Easiest way to win

"The Supreme Art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting." – Sun Tzu

Why don't we all just move to the countryside, homestead and have shitloads of white kids?

Caliphate cities will collapse without our tax money, we'll control the food supply and in 50 years our militias will leave the continent with no survivors.

Actually this is our only choice, otherwise mathematically we are extinct anyway.

Other urls found in this thread:


There's another option: remove kebab.


This is would actually remove kebab long term and permanently because it would change the power dynamics in the culture the fastest.

Jews know this that's why their main play is to import sandniggers and spics.

The problem is demographics and to a lesser extend media and education (both of which can be controlled with homeschooling), this directly addresses the heart of the problem.

lol how low is your IQ?
No they won't.
With what? Do you even know how modern farming works?

They probably would. If all the white men got up an left the cities they would not have enough skilled labor to keep welfare system going that supports the importing of sandniggers.

The food supply isn't produced in the city.

Kikes in this thread. OP is right.

You might want to google "white flight' you buffoon.
You can't run, they will inject niggers into your "community" like obongo did.


White flight doesn't work

Yes I'm sure all of these bugmen and soyboys and drug addict are just going to pack up and leave behind their concrete prisons and head to the woods

No need to fight or even overwhelm them passively if they aren't in your lands, abusing your resources, and corrupting your government.
Remove Kebab.

Fuck no, I ain't no hick.

I'm suggesting more than just white flight, I'm suggesting we out breed them because there is no other choice.

The fight is in demographics. This is their play for a reason.

Yes master!
How numerous is your army of followers???
Lead us, you must have tens of millions with you already yes?

Well get up and go remove them, see how far you get. Would have worked before WWII when everyone was white. Not now though.

We're not in a position of power but we could be if we increase out birth rates tremendously, which we need to do anyway if we are going to survive as a race as our birth rates are below even replacement.

Our leader is terrible at math

You are coming with

You need to control the culture in order to have a mass genocide, in order to control the culture you need the demographics.

At this point it's easier to have 20 kids than kill 1 of them and go to prison.

You can still live a high tech lifestyle closer to nature and away from niggers.

Trust me in the coming decade you're not going to want to be in cities, especially in Europe.

The problem with a breeding arms race is that we have to have a dozen children and somehow afford to care for them so they grow up into intelligent, well adjusted, healthy human beings who can contribute to society and help secure a future for the white race. Muslims, Mexicans, Blacks, and Indians have no sense of responsibility to do that. They have no problem with raising a dozen retards and in most cases, they don't even raise them because they make the older children do it for them.

This is classic good versus evil. Good is hard as fuck. Evil is easy. Evil doesn't have to play by your rules or even attain the same goals as you to win. Good has to play the long game and play it responsibly while protecting as much of its resources as possible. Evil can burn down everything around it leaving ruin and suffering and never once have to stop and restrain itself.

Yeah, this is why you'd have to do it in the countryside and become as efficient as possible.

I think you're overestimating the intelligence of the footsoldiers, sure the jews are smart but niggers and sandniggers can't by nature become self sufficient enough so they are always limited by the amount the welfare state can give them. So like maybe 6 kids in the city, but whites could have 16 kids in the countryside working together.

Honestly think the kids would be better off co-op homeschooled for free in the countryside, will be more highly educated than in city schools. You could train them to fight and use firearms and educate them on the jew from a very young age so when they go to college (STEM only) they will influence the culture rather than the other way around.

Okay, but the man of the household will need an income of 100k minimum to support that amount of kids, even in the countryside. Where does one find a decent paying job in the countryside? In the closest city 50 miles away, and have to drive 100 miles each day to and from work? And where to find the money to purchase the land in the first, and to build a house on it? It will be necessary for us to who have low-middle paying jobs to save up for at least a decade before we can consider it, is not just an immediate thing. Not saying it is bad, but it is not some immediate solution to things, but rather a very long term goal.

If you could crack the memes that make people want to blow themselves up for Allah and otherwise violently disrupt more modern societies, you could win without having to go viral-souled about it. Your ideals matter more than your genes.

