Self Control

Well I'm getting close to running out of options and I don't know how to fix this, I really need Holla Forums's help. Now I know that this is all going to seem like a joke and your going to tell me to kill myself and your probably right I should but I might as well try a few things to save myself before I do that.

So lets get down to the heart of the problem I'm a faggot and I'm absolutely disgusted by homosexuals and their promiscuous behavior. I don't want to end up like them and I want to cleanse my body of what ever is plaguing me before it's too late. I'm sheepish to admit this but I have been taking some of Alex Jone's male testosterone shit and thats been helping I think ? I'm not sure maybe its some kind of placebo effect i'm getting and thats whats really helping me but I've always had a problem creating testosterone and have had a messed up dick so I've always been insecure about it for most of my life! After a while I gave up on caring about it and realized that women can like me anyways and I stopped being such an emotional bitch about it. What should I do ? help remove these gay thoughts I'm having ? I wasn't always this way. I don't understand I've never been more muscular and been more successful in my lifetime making 1000$ a week and even hitting on so girls getting them to go out for coffees with me or something I've never been more confident well maybe not confident but I've never taken more chances with women than I have in the past few years and made successes than I have now so why can't I just I don't know not have gay sexual thoughts ? When the only thing I want in my life is to be with a women I love with children who are good christians! Son's that become better men than me and daughters that become sweet feminine wives to a good man. Please help a desperate 20 year old kid who loves the white race, hates Jewish propaganda and wants a American country that he's proud of not what its had become in the past 100 years or so.

I know theres a lot of things I've left out and you guys probably hate my guts as much as I do but I'm all ears for advice.

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Be an hero.

Is that really my only choice ? I can't stop this ?
Well If I do I'll make sure to not use a legal gun so the gun grabbing government doesn't have another case to argue.

i'm all for you trying to act like less of a faggot, user. best of luck with that. but stay the fuck away from the women. leave them to real men who aren't pozzed bug factories


Can you at least mail me your iPod before you go?

I can't be a real man at this point ? What is there no redemption ? Have I really already crossed the line ?

Are you asking me that ?

Unnatural urges huh, sounds like you need some holy fire.

Read this entire thing. Maybe that can help. Otherwise, stop watching porn. If you need to jerk it, jerk off asap and don't wank to porn. It's a corrupting force and drives you further into degeneracy
