I'm sure a lot of you have seen this new video "I'm not racist" - youtu.be/43gm3CJePn0 by Joyner Lucas.
How do I put what has happened since this video dropped into words.. It's difficult. When you have such an absolutely insane perfect lyrical performance by Joyner on the topic of how we view blacks and their problems from the perspective of your "average Trump voter" being given to black people by black people it throws them off.
Like the video itself throws you off. It takes down the psychological defenses of black people because it's a rap artist saying these things (maybe because Joyner himself is light-skinned he's actually able to understand both sides of the race divide).
Like literally millions of blacks are watching this video and crying and shit in their reaction videos and responding positively to shit that has been needed to be said for a long ass time.
Will nogs stop nogging? Probably not. But I genuinely see this as a good thing that forces whites and blacks to address the issues in the racial divide between us in this country.
When you have blacks on twitter trending this shit saying it's lit when they just got the shit that we talk about all the time said straight to their fucking face in a way that only someone like Joyner could do; this is something special.
I jus wanna have you guys' reaction to this video if you haven't seen it and talk about it because I'm like obsessed. I see blacks on twitter and YT totally being accepting of the message this dude is saying and acknowledging the mastery of this piece of art.
Why do you spend your free time being obsessed with what black people are doing? It's just strange.
Elijah Hall
The nigger doesnt even try to dissuade the fact that he "hasn't gotten calls back from jobs" is why he turns to selling drugs, not trying to amend his behavior, change his ways, or stop trying to be a nigger. Also notice how the white guys voice is the niggers, its wholly written by niggers and "performed" by a white guy, if he's not just some red-bearded mystery meat.
Liam Baker
This is a NacSoc board. And the issue you brought here is boring and irrelevant to us.
Bentley Ramirez
its not its a political board. at most a right wing political board.
Henry Rodriguez
Death to niggers
Andrew Collins
I haven't, actually. And I stopped watching sensationalist garbage around this time last year. Fuck off CNN.
Charles Long
pol spends all day bitching about niggers and they're actually listening to the stuff we bitch about how is that irrelevant
Xavier Roberts
The white dude literally said that he needs to change his ways and stop nigging to get jobs.
The black dude says look it's hard because people don't want to hire me because my name is Jevonte and I come from a really shitty environment.
Try to take a step out of your ideologue-ing for 5 seconds.
Robert Miller
Trying to hijack the narrative? Good luck next time kike.
Logan Clark
See, the thing is, I don't want niggers to get jobs. I want niggers to die. That's it. I want them all dead.
Tyler Watson
Bentley Morris
I'm not watching 6 minutes of coon tunes.
Aiden Gray
Once you take the red pill you instantly become away that there is only one wing. Everything else is a fallacy built on lies, half-truths, philosophical circle jerks, and delusions of grandeur.
The irony is in the name. You come here thinking your have opinions only to realize they're shit when your true self is exposed and laid naked for the board to see. You either become enlightened and overjoyed or you sadly surrender, head down, arm raised with the flag held high.
Hudson Flores
Good job you nigger the only thing you did was delay the race war and ensure greater white destruction.
Andrew Cook
Anthony Richardson
I grew up in fucking Inglewood and been to the Sub-Sahara, these niggerlovers can't possibly seen what I seen and experienced what I had to. You think the South and other places are racist as hell because they hate niggers for no reason or their skin color? Funny because I don't hate the Indians and Pacific islanders whose skin gets as dark or darker than most niggers. I dare you motherfuckers look up the demographic map of the US and where all the niggers of concentrated then look at the well known most "racist" areas. See the pattern? You don't hate the niggers for no reason, they are savages and do not belong among civilized man. The niggers, their behaviour and inherent nature, like the scorpion and the frog, it is barbaric and subhuman. You see the chinks eating dogs and that's outrageous, the niggers eat people, human fucking beings, every damn fucking day. Even Arabs from long before whites came along on that shitsahara knew how subhuman niggers are. You can say whatever you want about a few pet house niggers that were supposedly good in your life but if they were around other niggers they would nig just as much 99% of the time. The 1% of em? They will never make up for the majority like betting on 1% of leopards not snapping your neck and eating you. Send them all back to Africa and then seal off the continent for another 40000 years until they evolve into decent fucking human beings like the rest of the human race. Either that or give them all to Arab and Jewish slavers who will castrate and sterilise all the billion of them, then eventually we'll solve their troublesome race in a single generation.
