The Chines believe that Jews control America!
The CHINESE threaten the Jews
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Behold, the power of bribes and threats.
But chinks are jews of the orient
well they aren't wrong though, kikes control them too
Show that to a liberal, and they will cry "muh anti-spermatism".
in a world controlled by Jews that rape and kill everyone they control
what do you do before you die?
The chinks are literally the jews of the east and reading it they don't even despise the kikes for being evil they want to be just as evil as they are.
interesting article, but
Christians pick jews over whites every time. EVERY TIME.
Who were the first to import Africans? Christians. Protestants specifically. They are self-hating because deep down they know that they destroyed their own people. Christians have the self-hate of the traitor.
What is self-flaggellation? Christians punishing themselves because they know (deep down) they betrayed their own blood. They rejected their ancestors. They worship an evil desert wargod Yahweh.
When "humble" Christians call themselves sinners they aren't wrong.
Everything that is wrong with the world comes back to Christians. If Christians hadn't cucked to the jews not even the jews would be a threat… the jews need their goy golem the fucking idiot Christian.
Kill traitors first.
shalom rabbi, how you doing
those digits speak it, nice to see. But yeah fuck the Chinese, I like Japan better anyway.
Nah, they can't be as bad as the fucking kikes. They can't blend in enough, even in other parts of Asia.
The main strength of the hebe is his ability to hide.
even though both chinks and korean gooks admire and imitate the jew only the koreans have been significantly successful at imitating the ethnicity of another country. specifically the zainichi koreans pretending to be japanese and taking over the media in japan while pushing feminism, socialism, and multiculturalism. for this reason only the koreans have truly earned the title of the jews of asia.
I have a chink boss and he's well aware of the jews. He also told me "HITTER WAS GOOD FOR GERMANESE PEOPLE!"
the li family is in cahoots with the jews
china is the Asian jew
That goes right back to what I said here because the koreans are genetically close enough to nips they're basically the same but don't say that to a nip unless you want some karate done to your ass to "brind in".
Chinks couldn't do that in Japan.
101 Money Earning Secrets From Jews’ Notebooks to Learn To Make Money With the Jews.
The Chinese government is making anti-Jew reforms.
WTF I love china men nao
That's because the Asiatic jew, cold and calculating as he is, knows of the economic boom Hitler brought about. Your chink boss probably wasn't even talking about fighting bolshevism, which the chinks would fight to defend. He was probably just admiring Germany's economic turn-around.
Christianity was invented by jews to take control over Rome.
No, they don't. Chinese and Koreans understand the kikes but see them as a model to emulate, not a parasite to wipe out (because like the kikes, they're disgusting soulless bugmen).
shalom rabbi, how you doing?
Ah, so he's going to clue the antpeople in on the jews elevated rates of madness
let the chinks peel that onion
The first Christians were described by the Romans as 'a particular wile race of men'. Who's the rabbi here?
yep, Christianity was a revenge for the ORIGINAL SHOAH that was Roman massacre of the jews for the "Great Revolt"
1.1million jews got Shoahed in 66ad, and they were kicked out of Jerusalem
Then suddenly a new religion arises! Fucking Jews
didnt The Lord Jesus Christ die before that?
Vast oversimplification, Josephus and his clan continually advised Rome on how to take it over and this culminated with the foundation of the RCC at the Council of Nicaea, which subordinated those sects of Christianity that they could and set to eliminating the rest, a war which continues to this day.
But Rome didn't invent Christianity.
So what? Holla Forums has been threatening the Jews since 1488.
I hope a Palestinian shoves a missile up your ass.
Yup, plenty of time for a wild animal to drag the corpse off thus verifying the "resurrection" and their new found kikery.
Ironically both do.
Shills start talking about religion in this thread.
Reported for not even trying.
No they're not, you fucking cuckchan newfag. They see it as a good thing that America is controlled by Jews because they want to emulate kikery and the Talmud as much as they can. These soulless dogeaters deserve to be in the fucking oven along with the Juden, don't you dare say otherwise. Maybe even let Japan do another Nanking massacre on these fuckers.
