Hillary Heckled About Pizzagate

Hillary starts talking about that "how she knows people that bring their children to that nice pizzaria". "The kids play ping pong and eat pizza".

Top Kek



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That woman who keeps shouting "shut up asshole" sounds like your typical Hillary supporter. Belligerent, arrogant, ugly, domineering, overweight, middle aged white woman with a cigarette smoker voice.

There is pizza everywhere user. Have you bought rope? Every user should have rope handy…


only interesting part
> “So, there were demonstrations. I know people who bring their children to go to this pizzeria which is in a really nice commercial area in Washington, and it’s got ping pong. So, the kids play ping pong and eat pizza.
> “So, he loaded up his AR-15, his automatic weapon, and up he drove from North Carolina to Washington, and he charged into that pizzeria – with his weapon – scaring the heck out of all of the people who work there, and the few customers that were there at the time. And he raged around there, finding out – of course – that the pizzeria had no basement.”

Thought it was a shotgun, and that he literally dindunuffin with it. Either way, dumb way to gather evidence. Security through obscurity, hide in plain sight, nail that sticks up, and all.

This seems like a good place to put this. John Podesta freaks out at a Duke student.



Pure coincidence. Just like the street cameras rotating away from comet pizza the day before.

Killary lies so easily. It’s sickening to watch. And the peasants worship and applaud her.

Rope has the best uses and is a fine tool
Alefantis will be hanged


right in the hard drive goy! no probable data on there that was hacked before this stunt

Never forget the name Ryan Vaughn , the manager of comet. He posted insyagram selfies with blood and shit all over his knees with the hashtag #cometstainsforlife
Ryan Vaughn needs to hang for sure

Remember these names
Eli Sizemore
Paul Sizemore
Sasha Lord
Amanda Kleineman
Bif Skipman
Dave Stone
David Flintstone
Hawaii Vodka Distiller
576 Pakala Lane Kuaii HI


What the fuck? When was this?



What's the deal with Kathy O'brian? Never seen her brought up. Is she the lunatic her wiki page makes her out to be?


She's somewhat credible, but it seems like she's still being handled by Mark Phillips, which might be the source of some of her more questionable claims.

Was just about to post this, word 4 word

HRC is guilty of so many crimes but worst was when she defended an actual pedophile as an attorney and laughed at the little rape victim girl and bragging how she knew the whole time he was 'guilty as sin' but that didn't matter. She's pure evil.


it's a nice pizzaria
people bring children there
to play ping pong
in a nice commercial area

ok guys, she is obviously a liability now. will she get heroed?

Daily reminder that faggot has an imdb page and fired A SINGLE BULLET INTO A COMPUTER TOWER

Actually I did recently stock up on several types. Was a good sale and one can never have enough rope. Hanging is too good for Podesta however.

Hitlerdubs confirm day of the rope is coming soon.

Women dont lie about rape


Obviously it's this - but it also reads (in reverse like they do) Fish Fourteen. Which gives them a massive giggle because they have a secret code, and the kids don't stand a chance.

That 'debunking' business sounds pretty lucrative. Do they offer college degrees in it. Or where does a fella go to get wised up on it?

Search for the pics on cheesybay
That will catch you up a little bit

wew I learn something new every day

Anyone have the archives of articles where Alephantis talks about storing vegetables and roots in the basement in Comet Ping Pong, and something about a neighbor sharing the basement

At least they earned the record of least creative and least believable false flag ever with this one.

Are you sure that's female, user?

bump stock like anuda SHOAAAA

Twitter woth video is gone. That was quick.

Day of the Rope Approaches


imagine going to one of the rallies and everybody has 300' of rope slung over their shoulder but nobody knows how to tie a fucking noose

Fish Fourteen= Fishing for teens

the '777' in there is enough for me to believe you

Yes, that was a terrible NYT story. They've made it up in order to make the whole thing sound ridiculous. No one, ever, suspected that Hillary and Pederasta were sitting in that basement 24/7 and branding kids on a factory conveyor belt.

Isn't it interesting that only the suspects and the MSM are pushing this narrative.



This got fuckingslid


Biddy Bump bump.


i saw that shit in the p0desta video and now on the cl1nton one, very very not suspicious


their statements makes this more credible than ever, can we have a videofag making the compilation about molesta and that witch saying there is no basement, then pointing to this article ? i cant into video editing


Isn't this right after some user found there was a password protected layer of the comet ping pong site?

Fame is a booby prize for people who can't achieve their goals without it.

Bump for these kikes to take a long drop with a sudden stop.

just hang them up by their ankles and beat them with sticks, no noose required, and besides i am sure they like pinatas.

Literally 0 proof of a sex ring.


