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archive.org/stream/HitlerTableTalk/Hitler TableTalk_djvu.txt

I wonder what's going on in Rothschild's mind right now.

Finally some good news. This was only the next logical step after what he's been up to with Iran, Syria and Lebanon.

Gonna go full /x/ for a second, but sometimes I can't shake the possibility that time travelers are doing everything they can to stop WW3 like its some kind of inevitable force. The result of those efforts are just making things more and more weird and chaotic.

t. massive faggot

You had better not be lying to me!

Sometimes I think you might be right.

Are you saying that time travellers are fucking up shit so bad that the cubs won the world series, Trump became president, 4chan runs the world, and Hillary and Podesta obama etc. Are not in prison?

This makes me smile, what a wonderful way to end the evening.

I would say chaining 1 thing even something major is easy but then it becomes exponentially harder to fix all the ripples from the edits you made in the timeline especially with something like stopping an enviable war that continuously spawns despite the changes you've made….

Either that or we are in hell the level where Satan dangles hope in front of you but the truth is there is no hope.


Already trolling for defectors.


Real talk though what is the motivation for Russia to try and dismantle Israel, it would inevitably result in a bipartisan conflict with the U.S. unless a nationalist coup occurred.

The United States will not fight Russia. Unless we want to go to war with China, NK, Iran, Qatar, Syria, etc. We've made quite a few enemies fighting on behalf of Israel's interests.

Idk man evangelicals and neocons are completely fuckin irrational when it comes to defending Israel. That irrationality could really give an excellent opportunity for a coup though.

user, why do you think this has anything to with what white people want?

He doesn't, he was being facetious you dolt.

Meant to link to this.

It's the perfect pretext for that EU army. Seven plagues will strike the UK, Russia will invade a former Ottoman territory overnight, the Boers will secure their independence, and then the greatest happening of all time begins.


The UN will move its headquarters to Jerusalem, pressing the players to transform the city (East and West side) into a neutral territory. This thing is prophetic.

Between global politics and almost ignored insane technological advancement (AI, robotics, CRISPR, etc) my head is constantly swimming with possible chains of events for the next decade or two and 90% of them scare the shit out of me. Hope you guys have a thing for living in cyberpunk world. It'll be pretty funny how much power shitposters will have in the age of "The internet of things"




Lazy fuck

When AI Neural net controlled satelites can track every human being on earth and make sure they are living the way their government intends going innawoods isn't going to work.


I hope I see this in my lifetime.

He is browsing Holla Forums right now, wondering how we became so powerful.

He is browsing 8ch.pl Holla Forums and REALLY scratching is head over it.

Wow! Putin spoke a bunch of words! I'm sure the zionists are just terrified kekekekek.

Zionist Neocons shafted.

image is top kek




I can hear the kvetching already


its loop time we've been here many times before, hence dejavu, we'll repeat ourselves many times again, let's get it right this time, i hope next time hitler really does holocaust the jews

Does anyone take Titor seriously anymore? It was a good larp back in the day but most of it was way off even if trying to avoid "temporal shifts". Plus these days you got psychers claiming to talk to their higher self who claim it is actually impossible to change major past events. The most you could do was alter the present timeline your in with knowledge and possibly cause a split from the original outcome. Explains why most people who claim to have been abducted, taken to the inner-earth, and even those who say they've meet ex-Nazi's like Hans Kammler in Untersberg because they have the ability to slow down or speed up time, but not change it. The path of the mass consciousness is going to go in the direction its going to go in and overcoming that would somehow break the laws of the universe.

not really, but I heard the info about the IBM 5100 was legit and really obscure at the time

here have a bigger one



Uh oh.

B-but Putin's a zionist!

see? this is what a larp looks like. now compare to q-user - Q-user is real


Technically it would just be fulfilling the zionist conspiracy that Russia-U.S. would destroy each other on behalf of Israel and Israel would come out as the supposed world leader.

I'm willing to go either way to be honest. World needs a catalyst to crush the jews or at least their dreams.

Shit, you right, can't call anyone who's supporting Palestine a zionist. Even if you shitpost a lot.

no twitter storm from the yids. I think Putin is so prominent in world politics that the Jews have decided to ignore this story to prevent his opinion from spreading into the global consciousness.

the Jews are scared.

hah, yeah, it was fun though

oddly quiet here too. I guess this is what it's like when shills are trying to figure out what to do about something

Basically it's Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton and Obama admins stance on Palestine-Israel. Nothing controversial about this at all.

Right now it seems like just talk. Once action happens then we should see media and interest pick up.

Because this is basically been the stance of US foreign policy for most of the last 40 years. Minus a couple of neocohen admins mixed in there like Reagan and Bush jr. This isn't even remotely controvercial.

Don't forget about BRICS, if the USA goes to war with the ruskies, aside from their usual allies of convenience, they will also be at war with India and Brasil, both big countries and undisputed regional powers.

there you are

Its pretty simple. You can make everyone follow the crazy Jew. You can make some sometimes hut not everyone. The Jew fails cause the Jew secretly know he isn't worthy to rule humanity

b-but what about touchingwall.jpg ?
I guess that faggot isn't sperging any more.

haha. Putin was waiting until he got the upper hand in Syria, maybe the realpolitik meme was right

Hitler did the DMT, Stalin did the DMT

I, you, we DMT. I see you I yes I am Hitler Reborn yes I

I'm supposed to get excited about Russia reiterating US foreign policy on the Israel
-Palestine situation? If you weren't an ignorant retard, you would have known this and not fallen for click bait headlines and fake news.

+0.02 and whatnot

No, he's doing the USA's democratic party Palestine-Israel foreign policy with more dramatic language like "solidarity".

You're just a boob that can't into foreign policy.

we'll see faggot

Based Putin

White nationalists are jailed..
That is not good, this still is.

Taking legitimate and accurate comparative analysis of Russian-US foreign policy on Palestine and getting butt-blasted because you realize it's not that different. By making this pretty tame statement about Russia's hopes for the Palestine-Israel conflict, WW3 is most definently not going to start.


Basically, the same stuff that (((Donald Trump))) said. Words, words, words!

The digits have spoken.

Keep dreaming.


Friendship ended with "NATO". Now "PUTIN" is my best friend


If CIA ("Gulen") couldn't, unlikely that he'll be removed any time soon. And you know why CIA failed in their attempted coup? Because Erdogan had intelligence… from his best pal Putin.

implying he's not dying of a heroin-induced overdose

If Israel sees anything coming, it will enter in a massive pre-emptive sequence of nuke strikes and full out war in a final all-in move. You better believe it.

Obvious roach is obvious.

Shut the fuck up - I'm no turkroach you dune-coon.

This is an important point that the "Putin will retake Constantinople" shills keep ignoring:

It was not, contrary to Andrew Anglin's dumb analysis, Recep Erdogan who "organized a coup against himself." Rather, it was the fucking CIA, by way of its widespread Gulenist network in the U.S and in Turkey, that attempted to oust Erdogan. But, as often happens to the spooks, they failed.