This article obviously doesn't include how jews took over China in the early late 19th-20th century. Before South Korea became the willing jew servants they are, China became its student. This is why the chinese government is mainly communist in its activities, intentionally destroys cultural landmarks without qualms, tries to destroy smaller hablogroups, and bases all of their business tactics after jewish tricks.
Yes, Jesus was the leader of the Jewish rebellion against Rome and later culminated in the Judeo-Roman war. Ceaser was god in that world and a man proclaiming to be king of kings and the ruler of the world was clearly making a bid for the Roman Empire. Was Rome annexing Judea and corrupting the Pharisees, or were the Pharisees controlling Rome and Jesus’ rebellion legitimate?
Perhaps they can be used to fund anti-Jew propaganda, campaigns, and nationalist groups.
This thread,
welcome to nu-Holla Forums
Chiang Kai-shek was backstabbed by the rothschilds at the end of ww2 in favor of mao, the communist government is a literal kike puppet government. look up Israel Epstein and the kikery involved with shek's u.s. military aid's getting murdered.
Chink here. Chinks are the opposite of Jews as the Jews thrive for investing other's suffering while we work hard and save money. That's the difference.
Jews claim "White Privilege"
what does fetus taste like?
I have come up with the idea of translating and popularizing professor Kevin MacDonald's book "Culture of Critique" into Mandarin a long time ago.
There's a reason why the Chinese are called the Jews of Asia.
lel, chinks are like jew ants
I have developed a deep-seated hatred of your race after playing online video games with them.
What did they do?
To me, that doesn't matter: what matters is how useful this piece is for propaganda. When we bring up the "Jews run the world conspiracy", we can point to the fact that even the Chinese are aware of this.
I occasionally watch NHK World. Nice aesthetics in the productions generally, but what a fucking pozfest. I wonder who is behind all this leftist garbage on that network.
Aren't they just kikes?
I see how (((they))) are going to play it now, anti-jewish Chinese need to be taught a lesson by jew-loving Americans, maybe we'll hear soon how jews are being thrown into rice cookers or gassed by noxious mid-day factory fumes.
Wow, these fucking kikes.
You fucking godless chinks are just as bad as the fucking kikes! And don't try to deny it because you know damn well of your inhumanity
please get out Tenda Spencer cuckold IR loving faggot
I thought Koreans were the jews of the orient?
"Godless"? The most godless people in this world are christians. First they worshipped a dead jew on a stick, then they started to worship living jews. If worshipping living men isnt godless, then what is? Remember that christians arent called christcucks for nothing.
The Chinese just aren't coating their affections in a layer of ironic rejection. Everyone who isn't retarded watches the world to figure out what works.
jews jewing jews
This. I'm pretty sure South Korean children literally study the Talmud because they want to be rich like the Jews.
Not only is that what the chinese do, but OP indicates that chinese worships the jew and want to emulate them.
Not a Christian, but Jesus wasn't a jew, jews loathe and fear Christ and crosses, and you are either a dirty chinaman or a jew and I'd take all but the most traitorous Christians over you any day.
Deus vult motherfucker.
Not a religion thread, please do not reply to b8
Stay on topic on the chinks.
Going to be honest with myself, but Chinks haven't contributed as much as we have in the past, with gunpowder, paper, and at the very least the idea of a compass then, and literally just copying shit now.
Just look at alibaba and baidu, Amazon and Google clones. Weibo = Twitter too, except the censorship is obviously more explicit. Our tech giants are just copies, quite indicative that we've so far only copied rather than innovated as we have in the dark ages.
O China, how far you have fallen!
It is strange that the big 3 (FB, Amazon, Google/Alphabet) are banned in China, isn't it? I don't know if this is to protect China's economy or to prevent PRISM data collection on Chinese Persons of Interest. Either way, I believe discussion in China should be a topic of interest.
Paper isn't really a Chinese invention even though they always claim it as part of their "4 great inventions".