Tyler Rodriguez
The problem is that these retards think being racist is even a bad thing
Juan Butler
This one almost deserves a screencap.
Evan Gomez
Yeah and I want like 5 million bitcoins.
Joyner Lucas he's a fucking god
Jaxon Collins
Tyler Moore
They literally are look at the youtube comments or look at the hashtag on twitter.
Why do you think that it isn't a good thing that nogs are finally listening to the type of shit that we complain about them and taking it in a positive way?
Inb4 I get banned for not circle jerking about genociding blacks.
Blake Miller
wow edgy 10/10 i'm not black
Andrew Kelly
Wow, you pretty much just copy pasted the same OP from 4chan.
Hudson Long
fuck off faggot, kill yourself
Cameron Mitchell
I don't care what they're bitching about or who's listening. You can't fix nigger. Never have never will.
Jason Allen
Dylan Edwards
Alexander Jones
Michael Brown
Andrew Thomas
Also, because this needs to be said for some reason, the sentiment of everything the "white guy" "says" is presented first for the nigger to rebut. It's one more "No you are racist shut up" for the pile.
Camden Gutierrez
Brayden Miller
Never post here again Joyner
Gavin Price
I posted it on halfchan but it got pruned bc duplicate thread so i copypastad here
Benjamin Clark
Enjoy the ban you filthy nigger scum.
Nolan Thomas
yes. thank you.
James Jackson
posted that earlier on Holla Forums and a bunch of retards started to get butthurt, like I'll read a walltext
Jose Gomez
uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i'm not black i'm just not a fucking sociopath my bad
Evan Ward
#MAGA #MilitaryBase DOX (((HIKKI-obasan)))
Adam Bell
David Peterson
Gabriel Myers
Nolan Ramirez
See your problem is you assumed 8/pol/ is just an overflow tank for cuckpol. The culture is actually very different. Here the accepted wisdom is that niggers are and will always be a leaden wieght around the neck of every country that hosts them. No amount of political posturing can turn a chimp into a human, and doing it in their sign language doesn't help.
They don't have to die, necessarily, but they absolutely have to go and so do you.
Joseph Cox
Go die, normalshit niggerlover.
Jordan Lee
Don't forget 8/pol/ also hates every single right-wing group and functions as leftypol's attackdog.
Henry Martin
Yes; I know you want Holla Forums to hate black people because they know the truth and you can cover it every fact up with "they're racist". Racist or not they are still right and it doesn't change anything. You are sick for trying to push this behavior so you can have an easier target.
John Mitchell
Did you fucking crosslink this from 4chan you piece of shit?
Jaxon Gonzalez
Lol Le White Consevative Strawman BTFO
Anthony Turner
Just for the thrill. Instead to stress the need to terminate males; we should focus in the females. Negresses are the responsible party for to popping new spawns every year. If they are targeted, thousands of white lives might be saved.
Logan Reed
I don't care what niggers think
Leo Clark
lol no
Gavin Ortiz
Its just another kike propaganda, fairly good one. Not really worth discussion on this tier especially consdering thats what they want.
You dont belong here.
Julian Hill
Niggers say the dumbest things part 9000 You casually overlook the fact that the nigger speaks for the white point of view, lets see how that would go down if it was a white person you fucking mongoloid.
Also the message? if its not fuck off back to africa they arent getting the message.
Caleb Perry
As he said, this is a NatSoc board, which means National Socialism, which means niggers out.