The reason they failed is that Erdogan knew in advance about this scheme, and was prepared for it. You see, he was supposed to be imprisoned or killed, in the original plan. That didn't happen, did it?

"Why?" you ask. Good question. Here's the answer: Erdogan had known in advance about the planned coup against him, because Russian intelligence provided by BASED Putin informed him about it.

Putin saved Erdogan's. Now the latter is owed to the former.

Will these facts prevent the shills in the future from peddling their "Putin will retake Constantinople" nonsense? Ummm, don't hold your breath about it.

Do you a have a single fact to back that up

Oy vey!

Absolutely not - I'm a filthy liar.













First the investigation on the Tsar's murder and now this, I'm regaining my respect for this guy after he seemed to cuck out for Israel so much. Now I just want Trump to do the same thing.


I wrote these posts, and like magic, all the "Putin will retake Constantinople" shills have vanished - poof.

Really makes you think.

This is my take on it, as well. However, roaches cannot be trusted. Erdogan could betray Putin at any time, and Putin had better keep that in mind.

Correct, but the point is that those who tell you that Putin and Erdogan are like "avowed enemies" are disingenuous shills. These 2 world leaders are in fact very close allies - and are getting closer.

Who is Jewtin running against in next year's (((democratic))) election?

Feel free to repost, Mehmet.

Liberals already have a candidate.


Kill yourself Hasbarafag.

And to add to what I said: many anons aren't familiar with these facts, because there is a lot of (unwarranted) trust in Andree Anglin's DS, despite him being a biased, out-and-out Putin shill who will never give you facts that contradict his "Putin is the savior of the West" bullshit narrative. So he just did not report on the Russian intelligence connection.

Go away, Saul.



You will never be white, you dirty paki. Might as well kill yourself right now, hasbarafag.


Yeah, so basically, you've got BTFO, so you just make stuff up.

Bye, shills!

God bless Hezbollah, Golden Dawn and all across the world who oppose and physically resist you cowardly kikes, may you and all those alligned with zionist/marxist jews all burn in your own beds

Notice that the same people who falsely claim that BASED Putin is an enemy of Erdogan (despite them being close allies) also falsely claim that he's an enemy of Bibi.

Because they're shills.



He is laughing at the idea of sending millions of men from the cream of the world European genetic crop to the slaughterhouse leaving only sucks and shitskins.

Against Zionist Jews.

Friends with globalist Jews.

Man it's almost as if 2018's gonna be even more fucked!

is it?

She's close friends with Putin. Seems legit.

Get the fuck out.

t. the 14th Doctor

Looks like we need another temporal incursion, dumbass.

Israel is where all the russian mobsters ran off to after Yeltsin, aside from Toronto.


The real question is just that: why would you need an APL/COBOL thunker anyway? Do the ICBM systems run on these? Why not just build a VM?


Agreed. You know what else should the Golden Dawn be blessed for? REMOVING COCKROACHES LIKE YOU MEHMET!



Saudis are smart enough to hire foreigners. Kikes, though, I doubt they trust foreigners with that stuff.

and Miami

There are not enough foreigners in the world willing to fix saudi shit to actually make a fraction of their machines operable, and then you still have a retard arab piloting it.

Or if we're in a MMORPG simulation and the writers wrote themselves into a hole so they're just winging it now

This is what Holla Forums has become under Kushner's sponsership

How do you guys deal with retardation like this on a daily basis? My father is an esoteric leftist who likes faeries and pentagrams.

Kek, exactly. Fully born European with lineage dating back to the year 1100 and unable to find earlier records. It is a obvious shill attempt.
I fully supported Bashar al-assad fight against US/EU sponsored ISIS and their affiliated groups.

Kike's want us to hate these the muslims and generalize all of them, yet leave out the fact that those that flokked to the west are predominantly sunni wahabi's and jihadi's who the west have had some form of relationship with since iraq boycott ended for their partaking in the war against the kikehive. The same with Kosovo where the US funded and trained the jihadi's who fought the serbs, they couldn't win the war for 9 years so eventually they resorted in 1999 to using NATO to bomb most of the serb military "regime change" their legitimate government. The same scenario in libya and this same scenario would have befallen Syria had Russia not intervened.

The US is a zog puppet in almost all levels of government, the people there would do well to rebel and remove the kikes.

You still have yet to prove that claim.


Muslims are next after we kill the jews. The enemy of my enemy is not my friend.

Iranians, Lebanese and Syrians have hardly been a problem to Christians / West.
Europeans have played on Turkish side many times. Their existence is due to Western powers desiring the end of Byzantium.

Kill him in his sleep

Give him a dose of Christian doctrine regarding who is antichrist. It is those who deny the Christ. Then ask about Israel and its stance on Christ, if they have accepted Him or not…

Fuck all sandniggers to death. jews and muslims, leave none alive.
The enemy of my enemy is not my friend.

You misspelled "kikes."

I want a 3d grill now. Thanks pol. I have enough hope for the future I want to have children.

Just disengage. Separate entirely in geographic distance as well as mental, emotional and spiritual.

muslim and hebrew semites are identical in genetics, culture, religion and language. Their differences are superficial at best.

It seems like they want to control what everyone says, so nice sarcasm fail.

Torpedo ignoring reality once again. I have nothing but contempt with historical Muslims.
However, the only group deserving complete eradication is the parasite; aka. Kikes. The others can be 'repurposed' (a word your ilk understands), as shown by Lebanon, Libya, Saddam's Iraq, Iran and Syria. Even Turkey, that loathsome nation, took great effort in distancing itself from its past.
Something Kikes will never do.

Turks should be castrated to a man as revenge for the Janissaries.

fuck off shitskin

The prime reason I loathe the nation. However, I do not believe in White Quilt, either - so there is a choice. Revenge or…

This is a /political/ board. Not a /tantrum/ board. We needed Gaddafi; now that he is gone (((USA))) and (((NGO)))s are free to import millions of Africans to Europe. He prevented this development (although he did require hefty payment for it).

The jews die first, as always. The rest will be dealt with eventually, because ignoble races will always be their own undoing.

You are just assmad about the fact that King Turkroach would be literally dead were it not for your lord and saviour Vlad Putin. Oh, you're going to kvetch and flail around for a long time about it.

Exactly. No reason to fight a war on two fronts, when you can have only one.

The future Sultan will draw Turkey to Chaos by himself just fine. How Russia plans to keep both Syria and Turkey as allies is unresolved as of now. I guess Syria has no options.

this is a natsoc board for celts, germanics and nords only


Slavs? Finns? Hungarians? Bah, shill.



NiggerAnon, don't you know that Argentina is the South American powerhouse? Argentina has slowly become German and white over the last 70 years.

A Gulenist regime in Turkey would be loyal to America, making the Russian capture of Constantinople impossible. By stopping the coup Russia ensured that Turkey is now led by a man who despises America for trying to get him killed. When the Russians make their move, nobody will come to Erdogan's aid.

If you only knew.