Want to know how I know you don't know the first thing about the Crucifixion and the Resurrection?
gas the kikes
a big red BUMP
Every country should ban these tech giants so the gov't won't give them money to feed these transexual leftist for datamining shitskins.
theyre alot more based than the US tho
Because the shrewd, cynical, studious Chinese will actually take the time to study your people's literature and they will find out that you consider them sub-human goyim and are plotting to enslave/exterminate them. They will find out what you did to White people (whom East-Asians respect and admire). If given the choice, you would much rather they fear/hate your people from a distance than embrace you closely.
Top kek. Thread exposes that the Chongs know the Yid manipulates the Burger, with Yid's admitting to it as a source of pride - and instantly (((someone))) appears and starts insulting Christianity. Top notch D&C mr shekelberg. Truly imperceptible to all but the most grizzled of Holla Forumsacks. Your camouflage abilities have not diminished through centuries of inbreeding in any way!
Koreans are worse, tbqh. Chinks are no worse than Russians online.
Kike vs kike war when?
Reminder that China is communist and actively seeking to make whites third class citizens. If China gets their way, it will be kikes>chinks>white slaves under Bolshevism. Id be extra careful of these nazbol shills with that in mind, trying to turn us into communist slaves.
He might have plebbit spacing and be a fag or whatever but where is the lie? ive spoken to white missionaries who go to haiti and africa to help feed these niggers (which then breed like rabbits) because they want more christian converts. Its disgusting. They also visited israel and praised it for 5 minutes. Its the most common type of devout christian. Atleast among protestant americans.
The differences are shocking, but the only real difference that matters is you belong in Asia, not Europe or North America. Drag dogs behind trucks and eat babies all you want, on your territory, across the fucking Pacific.
Also China isnt even a race, its a bunch of peoples thrown together under communism.
its like 92% Han chinese. Would you have the autism to say Russians aren't a real ethnic group because they have tatars and shit?
They speak Han. Also, even if what youre saying were true, youre essentially trying to brag about the genocide of about a hundred different groups by communist mixing. The Chinese government pays people to go around saying Chinese are all the same, to prevent Nationalist aspirations among those peoples.
Where's the threat, though? From what I read they praise the Jews for controlling America. Which they do from top to bottom, of course. Still, China was kiked by the Soviet Union which in turn was kiked by the bolshevik revolution. So who cares? This is kike vs. kike bluster.
Why are you making that leap? im just stating the obvious about what people think when we say chink - Han chinese.
British- english people. It doesnt mean i want the welsh genocided.
Like when they proclaimed that Jews are brothers in faith?
Which never happened, but sure.
This is true, never trust a fucking chink
Hey, worship kikes for all I care. To each his own.
Based ancestors ^_^
My best drinking friend is a redpilled chink who understands mao was a kike puppet. You need to make the sure your people understand that 100,000,000+ of their people were murdered with jewish money, and were enslaved by them.
Better to be the kikes of Asia then to be ruled by the kikes of Israel.
It's not an either or. It's the kikes of Asia that are also ruled by the kikes of Israel.
Don't fall for d&c shilling, you're arguing with a kike. Christians, Atheists, and Pagans can agree to disagree while we exterminate the eternal kike.
Also don't shit on based niggers and kikes. Don't D&C, we based allies must all come together. Fug off you millenial, consensus-above-everything, brainlet faggot.
fuck off Not everything is divide and conquer, should we unite with niggers?
Wait, does that means Americans are the kikes of America???
Yes. Didn't you know that? A Chinese and an American are very similar, both existing as kike-like golems to do their masters bidding. They are not exactly kikes per se, but they all have kike soul and spirits.
Mexicans probably think so kek
We picked the wrong fucking side in WW2.
Stay on topic of thread and report the dichotomy playing D&C niggers. Remember the Iron pill
Not exactly, per say. So not really, or at all.
We've never picked the right side. (maybe mexican american war because fuck the spics). We never even should have rebelled against the King. Civil war was a mistake. WW1 was a mistake, WW2, Spain, Korea, vietnam, iraq. all of it
If you have 99% of a fruit then you don't have a whole fruit. But you still have a lot of fruit compared to having no fruit.
