not large equity holders. I know you don't know anything about business and live only to shout shill at the top of your lungs but this is the truth of the matter. This is nothing to celebrate.
Well looks like Ill be alright. I run a soup restaurant and I have lots of stocks.
But, does it really screw people over? Or are they just exaggerating?
Just because it works out for you personally doesn't mean it's great for America writ large. I'm glad you will benefit but it should have been a true middle class tax cut and not this corporate gibs program we must now pay with deficit spending until the end of time.
Oh yes I have a lot of stocks available.
How did you not get that fucking joke man
Ok, let's put this in dummy terms: why would a tax cut incentivize more hiring or greater wages, when corporate profitability increases over the past twenty years hasn't reflected that imaginary theory? Executives will pocket the money, and move on.
>(((Federal Reserve)))
Yes, the kikes that run the economy and all the corporations in it. Brainstorming session: A recent survey by Bank of America of several corporations revealed that these entities would use the tax cut for shareholder buybacks. Now, if they're telling the truth, then the tax bill is a kike swindle. If they're lying…. well, why would they lie? You think JP Morgan&Chase, the main proponents of the bill, are telling the truth when they say this will stimulate growth in the economy?
they're already screeching about gerrymandering
which was done, in a big way, after bush got his second term. dems wanted to redraw the districts because they were assblasted
the redrawn districts got Obama into office
now the districts must be redrawn because they know that if the seats won and to be won in 2018 are allowed to keep their current constituency they will ensure a bright red future for potentially decades.
it's also why they're kvetching about all the new lifelong (don't agree with life term for judicary but whatever not the thread for it) judgeships being created and the old seats being filled
TORfag is a fag.
I didn't realize I was on reddit
polite sage for off topic, but gerrymandering isn't a big deal anymore. There has been a tactic change now. Dems have prompted whites to go Id pol. Trump is proof for shitting on other groups and openly going after the "monster vote." Why GOP thought there we were some sort of detente on identity politics in the first place is beyond me but here we go. Suffice it to say, gerrymandering aside, people are voting white and gettting white interests met; they aren't going to stop in this lifetime.
I didnt realize you cant take a fucking joke.
…that* we were in…
CPA here. Please stop embarrassing the board and learn that everyone is getting tax cuts including the middle class. Use the plan calculator that you can easily look up to find how much more of your shekels you get to keep.
As opposed to King Nigger raising the deficit by 10 trillion in eight years, more than all others in the past combined?
It literally changes fucking nothing for them. It's literally more of the same that King Nigger himself pushed except this time everyone else gets tax cuts too, especially the middle class and small businesses who desperately need it toe even compete.
If you have a problem with this plan, you're most likely as everyone else especially mindnumbingly stupid social media masses of lemmings hating it for all the wrong reasons. There's lots of fair criticism as any tax code but we won't know the full effect for years so wait until then.
But again, use the fucking plan calculator. More likely than not, you're keeping more of your money instead of it going to ZOG.
+1 upvote bacon narwhal xD
I know this, I've been over this, but this, this happens too many times. No matter how many times I realize it, I end up forgetting and then going through it all over again. Reading this thread and all that reddit salt, it made me feel empty. But it also angered me greatly. It's an interesting thing.
I have one question, that will probably plague every future historian's existense. How, just how are there people in the U.S. that trust the Democratic Party, the Republican Party; that even trust their government, their political system, their corporations. Just what the fuck am I reading?
buy some stocks then you faggot. What a waste of dubs, if you don't invest it's your own fault that you're poor. The wealthy don't owe me anything and I don't owe the poor anything.
Im imagining their army..
I'll simply why this is good, it cuts taxes (always good), which means they'll have to cut spending (always good), which means bullshit like healthcare and entitlements are on the chopping block. Unless/until we get a full fascist white ethnostate I'd rather have the government as small as possible, the government as is benefits the parasites; career/establishment politicians, the bankers, and non-whites
Make it so
People save money across the board with these tax cuts. Democrats are just screeching like they do. Its not much money but its something.
what are you talking about user? all money belongs to the community, so lowering a tax rate, is actually stealing from the community, you don't believe in theft right user? tax rate should be 100%, anything less is theft, it's called communitism
they're screeching because YOU DON'T OWN NOTHING GOYIM
This might be a good thing(also might not) but what really pisses me off is how they have this attitude:
Thank Yahweh we have Kusner in the white house.
Hows your first day off of breitbart?
Yeah, it does. It lowers the income tax rate but removes just about every single deduction so most people will end up paying more. It also fucking RAISES the estate tax for anyone who isn't inheriting more than around $5million, when they promised to repeal it entirely. Full kikery. Maybe this is like Trumpcare where he knows it's shit and is planning to blame it on someone like Paul Ryan… but we will have to wait and see.
