DOJ Going After Lefty Aquitted Mexican Murderer

DOJ looking to file federal charges against illegal immigrant acquitted of Kate Steinle murder after Attorney General Jeff Sessions voices outrage.
The Department of Justice is considering filing federal charges against Jose Ines Garcia Zarate after he was acquitted by San Francisco liberal lunatics on murder charges Thursday night.

Zarate was an illegal Mexican citizen who had illegally crossed the border six times when he was charged in the death of Kate Steinle. He was acquitted on charges of first and second-degree murder, manslaughter and assault with a deadly weapon after lawyer said gunshot was an accident. Sarah Isgur Flores, the Director of Public Affairs for the Department of Justice, confirmed the DOJ was looking into charges including felony reentry. If convicted in federal court of federal reentry, Zarate could serve up to 10 years in addition to the year he has left on his one charge - felony weapon possession. Zarate was initially scheduled to be deported after his sentence, and both Sessions and Flores have blames Steinle's death on sanctuary cities.

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he needs to be killed not provided for on taxpayer dime

Can any of you legalfags tell me how the DOJ avoid double Jeopardy?

Somebody should renounce their citizenship and go and shoot his ass and get away with it

I was wondering what Trump's move was going to be. I'm happy to see this.

Who wouldn't pass a mexican for killing a blonde woman?
The blondes are especially hated in commiefornia.

Federal law vs state law I guess.

DoJ please hang this fucking bean, ty.

obviously not a blond

muh god emperor

Honestly I was a bit concerned Jeff was gonna cuck out on this and recuse himself somehow. Thank god im wrong. He should look into the prosecutors histroy and intentions.

This attention whoring SJW public appointed (((civil rights))) defender for the city of San Francisco is going to be turning it into a media circus with himself front and center.

All it takes is charges under a different law, then it isn't "double jeopardy"

The only thing the Federal Government has jurisdiction over here is the fact he is in the country illegally.

Collusion , corruption , intransigence , coercion , conspiratorial , lackluster prosecution

In all honesty like user said last night this is a necessary injustice.

nice trips

Can Trump just declare war on Mexico already?

Charges he's acquitted of and thus cannot face again: First Degree Murder of Kate Steinle, Second Degree Murder of Kate Steinle, Negligent Manslaughter of Kate Steinle.
Charges he has yet to be tried for: Felony reentry.

Honestly, the case would be pretty easy. With continued incursions by Cartels, many of the members are outright Mexican armed forces with the blessing of politicians, it's basically committed warfare against the USA for decades now.

Weapon charges

They received help from your govt as well.

Why don't three strikes apply to this criminal?

and you retards will be entertained the whole time it plays out debating which tweet is the most BASED

Of course, there's enemies on both sides of the border. Politicians love themselves the drug and human trafficking. Need to knock out both govt backed cartels and seditious fucks here.

Double Jeopardy = being tried for the same crime twice sans new evidence to support the case after being previously acquitted on the same charges. The DOJ are putting different charges on the spic.

just because you sit here and moan about nobody doing anything doesn't mean it's not happening faggot

He was also in possession of a federal agents handgun, the weapon that killed Kate.

Fast and furious. Eric Holder needs to be held to account over this. Mark my words



wake me when something actually happens

Thank you.

good post shlomo, +2 sorosbucks have been deposited into your account.

Good. White people get pissed and the bean still gets locked up. If that's the case than the outcome is a good one.
[F] Kate.

i cant help it im emotionally invested.

shes not blond and trump is zog. you can disagree but then you might have to form an argument.


Fuck off retard

Yeah, I sure do love paying taxes to keep a murdering foreign invader alive.

Well the way these mongloids function, anything that happens will receive one of two reactions from them. Even if it's directly contrary to their interests, they'll try to play it off as beneficial to them through some obtuse version of what normal people call logic (I believe their term for it is 4d chess). The other reaction is just impotent REEEing.

He moans about nobody doing anything while not doing anything, and if anyone were to organize any kind of IRL activity, he'd call everybody involved a fed.

You deserve to be fired upon with birdshot.

muh shilling. now go collect your shekels goy.

well the constitution doesn't protect non citizens anyways, but they are charging him with illegal entry, not murder.

