Pope Francis asks for 'forgiveness' from Rohingya rapefugees
Pope Francis has met with a group of Rohingya Muslims in Bangladesh, asking them for "forgiveness" in the name of all of those who have "hurt you".
Isn't he a good goy?
Pope Francis asks for 'forgiveness' from Rohingya rapefugees
Pope Francis has met with a group of Rohingya Muslims in Bangladesh, asking them for "forgiveness" in the name of all of those who have "hurt you".
Isn't he a good goy?
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Catholics are all cucks
Is this cuckpopenigger for real? Like what about all the Muslims that hurt Buddhists and shit? Muslims are the fucking main reason Buddhism died in India. They genocided the fuck out of them and still do whenever they can but they bitch when people fight back fuck em.
The fuck does the Church care about any of this mud-on-rice shit?
Can we please meme it so all catholics cut ties with Vatican and form their own state religions? Polish and Croats especially, which would be based if only not for MUH POPE.
I'm fucking sick of these faggots abusing children and hoarding gold. A tenth of all gold in Vatican is Polish, do you have any idea how much gold that is? They could be in 10 years the first or second richest country (GDP/capita) in the world even richer than Qatar with that kind of backing to their credit causing investor-confidence.
Because come on guys we should all just get along. Just get along with the muslims trying to demographically replace you, the leftist groups trying to topple free speech through underhanded tricks and Soros and the other big time jews unapologetically trying to gain more power through the destruction of the western civilization. Don't fight back, that's hateful and totally not what Jesus would do: Just turn the other cheek and the other will always find it in his heart to spare you.
So, so tired of this cuckold. I'd stopped going to mass in late teenage years, and only fairly recently have I learned about Sedevacantism– it's a split-off from Catholicism that believes the papacy has been empty since 1958,and that it was subverted by Jews and Freemasons after it was discovered that the Church played a supportive role in the NSDAP movement and removing Jews. Catholic monasteries had the network and had the buildings to help good Germans escape the Purim-fest vengeance the jews had planned.
The Jews of course learned of this, and threatened the Vatican to either pass the insane Vatican II reforms which removed guilt of Jews for EVERYTHING and literally smashed the cult of St. Simon of Trent and numerous other saints. The church has been in heresy ever since.
Whether you are catholic or not, look up Lucia's 3rd secret of Fatima and what it actually said. IT has nothing to do with John Paul II being shot. I think Ratzinger resigned because he saw writing on the wall. There is now a genuine marxist in the papacy and he is inviting enemies of overrun Europe and Rome, and no one will stop him…
Catholics are always extremely critical about the Popes.
They are the only ones allowed that. You can criticize him, as long as it doesn't reach faith issues. (infallibility only applies to faith issues)
This is why/how the church survives bad papacies.
Whether Catholic or not, is is pretty bizarre the Lucia insisted the 3rd secret be released in 1960– the year they began planning Vatican 2, which was finally held in 1962. To this day, there is np proof of what the letter said, but the "miracle of the sun" had had numerous, serious scientists study it. And whatever it was, it was observer from miles away by people who had no idea something was meant to take place that day, which puts "mass hysteria" out.
The Pope is infallible when speaking ex cathedra on matters of faith an morals. However, this pope has raised many questions (in the US especially) about "dual-loyalty" (Dr. Scheuer, a Catholic, actually wrote an article on this). This fucking pope is dangerous. HE an outright "liberation theology" communist who is giving the "papal blessing" to Europe's literal invasion by an enemy that has seen conquest of Rome as its final aim for 1,400 years. He's insane.
Kill it, gut it, and wear it as a skinsuit demanding respect
… appears to be the current state of both Anglicanism and Vatican II Catholicism.
part 5 of the newer documentary made from the same guy who made greatest story never told.
Since we're talking about prophesies, this guy is supposed to be the last pope, right? Did the church vote for this cuck just so they can have self-fulfilling prophesies? The whole of Abrahamic faiths is insanity.