And in general, why the fuck are we giving reddit so much of our valuable attention? Part of the reason why it's become such a popular website is because we waste time giving these faggots the time of day. Redditors will always be miserable, we don't need 24/7 news coverage. There are more significant goals to be achieved than merely making some numales proclaim their "salt".
Reddit has always had significantly more traffic then this site. Maybe you want to loosen your tinfoil
So what are they upset over? It's not like they pay taxes.
like our country doesn't have 100+ million shitskins we subsidize with welfare
So much concentrated retardation, each line flowing over with crying indignation and idiotic delusions.
It's too much.
"Tinfoil" refers to a conspiracy theorist, I'm not sure how that relates to what I posted. All I'm saying is that we are punching down, when in the past our greatest accomplishments and victories were when we were punching up. It is easy to get complacent when you are willingly facing a weak adversary, and in order to continue to gain momentum we need to avoid that as much as possible.
389 days after the election and they're still kvetching, so fucking glorious.
Theres a hundred ways we could give whites more tax relief without giving enormous corporate gibs. We could even pair it with policies that would boost birth rates.
Nigger factory. The product of the entire modern civilized world is the city nigger. This could be memed.
Hello Shareblue, arguing with yourselves isn't going to hide you
What if he posts again? Would that nulify your (1)? Also does this (1) mean that they have to be at the start of the conversation in order to be taken seriously and also does that mean that no one can ever enter once the thread starts? Wasnt your first post a (1)? Does that mean that the first post you made invalidates the content or does it get validated when you post again?
Aka (1) shitposting is fucking retarded.
Do you know how IDs work you retard? And why don't you refute my criticism if you think it's incorrect?
and i wouldn't be against any of that
Nope, fuck you.
So you shouldn't be cheering on classic neocon tax cuts that does next to nothing for white birth rates and gives all money to high income selfish kikes.
But user, he's TOO SMART to not go to college. Do you really expect him to learn a trade and work among stupid drumpf supporters?
Mestizos classify themselves as "white" or "black".
It's just a joke friend. That's probably how he justifies his entitlement to getting free college.
In America, beaners are known as 'non-Hispanic Caucasian'. That's why there's overlap.
Yea I know. It's just hilarious that most of these cucks never took advantage of programs to pay for college, like the GI Bill or being gud enough to get a scholarship.
Let's not forget the Tejanos that have been trying to lynch the wetbacks until the 80s when PC culture told them to stop. Those kind were the only ones to write down mexican until the PC culture told them they are white. That allowed the wetbacks to blend in even further.
Is he that one guy at Nintendo or have I just been on Holla Forums too much lately?
If so, it's no wonder Treehouse is so pozzed
It's one of the parts of the bill that I agree with, but to clarify the bill removes any deduction of student debt payments. Not changing how student loans are given out/etc
Lots of good salt here:
Attached a two-fer.
1) I'm clenching my teeth so hard they're coming loose.
2) Literally shaking rn
What a piece of shit.
He's a liberal, user. That means he's never responsible for his own actions.
It just proves the election scene in American… fuck, what’s that show. You know the one, wasn’t a parody.
Did he also yell at his wife's son and her baby daddy?
His wife's son, yes, but he knows Tyrone would murder him if he tried it to him.
The gall of these faggots.
Let boomers and niggers rot.
let me help
Based on that video, I imagine it going down like this:
I'm not going to celebrate a GOP tax bill.
They would probably think the camps were like a nursing home and see it as a benefit to which they are entitles. They'd like it.
But Boomers vote Dem for those gibs. They can get fucked
I want a hot civil war so bad.
absolutely delicious
I'm really getting sick of the "only republicans gerrymander" meme.
Okay, listen here you fucking ban-evading commie, corporations include more than your evil multinational megacorps. Go ahead and ignore how this benefits the white middle class business owners.
ANYTHING that was passed would benefit the kikes the most you Holla Forums mongoloid.
Get >>>/comfy/ user. You won't be able to when that comes.
And that's exactly why we need a BOOMER HOLOCAUST.
Don't forget they passed Cruz' amendment, letting you discount private/homeschooling costs. Should be obvious what families are going to use that.
I’m sick of being comfy, I want to slay the enemy or die a heroic death
I would have said…
Make the few plebbitors and plebmods know they have debased themselves. My guilty pleasure is reading "Humanity Fuck Yeah" stories. And then disecting them in my head.
Kek'd MFW we meme'd "Tranny Army" into being. And it is as gloriously funny as i could have wished for.