Christian Peterson
Pretty much just video related all over again.
Asher Cruz
Natural and organic
Levi Hill
You guys know this stuff is pumped out by Jewish music executives and such, most likely "ghost written" by an actual kike and just mouthed by some monkey. Other monkeys see their monkey saying things they like, and clap and honk and hoot and holler about how great it is. Fuck whitey amirite.
Eli Davis
Devil's advocate here, but in white countries. Non-nigging nogs are welcome if they manage to achieve National Socialism in Africa.
Bentley Stewart
Henry Davis
National Socialism isnt for niggers, stop being ridiculous. It wasnt supposed to be for anything except Germany, Ive seen numerous quotes about it being "not for export" and about not allowing anyone else to use the term Fuhrer or Reich etc. Niggers can only nog, they just go around hacking eachother up and stealing until theres nothing left to steal when left to their own devices. Read pic related. In National Socialism, only the native group are allowed to be citizens with full rights, everyone else are guests. Even as guests, niggers are alien to Europe as they were alien to the Rhine, and it is a crime to bring them.
Alexander Wright
Reminder that mixing with Japs was a big controversy at the time, even for just the handful of statesmen who had done it because they were exposed to Japanese through their work, and thats part of why they were named honorary in the first place was because it angered people that their blood was being mixed, and that it didnt align with our racial theory. Reminder Japanese halfbreeds arent white, and you end up with the Eurasian tiger spamming nigger cocks to promote white genocide because he hates his white side.
Colton Watson
Grayson Price
Are you a nigger? Cause you can't seem to read. What part of in Africa did I stutter on? Keep in mind that a non-Bantu nation is currently in the works as we speak. If a serious, Westernized, civilized black nation comes into existence, it may tame that entire wretched continent on our behalf.
National Socialism is for anyone of the right soul, and Good Hope seems to at least carry the spark.
Anthony Cruz
Are you a kike? Because youre arguing like one. What part of National Socialism isnt for niggers, and niggers dont belong in our countries even if they "fix" their own dont you understand?
Brandon Jackson
japs get eradicated as well for attacking america instead of invading siberia during the battle of moscow
Asher Lewis
OP here. I've been a Holla Forumslack since around the trayvon martin shit and I got to say damn this place has gone to shit. I'd rather deal with halfchan faggotry than all you fake ass LARPers.
Nathan Green
The part where I never said they should be in our countries. When I said they were welcome, I was referring to the international National Socialism board. The internet is the Silk Road of our time; leave the unwanted bits in its own land and leave just enough communication open so nobody misses a good idea.
Zachary Rivera
Colton Powell
Get out.
David Jones
here we have the idealistic philosopher who is terrified of darkening his soul so he invests his whole being into ideals and not reality.
James Moore
Sorry, where is Holla Forums hosted?
Isaiah Green
Right down this hallway, on the other side of the showers. Come with me, right this way.
Chase Adams
At least you admit you've got nothing.
Camden Scott
WTF, I love globalism now.
Lincoln Campbell
Keep digging, retard.
Liam Hall
Ryan Ward
Oh, please do point to where I said any of that, you mouth-breather.
Noah Jenkins
what white dude spoke? all i heard was a nigger speaking for whites. thats a capital crime if a white was to do the same.
Samuel Miller
I just finished the video and it was all bullshit. All of the nigger's points were incoherent and easily disprovable nigshit. Like how Trump was 'revenge' for having a half black man as president, not revenge for being force-fed the black man's Communist policies. The video even goes out on this Marxist still.
I'm of half a mind to cut each point out and show how the nigger's complaints are 100% bullshit.
