In regards to the "storm"

When a storm makes landfall there is no doubt it is a storm.

… There is not a single person in the Pentagon and the Defense Intelligence Agency that supported Hillary Clinton. ZERO, ZIP!

… The CIA/FBI and the Pentagon were/are in the midst of an internal shadow civil war over US Foreign policy in regards to middle east policy.

… The Pentagon controls all branches of the US military.

… Trump is surrounded by Military Generals.

… Hollywood & the cable network news are being purged.

… Put two and two together.

… Tic Toc


Your reddit spaced blog post and lack of hard sourced info isn't very impressive. You're actually kind of obnoxious.

b5ba63 No.10984096

Fuck Off…

Namefagging isn't needed. Lurk a couple of years and you'll see why.

Pentagon is revolting against ZOG
I gotta say the Armed Forces are performing well lately. Idk why but armed forces were always more trustworthy.

Like even the naive devoted soldier hated the idea that the war happened for a non noble reason. Despite being ordered around people with special training in how to kill, they can pull out some unexpected good moves.

This is a new level of retardation.

what the fuck is this

Pack your shit, you're done.

don't even bother lurking just get out.

Kill yourself already, this isn't plebbit

You can go, too.

the storm is in my pants

I'm beginning to think these cbts larp threads are actually a CIAnigger effort to flood both chans with these reddit fags to deteriorate the quality of the boards and force us to fragment even more.


Kill yourself

patrician taste

I'll see myself out

Ntrepid observation user.

Fuck, forgot sage as well.


fake if gay

Reported. Kill yourself, Q.