>>/comfy/ on the bloodied corpses of his enemies
You can sleep in them too if you're cold.
Go to ETrade, open an IRA account and buy index funds. Now you own stocks and are participating in #GEOTUS rally. Celebrate.
Was watching a salt documentary & figured you guys would love this webm I made.
Bitch identifies as a donkey?
huh. must have missed that
We should actually take heart is this deception, it means jews' White genocide agenda isn't complete enough, they're still hiding it.
Oy Vey!
posting here as well:
someone from (((Fox))) made a tax plan calculator
beware data mining – PRACTICE OPSEC
NY and Califags throw your state governments off a bridge if it fucks you over.
get your savings and undermine the media jews
You mean beware of possible falsified information that can be used to scare more unsure people over to the opposition.
But how will Boomers be able to get four knee replacements now?
Fucking how? Those Israel loving cucks are almost dead.
Rioting boomers? WE'RE JUST GONNA KILL EM.
Nah, they can't be assed to do that. They'll get the 3rd world scum they voted to import to do it for them.
Does anyone have a decent summary of the major changes or is this thread just going to be a deluge of sourceless shitposting?
*In the easiest and most decadent economy of all time.
yeah, that happened
Can these boomers die of Alzheimer’s already?
They've basically already reached that point.
No, they can live at least another decade before they are too decrepit, thanks to Medicare.
brb kms
Everyone younger or older than them is just lazy.
These little asswipes sure are upset over something that only happened in the first place as a way to memoryhole the steinle trial and distract whites´ rage with ´winning´ on basic bitch issues that don´t fucking matter in proportion. Gotta have their cake and cry about it too, I guess.
This is a salt thread. See
Taxation is theft.
It sure is, isn't it, fellow Nation Socialist?
I would say it's extortion. Government doesn't pickpocket your wallet, they say "gibsmedat or we kill you".
Boomer's hate people on welfare but want social security and medicare. Fuck those cucks.
Funding kike wars, the NSA, cucked universities, etc sure is redpilled!
TL:DR; on what's in the tax bill that has them crying so hard?
Golf carts and farmers markets.
Everything. But probably ending SALT is the biggest one.
Ending SALT fucks over high state-tax blue states by eliminating federal deductions from state taxes and capping federal deductions from property taxes to $10,000. It makes gib states more responsible for paying their own gibs. Democrats complaining about a tax increase are probably right, but it's a tax increase that will only affect their dumbass states.
Ventured back over to Mefi - they have a tendency to bang out huge whiney screeds so I just stuck to the smaller ones:
1. I'm gonna move to Canada, I really mean it this time!
2. Angry and sad, sad and angry, might as well kill myself
3. I've been alone for ten years but the Senate passing a tax bill made me want to find an emotional sponge. Unfortunately I'm such a unlovable sadsack that I'm zero for twenty in messages - as a woman.
>all those (((blue marks))) kvetching
there was a discussion about this on voat the other night and its pretty interesting the shit you notice once you start looking at some of these accounts. even single mod of r/democrats is a obvious paid shill. modding 70+ subs mostly related to liberal politics, democrat politicians, shitting on trump and copypasta of ctr talking points.
daily reminder that [our guy] Bannon was against the tax cut legislation
He really enjoys having his twitter spammed with pictures f hid dead wife, doesn't he?
Maybe they'll finally leave then.
one more push and they'll rout, two and they'll kill themselves.
A lot, but the most important one is that Blue state faggots have to pay for their own gibsmedats and mistakes now. They will carry the weight of every viva la mexico and muhfugga and won't get magic welfare bucks from whitey, or at least much less, so of course they're angry because they reap the shitty rainbow policies they sowed.
Where's your Robin Hood now, faggots?
What happened to "I'd give twice as much if I could"?
I'd say give it a month. Give it a month for it to really soak in. Blue state cities will guaranteed have crumbling city streets, bridges ready to collapse, their buildings falling apart, trash cans in the middle of the street on fire, and chaos. The dems will feel the fury of the spics and niggers they were trying to huddle in petshops. And they will recoil in horror at the inevitable betrayal and reveal their true selves even more.
Can't wait to be honest.
Why are they mad about tax cuts? Because of muh scribbles? Because muh they aren't cuts because less deductions? Dumb fuckers.
Of course. He killed her.
I bet he's a tranny.
From what I see this bill is a lot of nothing, mostly marginal stuff, but the blue check marks are crying about the Armageddon, so that's always fun.
i personally think everyone should pay 100% taxes except me and i should get all the tax revenue and ill be rich and everyone will be poor
There have to be some taxes but they should be really low, and the government should be small, most of the budget should be military to conquer foreign lands, liquifying the native population.
this, it's welfare for worthless old farts
a literal nigger gets elected president, then reelected and did we cry like this? and some stupid tax bill that does barely anything at all has them contemplating suicide? they are so weak and dramatic, kek
Let's give them a third one!