If you're worried about satellites, then you're in luck. There are no such surveillance satellites that can resolve a human sized object, let alone track in real time (because, you know, satellites are moving very fast and you slip out of their range rapidly). And due to physical optics related effects, there won't be one ever.


great. putin allies with the synagogue of satan and the golem of the kikes


This is pure conjecture; you assume that Putin plan to retake Constantinople, and then use this baseless assumption to rationalize Russia's assistance to King Roach. In reality, it's more likely that Putin sees Erdogan in the exact same way he sees Assad.

Indeed, Putin, by saving King Roach's ass from the grave, has made him into "another Assad" i.e semi-independent Russian vassal. Putin would've done the same thing with e.g King Kike (Bibi) if he believed that he could gain his dependency thereby.

Where's your evidence that Putin is going to take over the "fellow Eurasian Land Power" of the turkroaches? Wishful thinking?

How his entire vampire family is going to go back to being the natural slaves they are.

you still don't belong here because you are non-white, anti-natsoc subhuman scum

You assume Putin doesn't plan to retake Constantinople, and then use that baseless assumption to rationalize Russia's prevention of a Gulenist regime.

If you don't understand the immense long term strategic interest Russia has in owning Constantinople outright, then you simply aren't qualified to discuss geopolitics.

It's rather simple old chap-you see, Israel cannot be allowed to exist without neighbors, the plan all along was to have a two state solution, but not for peace. If the Jewish people are to remain cautious there must be some feud still in place to keep them from tearing themselves apart. The knesset already has 6 million political parties pulling in different directions. You may say, so what? They are all Jews anyway, but you must remember that when destruction came upon Jerusalem in the past it was because they were engaged in internal bickering and chasing self interests. As long as there is an enemy they can all combat collectively they will remain more cohesive, and undistracted. Palestine will get its own portion-assume the locals handed over the land and left, Jews would have never taken that offer, Jews specifically chose that clay because that is a land in which equally ferocious, and relentless enemies dwell. Israel seeks to be persecuted, without persecution Jews would not be who they are, without persecution they would eventually assimilate.

t. Jacob Rothschild

You don't get it. Putin had an interest in saving the Turkroach regardless of any plans to retake Constantinople or lack thereof. Your argument is that Putin saved him for the time being, so that he could later on annihilate him. Do you have any evidence to back up this conjecture, or is it just "strategic incentives"?

Pretty much this. Hitler goes over this and concludes that the only thing that stops them from going at each others throats unless, as he puts it, their complete lack of courage would turn this too into a farce. There is no real solidarity among jews and they all seeks to make each other their freier, but they also all know that without the protection of the others the goyim would soon learn of his individual crimes and justifiably kill him. The reason the jews all over the world give out a shriek of pain the second the goyim try to bring any of them to justice is pure self interest, becasue they all know their crimes could literally be the next to be uncovered.

Another reason why your reasoning is flawed is that, while a "Gulenist Regime" would've been fun for the State Department, it would very likely have descended into civil war, and furthermore, you'd have a pretty big Kurd Problem. Meanwhile, in our timeline, Roachlord is stronger than ever before - all the internal dissent was done away with.

In the grand scheme of things, Putin has strengthened the Turks, not weakened them. Which tells you that he doesn't plan to retake Constantinople. Sorry for shattering your delusions, body.

May his kingdom be made manifest again!

Or maybe just looking for a new blood infusion for Siberia. The Facebook ad is only for Males, not females. And Putin has offered money to Russian women to have more kids. So…..


I know, Kikebart…. Just saying maybe he thinks that bringing some American blood into the mix will help strengthen his country.


Fine… if it's so easy for them to change things and all they have needed to get it right is to find the source that keeps pushing us to this inevitable breaking point then may I suggest that the next time they go back in time they annihilate the entire jewish phenotype from planet Earth. If we haven't proven to them by now that the root of all evils is the jews then we are doomed to live in this hell-hole for all eternity.

Have the shills shown up yet?

Nice trips , roaches will scatter from Constantinople

In Hoc

I sure hope we're not going to run into a Tokyo Jungle tier calamity where time travel starts bringing back dinosaurs.



I still hold a valid dinosaur huntin liscense issued by the Utah DWR back in the 80s. It has no expiration on it. It's literally grandfathered in. If Dino's do come back I have a tag for a bull Trex on down the line
Foolish boomers made that as a joke and didn't have the forsight to think big. Fuck yeah I want dinosaurs back.
I'll need a bigger house to display the trophy though

a few kikes but we got rid of them

- Adolf Hitler

What about this?

Those dubs are criminally underchecked


your point being…?

Is it anyone's surprise that the (((Hollywood))) kikes spreading degeneracy, (((diversity))) (((LGBTQ))) and race mixing memes emigrated from (((Russia)))?




oh you betcha' checked




empty dubs of jewery but i'll check them 22's nyguh

Checked and kek'd



keks be praised!

Low energy shills here these days.

Hitler knew what's up.
kikes and slavs aren't White

If he had a time machine we wouldn't need him to fix the shit now.

In a perfect world: a bullet.

It's less where the kikes have their nests and more that they are kikes.

God damn, I fucking wish. Imagine glorious packs of raptors setting traps and ambushes on various helpless, stupider, niglets. Women crawling back in their place for protection and other various subhumans begging for assistance.
The sudden emergency makes all the worldwide gibs dry out as countries struggle to defend, muslims and africans now face famines, pestilence and infighting plus fukken dinosaurs.

Christianity is a prototype of Bolshevism: the mobilisation by the Jew of the masses of slaves with the object of undermining society.
- A. Hitler
Table Talk

You do know that Hitlers Table Talk is basically a fanfic right? Of course you do, youre a kike that is using tor to get around the bans.

of course nu-Holla Forums goes le braise kuk xd, but Putin has always been against Israel to build a Jewish presence in Russia instead. He's not this
But rather a useful idiot, hopefully he lets tons of Jew migrants into Moscow.

Just like the protocols right ;)

You do know that the Holohoax was a (((Soviet))) invention, right? Of course you do, (((Azimov))).

If he can't understand the Kalergi plan when it's explained numerically and logically, then I don't know what to say.

They ended mandatory service, they can't bring it back now because this generation would simply implode if they tried. Look at this board; is anyone here dumb enough to die for zion? At this point only the biggest of Christcucks would ally with zion, but even they might not be willing to die for it. Cucks always cuckout in the end.

Which one is/was actively attempting to implement it?

This copypasta.

The most rabid Zionist supporters are evangelicals, so the best way to counter them is to actually teach them the Bible. Most evangelicals are cults of personality with Bible flavoring and preach utter heresy–dual covenant theology and Zionism, for starters. The following are the best arguments for debating and trumping zionist evangelicals:

Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee. – Revelation 3:9

This points out how the Jews, as they call themselves, are not godly, and that their subversion was predicted.

Therefore say I unto you, The kingdom of God shall be taken from you, and given to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof. – Matthew 21:43
Now to Abraham and his seed were the promises made. He saith not, And to seeds, as of many; but as of one, And to thy seed, which is Christ. – Galatians 3:16
And if ye be Christ’s, then are ye Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise. – Galatians 3:29

This destroys any notion of a Jewish right to the land of Israel based on the Bible, as the chosen people are those that accept Christ as savior–not a particular race and certainly not those that rejected Him.