Dr. Scheuer on this Pope and how is raising questions of Dual-Loyalty for US catholics:
"Were the Protestants right about Papists? I have been a member of the Church of Rome for all of the 64 years since my baptism. Trained as historian of the British Empire, I also know that for more than two hundred years Catholics in America and elsewhere in that empire were, because of their faith, severely discriminated against socially, politically, and in terms of employment. Such discrimination in America was based on several factors, but the central issue for non-Catholic citizens was whether Catholics — aka: Papists — were citizens who would obey the republic’s laws or who would instead truckle to the dictates of their Pope. (NB: This question remained an issue in the Kennedy-Nixon election in 1960.) Over the past two centuries, American Catholics slowly climbed a very steep ladder — some rungs of which lead to their murder — to social, economic, and political acceptance through hard manual-and-menial work, distinguished service in the U.S. military and America’s wars, educational achievement, and a vigorous, die-hard kind of patriotism. But regression now seems the order of the day. Pope Francis has condemned Americans for wanting to end illegal immigration; for electing President Trump — the only American president pledged to stop abortion; for defending its interests militarily; and for not paupering the republic by mindlessly agreeing to fund the European socialist elite’s climate-change scam. Pope Francis also has told Americans that they can save themselves politically only by abandoning the republic and joining the plans afoot for an authoritarian and murderous world government. This week, U.S. Catholic bishops joined the Pope in beginning to reinvigorate the idea that American Catholics may be more loyal to the Pope than to their country Terming President Trump’s termination of Obama’s clearly unconstitutional DACA Executive Order “reprehensible”, the bishops wrote,
“Today, our nation has done the opposite of how Scripture calls us to respond. It is a step back from the progress that we need to make as a country … [it is a] heart-breaking moment in our history that shows the absence of mercy and goodwill, and a short-sighted vision of the future.” (3)"
The reason Caths are realitively shilled out is that much worse Popes have existed and things managed out ok in the end.
Also people outside the Church take the Pope command in a much more Imperialistic way.
If he isn't advising on Faith and Dogma, it is just his opinion as a Bishop dressed in white. If it is about Faith and Dogma, then it's about somone as St. Peter sucessor.
Point being: All his opinions on immigrants are Geo-Political, not related to afterlife or beyond. He knows this and avoids stepping on faith issues when he is controversial.
Meaning there is no formality to say he needs to stop, because most formalities are not about geo-politics.
On the other hand, it means you can critic or oppose said opinions because they are his opinions as a white bishop, not as st.peter sucessor.
I haven't gone into this stuff in a long time, but he's meant to be the one before the Anti-Christ. And, based on his behavior and some of his words, I can absolutely see that. More of Scheuer's article on Pope:
Terming President Trump’s termination of Obama’s clearly unconstitutional DACA Executive Order “reprehensible”, the bishops wrote,
“Today, our nation has done the opposite of how Scripture calls us to respond. It is a step back from the progress that we need to make as a country … [it is a] heart-breaking moment in our history that shows the absence of mercy and goodwill, and a short-sighted vision of the future.” (3)
The bishops and their hapless, Marxist Pope apparently believe that Americans will be safer, happier, and more prosperous in a country that is overwhelmed with illegal aliens, ruled by would-be tyrants like Obama, devoid of the rule of law, and governed under a Constitution no longer worth the paper is written on. Instead of this reprehensible intervention in American affairs, the Catholic bishops and their Pope ought to try to repair the wreckage of their ethically and morally crippled church, and let Americans decide by what means their republic is to survive. If the Pope and his bishops decide to hoe their own row, they would do well — at long last — to start by annihilating the plague of pedophilia that seems to infest the Church of Rome at all levels, makes mock of Christ’s message, and destroys the lives of children. Failure to do so, as the bishops might say, will “show the absence of mercy and goodwill, and a short-sighted vision of the future.” It also will alarmingly suggest that perhaps the Protestants have been correct all along in fearing that a despicable and dangerous scourge lay in the heart of Catholicism."
They have a religion that transcends borders.
As a result, it's in the Vaticans interest to destroy all borders.
Also recently they learned that their tithes are larger from mud countries, and their converts are more rabidly fanatical in mud countries, so all their conversion efforts are in mud countries.
As a result, it's in the Vaticans interest to replace all white populations with mud populations, because muds are more fanatical.
And fuck you that's not earlobe spacing, it just looks like paragraphs on a 5 inch screen.
This is material that can be used to critcize the Pope on faith issues.
Problem is most of outside church people do not care or even understand why it is controversial or not, making resistance crumble by itself.
On dual loyalty, he may be allowed something because Jesuits were a sect of the Church with the mission to specialize/professionalize on how to deal with Protestants, being allowed some liberties.
In older times, Jesuits were forbiden to be Pope, due to said liberties.