On /r/political_revolution (Bernouts), tons of them are going hardcore. The California one is unrelated but strikes me as particularly dumb.
The problem isn't so much that old people are on Social Security. A lot of the old people on Social Security spent their entire working lives paying into it and are now drawing out. It's that Social Security was intended as a supplementary income *only* for those who had paid into it. If it was only used for its intended purpose it would be perfectly solvent.
ha this is great, user
So let me get this right:
When Democrats pushed through ObamaCare fast AF which added to the national debt, that was okay?
But when Republicans push through Tax Reform fast AF suddenly everyone advocates "time to read and study the bill"?
yes. In addition they are complaining about raising the deficit.
I wish they could give us an excuse to act, but these lazy fags never will do anything.
Maybe it is time for the Boomercaust after all
Notice how quickly liberals conjure the spirits of the founding fathers when they feel threatened.
The same founding fathers they proclaim are racist, sexist, misogynistic assholes.
The very same people they wish to erase from history and dishonor by demolishing their monuments.
The purchasing power they earned from working when they were younger was much higher than what is available today, even after what they paid into SS, and the amount of purchasing power they're getting out of it is much higher than what they paid into it. There is no fair way to deal with the situation. The best approach is to simply do away with it overnight, with nobody being required to pay another penny nor anybody receiving one. My generation is never going to benefit from SS and I don't think I should be extorted for money so some oldfags can enjoy a lavish retirement with the fruit of my labor. All of this bullshit- Medicare, Medicaid, SS, mandatory government insurance-I despise it all, it should be done away with completely. (((FDR))) signed SS, it is not and was never a good thing for this country, I'm tired of the meme.
That's a pretty apt description of blue state cities already user.
But I'm going to have to Heil them double dubs of prediction that it'll only get worse.
Execute order 66.
Your a fucking Stupid Torpedo.
Same shit for every single issue.
Thanks for the thread anons. Always fun to see leftist salt. But where could I find salt like this, r/politics?
Fucking millenial faggots, keep crying about MUH OLD PEOPLE while ignoring (((who))) the real problem is.
Good. I don't get any deductions and I hate deductionfags.
Hear hear!
kek. I'm in a blue state. California in fact. I can't wait for these faggots to get what's coming to them. They've been getting away with voting for this commie/kike bullshit for far too long. Of course, what's going to happen is that the ones who can afford it will move to places like Texas or Georgia to get away from the socialist policies they voted for, and then proceed to vote for those exact same policies, ruining yet another state. The lefties who can't afford it will get killed by Jamal and Juan when the gibs run out.
Going forward, after the slate is wiped clean, the fairest way to do this (if you do it at all) is to give each year's birth cohort its own pool that they deposit money into and later collect money from. We could also do 25-50-25, where 25% of fund go into and are taken out of the years before and after an individual's birth year, to reduce volatility.
Who was it that sold the country to them in exchange for gibs?
Traitors hang first.
Interesting how the North Carolina guy has not only foreseen Democrat victory in the next election cycle, he sees instant defeat for them in 2024
Also funny that they think they've finally got a winning campaign issue: LET US RAISE YOUR TAXES
Ive lived in both of these states (TX is probably better as there is no state income tax, im paying for painfully in GA), and the commie/calicucks that move to Dallas for jobs pissed me off so fucking much. holy shit. I want to have a complete meltdown on them. i worked with a calicuck in Dallas and hes such a dumb fucking lefty he doesnt realise the only reason he moved for a better job and lower taxes and a more affordable cost of living, is he is escaping his own commie bullshit. then he proceeds to go on right after I explain this about how lefty bullshit is good, and mo money fo dem programs is good, and Trump is stupid…its just too late in the game to have patience with these mouthbreathers. when they eventually ask you for help, mouth the word "no" as you roll your window up and drive away from them. I think I might hate them more than the beaners in TX, at least most of them dont vote.
You have no fucking easy it is to start investing
Invest in your local garbage/power/ultilities/etc company. Buy one share every paycheck.
By the time you retire, you'll have savings to pull from, because God knows we wont have Social Security, and SS was never meant to be a full retirement package
I live in SA and that entire post pretty much sums it up except for
They're the same thing to me. Disgusting, smelly, cocksucking, subversive faggots that shit up everything they touch and both need to be cleansed from this country.
cry moar faggot
These slags deserve to die first more than the others.