Whosoever denieth the Son, the same hath not the Father: (but) he that acknowledgeth the Son hath the Father also. – 1 John 2:23
There shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth, when ye shall see Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob, and all the prophets, in the kingdom of God, and you yourselves thrust out. – Luke 13:28

This destroys the idea that the Jews are still the chosen people, because they have denied Christ and so have denied God.

Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him, If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed; And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. They answered him, We be Abraham’s seed, and were never in bondage to any man: how sayest thou, Ye shall be made free? Jesus answered them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Whosoever committeth sin is the servant of sin. And the servant abideth not in the house for ever: but the Son abideth ever. If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed. I know that ye are Abraham’s seed; but ye seek to kill me, because my word hath no place in you. I speak that which I have seen with my Father: and ye do that which ye have seen with your father.
They answered and said unto him, Abraham is our father. Jesus saith unto them, If ye were Abraham’s children, ye would do the works of Abraham. But now ye seek to kill me, a man that hath told you the truth, which I have heard of God: this did not Abraham. Ye do the deeds of your father. Then said they to him, We be not born of fornication; we have one Father, even God. Jesus said unto them, If God were your Father, ye would love me: for I proceeded forth and came from God; neither came I of myself, but he sent me. Why do ye not understand my speech? even because ye cannot hear my word. Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it. And because I tell you the truth, ye believe me not. Which of you convinceth me of sin? And if I say the truth, why do ye not believe me? He that is of God heareth God’s words: ye therefore hear them not, because ye are not of God. – John 8:31-47

Taken together, I have taught these passages to several tea party and conservative groups to massively undermine their support of Israel. You will be attacked at first, but if you learn the passages well enough, you can stump them and change the whole group.

Reported for kike shillery. No one believes you.

Why are their bans of any kind in an [SPOILER](((OPEN)))[/SPOILER]forum?

I guess I'm just to "nu" to understand but why would Israel like any nation that supports Palestinian. They hate when even small irrelevant places like Ireland and New Zealand do it, hell it's even illegal in the US. I don't see how you got the idea going against Israel is a president for wining Jewish favor. Guess I'm not on 88D's of chess

They play a long game. If they think they can wring a few more shekels out of the goyim they will keep the play going. They will continue to do this until the "support" becomes something unmanagable. For Israel being condemned means fuck all. They don't give a fuck. They will use the Russian "badgering" as evidence of anti-semitism and it's business as usual.
Unless Putin gives Palestine troops and a few systems to lob shit back at Israel, it's just a bunch of dick sucking.

If it's just fanfic, why is Shelomova so afraid of it that he needs to outlaw it?

By instinct, the Russian does not incline towards a higher form of society.

In the eyes of the Russian, the principal support of civilisation is vodka. His ideal consists in never doing anything but the indispensable. Our conception of work (work, and then more of it!) is one that he submits to as if it were a real curse.

It is doubtful whether anything at ali can be done in Russia without the help of the Orthodox priest. It's the priest who has been able to reconcile the Russian to the fatal necessity of work, by promising him more happiness in another world.

The Russian will never make up his mind to work except under compulsion from outside, for he is incapable of organising himself.

In the same way, with the Russian, there is an instinctive force that invariably leads him back to the State of nature. People sometimes quote the case of the horses that escaped from a ranch in America, and by some ten years later had formed huge herds of wild horses. It is so easy for an animal to go back to its origins ! For the Russian, the return to the State of nature is a return to primitive forms of life. The family exists, the female looks after her children, like the female of the hare, with ali the feelings of a mother. But the Russian doesn't want anything more. His reaction against the constraint of the organised State (which is always a constraint, since it limits the liberty of the individual) is brutal and savage, like all feminine reactions. When he collapses and should yield, the Russian bursts into lamentations. This will to return to the State of nature is exhibited in his revolutions. For the Russian, the typical form of revolution is nihilism.
- A. Hitler
Table Talk
archive.org/stream/HitlerTableTalk/Hitler TableTalk_djvu.txt
archive.org is also banned by (((Jewtin)))

Is that why it's a felony to boycott or make any criticism of it?

Sounds like bullshit. Sure, they will use it in every way possible, including bolstering sanctions against Russia, but this feels like a move on Russia's part that puts it closer to Israeli enemies, like Iran, Hezbollah and Syria.

To make life more difficult for fags like you.

The sense of duty, as we understand it, is not known amongst the Russians. Why should we try to inculcate this notion into them?

Even in Hungary, National Socialism could not be exported. In the mass, the Hungarian is as lazy as the Russian. He's by nature a man of the steppe.

Unless other peoples, beginning with the Vikings, had imported some rudiments of organisation into Russian humanity, the Russians would still be living like rabbits.

The Slav peoples are not destined to live a cleanly life. They know it, and we vvould be wrong to persuade them of the contrary.

If today you do harm to the Russians, it is so as to avoid giving them the opportunity of doing harm to us.

What is surprising about the Russian rulers is the fanaticism with which they adhere to a principle — perhaps a correct principle, in itself — even when it has become evident that the principle has ceased to be correct in fact. The explanation is their fear of having to accept responsibility for a failure. For they never suffer failure because of a weakness in their command, a shortage of ammunition or an irresistible German pressure. It's always because of "an act of treachery". They never produce any other explanation but treachery, and every commander of a unit who has not succeeded, in conformity with the orders he has received, runs the risk of having his head chopped off. So they prefer to be wiped out by us.
A. Hitler
Table Talk

How about you fuck the hell off, ban-evading redditor?

Indeed. They don't give a shit beyond the shekel. Criticism gives them something they can kvetch about. It isn't the same as actual physical action.

Make sure you clap if you appreciate the performance. Perhaps they will give an encore.

It took you almost 20 minutes and that's all you can come up with?

Nah, thats a meme. You mean you can't boycott Israel if you are taking federal money(like public Universites)…and even in that case, you can't be arrested and charged with a crime for boycotting Israel. There's literally tens of millions of people in mainstream America that openly support the Palestinians against Israel. They have protests and stuff. Usually leftists. Search engine it.

On the other hand, the offensive spirit that inspires the Russian, when he is advancing, does not surprise us. It was the same during the first World War, and the explanation for it is their bottomless stupidity.

They are brutes, and neither Bolshevism nor Tsarism makes any difference — they are brutes in a State of nature. The danger would be still greater if this space were to be Mongolised.

The Russian finds his place in human society only in its collectivist form — that is to say, he is tied to work by a horrible compulsion. The špirit of society, mutual consideration, etc., are to him things unknown.

We shan't settle in the Russian towns, and we'll let them fall to pieces without intervening. And, above all, no remorse on this subject! We're not going to play at children's nurses; we're absolutely without obligations as far as these people are concerned. To struggle against the hovels, chase away the fleas, provide German teachers, bring out newspapers — very little of that for us! We'll confine ourselves, perhaps, to setting up a radio transmitter, under our control. For the rest, let them know just enough to understand our highway signs, so that they won't get themselves run over by our vehicles!