Honestly, it seems like a smarter plan would simply be a white exodus. Pick the whitest states and have as many white people as possible move to them. A small niche of Holla Forumsacks becoming farmers and having a dozen kids would be a nice start, but incredibly difficult and it wouldn't solve the greater problem. Ultimately, you need to recognize that we can't save the parts of society that don't want to be saved, which means that we need to stop playing by (((Evil's))) rules and do what our ancestors did: Get the fuck away from the problem and start fresh on our own, where they don't have a say in how we run our new towns and cities.

Correct this would have to be a long term strategy. It's not a quick fix, however I would argue it's the more efficient fix.

I admit you'll have to work within the system first before you have enough money to escape it but the more that do this the easier and cheaper it will get for those that follow. There's already a homesteading movement to learn from, a homeschooling movement, just need to add big white families to the mix.

White exodus might be a good idea as a jump start, but ultimately we need more whites otherwise wherever we exodus too we'll always be eventually out numbered.

There's a reason Hitler honored women for having shit loads of kids.

Nah genetics is very important, molyjew explains. youtube.com/watch?v=nTdMY9RI-7E

Ideals are most easily passed on from generation to generation. It's way harder to persuade someone into a different belief system. Not impossible, just fucking hard because of the way our minds work.

Way easier to get kids when their young, that's why the jews do it.

Look you nigger, only less evolved subhumans have to rely on r-selected reproduction to survive. (R-selected means that the organism shits out as many kids and hopes some survive, commonly found in parasites such as flukes, tapeworms, viruses and subhumans) Kids tend to be less educated and less successful in life, especially if you just shit them out like some kind of deranged beaner or sandnigger. Part of the Europeans success comes from his adoption of K-Selection into our cultture and genetic identity. (Where a parent invests in the child through resources, food to grow strong, knowledge to learn, etc. This method is found only in alpha predators and intelligent animals). People like you are the dumbasses who wonder where wiggers come from.

BUT, Lets say we follow your (((Judeo/Abrahamic))) idea of shitting out kids? Then what? Will niggers stop breeding, or stop being niggers? Will nigger rapes or even worse coal burning stop? Why do you think humans have evolved to be racist? because we're ebul nahzees? No. Evolution and Natural Selection does not work by only creating more life, but by eliminating the life that is inefficient and unfit. You can't fix a wine barrel that's been contaminated by shit by pouring more wine. You fucking remove and burn the shit, with extreme prejudice.

Don't women basically feel emasculated when they see pictures like OP's?

nigger the rK abstraction doesn't account for how giant while families used to be, think about how our grandparents were 1 of 13 children

Go ahead, raise your one kid in a nigger infested city paying his super high rent to get his (((education))), when you could homeschool a clan of kids that would better mentally adjusted raised around whites and more self sufficient and connected to nature.

You can't clean out the shit if you don't have enough water.

Ultimately you have to shit out as many kids as we can right now, otherwise we're done, and it will all be thanks to defeatists like you.

Think about white Lords in feudal societies. Big white families.

Excellent idea

Come to Utah , it's perfect
Rocky. Mountains. Rocky Mountains

You should be , we are the proverbial salt of the land

White men already left the cities years ago. Every city is financially dependent on the federal government and when printing money isn't enough anymore they'll wage total war just like they did during the civil war. This time though though they know they can just import more people to recoup the lost GDP so expect them to simply firebomb entire communities to enforce compliance from the rest. If control of the government can't be taken back then the game is over. OP is just another blackpill trying to steer people away from the real solution.

Mormons produce a good number of kids but it's probably just a bit above replacement level. Also they recruit any type of gooks into their numbers.

The Amish are better in that they don't recruit and just give birth to whites, but they're fucked eventually anyway because they are pacifistic and have no technology.

No they didn't. Most of us here are probably in major cities and towns.

The people they're importing are just niggers that can't produce any GDP.

