thegatewaypundit. com/2017/12/trump-cancels-uk-visit-january-prime-minister-mays-virtue-signaling-Religion of Cuck™ic-terrorism-tweets/

Trump Cancels UK Visit in January After Prime Minister May’s Virtue Signaling on His Religion of Cuck™ic Terrorism Tweets

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Best President.

Fuck off. Trump is still nothing.

Fuck our shit PM.

He should have gone and confronted her on it.

reported the kike

Shame. I would have liked to have seen Trump

Shit I mean he should go. Hell, he should call her today.

He should call her…a cunt

Trump decided he's visited enough third world countries in the last few weeks.

Why is our pm such a piece of shit. Fucking despise

You are correct about Andrew Jackson. But wrong about trump.

Theresa May is a kike puppet, Brexit was a mistake to weaken our EU allies


She's a lefty basically. She'd be much more comfortable if it were HillDog leading America



I know this. I wish we had a strong competant leader. You know one that doesn't care about refugees more than their own citizens

“Something” would be ending the Special Relationship with Britain for their repeated hostility against us. “Something” would be ending NATO like he promised (he has reversed that claim). “Something” would be exposing what the British did in WWI and WWII to get us into those wars. It’s not too much to ask, faggot. He’s not the best president. He’s nothing like Jackson.

He never promised to end NATO. At best he promised to make the member states pay for themselves, rather than having the US prop them up.

He may have suggested pulling out of the UN


The UK isn't worth visiting.

This, and he should do it today. Nice dubs.

why is england so gay?


Great argument, moishe. Way to prove me wrong.
Boom. Right there. Personally states that he will violate treaty obligations.
And where’s that? I don’t see that happening, either.

why do we allow tor again?

All it said was that he would condition defence of member states on whether or not they've met their obligations to the US. He said nothing about ending NATO

don't worry some cancerous holdover faggot will surely leak the call later today

Sure thing shlomo

Aaaand filtered.

lol look you even capitalized special relationship, the only "special relationship" britain has is that between it's children and the hands of pedophilic goatfucking moon demon cultists


Why doesn't he just get rid of all the holdovers. He knows full well they're nothing but trouble

>thegatewaypundit. com/2017/12/trump-cancels-uk-visit-january-prime-minister-mays-virtue-signaling-Religion of Cuck™ic-terrorism-tweets/



If he cucks on DACA, its over before the end of his first year m8. No compromise, and your shilling will fall apart if he takes that route.
Inform your superiors.

A fine question, with no answer.

come on now don't be disingenuous to yourself. potus can't remove people forcibly en masse from nonelected positions because he's potus not dictator, much morel imited span of powers.

the pigs in pic related isnt

She sure is devoted to those rapefugees. If some country in Africa suffered a series of jew finance bubbles, and I said, hey, let's ship our most illiterate, rapey white people to replace the blacks there, May would send me to jail.

He should visit Russia instead and make up for all the jew meddling.

This is such a great question. King Nigger gave Bush's people the axe immediately. And it made sense, given that we were going from Trotskyism to Marxism.
Now that we're edging toward populism with Trump, it makes no sense to keep the Obama commies, even if they're on their way out. They should have all been given the boot on day zero.


I have been banned in this exact context, twice now.

Cool story. Seems legit.

I am quite certain this user

is a mod. They still have a stranglehold on the board, they just can't be as obvious about it as they used to be, because people got really fucking sick of their bullshit. If they keep this shit up, it'll happen again - especially when they have to resort to meme-arguments and spamming to get anywhere.

wow, its like you aren't from here or something, you are replying to posts not even in the same thread, good work retard

Holy shit, I was in the wrong tab and clicked reply before realizing! Clearly that means I'm "not from here or something"!
Kill yourself nigger.

you HAVE to be embarrassed, this is some fucking shit I've never seen before. Thanks for the proof that anti christian shills are also anti trump shills. Archiving this shit.


Neat bro.