For them the word "liberty" means the right to wash on feast days. If we arrive bringing soft soap, we'll obtain no sympathy. These are views that will have to be completely readjusted. There's only one duty: to Germanise this country by the immigration of Germans, and to look upon the natives as Redskins. If these people had defeated us, heaven have mercy! But we don't hate them. That sentiment is unknown to us. We are guided only by reason. They, on the other hand, have an inferiority complex. They have a real hatred towards a conqueror whose crushing superiority they can feel.
- A. Hitler
Table Talk


I like how you conveniently ignore that israel is already on the verge of civil war between the religious sects and the banking class, as has been pointed out since the mid election cycle last year. You can pretend that the world is still in your grip, that your direct descendants aren't decadent retard, and that your parasite race is "winning" because they aren't being hung by lamps posts in every town, but that doesn't change the fact that your era is long over.

You've been posting nothing but jewish power fantasies.

Let me tell you a secret. Every single event that happens can be used by (((them))) in some way. The same is true for us (likely not including you). You need some damn perspective on things.
Anti-Israel positions and actions are not pro-israel, even if Israel can use it.

Some antifa faggot decides to shoot a neonazi. We can use that. That is not a reason for us to get an antifa faggot to shoot anybody.
Get it?

Stop spreading disinformation. You're a complete ignoramus if you actually believe this.

do you think american and russian special forces actually physically fought each other?

cry harder, kike

The Slavs are a mass of born slaves, who feel the need of a master.

The Croats are very keen on not being regarded as Slavs. According to them, they're descended from the Goths. The fact that they speak a Slav language is only an accident, they say.

In the Eastem territories I shall replace the Slav geographical titles by German names. The Crimea, for example, might be called Gothenland.

The Russians never invent anything. All they have, they've got from others. Everything comes to them from abroad — the
engineers, the machine-tools. Give them the most highly perfected bombing-sights. They're capable of copying them, but
not of inventing them. With them, working-technique is simplified to the uttermost. Their rudimentary labour-force
compels them to split up the work into a series of gestures that are easy to perform and, of course, require no effort of thought. They eat up an incredible number of tractors, for they're incapable of performing the slightest repair.

Even the Czechs, who are the most efficient of the Slavs.
- A. Hitler
Table Talk

I've been posting the evidenced behaviors of kikes, Levi. It isn't "fantasy" when it is non-fiction. Kill yourself.

Where did you fight? What did you do? What about this? henrymakow.com/2017/11/The-Putin-Deception-2.html

I recall a bunch of Russia’s billionaire oligarchs going to prison a few years back! They probably all shared a (((trait))).


Exactly. Save your Israel din do nuffin for Fox News forums

That might as well be schrodinger's coup de tat at the moment.


No. Jews can't play the long game. They wreck everything they rule, and their actions are characterized by opportunism. Hence their lies are clumsy and not elaborated, until revisionism.

Agreed 'Makow'. The article itself "Andy Sloan is a management consultant and traditional Catholic from England. He believes 'all history is theology.'

by Andy Sloan"

No, you can boycott Israel as a private citizen or company in the US. Not a great move for a company but it's totally legal and you won't face criminal prosecution.


Constantinople 2020

What does Constantinople have to do with Israel-Palestinian relations?
Where does Turkey come in?

Drones can though.

I wonder what dinosaur meat tastes like? Maybe like alligator?

Oh god please wait a few more years. I'm not ready yet.

It tastes like KFC


What kind of weapon would you even use for T-Rex hunting?

The Table Talks are fake.

I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you’re referring to as slavs, are in fact, ruthenians/eastern germanic descendants of kievan rus, or as I’ve recently taken to calling it, east nordids. Slavs are not a race unto itself, but rather another component of the ethnogenesis of the scandinavian norse germanic people from the migration of the peoples and onward, made historically relevant by the kievan rus settlements in Gardariki by the norsemen who traveled down the Volga and founded both Russia and Ukraine before being christianized by the byzantine empire.

Many eastern germanics speak the artifical glagolithic church language invented by the greek monk Cyrill, which is where the term cyrillics stems from. Before that, they spoke old norse and revered pagan germanic gods. All the so-called "slavs" are really descendants of eastern germanics. There is objectively no argument to be made against this historical fact. Thanks for reading, and please refer to them as "eastern germanics" next time you make a "slav" post/thread.

What happened to these Germanics? Every Russian I've ever met has been anything but.

And no, the TT is not a fake. It's just unreliable due to the transmission.

Trump's doing the same thing Putin is doing. "cuck for israel" but act against them in critical national matters.

This happened when, exactly?

So fake, got it. Thanks for admitting it.

Yeah… Rothschild….

Get a grip.

Syria. Which has allowed this truce with palestine to happen. Trump is trying to manipulate the USA israel lobby, because that's where all the money is. He's in a careful balancing act, so he can win in 2020, where real shit will go down.

Reported. Thanks for playing, but we deal in fact here. If you were telling the truth you could cite it.

Never stop dreaming, but go do it on reddit. Or maybe Voat, since you get banned from reddit for hating kikes.

Way more reliable than the (((gospels))), orthodox cuck.

Get gassed kike.

It's okay, you're irrelevant anyway.

Even Obama never approached his full globalist/societal shift policies until 2012 too, this is basic presidential strategy.

Albert Speer is certainly not somebody you should trust. He let the allies inject pure propaganda passages into his memoirs.
Table Talk is notably unreliable for its comments on Christianity, which seem to fit the views of Bormann more than Hitler. His comments on the Slavs however are backed up by pretty much everything he ever said about the subject.

Pretty much these two posts. Jews thrive on negative energy. The worst fate in the mind of the Jew would be for the rest of the world to ignore them, leaving them to cannibalize each other.

THIS especially.

He was giving lip talk to border patrol before his re election.

It was an attitude that especially fit Obama well too, talking nice and sweet, smiling to your face, but really stabbing a knife in your back. When he started getting nervous about Trump actually being president, he started rushing to do all sorts of weird shit in his last few months

She's a half Jewess. She's also a fucking idiot

nice strawman

Traitors hang first user

Your critique is already addressed in the link, champ.

Why the fuck waste time on shit like this?
Just use Jerusalem for what it is, internate all kikes and nuke the place
Nothing of value will be lost

the scenario presented was a post apocalyptic world, and they needed the clunker to reprogram machine control systems for stuff like old power generators, as far as I can remember.

What, you thought this whore wasn't hand-picked by Jewtin himself?


I'd rather nuke Tel Aviv - going after Jerusalem would likely destroy Dome of the Rock, and let the antichrist build its third temple.

Tel Aviv is also known as the gay capital of the world


Bzyantine Empire so shall it be

Dude, don't you know who the antichrists are? I'll give you a tip: the kikes are so brazen now that they openly call themselves "atheist jews".

john and matthew are the only good books in the bible

hello reddit

This thread echos with the cries of the buttblasted ziocuck squad that has been shitting up Holla Forums since gamergate.

>muh (((world war))) kike virtue signalling

I hope Jim and Imkampfy get bagged on DOTR, and the rest of us are forgiven as misbegotten European loyalists who weren't aware of the fact that they were apart of a death cult.