Nathan Collins
Everything the white guy said was designed to be offensive to whites, and portray them negatively. Even the image of the white person chosen, a big fat trucker looking guy, is designed to make whites look contemptible and inferior. Let me rephrase that. The black guy said things that were intended to be bitter and hostile, and he actually feels that way. The white guys words dont actually represent white peoples position, but a distorted one from the view of a black, who hates whites. The real white view would mention how we wont even have a vote on our continent and something about how niggers hack whites up when Zimbabwe happens, which happens when whites lose voting majority. Something about 100 white women raped a day by niggers and zero niggers raped by whites. Something about blacks being responsible for 90% of all interracial violence and 200x as many aggravated assaults on whites as the other way around. Those things would get brought up, and there is no counter to them. Its not 2 sides, its niggers dont understand the right side and argue on behalf of their own racial interests regardless, like this other twat has repeatedly done in the thread. Thats what races do, thats why we cant live together, at all. We cant just hug it off. Thats what the real version would say.
Parker Torres
It also reinforces - which is one of the main purposes of propaganda - the idea that everything he is saying is racist, and that you can dismiss it all as "racism" because he keeps saying "Im not a racist…" I think the black guy said it like 1-2x and the white said it maybe 8+.
Camden Morris
pick one
Jonathan Miller
And to prove your hardcore National Socialist credentials you post an effeminate cartoon image, all that's missing is a poem written to jewish trump and a call to remove all kebab for isreal like every other neocon kike shilling faggot on this board.
This board has been nothing more than a neo-conservative cheerleading squad or alt-Breibart at best for the past few years
Lucas Thompson
You called a nigger a god. You're not a Holla Forumsack. And you'll get to share a tree with your "god".
Cameron Garcia
Sure, its the same "stop blaming whitey and uplift yourself" shit prominent blacks have being say for nearly sixty years now. It won't change anything.
Jack Turner
What the fuck
Matthew Richardson
>I'm sure a lot of you have seen this new video "I'm not racist" - youtu.be/43gm3CJePn0 You have to go back. Yep, you're a subhuman. Get out.
Jacob King
We need less of you posting instead of you lurking. If your trying to shill some fucking video it'd be better if you just came clean about it.
Jeremiah Lee
lurk 2 years then kill yourself
Cameron Mitchell
back to reddit/cuckchan faggot
Christian Rogers
there is nothing to talk about regarding this piece of trash video and absolutely atrocious production No you fucking idiot, when you're a mix of both you don't get either side because none of them want you. Blacks don't like half blacks and whites don't want the spawn of a coal burning whore. Furthermore if you honestly believe that race alone is what allows you to understand "both sides" then frankly you're fucking retarded. An understanding of both sides comes from actually examining the factors contributing to both sides of the issue at hand and to do that you're gonna need a high IQ which niggers do not possess. absolutely disgusting taste in music, if you can even call that music. biologically this isn't even true, blacks don't have the same ancestry as whites when we go back to shit like neanderthal and cromag DNA. Race has always been a divider because of biological in group preferences. Would you save your kid from drowning or the black kid? You'd save your own. Likewise everyone has that same instinctual feeling. If a white doctor was drowning in Africa alongside some African village retard, they would save the village retard because he's part of their in group. Those who do not prefer their own group die out as they fail to find acceptance from their own or from strangers. Politics has always been a divider because it is a determinant of the future, and guess what, niggers don't vote for the future we want to establish. They vote to take welfare and they will never have high paying jobs because they do not have the IQ for them. A biology major has an avg IQ of 120, the avg nigger iq is 85. For chemistry and physics its 125 and 130 respectively. Biological constraints divide us more than any man made institution ever could. If you just watched one molyneux video on race and IQ or if you watched the peterson video on IQ and jobs then you'd have the basic understanding of why everything you believe is utterly wrong.
Who has the video about the haitian revolution? They were emancipated, they killed the french, destroyed the decadence they had built and went off to tribalism and voodoo. Then the US came and spent a decade trying to fix it, we left and back they went to their old ways. You cannot fix them by education when their very nature tells them to destroy the civilizations they are privileged enough to live in.
Thanks mods for doing your job, unlike niggers.
Joseph Myers
Hello, BLM. Do you have a moment to talk about Operation IOKTBW?