Church has been under extremely heavy attack since the 60s. After 50 years of pounding, things got desperate enough to elect a Jesuit Pope.
target and kill ALL those that work in vatican city.
kill the pope
Please name me another pope who has literally welcomed followers of a religion sworn to capture Rome into his territory. If I had to guess, you watched the HBO whatever thing on "The Borgias?" They may have been scum, by all accounts they were, but they never allowed and encouraged Religion of Cuck™ to come into their lands. The main duty of any Pop is to protect "his flock" from the wolves. He has failed at this. Every dead body is on hi conscience at least partially.
Borgias did worse.
They allowed killing and torture of people newly converted to Christianism as 100% ok and Inquisition sponsored.
Can't beat that level of screw up(allowing killing and torture of your new members) in a religion that is suposed to seek converts. Utter disaster.
On a side note, how can we help the righteous 969 Buddhists in their holy war?
Can be deduced that the Church can't handle any more heavy artillery from ((mass media)), has been under heavy attack since the 60s.
Criticism in media on Church stopped since Francis.
There seems to be a cease fire treaty from ((them)) "get the Pope to say left wing things, and maybe we don't destroy you"
I didn't know much about Jesuits until a friend from South America began to enlighten me "your Jews are our Jesuits." I learned about 'The Black Pope," how he gets to read on a piece of paper whom the conclave has chosen before anyone else. The Jesuits, IMO, need to be disbanded. And next you can bet we'll have a nigger as pope.
So disgusted with the entire papacy and really Christianity. Have been studying Salvitri Devi, who is amazing
(it's a shitty reading with shitty sound effects but worth enduring just for her words. She also has a page with all her collected works):
How many times does the people need to see of his actions and behavior until they'll realize that he's the Black Pope. Someone needs to poison him before he can damage the church even further.
The (((conversos))) earned it all and much more.
Well the famous Vatican II… before that Jesuits were forbbiden to be Popes. They were just meant to be specialists in dealing with Protestants. That's how the design was.
The prophecy that the last Pope would be the Black Pope is not about race, but implying he could be a Jesuit.
I don't know. Feels a tad humiliating, he showed promise at he beginning. I suspect he's being blackmailed by left wing mass media.
You're very naive to think Inquisitors were only after conversos. Inquisitors were puritans who could go after anyone except the King.
Yeah, I can imagine because of the raise of cultural marxism especially after the failed marxist revolution of 1968 in France and around the world. Still, it's very strange for them to elect this guy after the last guy they elected and right on time with that prophesy, like they choose the worst guy they could find among them just to end it all and have him welcome the anti-Christ and then turn around and say "we told you so!".
Tell Trump and have him use his authority as commander in chief to support them?
I know that user. But given just the general direction the world is moving and how the media jews were screeching for a negro pope last time, and I think Africa now has more "catholics" than even south America some thing (although African "Catholicism" involves mixing voodoo and snake worship with the parts of catholicism they find palatible to try to use the White man's juju.
e.g.– look how Mugabe relied on a "Catholic Priest(!!!!) during his last days in power! After all the White rapes and murders that scum has ordered, why did the cuckold pope not defrock that nigger priest ASAP?
Here is the follow up part 6 basically ever since the end of WW2 the church has been occupied by freem@sons aka Luc!ferians. Hitler recognized this threat to the church from the Freem@sonic Allies, and their Jewish Communist counterparts.
Like everything else, the Inquisition is greatly, greatly exaggerated to make the Church look bad. During my MA, I spent 3 months in archives Spain and then at the Vatican looking at the (very little) they'd allow me to see.
The inquisition was not some monstrous, sort of all encompassing force. After about 80 years, the Spanish suddenly looked around and noticed that those in the court closet to the Kind were all jews! Further investigation, and all those who has been "catholic" for 3+ generations were meeting every Fri night and not available on Saturday mornings.
They were practicing high kikery!
Now, did the Inquisition go too far in places, and committed some excesses? Of course. But fewer people died from the entirety of the Inquisition than from a "small battle in WW 1 or 2.
The role of Catholic Priests in such case is not temporal power.
They always think in terms of infinity. They were there to prevent Mugabe from going completly satanic, not to provide a fix.
A fix? Church is at 20-10% of its former power.
The practice of killing new-christians is utterly Satanic.
Doesn't matter if it killed kikes as a side effect, but allowing the killing and torture of new converts is a demonic and satanic practice, sponsored by spanish model of inquisition, and due to its sponsor of satanic acts, in need of opposition.
