EU to remove kebab. Literally

Street food vendors up in arms over possible EU kebab ban

Utterly haram.

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wtf I love the EU now

Kebabs are made of little girls, aren't they? Why not ban that instead? Kek

Anyone who thinks that the EU is doing this over concerns of our health is an idiot. They are doing that to turn more turks into welfare queens.

Kebab shops are 99% money laundering schemes.

Thank you for this response. Funny how lots of people (presumably burgers) don't realize that kebab shops are the yuropoor equivelent of the haji marts/arab run shitbusinesses that litter the northeastern united states. These subhumans get caught ALL OF THE TIME for reselling products they buy with public benefit money, etc. They are open about it too usually. Vid related - they are all like this.

How will Europe survive without its national food?

kebabs aren't jewish


Wrong kind of kebab, genius.

It was meant to be a pun, newfag.

Got to know the owner of one in Germany and can confirm this. Lot of drugs sold through it too.

Buying ethnic food is aiding and abetting the invader

You meant the national demographic?

This point is something I have been passing casually along in conversation with impressionable colleagues at my place of work. Successfully got a handful of them to drop eating beaner food - most of them don't like any of the disgusting arabic food that ended up here (i live in a (((sanctuary))) city) .

Inb4 banning phosphates is goatfuckerphobic

Semites are semites are semites.

Kikes are our primary enemy. I want to reassess the situation after they are gone, if there remain any enemies.

Oh man I better stop going to my favorite japanese restaurant then.

you know who sells ridiculous amounts of drugs? drive through coffee shops. i chatted up a guy who runs a small, cash only pull-up coffee shack and he says at least 50% of business is drug sales and that's true most pieces. pretty clever, actually. just put it in the cup and hand it over. big with the trucker crowd it seems.

Why does she do that negress head bobbing thing? Do US arabs naturally associate with the niggers or is it just a genetic artifact from all the miscegenation with niggers over the millenia?

There's nothing wrong with eating ethnic food, so long as it's not made and sold by ethnic cooks.

I thought you could have a job and still be on welfare in the EU?

It is a poisonous attitude that non-whites in America usually adopt because they crawl on top of each other for the gibs in metropolitan areas. The (((sanctuary))) city that the video clip was taken from is also a city that experience race riots in the 1960's and literally every white person moved out throughout the past fifty years. The city is depressing and a complete disaster…majority black and take in literally any subhuman from anywhere (unless they are white). I think that the "imma baddie in a hijab" attitude is natural for them because both niggers and arabs/moslems/whatever share virtually the same IQ, have the same "style" of culture (brutish, forceful, sexually aggressive, violent) and they probably use the same public utilities (hijab turds using the same free stuff facilities as niggers, etc.) However people out here (by "people" I mean the majority red counties that fill the state of NY) hate the fuck out of the metros and hate moslem scum. Folks are very receptive to stories like pic related out here.


Can confirm, buddy of mine went to buy a kebab in Oslo and got told they don't even sell kebabs.

They do skewered chicken as well as grilled elephant leg and it's still called kebab. That's how you know they are turk/arab rather than whatever greeks are. They call that one souvlaki and they don't partake in the leg of Lucanian cow.


what's going on in those pictures?


but that's the only thing shitkins are good for
of all the things to remove

looks like false flaggin'

btw, false flaggin' in volkswagen is a cool rhyme




c'mon faggot spill the beans, wtf is that


alright i'm bored now, fuck you

개새끼 영어로 말하는 방법.

He's a gook soyboy captured by worst korean feminists and this is a call for help!


I have my doubts.

Is your ID seriously all zeroes or did something glitch?

lurk 2 more years before posting.

I guess it better stay that way

Hi shill!



can confirm

American here, is this a European thing? Sounds very believable anyways.

ban the phosphates used in the slabs of meat

What would be the reason for them wanting to ban this now?

Probably fearful of shitskins burning more white women in the streets with homemade shitacid or making mudnigger ghettobombs.

Probably to replace them with arabic semen I'd imagine. The new delicacy.

Evil to roll like that m8.

this joke is played out by now, at least put on the meme flag so you can say you were just pretending for (you)s

Don't blame the playa

What is Starbucks and Dunkin Dounts, user?