They're made to read Marx in school, they were taught to dehumanize with shit like community gang showers, marching & chanting "there is no god" et cetera. This generation of Chinese youth will bring back their empire, and my blessing is with them kike.
Korean here. Fuck off.
The Chinese and Russians are the only ones allowed to study America other than some uber elite political science masterminds in the US who know the true stretch of 1776 and know what the second allayah was. Go fucking figure.
now this is an actual slide
It takes more that blessings to redeem a racial soul. It takes memes and Gods.
The truth.
I can attest to this.
t. feta nigger
They are infected with the Martyr Cult programming. I see that people didn't like your points but I agree with most of them. I believe the JEWS imported blacks, though. It is true that the semitic religions were not meant for Indo-Europeans…we had our own religions and thoughts before the invasion of our lands by pax Rome/Judaica. I have no problem with 'christ' (as we have no physical evidence from him and the ideology of 'cristos' is much older than 2,000 years).
I don't believe in organized religion on a fundamental level any more than I believe in organized government. Neither institution will ever respect or protect the Sovereignty of man. Where I disagree is in the 'kill traitors first' ideology. Who is worse, the person who is teaching the degeneracy or the person who learns the degeneracy from birth? Why should we kill our own people because of something the Jews taught them? Shouldn't we take care of those infecting people (jews) and then try for re-education?
But lets say for argument sake that you are correct…I am still not going to kill my own people to serve the jews interests. I would definitely rather kill the jews first and then separate from any of my own who couldn't come to grips with the sudden lack of kike perversion…over time, with no further influence ours would revert to natural humanity, rather than humanity 'made in the jews image'.
remember when britain fought 2 wars with the chinese to force a jewish controlled opium monopoly on the chinese people? fucking sassoon the jew
Jews. And the people who sold it to them were jews or crypto-jews "serving" the colonial powers
Something even pagans do. All religions do it.
I think you mean that it comes back to the jews.
Being so dumb as to think the jews didn't jew before the Christians is simply historically illiterate.
Nice ban evasion, shill.
Nah, they're just sexual Jews.
the chinks fear the samurai
Britbong please, the British Empire was ZOG before that torch was passed on to America. There was nothing wrong with the revolutionary war.
Daily reminder that the Swastika is the cross of Thor. Even if your enemy said a truth that hurt your fee-fees, the fault lies with you for holding onto faggy contradictions to begin with.
You are not Holla Forums because Holla Forums cannot be shilled. Only truth belongs here, preferably with a generous salting of racial epithets. You nigger.
Off topic for old-as-fuck OP.
Literally less than 2 years old you fucking newfag.
Literally this, and 2x4chan still falls for the dumbcuck Christianity meme.
NRx atheism is the final redpill.
Read the article, pinheads. He isn't against them AT ALL. I know these little gooks better than anyone since I have to go there and check their shit jewed factories. They love kikes and this is despite knowing all the truths about them. Why? Look at kikes and chink culture, all their stereotypes even line up to a T. Our forefathers were right about jews, they are not white, they are asiatics, they are vermin, they have insect hivemind mentality, they are literal parasites, and we need an exterminator.
Chinese psychopaths praising Jewish Psychopaths on exploiting the common and creative man. Does it get any more degenerate than that. No one should have any confidence nowadays in the governance based totally on extortion and greed…
Yep, but in 2017, look who's bought up Hollywood studios, and today, closed a deal on Rolling Stone: the Chinks. And guess who sold RS to the Chinks, the Jew Jann Wenner. And look at Ivanka's daughter speaking fluent Mandarin for Chinks on YouTube. Meanwhile, the wild and wonderful whites of West Virginia continue to pile up from opioid fever in Walmart funeral homes, as the nips prepare for another earthquake. Something tells me the Chinks will be holding a backup pair of scissors when the ribbon is cut of the Jersusalem embassy.
I disagree. Money is the only rational explanation for their advantage. Their low population numbers boggle. If only we could get a realistic estimate for the liquid wealth and financial assets of global Jewry.