No wonder Protestant movements appeared in similiar timeframe.
Good old inquisition was much milder and wiser.
How novel.
Pope Francis is not the real pope. It frightens me how many people have completely memory holed this fact.
At this stage it might acutally be harder to find institutions that haven't been cucked.
I'm more surprised Catholicism wasn't cucked sooner because it traditionally opposes everything that's happening now, including (((them))).
Also, this: gatesofvienna.net
Lemme try this link again.
Well, people have been demanding a leftist pope for decades.
People should be more careful of what they wish for
It's not satanic to fight the synagogue of satan. The inquisition were reasonable authority figures. Those "new converts" were all kikes larping. Just like the kikes we have now claiming to be (((white people))) when it suits them.
>mfw the times I go to church major holidays this guy is hardly mentioned as opposed to the polan and nazi Pope for who they were licking feet
Catholics aren't idiots anons. This Pope is despised.
it's satanic to torture your own kind just because you sperged out at kikes infiltrating
old inquisition was much more efficient and less spergy in dealing with kikes
"there are kikes, therefore we will broaden the amount of people who end up tortured"
goes against Catechism, Genesis and even standards to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah
they selected a pope that resigned and was replaced with francis in like the first few months or so. it was all over the news. seems you've been memory holed as well.
(((People))) and non catholics have been demanding it. not actual catholics. this pope is only popular with liberal atheists that have nothing but contempt for my religion. him being chosen was a bit of a controversy alot of the church was upset about. its such an odd coincidence this jesuit would replace the chosen pope. the coincidence seems very (((pure)))…
Then they should speak out more and demand the guillotine for him.
problem is catholic church is also supposed to reach out to non members.
won't happen. unless he commits actual Heresy, he has to stay for as long as he wants.
You're thinking like monarchists are suposed to kill their king if he acts unpleasant. Doesn't work that way.
You need to spell the word differently for the filter dude.
Catholics were at the center of desegregation across the West, whatever jewish influence promoted it, it can't always be used for a reason the Catholics fail because if so then there is nothing there to prevent kike subversion from the inception.
Without desegregation there would still be problems for the White race but not to such a high degree, not on where existing is ok. Remember it was Catholics who proportionality didn't vote for Hitler. It will be known to them what their anti-racism has bought them before the end.
without compromising the faith, beliefs, or traditions. the catholic church reaches out with their missionary, charity, and availability.
As long as he doesn't do satanic sacrifices on live tv or fills the Vatican full of kebab they won't care.
The Pope is something similar to the British queen. He's revered but meh nobody cares.
I agree with you, that's how the catholic church normally acts and is suposed to act.
But it was driven into a desperate corner. It's on survival self defense mode.
I have never seen the source on that 2nd pic
To anyone with basic common sense it reeks of fake info because the colors are perfectly inverted and that never happens so perfectly in nature
Something tells me either you aren't A catholic or, if you are, haven't read many papa encyclicals on the Jews and the penalties for practicing Jewry whilst pretending to be a Christian. Feel fee to peruse some of them.
TBH, you seem like sort sort of rupture bunny who would probably want niggers in Europe to "save their souls." You're cuckolded friend.
This is why christcucks are temporary allies at best. What is best for christianity is not what is best for the white man, but christians are ultimately devoted to the success of their religion. Even if it means hunting down every last white person.
No, it's because they are submissive by nature. The Catholic-Protestant map is also a racial map of Europe. It's why corruption and degeneracy is allowed to go on in the open in those countries. In the North a cheat and a liar will be shunned, not so in the South .
the catholic church was never having financial issues. it was just a "young member" issue. i kept seeing this shit in the news but i know for a fact most churches were doing fine, but they were scared of having fewer members.
but funny thing about this pope. he has yet to reinterprit any scriptures, which is the only "holy" part of the pope's job. but he is setting the church on a path of destruction, and the fact that the previous pope randomly resigned and this guy jumped right in from his super unlikely background just spells (((coincidence))) for me.
It's all just smokes and mirrors as he doesn't want to burn any diplomatic bridges in that region.
Oh gates of Vienna. Catholocism in itself is ass backwards and weak and is known for bending the knee to the invader, eg third reich, soviet union and this shitskin invasion.
Pope and catholic church only cares about it's own ass and will gladly do a little dress up in order to preserve it's silly pseudo-nation.
