phone fag alert, apologies for lack of formating.

Required viewing:

On June 10th, lauren Southern was attacked with a piss bottle. The above video uses multiple angles to prove that this retard also attackes Based Alaska.



q:But user, why the fuck should I not ban you right now?

a: Im bored, youre bored, have some fun with this one.

q: There is another thread in this, you retarded faggot.

a: Did not see when writing, apologies if there is.

Other urls found in this thread:


so a bottle of piss got thrown on a ocean of piss.

unironically kill yourself

How many times she got attacked with a piss bottle ? Seriously I swear I heard a story like that about her last year or earlier this year.

The origional event occured on June 10th, so it would make sence. The big deal here is that its the same faggot that acid sprayed Based Alaska.

This proves that antifa cam mobilize individuals through the entire west coast.


Please excuse my cancerous spelling in .


I must ask, posters of and , where does your news come from?


Go gas yourself and your kikess eceleb nigger loving whore. No doubt she enjoyed it. Even that fag degenerate race traitor gavin mccuck pissed on himself in solidarity.
What are you trying to slide here schlomo?
don't bother answering, just get in the fucking oven.

Why should it matter? Mods have a thread stickied for assisting the TWP and Matt Heimbach. This thread should be stickied too.

Stop trying to d&c and help in taking down antifa instead, mkay.


She actually wasn't a jew if I remember correctly, her ancestors just had a truck we took from them in WW2 and she and her parents think that's a 1st Shoa.

No it fucking shouldn't. No one here gives a fuck about her. If you'd been here more than a week you'd know that. Bitch shows up at campuses and protests specifically to have this shit happen to her, just like all the other aut-right attention whore faggots. Good lord you fucking autists are gullible. It so fucking obvious what she's doing. I bet she gets thousands on Patreon for pretending to be right leaning and looking half decent. Muh based jewess, am I right fellow Kekistanis??

Or so she claimed, after realizing that being an open kikess might make it a little harder to jew goyim out of shekels.

Alt-kike shit who cares.

Internal qurraling is for SJW cucks.
We are Holla Forums
We have been lacking
We must rise again

Srsly, weve not had a good op in months, lets do someting. Who gives a fuck why, its an acid throwing commie.


I see right through you kike.

She's not one of us. Fuck off.

And I see through your eceleb kikess.

Exibit A of internal quarrling:

also, your failed attempts at derailing are pathetic


Nigger this thread is going nowhere. It never was going anywhere. What's to derail?

Touche, fellow nigger.
Now, can we at least give them something to derail?


There's nothing internal. She's a zionist kikess who worked for Ezra Levant, she isn't on our side. When has she, or any of these supposed Aut-Right/Aut-Lite "free speech advocates" ever spoken out for anti-Semites, Holocaust revisionists, etc? Never, so why should we support them?

You put zero effort into the OP, ask us to do your work for you, all on behalf of someone no one here gives a fuck about and I'm the reason this thread is failing? Sure buddy. Feel free to link that video of her exposing the Holohoax anytime. She's one of us after all so it shouldn't be hard to find.

From your own source:
Gee, could Lauren שִׁמְעוֹן possible be a kikess?


Yall miss the point.

This isnt about Southern
This is about fucking with antifa
I just chose a target off a random vidya i found

Yes, this a was lazy op



read above post

Then what's the point with the pic you provided?


which, as you can see from this little flame war, worked

Yeah, scandinavia is christian. Christians use names from the bible, biblical names in scandinavia is very common. Biblical names = jewish in origin.

Patronyms are very common in scandinavia, if your name is Johan there is a good chance your last name is Johansen, Johanson, or Johansson, the son of Johan. In Iceland they always have -dottir if you are female, and always -son if you are male.

The name first appeared in Denmark in the 12th century, right after christianization.
Number of people called Simonsen as a last name in Denmark: 13k
Number of people called Simon as a first name in Denmark: 20k
Number of jews in Denmark: 6k

The point was not missed. Dox have been posted for Antifa consistently for months. If you were from here you'd know that.

Don't those fuck me eyes make you want to dox Antifa user?

Maybe it isn't always jewish, but if you combine its hebrew origin with the fact that she referenced her grandparents in a tweet about supposed jewish persecution, makes it very likely that she is one.

And if she isn't? Then she's still a shabbos goy whore, which isn't much better.

Well, the nazis blew up my great-grandfathers truck during the war, and he was not jewish.

I'm not trying to be the epic finnfag on halfpol here, just want you to get your facts straight and kinda tired of seeing this (((simon))) shit popping up all the time. It's a shit argument and wrong.

my wifes son died at sandy hook i live 2 blocks away from the school

woah impossible

She referenced what her grandparents lost in the context of jews still recovering. It's a clear implication that her grandparents were kikes.

Posted this stuff in an antifa thread on halfchan a few days ago, apologies for my newfaggotry to Holla Forums as a result but if it helps it helps.