David Ben-Gurion predicted famously in 1962 (not infamously enough imo) that by 1987 America would be a socialist clusterfuck of wage slaves, and that all world nations would look to the Israeli Supreme Court as the universal law, backed by a global police force. I could see this being fulfilled by 2027, thanks to Nikki Haley, Kushner, and Trump's brazen cabal.
Excuse if I'm posting too frequently itt. Tbh, the Chinese/Jew relationship, and the modern American Christian submissive/passive worship of Jewry, are the most pressing, concerning topics for me, within the batwing-like JQ umbrella.
I basically retreated from NYC after getting redpilled, to the South, where I was told growing up I had then-dead relatives who were in the KKK, which is ironically part of why I ran from my roots. My point is, even then the KKK and David Duke were mentioned to me only in reference to blacks and "white power." Jews were never even mentioned. Communists? Maybe. It was cold-water to learn 90% of Duke's platform was JQ related, and that KKK had anti-Jew billboards.
But now, in the South, literally 99/100 Christians are clueless about JQ, love Israel, love Bibi, want to bomb Iran and Assad. Across the class spectrum. Yet they bitch about Hollywood, the War on Christmas, immigration, BLM. Some even hate the Rothschilds, have books on them, yet dont even know the Israel history at all. And I reside in a large military town, so it's even more hopeless-seeming. Literal toasts to the Israel embassy news at bars.
As much as I read, Mullins, Jones, Piper etc, nothing explains how Southern Christians are so blank on JQ. While the Yankee kikes form families so organized and erudite, and loyal. It's like a Philip K Dick unreality, but I pray I have blind spots.
It's because of the batshit Evangelicals and other Christian Zionists. Remember, the South is full of bible humping retards. They have this insane belief that all kikes need to be in Israel for muh end times so the anti-Christ (the Jewish messiah) reveals himself and so Jesus can return to throw him and all Jews who refuse to convert to Christianity right then and there straight into Hell. Of course they are heretics who haven't listened to Christ and will be thrown straight into hell for assisting the Synagogue of Satan.
Shiff is also the kike that put the Rosevelts in office and one of the founders of the Fed.
Thanks user, although I'm aware of what Evangelicals believe. But take one for example, Mike Huckabee, who recently married his daughter to a Jew, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, whose husband is a Zionist Jew-American. So even here, if Mike simply likes Jews because they'll trigger the anti-Christ with Israel, why allow his bloodline to be forever mixed with hell spawn kikes?
I guess I'm a rare white, in that hypocrisy like Huckabee's would literally destroy me. One of the characteristics of whites that I cherish is intelligent principled worldviews. But the Southern Christians I'm around don't view Israel as tied to endtimes, they see it a natural successor to America, the little train that could. To me, this is treason. They brag about attending Jewish weddings in DC. These are high-ranked mil types.
It's just becoming very disheartening. I feel like Southern whites are mixing with elite kikes as much as the Yankees I was around. Sycophants. So where are the whites like us? I was curious about John Birch Society, but even this, I hear is alphabet soup.
I'll just never understand the low-information whites in the South as it pertains to Jews. They lack curiosity. They hate Muslims, fine, but are blind to see how the Yankee kikes are calling Southerners racists while neocon kikes incite the hatred of Muslims, so that whites die creating Greater Israel. How are "patriots" from mil academies so shitbrained about kikes? What happened to the anti-Jew KKK billboards, that mindset at least, in Georgia and other states?
This sounds like betrayal, but what I wouldn't give to find a handful of Southern Christians as sharp as the dozens of Yankee kikes I was around. If it's only me with this dilemma, lol, I should an hero.
It happened around the 70s and Reagan era, back when neocohens started taking over politics in America. Read up everything on Professor Kevin MacDonald's website, he explains everything about this
You fucking retards don't know shit about these oriental wankers.
