Hey Holla Forums.
How to groom your gf into being fash? Dont want to scare her away or Im probably never finding someone again in my life.
Hey Holla Forums
"it's ok to be white"
hopefully i can explain this well. you don't redpill he outright. you make her redpill herself. first step is to break the conditioning. give her examples of how she's been lied to her entire life. give her a reason to start questioning things. once she questions the official narrative, then she's willing to listen, but not before.
if she refuses to swallow the redpills, maybe it's worth scaring her away
Thanks for the help, she really is a good person and I dont want to lose her.
Women will accept whatever you say if they love you unfortunately. So it's hard to penetrate those years of brainwashing if they lack critical thinking. Best thing is to find someone that is at least conservative with conservative parents.
There are 10 things women appreciate:
On a more serious note, first you train her to respect and worship you. You do that by being manly. Afterwards, she will naturally change as you keep tossing redpill after redpill. Remember, women want to listen to orders, not to have their opinions asked.
You can start by taking this shit thread back to cuckchan.
Go to the gym and get ripped as fuck. She'll be naturally submissive to you and believe whatever the fuck you want her to believe.
Lead by example.
People seek to emulate those they respect.
Already in good shape, but thanks for the tips.
Do what the other anons have said. Then watch Hellstorm together. Worked for me.
Demonstrate your willingness and capacity to kill in her defense. Ignore any protests. It will make her juicy wet.
Suffice to say women think with their ovaries.
Point out Jews wherever they are involved. Mock them and their habits/political inclinations.
You may not groom her into being a fascist (I'd argue that women shouldn't be political at all) but she'll at least form a schema for Jewishness more in line with reality.
go back to cuckchan with these shit threads
and shame on all you retards actually replying without a sage
help an user out goy
Truth and checking that glorious id
You didn't get dubs, but you should have.
I don't know what the fuck is going on here or who (you) (((people))) are, but this is now a gondola thread - and you all need to go back to where you came from.
was I just gondola'd.
Just drop redpills subtly like
Damn the news is so depressing "who runs it" or who is behind it" then both of you research that & discover kikes own all media.
Then complain about the national debt & say " who do we owe the national debt to?" And both research & holy shit kikes own our central banks.
Then hit her with the "Levin affair" & the uss liberty"
rip not american
europoor right here
you shouldnt want your gf to be fascist. she should agree with your political views and understand the struggle but you should primarily want her to be a good wife and mother to your children who is concerned with maintaining her virtue and keeping the household nice
sex is for making babies, degenerate.
My mummy spends hours per day using the jewtubes app on my old 360, it's her sort of 'all in one' entertainment platform. I've always felt half inclined to sign her into my account and see where my subscriptions/recommendations would lead her.
I just fear that doing this would also reveal my power level, and expose all of my degenerate weeb shit.
just tell her you dont like niggers
fuck her good, hard and often. make her feel appreciated but at the same time that you could leave her in an instant and not care.
and keep all your redpills basic as fuck
the more detail you go into, the lamer you will seem to her. women dont care about this shit, they just want to be with an alpha and have kids.
I have actually invested substantial time into answering this question
Not necessarily just women or gfs, but people in general. I could write a complete dissertation on this but I'll keep it simple for sake of dissemination.
All ideological conversion is done through in-group migration. Social pressure is the foremost reason for changing in-group. For this, the social pressure of your group must be greater than the pressure of all others, which exposes the following strategy:
Your influence must be greater than the total competing influence. There are three win scenarios here
1. Your influence is greater than all other social influence in her life. Immediate win.
Likely groups: solitary hobby groups (gamers, weebs, tech geeks)
2. Your competition's influence is so low that yours is greater by relative superiority. Circumstantial victory.
Likely groups: religious groups, counter-cultures
3. Your influence is lower than the combined competing influences in a free-for-all, but greater than each individual one. Tactical victory.
It's easy to believe that it's logic and evidence that wins people over, but it's not – these things are only used as justification. What wins people over is social pressure.
After you've converted someone, you must hold onto them, which is a different topic altogether, but just as if not more important, and definitely more complicated and shines some light on the finer points of the offensive, but that's all beyond the scope of this post.
Feel free to ask me any questions about this.
Women submit to dominance its really as simple as that , if you are not dominant you will not attract women
current GF confronted me after I told some other whore to stop associating with muslims and beaners, and that her child would be a shitskin abomination and it will be her own fault. our conversation started with "your a bigot and so evil how can u say such things etcetcetc"
now she is dating me and listens to what I say, because Im her man and good women listen to their men
you dont need to "redpill" her, I really could care if my gf is "redpilled" as long as shes smart enough to avoid niggers, shes a cute aryan girl willing to bear my children, and she doesnt constantly argue with me over political nonsense, and these apply to her. and tbh considering how sweet she is to me now, I dont really think she cares how "bigoted and racist" I am either. she finds me attractive and dominant and thats what she cares about.
care about making yourself attractive and dominant before you care about redpilling your gf
pic unrelated
nah, that's cold hearted and will keep her from bonding strongly to you. Purposefully being distant isn't going to get you a wife.