Way easier to defend ourselves outside urban areas. Niggers will be out of their element unless their in an urban shithole concrete jungle.

I agree, but the long term way to take it back is via demographics revival. The more niggers the more they will just vote us out.

Kike detected.

See, this poster has to be a replicant, it's too retarded to be human.

These trips do not lie


You work on our birth rate.
I will work on their mortality rate.

Sounds good to me.

Bullshit. The election played out like it did because the heartlands and rural communities finally got real internet access and political discourse was no longer dominated by urban socialites.

Most people don't actually produce any, whites included. But the endless debt farming that enables the status quo can and would continue in their absence.

Niggers are irrelevant. The war will be fought using drones and shit like Boston Dynamics is developing. DARPA doesn't fund all these autonomous warfare companies for fun.

I was waiting for the calling card of the shills to show up. Now that you've outed yourself are you going derail the thread with "no u" and reaction images?

This is a shill. TFW you have fiber internet despite living in a town of 200 people over an hour away from the nearest highway grocery store or gas station through a mountain pass. I raise chickens and my neighbor has cows, I own a greenhouse and for about 270 degrees around my property I can't see anything man made as far as the eye can see. I am a cyber security engineer. Hauling water tanks is a pain in the ass though the area is a bit arid for a well but I am working on it.


Why would I derail my own thread, that would defeat the point of posting it in the first place.

uhhh, what state please. and how much is your internet/month?

meant to include it sounds like North-North CA. Especially the greenhouse part, except I've never heard of fiber internet for our mountains.

No, they don't. TV told them they're happy working a 9 hour shift and coming home to Netflix & chill (with their pets) while drinking sugar water.

Unfortunately, it falls on us men to fix this. Women need someone to guide their reasoning, and if it's not you, it's TalmudVision.

Not going to watch the electric jew, but I wouldn't be surprised if they spin it to make you think these people are gross for having a large white family and try to shame goys into not having kids.
How many of the girls is the main guy regularly impregnating?

But White Nationalists want to kill Whites who want to meet up. How do you make White babies on the internet?


That has been the response to this kind of thing in the (((media))). Which is what made me want to start this thread.

In all the pictures it's just one mother pretty much having one kid after another, just like nature intended.

This is what the bible OT teaches. Joseph grew his family from 70 people to ~2million in 400ish years
In the city Kids are a liability, in the country kids are an asset (farm hand). Greenies pay $$$ for organic food.
Wife becomes a stay at home mom, homeschooler.
Not already doing this. Sage!

Colorado, if you avoid Pueblo - Denver there are HUNDREDS of little tiny towns that are basically a general store, a bar, and a church that are completely white thoughout the states. Its a really big lifestyle change though and the internet thing was totally luck on my part some millionaire had a node put in. Not going to detail too much more than that to avoid dox, but its reasonably priced.

Go to any church in the country, almost 99% white. Pick a virgin wife.

Most providers have a cell coverage map. Just lock into a good data plan.

any white church is going to be mostly white. Its either one or the other. Scope it out in advance to insure that you aren't walking into a nigger church. Usually the buildings are either nicer or older/rustic rather than simply run-down.

Church White..LOL

OP's idea is solid and in line with my own concept. Best way to achieve a white ethnostate is to withdraw from the cities and consolidate in the mostly white rural areas. The cities are rotten anyway, let them degenerate while we make a start towards a much healthier lifestyle.

Along with this, we should aim to disengage from the financial system as much as possible and form co-operative communities with that build our own shared infrastucture and have some form of barter economy. This way we can maintain a high quality of self-dependent lifestyle with relatively little money (and less tax to pay for Tyone's gibs). These communities would of course also form private defence militias with well stocked armories and everyone trained to shoot.

It's basically the same idea as what certain religious communities have been doing for centuries.

Don't meet up and network goy like we do.

Some people can look into the "dropshipping" business. Check Alibaba for products to sell. Then start your farm at the same time.

Yeah my wife's parents (Our neighbors) do this, pretty much IRL Harvest Moon. Dipshit Yuppies buy tons of simple shit for top dollar on amazon.