Let's try taking her at her word, just for an experiment, because something occurred to me when the thought of doing so did. It's this: the weird sexual content associated with Comet Ping Pong Pizza is really unappealing. It's such an unappetizing sexuality.
I can put on lenses that rosy, but I don't understand the aesthetic judgment.

Woulda been nice if he woulda chucked an improvised nade at her. Taken that old shrill bitch right the fuck out.

A noose that landed on stage next to her would have been pretty good bantz too

More brave Anons need to be doing this. Shaming them publicly until you have hundreds of thousands of people screaming

The ordinary white folk wants her and her cronies at a minimum locked away forever. And I’d say a decent amount of those people would authorize lethal force upon them. The day is coming where you have a D1 college football stadium filled to the brim chanting in unison “USA” and “LOCK HER UP.” The DOTR approaches.

he could have been speaking of a basement at the farm/place where the tomatoes harvest and canning happened, because this isn't in DC
also checked

Ladies and gentlemen we are proud to introduce the former presidential candidate Hillary rodgam clinton!!!
Four people clap
Fourty thousand start boooing the mere thought of her waddling her fat ass into a stadium.
Fourty thousand souls chanting lock her up. Yep kikes would have to do solid commercial breaks unt the fans stopped chanting
We need an user in public to grab the pa mic somehow some way and do that
Now introducing- to massive booooooos

It has a downstairs at least and a possible connection to old subway tunnels
Jimmy is lying his asshole off. He needs some scopolamine and a good camera to talk to

oh, the old du-pont subway/abandonned metro
I remember this thread

I don't believe he would store tomato in there
are you sure that the pics and fucking thumbnail are from under the pizza joint?

Sorry my man , road posting today
No I'm not sure but I'd bet my left nut on it

1 bitshekel has deposited to your bitshekelbank account

user, I can guarantee you that if what we uncovered here was put in front of an jury against you, your ass would be in jail. People have been executed for crimes in which less proof has been provided.

So if you REALLY want to go down that route. Remember what happens when rule of law is no longer considered legitimate by the population. Rights, are an two way street. And when some average joe has to step out into the street to obtain justice because the lawmakers are corrupt and above the law, no fucks are given about 'proof' anyway.

Actually its not under Comet, that's a place called "Pegasus Museum".
It belonged to a metal worker that did the truss work in Comet.

And frankly it DOES look like piping work, they also got a permit to do the work.

we should reinstate drawing and quartering.

If this "Pizza Gate" conspiracy theory is true, why hasn't Hillary been prosecuted or exposed by Trump yet? Why hasn't the guy running Comet Pizza been arrested yet? Isn't Trump anti-establishment? Isn't he suppose to get these pedos off our streets?

The noose you're probably imagining hasn't been typical for centuries. The simplest of slipknots will get the job done.


But it doesn't have a basement, disinfo shill.

People like you peddle the most insane shit possible to distract onlookers.

He says 'the basement' not 'Comet Ping Pong's basement'. And look at the full sentence: "have like a harvest party when it gets loaded in"
Obviously they're not running a canning operation in the restaurant, the tomatoes are canned and stored on the farm.

Yeah, I'm gonna need proof of that. This was hopefully archived?


Holy shit is this real?

100% real from a real sick fuck. His instagram account was absolutely disgusting.

They sure do act like they are guilty.

James Alefantis disgusts me. Just looking at a picture of him makes me feel weird. Even by the extremely slim chance he's not involved in pedo shit, he's definitely involved in other degenerate filth along with his associates..


FUCK YOU GUYS! (and your cat)

There isn't a single person in that audience under age 65! Holy fucking shit I'm dying over here.

Can we please think about pushing an HWNDU style Op to hound these fuckers for life? I will pay for this. So many will GoFund this. This could be a legitimate business op guys.

someone really needs to toss a noose and a pair of hand cuffs on stage then walk away
Next time the cunt is in public this needs to happen

Yes I'm in

Known that one for a while now but at least the Rothschilds aren't posting disgusting shit all over Instagram lol

Lurk for two years, cretin.

The basement being in a different location makes little to no difference. Their referring to it (or another room) as a torture room or kill room, along with the other sick shit and indications and emails are what made this a story. A basement isn't even necessary. It's they who harp on the basement which 'doesn't exist'. Even the pizza place is not key, but surely looks suspect.

This may only be coincidental but is photography something you thing you think of when you hold a pizza party?

self sage

Congregation, let us turn to Mother Milo's Salvation Guide for planet earth for our directives…

seconding this

Your second is appreciated. I thought the idea has merit and lolz potential

The oven is heating up, Moshe.