I'm gonna make a -nice- lampshade out of you.

I wish that Trump would be as vehement in his criticism against kikes as he is against mudshits, but at least he's willing to call out one problem. His point about May's hypocrisy in attacking him and not the violent muslims in the video is spot on.

I still see muslims more as violent, dumb savages and hate kikes more for being the conspirators promoting open borders and mass immigration to America and Europe. I have zero tolerance for either jews or muslims in my country.


kek she's giga kike tier
her husband manages something like $1.4T in assets
here's her suggesting that human rights laws need to be changed to be tougher on terrorist offenses note: the only thing she supports is removing the human rights of those who disagree with her and her party

Is this the guy who calls everyone Holla Forums and spams all the fucking time something is slightly not christian ?

Anyone with any nuts or agency left a long time ago.


We'll come back for you though, britbongs.

The Children of Mother England are loyal to the end. We just gotta unfuck our shit first.

We always come home.

stop posting, man.
what do you even get out of it?

saging my own doublepost

I believe the going rate is about 0.2 shekels per (you)


kek maybe a bit


lol, still waiting for that NATO dismantling, moishe

Man this guy is on a roll recently. Hes been shitposting and mining salt non-stop for days.

The United Kingdom conquered half of the known world and killed niggers for fun. Fast forward 150 years and the prince marries a niggerkike and its PM can't meet the President of the strongest nation in the universe because of butthurt and feels.

Trump should just go there and humiliate her in front of her people, i mean what is she going to do?
Arrest the POTUS for (((hate)))!?
yeah, good luck with that…


Hahaha, for those with eyes that can see, this is Trump putting pressure on the UK: Are they a real nation with their real history or simply another arm of the erstwhile Caliphate USSR ie the EU?

This is a way for him to put pressure on them, and to see if the Brexit vote will be adhered to or if (((they))) will find some 11th hour means of calling it off.

He's also signaling to the individual British people, we wouldn't mind a sudden influx of millions of white Brits after all.


That's a yuuuuuge slap in her face. UK still has Brexit hanging over their heads. They're effectively out on a limb. EU will see weakness and seize upon it. May will have to either continue pushing for Brexit and crawl back to Trump to ensure trade opportunities or kill Brexit and show she's nothing more than a kike puppet. This is why you don't let women or faggots into positions of power. Too emotional.

The salt market is crashing.

It hasn't been holdovers doing the leaking.

It seems like something clicked with Trump and he realized he has his hand on the lever now, fuck what all these faggots are telling me, let's flip this motherfucker

Kek demands a table flip.

It's time for all of us to stop and carefully learn how proper shitposting is done from Trump.




Right on point


Tell your gubment to stop sending Trump autistic arrest threats.

rapefugee cunt


She is a kike herself. Not to mention a prominent advocate for the surveillance state and the Izlahmic community.

The state of my country. One thing I was sure of was that we needed Trump for Brexit to work. They have now killed that because of a fucking retweet. Hopefully Trump changes his mind and does what is best for both countries while also blowing May and Sucdick Khan the fuck out.

Fuck the united caliphate.

But fuck the fucking wordfilter more, jesus christ this is getting retarded. It's so much fun being Holla Forums.




(((Theresa May)))
(((One Nation Toryism)))
(((The Tories)))
(((British Conservatism)))
(((Benjamin Disraeli)))
(((Oliver Cromwell)))
(((The British Empire)))
(((Leon Trotsky)))
(((Margaret Thatcher)))

Been repeating it over and over for so long now. Will you guys ever catch on?






Probably some form if chess.

Of, god damn it. Not that word.

My condolences britbongs

Trump was right again

But why? I mean if you were a muslim or a leftist, why would you be against her?

The only thing I can think of is that they're too thick to understand she wants the same thing they want, she's just smarter about getting it.

But I suppose I've answered my own question.

While he has, once or twice, made me cringe, I will never get tired of Trump shit posting on Twitter.



Britain is now more cucked than USA