People buy drugs at Starbucks and Dunkin Donuts? I was thinking of a "drive thru coffee shop" ala drive thru beer stores, etc, degenerate arab level establishments. Kikebucks and Double D are not franchises but huge chains and follow huge chains of command…I was thinking of a more rundown and broken version of these businesses for crazy Euro truckers and the migrants hanging out on the roadways.

Niggers do

In my area, there are a few Colombian owned cafes but they call the coffee 'Café con leche'


like they have a fucking say in the matter. fuck these pieces of third world traaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaash and all of their customs. If kebabs were banned, a shitload of kebabs would probably self deport.

If "kebab" shops close they'll probably open different restaurants or mini marts like they have in the US

Hey muhomo'd the pedo goatfucker, watcha doin?


I've been here since cripplekyke moved to hookerville after leaving his jew-financed flat and I only learned this a month ago. Also, this place is turning into a fucking echo-chamber.

Not banned UPBOATED xD

The fuck happened to us. Where the fuck is this going? We're turning into halfchan with zero humour and you all know it. Der Führer would be fucking ashamed.

And what THE FUCK happened to /mead/? Oh, that's right, you niggers all called it a trap, despite maryland anons and dutchanons having to rent out entire bars to hold their group. I'm the only guy from the maryland/mead/ who actually still visits this place. Most left after the Gex fiasco. Most also cite the aforementioned faggotry as why. Also, redstick is fucking dead too and that's on you niggers as well as so many of you said, "it draws too much attention". Everyone on this board needs to take a long fucking look in the mirror. We're a hop skip and a nigger away from turning into those faggots who spent all day posting "YAAAAA RAHOWA" on their backwater forums 15 years ago.


shut up copy paste shill, nobody reads your dumb shit

Show me where this has been posted and I'll pay some Thai whore to suck your cirumcised worm. The truth fucking hurts. We have grown weak and its unacceptable.

They'll never recover tbh.

/mead/? I made /brew/ go there and do whatever you want.


t. riggered eurohammad

Yup,more often than we think it's just a way to get more sand niggers (he has a contract,he came to work)launder money/sell drugs.
Also it can double as a mosque for not mosque friendly meetings

check mate burgers

Blacks have been 14% in America for the past 150 years. Muslims are growing in strength every year.


German here. Grandfather worked as an electrician. Had a client which was a kebab-meat factory. Didn't eat kebab since then.

I don't understand why EU lefties do this, but there must be a reason kikes profit from this.

10000%. Which is why you can see run down kebeb shop owners driving around in a Mercedes.

I bet you're glad we're out of that terrible association of ethnically white nations aren't you lad?




It's been the case several times already, yes.

He just wanted a burger

But he got heavily riced

Ahmed Alshami to face 14 years in prison and deportation. Related to vid. Sandniggers had history of shady business practices and want to block law with "Muh Religion of Cuck™ophobia". Fuck em. Glad they got busted.

You are a shitty, obvious shill.


lurk more faggot.

They also employ every single male member of their roach pack for a certain period of time so they can apply for more welfare.

Not only that. They are drug trafficing and people trafficing outposts.

Kebabs are delicious???

Nightclubs, strip clubs and various other types of places are used for the same thing.

What the fuck is that even meant to mean?


Kill yourself.

shitskins get work stimulus funding to run their shops, the market is so over saturated you wouldn't believe, its hidden welfare.

That explains why there is so many kebab shops that all seem to be permanently empty.

Forgot to add why does every kebab shop seem to sell beer?

That hardly ever happens.

Medication capsules, Marshmallows, candy, ice cream, yogurt and Jell-O has Gelatin which could contain cow or pig skin.

So mohomo'd the pedo goatfuckerens tend to not give a shit about their rules?

*Mo ho mea deans

They dont give a shit when they can make a dinar on it
Fake halal kebab is pretty common since pork is cheaper

Muzzie morality

Wow. Any news on Clanton?

nothing Holla Forums can say will tarnish my love for poo in loo food

If the EU bans Kebabs that would be first time the EU has done anything right.

Fingers crossed.

what the fuck