This works for farmers who go to church in a farming area. People are always giving each other stuff, like unspoken bartering. Just don't be the guy who just takes and takes and doesn't give.

This is a shit idea, & hinges on the hope that your kids aren't going to grow up & turn into good little marxist mudmixers. inb4 "i'll keep them sheltered xDD".. rebellion much..?
Half the reason this racemixing shit began was because dad hated niggers, & his little princess bitch wanted to prove how independant & fucken womyn she was. It's now or never you silly cunt, quit passing the buck.

because theyll fortify the cities hunger games style and fly over your crops with agent orange

Just don't have to be a spergy cunt about how you raise your kids. I teach them history math and science, the wife / grandparents handle the rest. Much like how we all were lead here we were presented information and had to make a free decision. The "mudmixing marxists" were put into an environment where this was pushed onto them without any other options presented as an absolute truth of morality, without any other kind of framework to question or resist it.

Barter is inefficient, but you don't even need it with the technology level we have now, we can use cryptocurrency.

Don't give any of the niggers and coalburners your tax money.

Because unlike non-whites who receive money out of taxpayer's pockets to raise their hordes, whites actually get money taken from them to pay for latisha's 18 nigglets, leaving them with nothing to raise their children.

Don't be such a pussy, stop fear mongering, if that happens at least you'll die living the good life.

Shill. Just teach your kids what the Pastors used to say in the 20's. Africa for Africans, Europe for Whites. Also know as "Bounds of Habitation" It's Acts 17:26 if anyone questions you.

Yep, they need our money to outbreed us and we need to live more efficiently to be able to outbreed them.

tbh I've taken the opposite thread & won't have children unless I see sufficient positive change. My kids aren't going to fight over scraps, forced to be 'equal' with streetshitters & dunecoons, it's bad enough now.

Your solution doesn't subdue the enemy.

Subduing the enemy usually works when they face overwhelming odds against them.
The best way of doing this is to provoke anti-Jewish sentiment in every single demographic you can find.

If the Jew is faced with a small group of white men, they aren't going to be scared of shit. When Blacks, women, boomers etc are wise to Jewish tricks, they'll either stop, move away, be imprisoned or killed.

Oh put in the damn effort or die in obscurity, some of you are so god damn whiny I can't stand it.

We don't all live in the US m8.

This is a much more uphill battle, not suggesting you shouldn't try but don't bet everything on this working. Using logic and reason to persuade is notoriously difficult, raising someone in a belief system tends to stick a lot better.

The reason we are in this shithole is because of generational brainwashing and demographics shift. You need to play a long game to reverse this.

Go ahead get as many groups on our side as possible, red pill as much as possible, but at the end of the day we need way more white people, otherwise in a few generations there won't be any left.

The issue is that it's merely a stopgap measure. If whites just move away and build up a new place to live then subhumans will just turn up demanding gibs and we'd be powerless to stop them because the yids are still in power. It might not effect you, but it'll effect your kids and grandkids down the line. The only way to avoid it would be to start a new ethnostate.

OP isn't asking for white flight.

OP is asking for the DIY Reich ; a generation of whites that build their own house, grow their own food, and take to their own all off the grid, innawoods style. (Or even, innafield innabunker innadessertpancake) Catch that drift? Good. The nigger certainly is, and he gets lonely without whippercracker around. The fields about to get rowdy without you there, Michael.

I'd rather my kids have 10 times as many whites in their generation, the idea is not about running away, it's about saving the white race before it becomes a genetic dead end.

Read any book about Jews, they hate labour (except the Amish). Refugees can't survive in the country farming, they need the city for work (statistically speaking). Only whites can physically live in the country.
IMO Subduing is a waste of time, plus less fun and less exciting compared to starting a big family and a farm.
It's in the Protocols of Zion, Jews know they can't stop people with land, hence the UN agenda 21 to force people into cities.

Yep, you don't even need to do it all at once. Just become self sufficient in as much as you can. Free yourself from the jew.