While I have the same question as you on that 2nd image you should probably look into Kirchenkampf, and if you can't trust its history then read about it on the catholics' website. I know of Pope Pius XI's encyclical Mit brennender Sorge and how it was smuggled through the network of the Catholic church to be read to congregations in Germany.
Hitler tried to make friends with the Vatican many times and at each moment they derided him for some Globalist ideology which will have them destroy themselves.
the pope is a nigger
If the conversion was a farce, then they're not 'new-christians', but only pretenders.
Christcucks gonna cuck.
This was not always so. They were coopted from within, by promoting compromised homosexual priests into the upper echelons of the Vatican. Ignore anything after Vatican II.
I don't like calling them "Christcucks", both because it denigrates the name of Jesus, and because it implies that they actually follow the words of Christ - when in actuality they only care about the Jewish demon (((YHWH))).
i think it started going downhill when they decided to worship a dead jew as their god
Like how this board went down when you edgy 4children came by.
This pope sucks bad. He is an useful idiot.
In all seriousness though, Christianity is inherently anti-white for the same reason that civnat is – be it the state or the religion, at the end of the day, you don't care about blood or history or race, but some abstract construct like "culture" or "faith". At least back in the day Europeans had the good sense to tie their faith in with their race and values. Christianity is a "one-size fits all" affair.
I call him a Heretic all the time.
Wonder what would happen if common Catholic folk found out he was a Jew.
I mean it's not like it's outside the realm of possibility, look at his nose.
Why do Christians follow corrupt leaders that deviate from their texts?
Vatican church has been shown to be filled to the brim with corruption through hundreds of years. How can anyone seriously consider those lunatics to carry the torch of Christian faith?
They turn a blind eye if they slaughter Christians for their own gain, fuck the people associated with the Vatican they deserve God's judgement for their sins.
The image implies the embroidery is of a goat head (or something like that), but it's probably an image of a bishop wearing a mitre. The top is not visible due to lighting or deterioration of the vestments (vestments worn by clerics can be centuries old).
"The scribes and the Pharisees sit in Moses' seat: All therefore whatsoever they bid you observe, that observe and do; but do not ye after their works: for they say, and do not."
Bishops are still objective authorities as long as they hold to the orthodox faith, even when they do a poor job of living that faith themselves.
It makes some sense, in an "avoiding cycles of retribution" sense. Prominent figure calls for peace - a card from a different deck, savvy?
Why are you pagan tree huggers so fucking retarded?
I agree with the pagans, Christianity is a dead end cult.
You better follow a warrior culture, m8, not Christianity.
I hate this gay fucker. I guarantee he sucks dicks and prefers nigger dick.
On the upside, when Religion of Cuck™ takes over Europe I'm totally going to convert and help them throw leftists, jews, and catholics off roof tops.
Pope Francis, the emissary of his kike masters will HANG on DOTR !
This imposter will go !
Benedict was Pope for eight years. He wasn't memory holed. Although it is probably he was forced to resign.
This. It surprises me that people argue for Catholicism just because it's 'traditional.' The word 'catholicism' literally means 'globalism.'
Many of the early popes were jews - as late as Alexander VII in the 15th century. They were responsible for setting and maintaining jewish communities in Italy - they even consented with the Rothschilds monopoly, and to the many privileges gave to jewish merchants by Charlemagne and subsequent nobles with their "court jews".
When Christianity took over the Roman Empire, the only tolerated parallel religion was judaism. The church do nothing, or hopes to pray the jews stop being so sinful at most - that is NOT enough.
That being said, this is possible the worst one - but hey, in a globalist institution, full of pedophiles, who was set up by jews and to this day work hand-in-hand with globalists to set "missions" to destroy the cultures all across the world, yeah that is not a surprise.
The majority of those killed by inquisitions were not jews or muslims, who were allowed by the thousands to move to other countries, but local woman who kept their traditions alive, and renaissance thinkers.
Although the phenomena of witch hunt was more prevalent in protestant countries, it was widely carried in more rural catholic areas, like the Alps, the Basque country and Habsburg Germany/Netherlands/Bohemia. One particular case was how the Bishopric of Salzburg killed over a 100 children because they claim they were "devil worshipping".
Now there were indeed some jews/actual satan worshippers who were killed by these trials, 90% of them were simply hysterical bullshit or motivated by local rivalries and attempts to judicially kill one's enemies, 5% of them were "pagans" or people accused of being "werewolfs" or to have "danced with fairies", and the 5% last were actual scum.