They are called the 'Jews of the East' for a reason. Here's the thing, they absolutely are what you can consider redpilled on Jews BUT instead of being disgusted and wanting to gas them like every single other fucking race the oriental wankers RESPECT the heebs. They all have copies of the talmud and protocols of zion in China, Korea, Japan, and others in their homes and guess what they say? They aren't "wow, jews are pure fucking evil, we need to gas the kikes to ensure a future for humanity", they're "wow, Jews are amazing, let's be kikes!". Look at history, in all fucking human history EVERY SINGLE FUCKING RACE Whites, Mestizos/Latinos, Indigenous Americans, Africans/blacks, Pacific Islanders, Middle Easterners/Semites, etc etc ALL expelled or murdered a ton of Jews rightfully so EXCEPT orientals. Don't you find this strange at all? Think about it. They are too fucking similar, they might as well be the same if you weren't looking at their rat and samefaces. We need to exterminate them both, gooks and kikes, they're both insects, it's just one is more parasitic than the other.
Was this written by Black Pidgeon Speaks back when he was an user and not a youtuber?
Theyre not nearly as subversive as the Jews. Their influence in Asia for the most part is economical.
Give a white man a hammer and he will build a civilization. Give a oriental a hammer and he will make more hammers. Give a …etc
Koreans are the Jews, Chinese are the Muslims, Japan are the Aryans.
Read the article. The chinks don't criticize the Jews, they envy them.
Let me guess the rest.
Give a negro a hammer and he will attack people with it. Give a jew a hammer and he will pass it on to the negro.
[Long list of western technology given to China for nothing except hope it would adopt liberal hedonism like America.]
First, Fuckfaceberg gets told to be a man and name his own kid, now Trudeau gets his shit pushed in. Not going too well there, rabbi. Think maybe it's because they see what a joke America has become due to the destruction of Christian ethics and Greenspanonomics?
Looks like Israel is sending Al-Qaida to China.
AP Exclusive: Anger with China drives Uighurs to Syrian war
Uighurs aren't all of china, user.
This should be a Holla Forums banner
What the fuck is wrong with you? There is a big shift in progress. Several months from now this place will be the new halfchan if this sources like this are allowed to become the norm.
fucking do it. i want the kike and the orient kike go in epic fight to the death.
This thread is 3 weeks old. Every single time something big happens it gets bumped up and filled with nonsense.
Why do you think this happens?
Han Chinese isn't what you think it is. It's cultural identity, not a racial one.
indeed my friend
That must be why jewish mainstream media is demonizing China and shilling anti Chinese muh Tibet propaganda for decades all trough Hollywood and even started defending muh innocent oppressed Xinjang Jihadis
That must be why the kosher U.S. regime is openly hostile to China
That must be why their enemies Pajeets and jungle gooks the true kikes of Asia who openly glorify kikes are their greatest allies are shilled to whitey as second greatest allies by Jews.
That must be why Chinese themself are openly calling out the Jews as rulers of Burgers ruining the Jewish covert rule
That must be why the Chinese are waging an economic shadow war to take over everything Jews own including Palestine or as they call it "Israel"
That must be why the Chinese openly veto against Jewish takeover of Palestine
That must be why the Chinese openly endorse Palestines right to continue to exist
The Chinese learn this so they can control America with jews… More like Chinese threaten America tbh
Chinese are Jews, Koreans are christian goyim, Japs are neo-pagan atheist degenerates.
Give a jew a hammer and he will sell it to the white man to build a civilization for him in exchange, then enslaving the white man through debt.
I unironically have only seen this form of typing from /leftyreddit/. Wouldn't surprise me if you are a leftysoy tbh fam. Also those said jungle gooks especially the ones from Indonesia (anti-Israel and pro-Palestine) and Thailand openly support Hitler, they see chinks no better than kikes. Chinks are still kvetching nonstop about le ebil oppressive Japanese imperialists and want to copy the Rothskikes as accurately as possible. Whoever here ITT can give me a screencap from /int/ of that one Indonesian user hating on chinks would be very much appreciated.
^ tht one was produced by professional NSA psops teams.
It seems they really hate Odin… AND Jesus.
Chinks are producing chinks while japs will soon be producing niggers like based white burgers.
Makes sense of this:
China is getting kike'd. Hope they see this subversion in time and stop it before kikes establish a stronghold there too.
Reminder that communism itself was a Jewish invention and anyone that thinks Le based commie chinaman should get a helicopter ride
China was never not kiked you dumb African male