They will never ask for help. I have to live among and deal with them on a daily basis. They are incapable of making the connection that voting for more taxes and more 'programs' is driving up the cost of living. They don't recognize that their beloved liberals are the reason they can only afford to live in a one bedroom shack in a neighborhood where the crime rate is measured in 'crimes per second'. If you had to give them a choice between taking a bullet in the head or admitting that liberals are responsible for the mess that the state is currently in, they would attempt to lecture you on why Republicans are the worst kind of evil and why you should feel bad for even thinking that Democrats and their policies are anything less than a Gift from God.
If shit hit's the fan here, I'll probably die. I live in a highly (((diverse))) city with my sickly and un-armed family (although I am currently working on fixing that unarmed bit). The odds are against me. But at least I will get to watch everything I hate burn around me.
Let's be real honest here user. Even without the liberals they'd live in shitty huts made out of tin sheets where you get raped and murdered as soon as you step out of your shack.
the audacity of these kikes
When are they going to reduce the welfare? Some anons said it will save trillions dollars if they reduce the welfare.
That goes without saying. But that's like saying that if someone pushes you into the mouth of a shark, it's the shark's fault that you get bitten instead of the one that pushed you.
Bill Trinen is a retard.
"I think an over inflated, wasteful bureaucracy can make better decisions about how my money is spent than I can myself"
"I am too retarded to recognize that if I have more money it will be used by someone somewhwere in a way that will benefit business and productivity rather than welfare and waste.
Even if I don't spend it myself (helping businesses flourish) it will be invested somehow in other businesses or held in my bank account. If the bank has more money on deposit it can then lend more to people who wish to start businesses or invest more in the stock market, helping businesses expand and do more business. I am unaware of all of this because I am too busy calling Trump a big meanie"
"I am resentful of anyone who is successful and think they should suffer and be a fake martyr to the poor like me."
"I put other, less privileged people first, look at me, I'm SO virtuous, please love me. Also, I am unaware that people who make less than me already pay less tax than me as well as sucking up my tax payments in the form of (((housing assistance))) and (((tax credits))) etc, etc"
This is what I've been trying to tell people. What reason will they have to increase worker pay, hire new workers are higher wages, or expand businesses or create new jobs that they otherwise would not have?
The businesses that will reap the biggest wins out of all of this ALREADY have saturated the market with their business models and are everywhere to begin with, theres little room for them to expand to in the first place. Meanwhile, the workers are already "accustomed" to being paid what little they are, and people keep applying to work with them so they can just "turn over" any employees that want more pay for their work (because people are desperate and will work for anything at this point because they have basically nothing saved, so theres no reason to pay people any more). While customers are already willing to pay the prices they've modeled themselves at, so theres also no reason to lower prices and pass their winnings down that way, besides thats not how monopolies work (you corner the market then raise prices to the max that the market can find demand for the supply you have at a turn over rate that is the most profitable), so none of these savings will get passed on to customers at a base level.
So if workers don't benefit, and customers don't benefit, who does? Their owners, management, and stock holders, which are all extremely wealthy people to begin with. They'll simply take those winnings, spread them among themselves, and those extra profits will simply go sit in a bank account somewhere and won't move much at all. At best it may go to pay for some super overpriced vacation or "dream home" that they won't ever live in anyway, or on their 800th car to go in their garage that never gets driven, so tiny amounts may go to those businesses that make or produce those things, but even then those businesses will just keep those profits at their top levels as well and none of it will "trickle down" to the workers who actually make any of that shit.
I hate the left as much as everyone else here, but lets not kid ourselves, this is not a win for us, this is more of (((their))) controlled bots doing what they were programed to do. Why do you think it ACTUALLY passed? Mother fuckers won't fund the damn wall which most americans want (see: voting for fucking Trump in the first place), are talking about amnesty for daca fucks which most americans dont want (again, see presidential election results), are allowing "refugees" to keep being sent here which we dont want.. and so on and so on. So why, when they obviously know we do or dont want things, and clearly ARENT taking that into consideration or simply do not care about any of it when voting… why then would anyone think that THIS is some how "in our favor" or was done to "help us" at all? or will even mildly benefit us?