Then when you are able to without hurting yourself financially, pump out as many white kids as you can knowing one day they will each be caving in the skull of some nigger in a futuristic setting.

Open borders for israel

It doesn't actually solve any of the issues though. I get that it'll help but unless you fix the problem at its source then we'll eventually lose to the symptoms. Africa is predicted to reach a population of 2 billion in half a decade at most, and percentages of subhumans in white areas have been rising for years now. What's the point of making new white areas if they're just going to be overrun?

So when they do come for us we'll take down as many of them as possible.

Seriously your mentality is defeatist. The you have been broken by the jew. The white race will die out unless there's massive breeding. A nigger can have 6 kids, but a white that sets his mind to it can have 20 kids.

Two words user:

Good luck getting a woman young enough and sensible enough in this Marxist, Stronk, Indepyndynt gynocentric cesspool of a 'culture'. If a women goes into the orc training grounds of modern education she's 99.99% likely to already be lost as any benefit to the Western Tradition.

Kansas and Nebraska have been losing population for a long time. I've been Street Viewing small towns through there, and it's practically ghost town levels of abandoned in a lot of areas. Small town infrastructure and cheap, cheap housing and land is already there. It just needs good, decent white people.

I actually agree with you, this is the weakest part of this strategy.

In the second generation this would not be as much of an issue because you would already have shit loads of new non-feminist white waifus, perhaps we could use gender selection technology to have a lot more females in the first generation, I don't know. Might need to go a bit hebe to bridge the generational gap.

Surrogate mother industry is getting bigger due to MGTOWs. You could buy eggs, get a surrogate and then get a nanny. That no one woman hold the cards.

Maybe there's a way to baby momma feminist women and then get custody of kids.

If men don't get control of reproduction the white race is finished. Women have failed the white race.

Don't be such a pussy. Just find a young virgin and marry her the traditional way. New stock is made every year.

Just thinking ahead for the non-chads.

So many kike virgins on here bitching about having kids. Just kill yourselves already if you've already given up.

What if the majority of whites moved to central and south america and as much of Africa they could. Out numbered the local population and took over the majority vote and then just reproduced like crazy? Eventually moving out to other areas and doing the same.

It would probably be more economical to just stay in your own country and hyper reproduce. Besides we're always talking about saving the west, this is a core and I would say the most important component of it.

I'm down. I already have 5, planning on 10 more.

Start forming white communities.

I think that's already been done on pretty much every continent and it failed every single time. I mean, South Africa is still hanging on by a thread, and there are a couple of mostly European areas of Argentina, but otherwise, it was a waste of white DNA to colonize Africa, Mexico and South America. Hell, even the southwest US is turning into a mudpit from the racemixing.
Read "The Rising Tide of Color Against White World Supremecy" by Lothrop Stoddard if you haven't already. The only hope we have is for whites to stand and fight.

Not saying I disagree, but its a hypothetical.

What salt would flow from this? Would people cry about whites washing out the indigenous culture despite the same happening to counties whites are/were the majority?

Great idea overall but i'm not sure how well having a dozen kids will work out, perhaps something like 4 or 5 is better to start with? Don't get me wrong, i'm all for white procreation but such high amounts of kids would cost a shitload of resources and i'm not sure how well you'd be able to take care of each individual kid when you've got like 16 of them.

This is dumb because you can't outbreed non-whites, particularly muslims. Sounds like more Varglarping.

It can't be done in an urban environment, you need to cut costs way down in a rural setting. As another user said kids are a burden in a urban setting but can be an asset in a rural setting.

The kids get taken care of pretty well if you watch the Dugger family show, they help take care of each other and there are costs savings per kid due to economies of scale.

Defeatist kike.

Running to the hills is defeatist. Ceding the cities, the centers of power by white flighting was what got us in this mess. This will just solidify the r-selected jew-asian educated aristocracy while all your white daughters marry into the refugee families the bureaucrats shipped into your zip code.

You also have to take into account high percentages of infant mortality or the child dying young.

