Why is that?
Be Holla Forums
Edgy ideologies attract good looking girls(although not in big numbers) and fucking nerds, no exceptions.
You are less likely to be into communism, fascism, ancapism or whatever if you don't give two fucks about politics.
because they don't hide behind smug anime girls and le frog man avatars?
Lmao have you read the actual study behind this? It says that physically strong men in the upper-classes are more likely to be right-wing. While physically strong proles are more willing to support "redistribution"
Because normal people live today, not in future revolution land.
Basically this.
You mean people like sargon of accad or the amazing atheist?
frons pls go
You were saying something?
We can go back and forth with this all day. Not everyone can win the genetic lottery.
At least Cletus there probably knows how to use a rifle effectively. More than can likely be said for comrade bitchtits here.
Comrade bitchtits doesnt use a gun because guns are oppressive.
It's almost like their material conditions are a determining factor in their politics and physical strength is a non-factor.
ideology correlates with many things
Now the question is the following:
Is this because of "intellect" or mental skills that non-college men dont have?
Or is this because of a cultural difference or appeal to demographics, where college educated people often have better chances of good jobs and are thus less likely to seek for alternatives to the status quo?
such is life as a failson
user don't give me that bullshit, men find any woman who isn't a literal hambeast "good-looking".
It's possible that wanting to go to college is an intelligent and logical desire. There are also contested (mostly by conservatives) studies that would argue that conservatives are, on average, having an Autism Level around 95, and that this is cause for not putting logic and reason before emotions.
tl;dr It is very possible that conservatives are just too stupid on average to understand the value of college.
Because its true. Also because you think with your dick
Also true, but because they don't have tits you don't care