I can prove to you that only 40,000 jews died at Auschwitz, but lets all go beilive a hollytwood kike world? We are HUMANS we hae a right to nknow thr truth. WE are NOT FOOLS of MASTER TYRANTS. You know how they get their armies to kill? They believe in their killing. Jesus said he who has never sinned throw the fiirst stone.
Hitler was created by kikes both intentionally and unintentionally. This world would have no evil if it wasnt manufactured to control the masses.
Brandon Wood
thanks for the laugh OP
Jaxon Ward
That would still be being 10000 times better than the best Jew.
Chase Rodriguez
Don't just go away and suck your daily dicks, OP. Please go get killed somewhere. Stop breathing my fucking air.
Elijah Thomas
Lincoln Perry
Nicholas Rogers
I wonder how bots get past the captchas.
Ayden Garcia
Carter Carter
I'd throw a stone at you OP and your false jesus.
Austin Diaz
learn to sage you pathetic fuckin niggers
Parker Taylor
My full retards? Sorry, but I do not own Holla Forums
Anthony Murphy
I don't get it, what did he mean by this?
Anthony Robinson
Bla bla bla, Armstrong or something
Ryder Long
lurk at least two years fag
Austin Butler
You mean a Communist? Fuck off back to /leftypol and find out, you jew faggot.
Isaiah Roberts
but like the moon….the moon like…played golf on us man retarded moonman related man
Levi Stewart
Hitler was a messenger sent by the Christian god to rid the Christian world of kikes. But evil won because the world is a cruel place. The kikes killed Jesus and the kikes killed Hitler. When I earn my spot in heaven by doing what I can to destroy the evil known as Jewishness or Jewry, St. Hitler will greet me at the pearly gates with St. Peter and they will say, "You're home now."
Parker Thomas
Hurr durr I can has cheese on the breading as well!
Michael James
Learn proper english and GTFO you brainlet
Camden Sanchez
This video had to be recorded in a complete vacuum with a gravitational pull.