They are probably in procession with the Kushner dynasty as we speak, planning a civil war in (((America))). Can't wait for Europe 2.0. I myself am on a remote Island in straya where the great chimpening cannot reach, so let's get this going already.

This is your “argument.”

Pic related is 2017 Holla Forums. Kudos to CIA/Mossad for another inscrutable astroturf operation.

>Implying zionist elements aren't on every side of a (((war)))

Go back to abovetopsecret.com.

The comforting thing to note from pre-jesus prophecies and texts is that when the final return comes he's not taking everyone to a magical city. He's come to purge and will see through all the human bullshit people wrap themselves around to hide their true nature. You wont hide or escape. Even christ cucks acknowledge this but got sucked into the hippy jesus and not the original intent of death, destruction, chaos, and enlightenment.

Way I see it is if a glorious return is had they get purged.
If WW3 kicks off prophecies will be fulfilled and we'll find out if the Nazi's escaped in UFO's. Regardless those say they will get purged as well.
If everything self-implodes and we have to unfuck it all ourselves then our rage along with the eternal truth will demand they get purged.

Win-Win-Win scenario either way it plays out. It's why I stopped being a debbie downer because Serrano was right. We already won but few can see it.

When Saturn's world ends, so too does ours. This is apart of the knowledge of the Aryan: To hold back the darkness is to engage doom itself. It may do some well to read the story of the Seven Sons of Fëanor from Tolkien's Silmarillion - the fate of the Holla Forumsack may very well be doom in exchange for a free world, by the very doing of Saturn/Moloch/[Insert Yahweh Analogy].



This is your “argument.”

chaim don't be so obvious about your angle

Murder him. It is your duty as his son. You call yourself a nord?

The Kikes fear the Legion of the Archangel Michael, so they direct their most powerful attacks on Orthodox Christianity.
The Kikes feared Russia, so they created the Soviet Union.
They feared Germany, so they used the Shoah to create the E. U.

Russian women are top notch, but you have to be alpha as fuck to keep them or they'll eat you alive. They're basically the final boss of women. Putin's idea obviously did not plan for how weak western males have become.

Keep crying, jew.

Anytime the term "Palestine" is mentioned (((based israel))) JIDF bots come swarming in.

This is Holla Forums 101.

Keep projecting, jew.

Nothing you try will ever work. The end of jewish days comes and there is no stopping it.

day of rope
gas gas gas

Rape him, assert your dominance.

Palestine is a creation of israel, how dumb do you have to be to miss that. The kikes create their own "enemies" and gaza is just that, controlled opposition in a physical sense allowing ((( them))) to justify atrocities and create power structures in the mideast

fairly certain palestine is the country of sandniggers that the jews invaded

The Nazis considered the Slavs as Non-Aryan Untermenschen ("sub-humans") who were to be enslaved and exterminated by Germans.[4]

Good lawd, you mean the plot of land they imported Jordanians into, then set up Arafat and started even moar proxy wars. You need to go back and reread what habbened in the 60's and 70's

Is there another source confirming? Have been here a long time and on cuck before, ad never heard of "tass." I hope I'm wrong but this smells like bullshit without anything backing it up. Surely RT would have picked it up no?

This is JIDF 101.
Take notes.


Palestine colluding with the Russians. Time to nuke them.


Semites must be ended

Everyone on Holla Forums agrees israel should be wiped out first and then the latter follows.

No I am talking about the six day war and the events preceding it. You faggot niggers are lost as hell


Of course no one is the 'savior'. You are either Israeli, Australian, or retarded.

I think you are lost JIDF

I've always felt like this
Shilling is just kike bullshit to dissuade people from killing them harder.

Something that would make /k/ squeal like an anime girl about to get dick'd?

I know what I'd use for bait :^)

Try again Moshe.

Putin has 3 close friends, of which 2 are jewish (self admitted) (who have anti-zionist views), these jews are oliarchs who have a power posistion they wish to retain. Kill yourself if you think this Putin who cracks down on nationalist and more right winged groups in Russia is going to save anyone. It's just to keep up the charade of the oppression to the cancerous kikes explained by to keep the herredim from having to go on the defensive constantly and to make the reformed kikes see there are greater problems at hand so they unite keep their focus on the goys being the enemy. The jew must jew wherever the jew goes.

The rest of this trhead is mostly filled with 1 line or a few words with 'le based bolshevik putin' in order to sow consensus that we somehow support this anti-national socialist kike who repeated the holohaux lie during their memorial. All these shills do not represent us.

Don't pretend to understand the higher objective of the intended, but never actually got off the ground, racial policy they wanted to put into place. Your basic bitch types throw around Ubermensch and Untermensch terminology assuming all that was required was pure nordic/germanic blood and that's it. Same type of foolish nonsense your typical shitlib throws around, and believes when he says stupid shit like "whats white? hur dur dur" assuming it's just a color on a massive fucking template and nothing else.

This shit is weak and gay.
we should be working out and practicing talking to aryan women, not praying for the big happening

nearly all the stickys are POZZED topics



Nationalism would break Russia into pieces, Patriotism on the other hand will strengthen Russia; the same could be said for many nations (pretty much every nations to be honest) that are not 'homogenic enough.

If Nationalism breaks your nation, then you aren't a nation at all to begin with. Nationalism combines and strengthens in the long run at the expense of the short-term. Patriotism is a feel good lie to last in the short-term at the expense of becoming a weak, raceless, non-unified mass long-term. It predictably is ruining America and it will ruin Russia as well.

they are probably jewish is the problem

Nationalism is for a national state.
A country, for example, Yugoslavia couldn't handle nationalism because it wasn't focused on the slavic part but instead was focused on the different croat,bosnian and serb nationalism,leading to the tensions in the area. It sure didn't help that the Americans stirred the bee's nest as well.
A country like Austria or Romania can have nationalism due to the fact that they have a vast majority the same ethnicity with the same culture.

He probably planned this since Israel is seen as a "pro-Western ally." Eveyln De Rothschild is anti-Zionist but still a Jewish parasite.

This of course is, nonetheless, an intrresting development.

Is this your first day on the job? Did you really expect anyone to believe you?

Also didn't help that they were drowning in debt in granted by the generous loans from the benevolent IMF


Anyone have Punished Trump?

If you want to post fantasies, go do it on the_donald.

I just heard, is this real or just another dispute between rabbis?

double dubs confirm
praise kek

You ain’t got nothing to say don’t say it shill

Your info graphics are globalist disinfo. The fucking country of Palestine did not exist until the u.n. And the Jews made it, then turned it into a flashpoint. Revisionist history is what you are following

On the one hand, Putin seems to like Jews and is often seen with them. He has also visited the Western Wall. On the other hand, he is friendly with Iran, he supports Assad in Syria, and implicitly supports Hezbollah, all of which are in opposition to Jewish interests. And (((American media))) and both political parties hate him.

People like to say Putin is Jewish or is Jewish-controlled, but maybe Putin is simply independent and does what Putin wants and naturally some of it is favorable to Jews and some of it isn't?

