White Meet Up (banned35x)

For more info:

For normal White people to meet each other for friendship, bonding, social activities, business and employment networking.
No White Nationalists or Alt-Right.

The reasons are obvious, well documented and needs no explanation.

Post your location with email, messenger or other means of contact.

*Be aware that White Nationalists have been making death threats against Whites who want to meet up. They also defaced the Zeemap of past meet up threads.*

Report all threats of violence from this and other posts on 8ch to the FBI here:


You might want to include the

8ch.net Registrar Data
Jim Watkins
OrganizationN.T.Technology, inc
Address9120 Double Diamond Parkway Ste 5901
State / ProvinceNevada
Postal Code89521
Email: [email protected]

Thank you.

What is this, some fucking anonymous board

blatant honeypot, you can link fbi and say no WN all you want, it's not fooling anyone


Do we have to post our drivers licences, blood type and mothers maiden name first? For security of course?
Irl Holla Forumsfriends are everywhere if you're not an autistic spaz.

No, you can stay on line and shitpost for the rest of your cowardly life.

Global report.

Share your info with us first kike


pic of the underside of your hand and a banana will do
make sure you have macro setting on
while you're at it, load it into a photo editing app and crank up the contrast
FIRS IAFIS will take care of the rest

You're a brave WN warrior on the internets.

Post a pic of WN's sucking Jew cock as you always do. (YOU) know this board is run by a Jew and Muslim?

Global report.


Butthurt faggot

Post a timestamped face pic


You go first. Wait….here is is!

I kid of course, the doubt has passed now. He's quite obviously just looking for identifying information.

I keep picturing a frustrated pajeet-type who spams white girl's facebook accounts with "YOU GIVE ME THE SEXING NOW"

its 38 times now kike, and its gonna be 39

checked, hello satan

Lame as usual from Holla Forums tards. Saving the White Race by attacking Whites who want to do something IRL. What a faggot.