Its mainly a collection of selfies ive seen posted in anarchist/antifa discord servers and some incriminating posts so nothing too major.













I think thats all of them, would it be useful if i posted the raw photos as well as the screenshots or is that un-necessary?

The last pic in seems to be just a dude with long hair. IMO he makes a more believable woman than #3 in who appears to be an actual tranny.

Kinda sad TBH.

The worst part is that i think shes actually a woman that looks like a tranny, and a dude with long hair is still passes better.

Archives to the original threads:

And the thread thats still on Holla Forums but archived:

Top kek you day shift shills need some training.

So a nigger loving coal burner gets piss thrown at her and I should care why?

Sounds rightfully deserved to me.

Ousting an enemy, you fucking faggot.


Nigger loving larper


Not defending Lausren, but you'd need something more than "Simonsen" to conclude she's Jewish, since Simonsen is just Scandinavian for "son of Simon", a common form of Scandinavian surnames, and in Scandinavia Simon is certainly not an exclusively Jewish name.

in all of Europe Simon and its many variants are common surnames, definitely not all jewish in origin, the name seems to predate even judaism
I know of several Simon, Simeon, Simonet, Simonetti, Simmons, etc in Spain, France, Switzerland, Italy who are all christian families from deep european roots

just the raw photo with their handle next time

Go fucking kill yourself you filthy faggot OP

you sound like someone from either reddit or TRS same thing tbh

checking these Hitler dubs

Her grandparents(from the father's side I guess) were Jewish and I would presume her father is also a Jew. Even if her mother isn't, that's Jewish enough for me. She isn't even smart it is just a bait for retarded goyim to masturbate to.

what a load of crap.

how about her employment by ezra levant? or are you gonna tell us that ezra levant isn't a necessarily jewish name either? shes a fake blonde who burns coal employed by a jew, end of discussion

Even if she was a white person she's still a nigger lover so she should kill herself

checking more Hitler dubs

I don't care about her tbh, being "a fake blonde who burns coal employed by a jew" is sin enough
but you shouldn't rely exclusively on her name to infer with 100% certainty that she deserves the oven because her name is no proof at all

What the hell are you talking about, it's a biblical name, of course it is common. It doesn't have "deep european roots" as in before Christianity. The fact is that Simonsen in specific comes from Jewish families and she admitted to having Jewish grandparents, which means that either her father or mother is also a Jew.


Lauren is a race mixer. That goat fucker boy she willingly defiled herself with is reason enough to ignore her. Then she admitted she was a kike so she's not even human.

Why are you faggots white knighting for a race mixing kikess?

it was probably already common in biblical times, because it predates semitic religions
the "deep european roots" are those of the families I speak about, many generations being christian europeans
There are jews called a variant of Simon, but all the Simon* I know have been christians forever
the fact "she admitted to having Jewish grandparents" is what makes her jewish, but you are wrong to assume that the name Simonsen is exclusively jewish

because doxxing antifa is fun?

We already have a thread for that you fucking nigger. Also


If you truly believed in the 14, you wouldn't give a single about this kikess. The fact that you do tells me you're not from here. No, we're not alt-kike you cum guzzling nigger lover. We're fucking NatSoc. Ebil natzees so GTFO of here and go white knight this bitch on reddit. reported you anyways for being a faggot enjoy your ban

ooh, a redditspacing shill is morphing into a ghrämmar gnadzee about the adequate spelling of doxxing

kys yourself

dude, I already said in one of my posts that I didn't give a fuck about her
reported you for filing a retarded report, moron

I don't think Lauren is a kikess, as some Europeans people have biblically inspired kike names e.g. Ezra Pound and it didn't pop up on her DNA test, but WHEN THE FUCK DID IT TURN OUT SHE WAS A COAL BURNER?
Is this new? I've never seen these picks before. Mods should have stickied this to silence her beta orbiters like OP forever.

The most notable thing with Lauren Southern is that she CONFESSED being associated with military intelligence before getting hired by Zionist Ezra Levant.

That was on a VIDEO where she drunkenly talks to "Tim Pool" - the video was shortly, and for no apparent reason, deleted afterwards. You can search "Lauren Southern military intelligence" to see what I'm talking about.

If anyone has the video, that would be great…

Good. Both Antifa and you Alt-Right faggots need to be killed.

100% goy

Shilling activity has been off the charts in regards to her recently, but she is a prime example of an agent…

Oh that's just the Fingolian autist from cuckchan.

I don't care for useful idiots, agent provocateurs or Jews. Stay the fuck away kike-puppet, degenerate scum!

Kikess or not, her coal burning is actually documented.

Believe it or not it's one lone autist from cuckchan that's defending LS.