That gun was/is so hot it's glowing white on FLIR

Are we just going to ignore this?

This is such pathetic cuckoldry, and will go nowhere.
He should be executed, not merely deported so that he can make his way back in again.

They aren't though, they're CONSIDERING it.
They aren't actually DOING anything at this time, despite the fact that this fuck MURDERED A US CITIZEN and was let off scott free.

He has no rights, he's here illegally. Trump should send the fucking national guard to apprehend him and execute him, which is well within the Executive powers. But Trump won't do shit.

Call me a shill, whatever the fuck you want, it doesn't fucking matter. Won't change the reality on the ground, and the more you niggers blindly shill against criticism of Muh Dog Empra, the more obvious it becomes that you are, in fact, paid shills of the administration.

absolute shit tier shilling son

Forget about the DOJ. Deport the beaner and pay off a drug cartel to decapitate him with a chainsaw. Then post the video to liveleak, and Trump can retweet it.

Its the judges who should be under trail and removed from power they let recorded broad daylight crimes happen without punishment.


What would anyone like to bet that the entire jury was beaners?

Examples like this trial are why the clan formed in the first place btw. They don't tell you much about the history in place because racism is wrong cause feelz. But this is it. Everyone understood the law was flawed but had to be followed to avoid larger issues down the line. But some things demand justice, moreso when the law is forced by circumstance to fail. Thus the hanging tree was a thing, and a BIG reason so many judges and police of the day were prominent members of the union of free men under natural law. If you expect anything to come of this legally from this corrupt and defunct system you are a fool.

You either teach why an non corrupt law system is worthwhile and demand justice be handed down, or you accept corruption and tyranny. When the lawmen still stood with the people when bringing natural justice they secured stability and security in society. Nobody else can do it, even the feds coming down on this spic will do nothing but protect him and his vermin brothers as well as the people whom want them here. Let him be, or kill him should you have access. There is no other option. If the lawmen of our age do not step up with us it will fall to those whom have to fully reject the law, the society that supports it, and the people fool enough to still believe in justice at the hands of evil. Such course leads only to war, the worst kind of war.

BTW, you can fuck off feds. Go check out the normalfaggot sites that let normalfags speak. Their eyes have been opened today with the overwhelming showcase of corruption; and their righteous indignation and hate at unjust acts have been brought to life. We are the only ones whom have spoken the truth and now they mimic us. The numbers are vast now. This trial is the worst thing that could have happened for you. The war is close now. We all have turned the corner on numbers needed thanks to the news today. Now… now we need only an spark. If you are a fed, you should strap your fucking gun and badge on now and seize the nearest corrupt politicals and news faggots for anything and everything you can. You are likely to get fired for going against the system's masters, but at least it will give you some cover that yes, you were one of the good ones and you tired to act. Later, when you stand before men whom no longer give two shits of your mandated laws and are jaded and bloodied by the hands of those whom protect it and their corruption, you will have little else with which to defend yourself. Such courts are not forgiving most times as history should show you, but leniency is a thing assuming its someone whom bothers to think which you stand before. It could be the only thing to make any difference. Or follow the system over into its inevitable end. This isn't about rules now, this is about the individual choices you make as a man. And that choice is clearly now being revealed to those less aware than us by those whom hold no badge. If you value this country and still desire to defend it as you swore such oath, time to move yourself and become the rallying call upon which to retain civility on some level, the alternative is us. And frankly most of us don't give two fucking shits about any of it beyond spite filled vengeance and the survival of our own. Such is what happens when wrongs are done unto you and no recourse can be made. Family or coin guys. Time to choose.

He will never get tried. He's going to spend the next 8 years in Guantanamo bay or something before he finally gets tried for illegally crossing the border. He's not a citizen so he is not protected by the constitution.

DOJ Issues Arrest Warrant

This is an excellent move by the DOJ:
If they let him go with federal charges pending it will be open season on CA.

They're not charging him with murder. Felony reentry.

Even better. Make them hand the shitskin over while the problem is still in the public eye.

Will they still be this smug and smiling when the murdering alien gets convicted of his crimes?

