British MP: Trump Should Be Arrested When He Visits UK

He should be arrested for inciting religious hatred therefore it is better if he not come at all.

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I'm trying to figure out exactly when the UK became under Religion of Cuck™ic rule

yeah, because that seems like a good idea. also, all those sheiks and princes that came to england on holiday, they are surely arrested as well, right?

All questions of legality aside, I like how he thinks that a US President's security personnel would physically permit foreign agents to detain him under any circumstances.

Here's a better headline,
I swear the buggery must be merely a secondary consideration to faggots, they seem far more interested in degradation and suicide than simply carnal pleasures.

Too much Hollywood friend.
Bullshit aside, in reality the suggestion is ridiculous for another reason and this man knows it well. Nothing more than rabble-rousing and pandering to the left.

I love their utterly impotent rage

Who knew shitposting vids of sandniggers being sandniggers triggers these cucks so much.
I'd love to see them try arresting him for their little hate crime laws.

I hate britain

Sounds good.

If I was president I would immediately go over there and stand outside that dudes house. Hopefully trump fucks with this guy a bit.

Says it all right there

This is actually a threat/reminder to the people of the UK that they will be arrested if they step out of line. It is only directed at Trump to show the UK "right" just how serious they are.

This is why we have guns in the US. To kill politicians like this if they get out of line. (also for anti-nigger defense).

Funny, it thinks it can undermine Trumps power when all it does is showcase how powerless they actually are

Right back at you. It's diplomatic immunity from prosecution. It doesn't necessarily prevent an arrest occurring, depending on the circumstances. Although obviously no sane country would try to arrest any head of state for diplomatic reasons.

You should also look into how much security the President travels with. It's not just a dozen SS guys and a few armored cars. If the UK was actually insane enough to try something, it's very likely that he would successfully escape the country.

Not that I was actually suggesting a shooting war. More that a handful of cops would declare that he was under arrest and promptly be told to fuck off.

It just shows how much politicians are scum bags. They simply pander to votes. If one politician floods a country with Muslims, another politicians will say and do whatever it takes to get the Muslims votes, even back stab his own people thousands of times.

Try 25 - 50 fanatical Marines eager to die for the President, and two heavily armed gun ships.

Oh ok, so just like they arrested Barack for meddling during Bresit

Britain keeps making it harder for me to like them

They literally aren't lol. Rothchilds have been in control with an iron fist since Napoleon.

Arresting a head of state would be just plain stupid. Even outright killing the head of state is a safer move since you can blame it on terrorists, but an arrest is an outright "please invade me" move. has it right, it's more likely this is to tell britcucks to suck Ahmed Pig mohomo'd the pedo goatfucker's dick quietly than a direct threat at Trump. He's wrong on the guns part though, burgers have guns but are all talk.



"Trump retweeted group equal to the KKK"

Britain First = to the KKK, a group which killed apx 4,000 people

Boy are they desperate. KEK.

This labour commie fag is a fucking joke & so is may for spazzing out like the fucking zombie retard she is.
Don't come to UK trump, it sucks balls.

Corporation of the City of London


Kek, fag confirmed.

I've been noticing this trend with faggot politicians. It's like their demon worshiping tendencies is partly genetic.

Not to mention the land invasion and all the freedom we'd bring them a few hours later. It's an island nation with no carriers and this time the battle of Britain would go badly for them.

The British Army doesn't even have guns.

Well, you own all the detonators to our weapons. Britain would get curbstomped

You're thinking of the police

Hmm. In a foreign country I’m sure they could overpower a secret service detail, but not without bloodshed. Can’t get to Air Force one if it is destroyed on the ground.

But after that - By golly they are fucked.

Nah, Britain is a nuclear power. Can’t do a massive invasion if they can nuke DC.

Americans sold us our missile platforms. I seriously doubt Britain would be capable of nuking American soil.

This faggot should not be in parliament, he's a crook that got busted in the expenses scandal in 2009 ffs.

Mail online

That's an understatement

To be fair i would get rid of the lot of em. Except Phillip Davies & Jacob Rees Mogg.

Eh. He was kind of cucky when asked about deporting Muslims

Trump should lead the the US military to invade Britain and declare himself King and move into Buckingham Palace.

Blow me, Anglokike.

Your pride is embarrassing. The kikes and the politicians have been fucking your for hundreds of years and not once have you used them. Yeah, you can shoot niggers with them, but then again the niggers can use them too, making white life in America particular dangerous.

Lincoln, Garfield, McKinley, Kennedy

Do it.
Arrest the President of the United States. I want you to do it. So does every nationalistic Briton left on your godforsaken island. We would depose your fucking government so goddamn fast it would make your head spin.

fuck! not mogg aswell. Will check it out user.

Also ann coulter was on channel 4 news talking about it.

really nigger?

Guns were used

Christ, is there a single Western journalist or politician in the U.K. who isn't a brain damaged woman or a male cock gargler? Nige excepted of course.

I want mogg.

Wow. This guy.

It's days like this I wish islands could flip over.

Try again.



I would pay money to see this.


It's a shame Ospreys have so many technical problems. They're one of the sexiest aircraft ever made; they look like something out of a 50's era popular mechanics magazine.


Trump really should go there, unannounced, show up at this guys home, and just kick the everloving shit out of him.
Then leave, and tweet out "Religion of Cuck™ic Britain was a mistake".

Low T confirmed

It's time for America to declare war on Britain. Finish the American revolution once and for all by erasing the eternal anglo inbreds from existence.

Yeah I'm so sure they would be able to arrest the US President. How delusional can they get?

Ex-NA fag who lived in UK here

I am not a brit but my fucking god how after 2 years of living there, I became to hate them. A lot of them have given up and just follow in line or outright just smoke weed/drink all day while on welfare.

I left after the new Far right propaganda viewing shit started and I will staunchly defend my hate over the brits. I am not here to D&C, I am here to just share my experience of what is going on in britbongistan. While all whites need to unite to defeat the kikes, the Anglo will not be an ally for us in that and the odds of that changing is going down by the day. We are better off hoping for a civil war in Sweden and them helping us than the anglo.

Thats why this news or recent anglo activity is no fucking surprise, they are that cucked and a lost cause, they will not revolt since the welfare state will keep them in line.

Please, save France in between the processes while we're at it. Please please please

It's definitely doable. Can march right through the tube.

I went a little overboard, but no more tears

Trump didn’t even break any uk laws, since he wasn’t even in the uk.

There are some situations where you can be prosecuted for what you do outside of a country, sexual tourism being the obvious example. But this is just a bunch of pathetic wishful thinking.

Didn't they arrest Pinochet in Britain while he was having surgery for diplomatic reasons?

Why would you like them in the first place?

We could meet halfway.