He likes Jews as long as they're loyal to him and the state, same thing with muzzies. Putin is full civnat

You cannot survive going inna woods long term. Maybe as one man, in a very few disparate locations. But in essence it is suicide of both mind, body and soul. You cannot raise an family inna woods, as such your line is dead and is nothing but and acceptance of defeat in the face of your enemy.

It is much like fools whom say to bury your guns. While smart to have an fallback cache in happenings, if you have to bury your guns it is time to pull them out and use them vigorously, anything less is cowardice and weak. Going innawoods is identical, you are just trying to dig yourself into an grave, an favor for your enemies ultimately when you should be mobilizing and bringing the fight to the enemy.

Their strengths are their weaknesses as well. Remember that when the time comes. No hope is lost, and so long as the blood of your ancestors pump in any of their sons and daughters hope will never be lost. So grab your fucking nuts and get ready to fight.



Varg has internet connection and regularly has back and forth communication with people all over the world. Does that count as full innawoods?

No, you're right. He is waiting for oil to run out or the Ice Age to come or something …

In times of peace it might be fine to drop off the radar and separate from your family and people going innawoods, but these aren't times of peace



If there is such a thing as quantum immortality, then every time you should have died (or probably would've) but didn't, and instead survived, the world you continued to exist it became slightly more unlikely. If you, like many who are long time lurkers/posters on the chans have struggled with depression or suicidal thoughts and ideations in the past, then it's possible that the world you/we live in today is so strange as a direct result of that, in a way.

Russia is predictable as fuck. First Georgian-
Ossetian conflict, after that Ukraine east rebels, then admiring of Catalonian separatists, now Palestine. Its basically pushing for legitimization of separatism. If Palestine will succeed in getting full recognization then hear hear Putin thinks maybe in a few decades his "New Russia" projects all around in East Europe will have a chance to become a thing too.


fuck this board has worst sources for anything i ever seen. get your shit together or dont even post your garbage you fucking worthless time wasting weeb faggot

Damn Dylan looks better than all of the /fa/gs

If the roach's only ally is Russia, then the roach is not "stronger than ever" no matter appearances. Historically the only thing preventing Russia from taking Constantinople, which they've wanted to do for centuries, is English, French and American meddling. The English and French are irrelevant in the 21st century; this was proved by Russia's actions in Crimea. If Turkey no longer have the protection of America, then they have jack shit.





>quoting (((Table Talk))) as factual




You are correct. Haven't you noticed the Ripples, not the cryptocurrency?

try typing a coherent sentence next time m8

Only the finest in sporting rifles of course.

the recoil on that thing, haha

Recurring doubles confirms it



end it all stefan

Keep your friends close and enemies closer.

Goddamn. Not very war ready imo unless you have someone loading ths fucking thing for you.

looks like you were wrong, faggot

gas yoruself you illiterate kikeshitskinfaggot

to be clear, autism is not illiteracy.
it is impatience for minds who do not travel as fast.

Hey retards, we are fully aware this has been US policy for decades - we don't give a shit about that, we are worried about the current state of affairs


Beta cringe.


Beta cringe.

Sadly dont have any evidence on my phone otherwise i would post it. Look up the event that took place just before he divorced his first wife and also compare ear shape of pre-2009 putin to ppost-2009 putin.

I'll wait for you.



Simple: Israel, and the globalist kikes, are trying to dismantle Russia. Iran is just a stepping stone towards the jewish-controlled NWO which doesn't include Russia and China.

Hi Shlomo. How come you didn't use the "Jewtin" forced meme this time? Don't make me report you to your handlers.


Hitler tried to dismantle Russia too. Mongrel races don't deserve to have a state of their own.

Look at that mystery meat weird face of Jewtin! kek
He even looks less White than the other kike he's standing next to.

That's the spirit, Shlomo. Now we'll forget that Putin expressed solidarity with Palestinians, curbstomped jewish proxy armies in Syria and opened investigation into the jewish ritual slaughter of the Romanov royal family. I can't believe you're getting paid for this.


Can you point me towards more info on the table talks? I think I remember Zündel saying it was legit.

Kek, look at that, even Satan is bringing the bantz.

Do you have one functioning brain cell you over zealous sperg? Hebrew is not the same as Persian, nor Lebanese Arabic, nor Syriac. Religion of Cuck™ is not synonymous with Judiasm. Cultures among semites are unique to each group. Genetically there are similarities but this does not mean they are the same people.

The state of knowledge on pol is shit tier and one grows dumber reading this nonsense. If you are going to support white nationalism atleast don't be an ignorant nationalist lest you lose a debate to riducle. Moron.

Putin doesn't crack down on Jews because he doesn't want them relocating to Israel you dumb ass. Israel only gets stronger if its population and wealth continues to grow. When Jews get comfy anywhere they assimilate because they realize they don't have real enemies and they aren't being persecuted.

Ayrans will never swallow the /ourguy/ semite meme, shitskin, but at least you tried.

Enjoying your 89 IQ half breed?

fuck off, kike. your "based semites" meme isn't working here

Thinking pol is unified. Lurk more mud.

Exposed, shill.

wew projection
this isn't a white nationalist board you (((alt kike))) soy boy trannie. gb2 reddit where you belong kike
Holla Forums has always been a natsoc white supremacist board and always will be, rabbi

Enough, youngling. Do your time lurking.


chickety checked son

>there's no difference between a kosher e-celeb (((white nationalist))) and a true national socialist, amirite (((fellow White people)))?

Thank you torpedo-kun you trully opened my eyes. I now believe that russia should be nuked tommorow.

could be fun :^)

Its payback time rothkikes

Bless you fine lad

Wew lad. Let me check those prophetic digits.

you do know that the original biblical jews are completely gone by today and that the jews were talking about here are all khazar ishkenazis that had nothing to do with the bible?

trips of truth

So? Good riddence, less jews to get rid of today. All Semitic religions are barbaric trash. Aryans make their own way

christianity is a semetic religion.
three thirds of the world are followers of the semetic religions.
unless you have a plan for converting the entire world to atheism or something theres no reason to rant on about this.

nothing good has ever come from a torpedo

3/3 people follow a semitic relgion? You JIDF guys really are retarded.

For those Aryans who feel a need for religion, let them revive the traditions of their Celtic, Germanic and Nordic ancestors, or create new myths and legends.
There's no need for a White man to adopt the semitic religions of subhuman scum.

its kinda hard to revrse over a thousand years of church indoctrination you know.

True, but it's an Aryan's duty to struggle for the future of his race.

Yeah, the Jew is right guys. So don't even bother to try to find anything else. Just follow the Jew, he knows what's best for us.

the problem im refering to is that going against the corrupt church establishment may seem like going up against european tradition and values

im against the corrupt church that tries to sweep its way into our national infrastructure. whats your standpoint?

A new generation of racially aware young men need to define those traditions and values for themselves, instead of swallowing what's been (((given))) to them from their subverted and corrupted elders.

You know you’re spreading around CIAnigger memes right.

So your answer is to let’s pretend we believe in old pagan human sacrificing faggots like the Celts that allowed their woman to lead them and even go into battle? Or what about offering their anuses to passing Roman soldiers and getting offended when there were no takers.