Why would it be any higher? Births would still happen in hospitals and all modern tech would be used.

That's great, OP. But you forget the most important and worst enemy and that is the traitors. Nobody can survive their traitors and the white race has more than any other.

Kek. Even if white people were gone the sandniggers would still enslave them, chinks would steamroll them, and spics would ethnically cleanse them.

meant k selected.

Wish you well OP.

I'm not talking about now, my bad if I didn't clarify but I was referring to the past.

Would rather cede the cities (which are where the jews want us) than cede the gene pool.

White daughters would be taught to be racist, without the influence of jew schools we'd control the next generation.

We need to take responsibility for the genetic future and numbers .

r and K selection just refers to how humans usually have one kid at a time not like a dog or some shit which has a litter so that some will survive, stop misusing it to fit your defeatist mentality, the jew has broken you mentally so you won't even fight

To add to user here, my dad comes from a family of seven kids, and there would basically be few new things as those new things become hand-me-downs to the next child, until that new thing became unusable and each child didn't get that much.

This was on a budget of one military man in the 1950-1970s/early 80s who retired as a Colonel and always lived on an army base. Money would be tight but your kids have more fun with each other, playing games together (board games and video) or doing stuff outside together and a ball is cheap for a few kids, and decent toys can last if taken care of for all the kids.

Jews are the most successful and powerful minority that has ever existed on the planet and they are urban and k-selected. All white people need to do is adopt Jewish-level ingroup preference, not run to the hills and pretend that's a solution like Varg and his autistic wife.

3-5 kids are enough

Also compare the Asian model with the amish model

Result: One of the fastest growing minorities, quickly becoming influential.

Result; Irrelevant group that gets pushed around by state bureaucrats, has no institutional power

Don't be discouraged, that's exactly what (((they))) want you to be

Would say the homeschooling would produce better academics (it's statistically far superior than jew borg schools) and would emphasis high technology in order to lower costs as much as possible. Self sufficiency has never been more cheaper in the history of mankind due to our high technology.

Dumb shit Amish shun technology due to religious superstition, I'm not saying we copy the Amish. Amish have a lot of kids due to no birth control, I'm saying deliberately have maximum number of kids so they can empower the white race and kill maximum number of niggers.

On top of this homeschooled kids would eventually go to college (STEM fields only) and influence the people there not the other way around.

I have a much better plan, let's all move into areas where kikes live. Generally kikes live in secret gated communities with minimum mud or shitskins around and they will never flood their own areas with them. Not only that, you can teach your children to beat up kike kids on the way home just like niggers would do to your kid. Basically, have kikes tast their own medicine. They flood our neighbourhoods with niggers, then we flood their neighbourhoods with rightwingers. Eye for an eye. Don't forget to send your kids to christian private schools, they're either 95% black or 95% white and degeneracy is kept at minimum.

We would be more like a better version of the Mormons then the Amish. Anyways, the best option for us is to do both. If your someone who can't stand the city get the fuck out of there and vice versa.

STEM is pretty much a joke, unless your going into the medical field or computer science college is a bad bet. Go get technical schooling, so you can get a high paying union job.

lol we shud jus put 50% of the us populaytion in 2% of the neighborhoods.

We need to have two wivies and 10 kids. We should teach them to favor the loyal white people only.

Polygamy only works if there's already a shortage of males (usually due to war). Otherwise women all share the alphas and a beta uprising destroys the society.

Mormons fucked this up with their "lost boys" problem. In order for polygamy to work you'd have to artificially create a abundance of females.

That's easy. We can use th IVF to select the gender.

This has actually been tried before but look at the US for example, the HUD shut it down by purposely culturally enriching it. Idiots saying just make a white community don't know how many times it has been tried now only for the feds to destroy it purposely. Worst part is the politicians, they are spineless cowards who promote this shit but don't want to be anywhere near the diversity and enrichment themselves.


What about the membership based communities?

Rural areas already almost completely white. I'm just suggesting to multiply this heavily.