Mother Milo says unto the holy congregation, "There is no walking away from that one."

Just silence and then…
"Don't taze me, bro…" AHHHAGHGAAAHHH

This is the only photograph of pizza I could find after looking at maybe 60 to 80 photos from the pizza-party photog.
Sage for OT

Ain't no fucking yids this way bud
Don't be a pussy. Do something for fucks sake if you ever see the cunt in public.
Draw a nice pic of some gallows and cuffs then and show it to her then just walk the fuck away

You know I care more about the mind control issue then people trying to get laid all the time.

Maybe the mind control thing is making this shit happen – idk

1st pic: Police bungle a case. How not at all out of the ordinary.
2nd pic: Kids playing with tape. No more sinister than playing cowboys and Indians.
3rd pic: Guys dressing up as women on Halloween is hilarious to normies. Fake blood is par for the course on Halloween too.

But tomatoes grown on a farm and stored on site? Now that's sinister.

made this a million years ago
take it or leave it
Just a coincidence in the cards

Martin Shkreli advocated such a thing (obtaining a hair/DNA sample from her) and he faced immediate consequences. No one is falling for your shit, you stupid inbred kike.

The single most perfect example of a Disinfo agent, fifth column, discrediting agent, conspiracy spiraling lying CIAnigger PSYOP that you could possibly find. She’s the perfect example because of all the stories and bullshit she has out there. And it’s so blatantly obvious. She was even recently a proponent of “the government is trying to make weed illegal because of all its magnificent properties” bullshit.

Rebekah Roth is another example.

That digging was at another building JA owns, has a dome on the roof. Last person who looked into it got personally contacted and threatened by JA…

After he's scrubbed all the floors in D.C., then we can talk about hanging!

Can somebody post a webm of the video?

it's funny if you go back and watch witnesses interviews to the event, they never mention anyone shooting a gun.


A lowly (rothschild) heir owning multiple properties with dungeons and sheit
Fuck that nigger jew he needs some water boarding in his life

That is what they call a 'temple' or when u see JA's instagram feed and he talks about 'going to temple'.


Very similar to Epstein's temple.

I must have missed pizzagate being debunked…

It hasn't been debunked…it is a global, religious 'jewish' rape and murder scheme. The reason that they don't want people to look into pizzagate is because they don't want you to know that they teach each other to murder us after they rape us in the Babylonian Talmud, it is ritual rape and human sacrifice on a MASSIVE global scale.

Were you not around for Pizzagate? His instagram was full of disturbing images. Children with their hands bound to a table with duct tape, surreal paintings depicting child sexual abuse and torture, paintings of cocks, vulnerable looking scantily clad children. That anyone would look at that disturbing venue and think to take children there is absurd.

Holy fuck how have these digits gone unchecked for this long!

According to the Babylonian Talmudic Encyclopedia:

'He who has carnal knowledge of the wife of a Gentile is not liable to the death penalty, for it is written: "thy fellow's wife" rather than the alien's wife; and even the precept that a man "shall cleave unto his wife" which is addressed to the Gentiles does not apply to a Jew, just there is no matrimony for a heathen; and although a married Gentile woman is forbidden to the Gentiles, in any case a Jew is exempted.' This does not imply that sexual inter-course between a Jewish man and a Gentile woman is permitted - quite the contrary.

But the main punishment is inflicted on the Gentile woman; she must be executed, even if she was raped by the Jew: 'If a Jew has coitus with a Gentile woman, whether she be a child of three…

(why are they [RAPING] 'having sex' with three year old gentiles and then murdering them…hmmm, IDK perhaps because they are POS cocksucking murderers in our midst? Maybe?)

…or an adult, whether married or unmarried, and even if he is a minor aged only nine years and one day - because he had willful coitus with her, she must be killed, as is the case with a beast, because through her a Jew got into trouble."

You will hang pedo filth.

First like is Sandra hotdog Ventura…

New data.

Phototropic is code for obtaining fame, hitting the ceiling, and realizing that the truth of things is "very small"

Kyuss was amazing and blessed with divine talent before they sold out and became "queens" of the stone age aka. the technologically and spiritually cuckolded modern world.

I am frustrated to this day that the spirit of this music was crushed to make QOTSA. Fuck you Josh Homme you were meant for more than this.




hey that was my ex's mother.

DOTR soon.

They're trying to explain the normie mindset behind it, you autist.

If that's real & hasn't been spammed whenever it was found for normalfags to see, can one of you please do so? Honestly, "Pizza Lover", "Pizza Girl" I could see, but "Pizza Slut"? That's something I'd expect from a wannabe counter-culture bitch (not something you'd dress your child in).


circa 2015

Probably the two most definitive videos