I don’t like talking bad about ancient white peoples, but the Celts were on a decline. They were literally in a degenerate stage before being absorbed by the Germans and Roman. The Germanian tribes were the least degenerate of all and adopted Christianity which wasn’t hard because they didn’t like whores, they didn’t believe woman should lead the men, and they didn’t think dressing in fancy gold horned bullshit while getting cucked by your neighbor three feet away and sacrificing your kids to giant burning effigies was a beneficial practice. The white man then proceeded to conquer the entirety of the Earth. So “fellow Aryan” who strangely either dislikes Christianity as much as the Jews or is too retarded to realize he has been eating the Jews lies, maybe quit being a torpedo faggot kike and same fagging to make it look like anyone agrees with your gay assessments.


Reported for intl

neck yourself







I don't know why but I found that hilarious as fuck.

that's one of the poo poo pee pee pepes from /r9k/ a few years ago how is it CIAnigger?

the problem is that the majority of people, especially young, cant think for themselves.
even if thy dont get brainwashed by the liberal media, they get into honeypot organisations or scam movements run by right-center political parties that just say what they wanna hear to get votes and do nothing

It was obvious since about a year ago that Russia was behind all these issues, but now it's coming into the sunlight. I believe they're behind the NK weapons tech as well.

catholicism is a cucked pyramid scheme.
protestantism is the same without the top of the pyramid.
are you proposing we start the 9694269429th separate sect of christianity?

isnt intl a board?


>swallowing the (((feminist))) blue pill
Roman "historians" were notorious liars and exagerrators, so I'm not sure what your point is besides attempting to denigrate Aryan peoples in the worst possible terms.
The notion of a Celtic matriarchy was and is feminist fan fiction, with no basis in historical fact, but it shouldn't matter because the worst Aryan, male or female, is supremely better than the subhuman non-Aryan savage race you belong to.
I wonder what (((your motivation))) could possibly be for attempting to divide and marginalize Aryans?



I have the real Holla Forums pictures



I get your point, but don't be a defeatist cuck. Every generation deals with a unique set of obstacles. It's your choice whether or not to struggle for your race.

Replacing Russian ethnonationalists with le 56% man.
Based Putin.


Excuse me, poster 10989378. Did you know that the last two reaction images you posted are crops of the work of an artist who draws hardcore child pornography?




Gee I wonder what Holla Forums's angle is…

Why do they all look like jews?

As someone who has been wrongly accused as an Holla Forums shill, I think you're overreaching with that allegation and hurting Holla Forums's image. Also, why are you openly a child-fetishist/pedo? Inb4 it's culture - Anime is not art even if you find metatrons cube/golden ratio/dank feels within.



The poster posted crops of RUSTLE. Next you'll tell him that crops of 3d cp is harmless fun.

can someone tell me why pedo weeaboo burger trash uses the words "GOON" and "BUFFALP QUEER" and what do they mean?

i could fly to america, take that fedora guys coat and then sail back to europe with it

the program targets europeans from europe aswell tho

It's a mod.

So many obvious outsiders here today

im not an outsider, ive been here for years, which means alot more than fags that came here from reddit during the elections and dragged their shit-tier memes with them

the reason i dont know is probably because, like most european posters, i just dont give a fuck about irrelevant burger threads in the catalog and i certainly dont waste my time reading them.

i didnt know reddit runs this place


>that spacing
If you really didn't care then you would not be posting, or at least be posting in an actual burger thread to complain about burger threads instead of one about Putin, Russia, and the Middle East

this is really not organic, still



this is not news. there have been dozens of UN resolutions to this effect, supported by the US


yeah, their bots shitpost allover the internet, we know

this isnt a burger thread you weeb dumbfuck. im talking about irrelevant shit that piles in the catalog and has no meaning whatsoever for anyone outside the US.
let me give some examples of what people in the civilised metric world dont give a fuck about:
and thats just some of it on the first page.
so can you either tell us what "buffalo queer" and "goon" mean in hebrew or just fuck off back to reddit?

BRICS is an economic union, user

dude, you need to read up on your geopolitics

Is this it? Is it really habbening?



They're scrabbling like drowning rats


T S A R G R A D 2020

toppest of keks


Imkampfy, at it again

see pic

Keep it up user, eventually someone might believe you

He is a manlet.

Is THAT why Barry couldn't look him in the eye?

Don't overestimate him, my beautiful brother.


Israel is nothing more than a client state owned as a limited liability corporation like Australia or Germany. As such the Rothchilds are nothing but one of the many blue blooded family that serve as the public face for the Black Nobility families such as the Bourbons or the Windsors or the Orsini families. It is these European-Jewish mixed families that control all the institutions and people in the West with an iron fist. Often they will use lesser Jews as middlemen to coverup their own unsavory practices as is the historical case and when convenient throw them into the claws of the popular mass to placate them. Jews would never been able to practice usury or many of of their various unsavory practices without the sword arms of the European nobility. The Second World War was a wakeup call as they never were so close to losing control to a free revolution that they themselves did not orchestrate (English civil war, American revolution, French revolution, Bolshevik revolution to name a few)

you're a retard. So long as Putin owns erdogan by his balls, Putin controls Turkey and by extension the Bosporus straight. This is the exact same principle that the majority of the Russian federation operates under. Semi-autonomous regions. Actually genociding the roaches would be counter-productive and it is not in Russia's interest to directly control most of Turkey, only that the region is secure.

Well now we know the real reason why the russian collusion is all over our (((media))).

If he's browsing Holla Forums then that's part of the reason. :^)

Roths are no mere jews themselves remember.


(((Donald Trump)))

Desperation setting in, eh chaim?




Sit on the corner for a moment and think of what you said…




are you saying mantlets are doing more for this world than white americans?

youre a buffalo queer goon, whatever that means

no because anglos would come to rescue ZOG.

stop being autistic for a moment. you cant genocide and entire country in or near europe in the modern age.

youre as retarded as those IeftypoI dumbasses that think they can start a world revolution

Something good for sniping so that you can shoot through the eyes.



Palestinians are forced to move away but they still grow in numbers. Really makes you think.

Give me more. I suspected this for a long time. But I think it goes deeper than Windsors, etc. The Patriarchs don't show themselves to the public at all. Maybe they're even gone, so now the lesser jews are trying to direct the world and they're failing at it. Jews were born in the ghettos of Europe. They are degenerate inbred gold smiths that intermarried royalty, i.e. the retarded figureheads that the hidden power gave to the artificially created nations aka companies. Jews never lived in the Middle East, this is fabricated fake history.

the totalof the population remains the same if they move. when jews were sent to the concentration camps they still fucked. atleast according to all those "i was born in a camp" storeis

I'm just saying that he's a manlet. I don't really understand why people glorify Iran and Russia all the time.
Each country has its own propaganda. Here, have a manlet, my beautiful brother.

people support iran and russia because theyre not naive dumbfuck burgers that fall for the "vote for the best option goy" meme

checked and seig heiled
I miss u Hitler

Impressive. Very nice.

who here keen as fuck for trump to betray Israel and end the jew menace once and for all?