No, its all theater as its always been. Itll be a wreck, itll fuck shit up and line their pockets with wealth even more, and itll rally the left to "fight back" and end up with a dead locked congress for 2019 and 2020 that will then get nothing done except continue to fuck us over even harder
This shit is quite literally the reds obamacare moment. Just like the blues had congress and the whitehouse in 2009/10 and passed the ACA then with zero red votes, and it rallied the reds to take congress back to a limited amount and deadlock things for 11 through 16 (except of course not really deadlocked and just doing w/e obongo wanted)… now the reds have all of congress and the whitehouse and are passing their own travesties thatll fuck us over, to which the blues will rally against and take back the house for 2019-2024, and "muh trump" will of course pass w/e they send him and claim it as a victory, daca, israel first bills, refugees, shit loads of spending on stupid shit, increased welfare, etc, he'll pass every bit of it… or if he doesnt they'll have him out of office after his first term because they'll just deadlock him and he'll get nothing done and we'll continue to stagnate and suffer (though he may win off of this anyway, claiming congressional obstruction for why he can only get bad shit done to us and never anything good). Same fucking show, they just flipped the colors so everyone gets to play the opposite role for awhile, the red supporters get to feel "in power" for awhile, and the blue supporters get to feel like "the opposition to the madness" for awhile. Meanwhile both sides at the top and bottom have (((their))) hands so far up their asses they can taste the shekel dust still lingering on their fingers
Everything is fucked and only blood and fire will fix our nation
Augh.. I thought they smelled bad.. on the outside.
Welform reform is next after taxes, according to the President. But there are no details beyond that, as the Administration wants to fully focus on taxes at the moment.
i only support this because it's going to crash the economy with no survivors. hopefully we see suicides on wall street by the end of it.
Never interrupt your enemy in the midst of making a mistake.
user, pls. Do you even doublethink anymore?
Yes that's actually him.
What did you expect from someone who works for Nintendo of America?
They could have embossed the whole damn thing on a tshirt and it would legally be the same thing.
Why not both?
Why do you lie so, Shareblue?
When shareblue send their people, they're not sending their best
How do we know someone didn't write in it till after it was passed?
When are you libertarian morons going to realize that no matter how much you suck the dicks of these (((mega corporations))), they are NEVER going to do anything that benefits you, and are going to continue to rape you endlessly and use the profits from it to indoctrinate your children to hate you, hate themselves, hate their country, and lay down and die for the imported invaders… no seriously whats it going to take for you to understand that thats the reality we're facing?
This is not red vs blue, this is not "conservative vs liberal," and the fucks in washington who pass this shit ARE NOT DOING IT FOR YOUR BENEFIT. This is, has been, and will continue to be (((them))) vs us, and make no mistake (((they))) are not just liberals or democrats, they are business owners, mega corporations, politicians, lobbyists, NGOs, NPOs, judges, and so on, and they play on both sides of the field (they're both the red team and blue team). They control huge swaths of our society. So while you'd LIKE to think that you're "fighting the left" by giving tax breaks to businesses, and it will somehow benefit you/us, you reeeeaaaallllllyyy need to start seeing beyond this obvious ruse and the (as its called) controlled opposition "fighting."
Its all fucking theater, a show. Like I've said here, or maybe somewhere else, this tax "reform" bill is the same thing the "affordable" care act was. It fucks over the average person, it benefits large businesses only, and the way in which it was passed was meant to misdirect the "other sides" anger/hatred at "those damn republicans/democrats," rather than at the entire collective of those in control pulling the strings. It ends up pitting us against each other and not at them. So they shift seats around in washington for awhile, those who get kicked out go and fuck about at some business in some cozy do-nothing job for awhile while getting praises heaped on them and credited for doing things they had nothing to do with, so they look better when they run for election again, or have funds to support whoever the next good goy in line is. Meanwhile the people in those seats at that point pass something equally as horrible for all of us, but its the other team doing it this time, and anger/frustration builds on the opposite team until they "vote those losers out" and end up voting in more puppets to do (((their))) bidding.
Again, this is just the ACA all over again, with a new name, about a different issue, but its all the same shit. One "side" passes shit with no votes from the other side, it fucks us over and enriches (((them))), the other side rallies and "fights back against it" and wins seats and takes back some control on promises of "undoing the damage," but it NEVER gets undone and they move on to fucking us over on something else.
I honestly don't know how you can be on Holla Forums and not understand these very basic things. This tax bill doesnt benefit you, it never will, in any way, and will in fact only further make things worse for us. But hey, it fucks over blue states even harder, so win/win right? Because its not like those blue states won't just find ways to pass the misery and suffering off to the non-liberal areas so they can keep propping up their gibs voters so they never feel the full sting of it. Nah, that wont happen, surely this is the end of blue states! "Republican" control for ever! Trump for god emperor right!?
A track record of state policies that bite them in the ass, in dem states in particular isn't something that can be hastily washed away. Not in this day and age. The second thing is, I'm sure there is some way to find the kind of records that people would keep notifying those that have past addresses and would be moving away from these commie states in particular. Add that to checking out whatever social media profile they have and the kind of content is inside, and you have yourself a way to be able to filter and hone in on the being able to find the commies that are trying to escape responsibility only to try and press it in red states, and the ones that do care for the country that are leaving the blues to their own fate are trying to go and keep the red states red.