Oh please, let SanFran try to use being a "sanctuary city" to hold him. Please let them be that stupid, I want a shitstorm to explode.

They should make him part of the wall

Because that worked so well the last 5 times. Only way it's going to make a difference this time is if Trump gives the order to put a bullet in the back of his head after they dump him off in Mexico.

So? Let him self-expose Liberals as the traitors they are.

not much has changed

Simple. He's a known illegal alien and a felon and he's already admitted to possessing a firearm. Under 18 USC 922 (g)(1) and (5), he is guilty of a felony. Unlike most crimes, 18 USC 922(g) violations are strict liability crimes. In other words, there is no criminal intent, not understanding the law, not knowing the law, and so forth. The prosecution need only prove the relevant facts, and it's a guaranteed conviction.

Local cops use this law to send repeat criminals to federal prison. Dajuan and Lamont, two local gangbangers are pulled over for a license and insurance check. A firearm is found in the car. The gun belongs to Dajuan but it doesn't matter because it's in the glovebox. Lamont's prior felony for PWITD crack cocaine means the cops haul in Lamont on something like public flatulence and call the ATF. In most big cities, ATF already works with locals on these cases. The next day, Lamont finds himself in front of a federal magistrate with an ATF agent who files a criminal complaint that Lamont is (a) one stupid fuck, (b) a convicted felon, and (c) riding in a car where he was constructively in possession of a firearm. Lamont's baby momma breaks down wailing and his momma swears he dindu nuffin as the ATF locks him up, without bail, because he's a flight risk with no local ties to the community.

If I recall correctly, these crimes carry a mandatory 5 year minimum federal prison term. Assuming Zarate is convicted and sentenced to federal prison, ICE will place a detainer hold on him. Unlike local or state facilities, the federal prison will not release him when his sentence is complete. He'll be released only to ICE for a plane ride back to whatever shit hole kicked him out.


That's the point most likely. He wants the liberals to make this sic the hill they die on. He knows that they, after all their showboating, will try and fight this. This will also make them look bad to others.



he was never charged with illegal reentry only murder related ones

san fran needs to be nuked from orbit

Oh, I didn't mean to suggest that he should do nothing. Just that he should show he isn't the pussy Obongo was and render him incapable of invading the country for a 6th time.


make it shake

It won't happen, but that would be fucking heaven.


Do you think she is blonde or not?

I don't get why shills are butthurt over this. Is one mexican really that important to them? I guess you have to be a shill to understand their frustration.

Perhaps the defense should be taken care of Clinton style? Six shots to the back of the head ruled a "suicide" by the coroner.

get out

Shills want to have complete and absolute control over everything, all to create a world view/reality where their views are law and truth, even if it runs counter to actual reality. Even things that one would normally let go they can't since that would be an aberration in their world view and something out from under their control. In short, like trannies, they are trying to force their delusions on everyone. The merely paid ones are complicit in all of that by participation alone because they are so devoid of introspection or values that anything they do or for any reason they do it for, in their mind, is justified. They're not people basically.

Honest question:
If it turned out that she was Kate (((Steinle))), would it be ok to use the situation for political capital, or would it be ignored or even celebrated?

How does Trump fuck up the spic and avoid legal double jeopardy? The plane crashes on the way to D.C., you know, with no survivors.

Accidentally shooting white people now legalized?

Sadly there is no death penalty for illegals. Yet. Until then lock him in solitary for 10 years then ship him home on the last day providing he survives in there.

No, only when it is an (((accident)))

Sue him for wrongful death? kek Make him mow lawns until the family is paid off.

We would say it was deserved yet still unacceptable in a lawful society. Their mistake is our gain.

Fires cannot rise without oxygen.

This shit infuriates me, that justice can be so absolutely perverted and corrupted with minimal outcry from the subservient American public. This is what race mixing does to a country and its pride.


Someone should introduce them to a new game.

One white man - wearing the soiboy headgear of choice of course.


Apparently some of these ultra cucked cities think they can do without the federal funds. I guess the next step is to increase the ICE budget and basically flood these cities with ICE agents who seek out and arrest the illegals, sidestepping the cucked local police. Maybe San Francisco will enjoy being garrisoned.