Fuck, forgot to sage.

same shit everytime

Not all woman are like that, stop projecting (((woman hate))) like a castrated good goy…


Isn't it simple it's not about that right bitch. It's for our purpose. Antifa has stated its stance against us. Are you just going to let those guys bring more terrorists and mexicans without even trying?

Y-yeah! You said it! Let's rally behind this kikess because other kikes are kiking her and this totally isn't reverse kikeology.

Not sure it's that simple. Useful idiots are easily replaced. It is Jewry that is responsible for flooding America with foreign aliens, not the kike-puppets known as antifa. I see little to gain by focusing one's energy on these people.

Meant to reply to

Quit purity-spiraling. BASED Alaska is BASED.

Can you not talk like a passive aggressive soyboy?

This thread is absolute fucking trash.
My god how is it still even up. Personal army request, E-celeb shitters, alt-right and op the cocksucking faggot signs 'op' at the end of his god dam posts. and on top of that, his reason for using the op image is because she has 'fuck me' eyes.

This is beyond a fucking joke.
You fucking normies seriously need to just fucking stop posting shit. Pathetic, disgusting people.

Go back to reddit.


Exactly. The new antifa obsession is a rehash of the old "it's not the jews, it's the commies" line pushed by the jewish "anti-communists", who were just re-branded trotskyites.

Jonestein even tried blaming Vegas on antifa, with a fake witness who saw "antifa crap all over the room".

it took hormone blockers at 14



Lauren is an admitted jew and Alaska was a junkie and rapper ffs. The dumb leftist faggot should have thrown molotov's on them.

Fake and staged "attack" to create sympathy for the tranny, a.k.a "they're attacking 'our' women!"
Same guy because both the 'victims' are government/Rebel media stooges. The fake attack/doxing/death threat is one of their favourite advertising plots.

Video related, it's "Lauren" in bed with an openly transgendered man. Birds of the feather flock together. Lauren Southern is a man. Brittany Pettibone is a man. Lana Lokteff is a man. Tara Mccarthy is a man.
If you can't see that "Southern" is a man after watching her first Youtube video then you can't be helped.

But Henrik and Lana have a child?

Fuck Lauren southern, that alt-kike whore

Has anybody actually seen it? I remember hearing about them claiming to have one years ago, when it was confirmed that they definitely didn't. Very strange situation,

Jews like getting pissed on.

Harassing Lauren Southern and calling her a nigger loving race traitor is funny as fuck. You can tell that she's panicking and probably suicidal/depressed. With patience we will see tears.

Please see this is a VERY important point, because it applies to MANY alt-kike e-celebs.
Has anybody actually seen it?
This is a real question. I believe that e-celebs are using sound samples of children at play/crying and dubbing them into their videos, while also acting in a way which suggests a child is present.
Prime user of this strategy of seeming like you're a parent is Sinead Mccarthy. In fact the child sounds one could sometimes hear in her videos were not chronologically correct, more like a baby of 1 or 2 when her "son" should have been much older.
I also doubt "Wife with a purpose" and suspect that may be another transgender. Putting aside the massive coverage the Jewish media gives to "her", we have a person claiming to have had 6 children in rapid succession but showing zero toll on the body.
Where is the video of this "proud White mother" carrying? Where are the photos of her "baby bump"? Why does she very rarely mention the husband? Why do we never see the children but only hear them?
Trannies all around.

Just to add that "Wife with a purpose" constantly has a mouth full of saliva which has to be noisily sucked away, I believe, because he is using an "apple hiding" technique common amongst mtf trannies which involves keeping your throat and tongue in an unnatural "almost swallowing" position.
Video related.
I got my scapegoat, so I'm probably going to be voting Democrat next time. Have fun freaking out about Antifa!

There's a picture of the kid sucking her tit out there.

Let's change the topic, how do we get MORE piss thrown on kikes? particularly by our enemies?

double deuces confirm

"x is a tranny" is a typical shill technique, probably used by competing e-celebs. Regardless, she a kike so it's fucking irrelevant.

can you stop supplementing "faggot" with alt-kike friendly dialogue?

The tranny thing pretty unlikely, but it's definitely possible that Lana is lying about having a kid. She apparently did it once before.

Holy fuck this.

So, what you're saying is that he did nothing wrong?

Yep, I remember it

She needs to be chucked into a oven, and so do (you)

phone fags should be a bannable offense


The leftists are comprised of a dozen groups who despise each other only slightly less than they despise white men. They work together to seize power first, then fight internally to divide power second. This shit works. Alt-lite and paleocons are useful. Work with them.


Fuck off to cuckchan

It seems like there's something missing from his message but I can't put my finger on it.

That would be a good point, if our enemy was just the left, and not the jewish race, which Simonsen belongs to. If you think this is about left vs right, and not jews vs gentiles, then you don't belong here.

I bet she enjoyed it too. Jews have a piss fetish.

This makes so much sense. Something looks very off about each of them.