Lower taxes aren't essentially a punishment for the goyim. All those things you said can also apply to higher taxes. It's just a pointless argument, concerning the tax reform and user's opinions on the economy.
You are better off making a broader statement about the system as a whole. Business and lower taxes (or taxes, in general) aren't essentially a bad thing. Even corporations. Only when the kikes manipulate, these things become a tool, and the (((Federal Reserve))) primarily has a grip.
are they the fucking department of transportation now?
Can one of you megaphone brandishing burger anons please do the following at some antifag/etc salt protest;
The opposite. Blue states are like few castles, while red states are like many fields. Blue states will lose their dem voters who move away into red states, however that's like a drop into the ocean. For every blue state there are about 4 red states, which means while all 4 red states now might all gain 2% dem vote due to new dem voters, but the blue state will lose 8% dem voters. 2% will not be enough to swing a red state, but 8% might swing a blue one. Blue states take massive voting damage. Also because these normalfags get out of the blue states they get out of the massive degeneracy, remember they're not subversive but the ones subverted. They're a herd, so they might as well turn into republicans if they spend years in red states getting reeducated by their surroundings. Blue states have an open fence now and all their sheep are running away.
Fuck off
When will we see the rel life affects of this tax bill? Won't this cause "people" to exodus california & New York? That's the only down side I see to this.
Because Dems were complaining about it before and during the vote.
I always confuse those 2. In any case I don't want to see taxes go blue blue to literally all of california flooding into it. How this is going to change sanctuary cities though is anyone's guess. Some states are going to have to deport 10X as much since they can't tax dodge anymore.
My mother (schoolteacher) says it will kill public schools. Part of me is fine with that (fuck kike indoctrination), and part of me knows that she’s right in saying it’s a bad thing because the “alternative” we have right now (charter schools) isn’t actually school and is causing US intelligence to fall through the floor. Indiana (the state on which the national program is based) has lost 9 million in schooling this year alone.
Pls, I just woke up. Have mercy on my sides.
Well, there's always home schooling. Honestly though the entire school system has to be burned down & rebuilt from the ground up. It CANNOT be salvaged as it currently stands. If the tax bill destroys schools then that's what needs to happen before education can right itself.
Verbs are Affect
Nouns are Effect
Running out of Zyklon B will AFFECT gassing the jews.
Running out of Zyklon B will EFFECT my gassing of the jews.
I know why I have this boner
>Running out of Zyklon B will HAVE AN EFFECT ON my gassing of the jews.
They didn't save the money for them when they are old aged?
Personal responsibility is an odious concept to these people.
Fine by me seeing as how it's nothing but a money pit going to non Whites.
All these fucks who beg for high taxes, oh please tax me more, I've been a bad boy and I'm irresponsible with my money so the government should take most of it, spend most of it on bureaucracy and administration fees, and then give me some shitty services in return oh please
Pathetic. Disgusting. The same people that want the government to take guns away because they don't trust themselves with such responsibility as taking care of protecting themselves.
That's indeed what they do, calfucks came to where I'm at and voted to have property owners like myself pay for gibmedats programs and fluff during a depression for feel goods for them and shitskin handouts while not on the hook themselves, bastards.
Exactly. Fuck reddit, but thinking that the corporations give a shit about the people is retarded. For a long time we've seen a massive increase in worker productivity, thanks to new tools and technology, but the employee hasn't gotten paid any more. It goes straight into the pockets of the owners. I don't have a problem with capitalism, but this shit where employees are contributing more than ever but receiving very little is jewish as fuck.
Lol, no. My dumbass parents think that's what retirement is for. My only inheritance is a life insurance claim. I'm (mostly) on my own when it comes to making and keeping money. Whatev.
Good. They need it. I learned waaaaay more about the world in a few years from self-study than over a decade in public school. Fucking ridiculous.
Seems like they didn't. You reap what you sow.
Considering how far public schools have degraded, your kids might learn more by teaching them yourself in the weekends, then they might learn in school. If that's not enough you let them watch tutorials/online courses while giving them problems to solve. Incite them by giving them 10 pennies per solved problem or something else they want.
We live in sad times considering part time homeschooling would be more effective than public schools.
Okay explain this to me, how is a tax cut a bad thing?
you still arent getting it, are you? How fucking new are you?