Strawman 101. The pope is loved, not just by liberals, but also by the non-whites, who are the majority of christian worshippers in the world. I've seem endless praise to him at my local church.
Spot the d&c shill. Yeah, let's not question all the kikery in the church and it's, not just deafening silence towards degeneracy, but actual promotion of it. Reported.
Call them "churchcucks" since all they do is parrot church propaganda narratives and screech at anyone who points out the degeneracy and pedophilia inside it. They are just "christian identity" shills who cling to christianity, not for any merits of it, but because it's something they see as "their own", when, in fact, it was set up by jews and the pope and high clergy believe something much different than what they preach to their flocks, wearing "saturn hats" and decorating Rome with Obelisks.
These types are perpetually butthurt and fanatically in denial of any criticism or any flaw of their churches ("but muh pharisees", it was not "true christianity™", there is no pedophilia in the church guys, its liberals making that up lol" and so on…)
Sorts of "arguments" like - i-it built muh western civilization guys, not the romans, the dark ages wuz a "liberal myth", despite we having to go to ruined places like Pompei to find the remains of the classical world, christians wuz gud bois and never abused anything in the middles ages or killed half of the german population in religious wars over interpretation, the proto-masonic crusaders who were later burned at the stake defended europe despite avoiding spain and going thousands of miles to kike land, and the fact that the romans never had a problem dealing with arabs before christianity destroyed their empire, and that indeed we would never have Religion of Cuck™ without christian ideas of "universal dogma" and spread jewish tought to everyone…
To them, despite all it's jewish character, christianity is a "homage to greek tought" because it was preached in greek (guess Das Kapital is a homage to german tought because it was writen in german…)
If you are a christian, don't use it's inherently non-european features harm your political views, like those at /christcuck/ do…
Anyone who puts religion before race is a race traitor. It is not enough to say you support both, if race comes second, or even just equal. Race must come first. Anything less, and your devotion to your race cannot be trusted: there could come a time when you must pick between those two interests, and if your race does not come far before your religion, how could we trust you to pick race over religion?
Those who say they are equally National Socialist and Christian, we cannot trust to pick National Socialism. Remember in the darkest hours of the Weimar Republic, Catholics rejected the NSDAP to bloc vote for the Catholic party instead. A Christian will only be your ally so long as it suits Christianity's interests. When he is called on to side with his race at Christianity's expense, he will show his true colours.
Never trust anyone who considers their religion more important than, or just as important as, their race. They will betray you.
Reformation 2: Electric Boogaloo, when?
So here is the trick with Christianity. Long story short you're not really supposed to give a fuck about anything outside of worshiping God. The entire end goal is you die and then live with God and Christ for all of eternity.
At the same time pagans were a bunch of tree hugging animal fuckers. Who enslaved other whites and sold them to mudpeople. Who are no better then Indians and Niggers whining about past transgressions.
I hate this Pope. He's a pussy.
The last Pope "resigned" but I think he was pushed out by multikulti kikes.
Ok here is the trick about Jews. They claim they were chosen by gawd but most Jews worldwide are atheists. They don't believe in gawd, heaven or hell but cling to their Judaism because it's a well disguised racial supremacist religion that taught them how to control GOYIM with guilt trips and lies.
Also semites a are prolific goat fuckers.
The new testament rails against that. The one world government referenced in the new testament is a Satanic one.
of coursh. The Vatican abandoned Christ and the Bible in favor of non-biblical teachings and traditions. Occasionally you get a decent pope/bishops, but on the whole the Upper-ups of Catholicism are compromised and corrupt.
Oy Vey. The Pope isn't urging goyim to nuke each other. Kvetch with me, your fellow nazi.
The jew cries out as he strikes you.
Accepting that virtual signaling these fucks means he wants an intervention in Burma.
Fucker is deceptive.
direct you rage at those that are actively hurting you i.e jews and arabs.
t. Rohingya
phoneposters get the rope too.
Pope Sidious was probably an evil fuck as well, but when I heard he was stepping down, I kind of dreaded what was going to replace him. My fears were confirmed the day an atheist friend said "Now THAT'S a pope I can believe in."
Portugal here, I'm up for it.
This is beyond cucked. I fucking hate this man.
This IS a faith issue though. It's prostrating yourself beyond an invading, hostile, religion.
Why do you go to church with non-Europeans user?