The liberal fucktards arent GOING to feel any pain from this. The ones with 100k in student debt don't pay on it anyway, so they werent getting tax deductions for it anyway. The ones living in blue states who "omg cant deduct state taxes from federal taxes" arent going to feel that pain either, mark my words the states will reduce their taxes BUT they will 100% focus those remaining funds to liberal areas and completely refuse to spend any money on any "red" areas of the state, so the liberals way of life will not be impacted in the end. They'll neglect funding state troopers to go to those areas, they'll stop sending funds to local PDs or any other local institutions there, they'll reduce any state funding to universities there forcing those people to go to even more pozzed "big city" schools, they'll reduce state funding to those schools, and so on and so on. They'll make sure ONLY the red areas feel the pain when they reduce state taxes to keep their liberal bases happy. Or hell, they may just only reduce state taxes in "certain areas" ie: the liberal areas while keeping them higher for rural, white, or non-liberal areas.
I'm telling you, they will barely feel any pain from this in their liberal shitholes, and those shitholes residents will keep overpowering the rest of the state in elections and sending democrats to office to keep doing those sorts of things.
Meanwhile, on a national level, wow what a shock, theres not much benefit to red states at all anyway since most have lower state taxes to begin with, and typically cost of living AND income are lower in red states so the small percent changes in federal income tax wont amount to much of anything, and once the "cuts" expire things may get even worse for us anyway, because like I said, its theater, rinos dont wanna lose their "muh tax reform" card they can play in the future its WHY they set the cuts to expire in a few years and "need to be extended" so they can "be deadlocked" and not extend them and then everyone gets fucked. MEANWHILE on a national level, once again who wins? Thats right businesses (((they))) own all across the nation.
Once again, those are the only winners in this. The rest of us are ALL losers to varying degrees
Good, I refuse to send my children to a niglet play pin. The tax credit for homeschooling/private schools will help me out tons.
(no man should be left to check their own dubs)
But that is one method that could and would reveal the kikes that are trying to flee the ship, along with any useful idiots also trying to do the same. They have those records, it would just be a combination of someone from inside, or a way to access that, along with their dumbassery to spill out their entire manifesto in the form of short 2 - 3 paragraphs in social media. You would now have a profile on who the person/people are, past residences/what commie state and/or city are they trying to escape from, and their posting behavior which can make a solid case of intent.
Exactly right. Amazing how hard the shabbos goyim can work when they want to pass something that will benefit them, and likely no one else.
Is this really all you have, you whiny cocksucker?
Probably just exagerating.
Does the tax bill say anything about lower taxes for small business? People were scared shitless about net neutrality this and that, but in order to make sure the gov't doesn't side with comm corps in America is to make sure we have more options available (aside from making sure that the gov't doesn't censor and throttle sites for their and corporate interests).
How are these people can Xir GenderQueer Nigger-faggots be this stupid?
Have They looked at the bill?
I'm against the fact it adds a lot to public deficit, and public deficit is never good
but this new tax bill
Saves the middle class the most money by percentage of income
The wealthy Technically save more but at a lower percent of what they get on an annual basis.
Literally everyone in America, whether you're on the very bottom rung
Or on the very top
You Save Money
And they found reason to complain about it.
If you mean they will suddenly decide to expand operations or hire more people unfortunately the opposite is true. Higher taxes incentivize reinvestment in a company because you are looking for way to minimize your tax burden so you increase expenses. Lowering the corporate tax rate will benefit investors and pension funds because stock prices will go up as a result of more money being distributed to shareholders. I suppose the argument could be made that investors and pension funds will have more money to invest so they will invest in more companies that are looking to expand, but frankly there is no guarantee whatsoever they won't invest that money overseas or into a REIT or some other investment that does not actually end up producing jobs stateside.
tl;dr: Lowing corporate taxes is their way of trying to shore up pension funds that were going to bankrupt several states in the not too distant future. I wasn't about jobs at all.
That's a big gun.
These people make me so fucking livid. If they didn't live so parasitically, maybe they'd be able to take care of themselves; but no, instead they have to live like fat ticks on the backs of people that have to take care of themselves and millions of others too. And these wretched wastes of life have the audacity to tell us what is right.
These people are just modern bandits that hired the government to do the robbing for them. All welfare programs need to be abolished entirely and these people can starve for all I care. If you can't survive without an entire society to prop you up, you're not long for this world.
Now I’m imagining a drunken giggling Benjamin Franklin sneaking back into the Constitutional Convention after everyone has gone home and writing “Amendment 11: Jews and their descendants for all time are prohibited from gaining citizenship, voting, holding office, owning property, or entering the United States” at the bottom of the Bill of Rights.
Oy vey yah goy bastids yah hafta stimyahlate da econamy and put yahselves back in debt
Yep, welfare needs to go. Every argument for it boils down to "muh feelings".