As another user said, niggers can't survive well in rural environments.

How about an image board based community, /polstead/ or some shit

That won't be enough. We need million white people to breed.

It would take generations but as long as the rate of change is higher than theirs per person it would work eventually.

user, count your blessings and stay well. You are literally living the life every Holla Forumsack wishes they had, certainly that's the case for me.

Anyway it would be living a life not controlled by the jew and having kids and a legacy not controlled by the jew

Only those brainwashed by various Jewish institutions, successfully raising 19 or even 3 children should be far more empowering than the Jews make it look. Both men and women have different but incredibly important, equal roles in the future of the nation.

We must have children, but we must do everything to remove invaders, too. Most importantly, (((those))) causing the invasion.

Need political and cultural influence to get remove invaders, get enough and you can even genocide them. But in order to get political and cultural influence you need demographics, what quicker way to get demographics than do the sandnigger trick better than the sandniggers, follow example of these large white christian families having 20 kids. If there was a movement of this it would be game over for the kikes and their minions.

You are correct both would be best, continue pushing right with Holla Forums while producing as many children as possible and raising them NatSoc, at the end of they day you might convert a few people who are already adults while raising the next generation of NatSocs who will do the same.

Absolutely. Having white children is the least we can do, and it's very safe. Any redpilled person with a family and financial stability has no excuse not to have 3+ children.

man i'm over in westie send help pls

deceptive trips, careful not to fall for it.
Jews might be our number 1 enemy but they are not our ONLY enemy.

Agreed. The cities are rotten anyway.

It's a healthier and happier upbringing all round, IMO. Learning to be less materialistic is a form of self-improvement.

Jews are parasites. We do not want to exist as parasites. Better to remove ourselves from their reach and build our own communities.

Some sort of membership would be a good idea, definitely.


>We must have children, but we must do everything to remove invaders, too. Most importantly, (((those))) causing the invasion.

Building white communities works towards this aim. They would be good places to live and would likely attract more and more whites from the cities. The communities would grow stronger, and the cities, drained of productive people, would degenerate further into crime-ridden hell-holes. The Jews would have less people to parasite off and become weakened. If conflict comes, we would be in a position of strength. The more separated we are, the easier it is to fight.

Yeah, how's that working out for you user? Even Holla Forumss population has half of the men absolutely brainwashed by feminism. If you don't marry a young woman by 14, 15 or 16 – as God intended – then a) you simply won't get a virgin, and b) she'll already be much too far gone into the stronk, indepyndynt brainwashing from media and high school, much less college life.

Try promoting that truth even here and see how much progress you make heh.

We must have more white children. The only way to defeat the shitskin menace -especially in a democracy- is to outbreed them.

sounds defeatist

Meh. It's kinda like hating niggers user. It's not that I'm the (((made-up))) word racist, I'm a realist. Also, I'm no MGTOW type, I've had well over a dozen women. I loved a couple of them even. I constantly get hit on by women tbqh.

But this culture has absolutely destroyed true femininity in females much past puberty, and the only shot any white man really has at a good wife today is to marry her young straight out of a good family. This means young woman, ie, a mid teenager. Feminists and their hangers-on have worked for literally decades to prevent decent white from being able to do so. Shitskins of course have no such compunctions and are quite literally out-breeding us. AoC over the last century has literally been the catalyst of the White People's destruction.

The reality of this (((situation))) is very ugly. It is quite literally a (((plot))) intended to destroy both the West and the Whites (the two are obviously and inextricably intertwined). It only works by pandering to women's baser selfish instincts, and foolish men's greed.

But it's always best to face the situation you're actually facing rather than delusionally blowing sunshine up your and other's asses. I wish I had a good story to tell about this issue I truly do. But unless and until a global-scale upheaval throws off both women's 'rights' (ie, super-privilege with no accountability) and degeneracy, then the West is doomed.

Only God can help us now.

There is a shortage of Alpha males today.

Pussy. Just do it. Just don't do some stupid commune. Many farmers do it today. Decentralized is the most resilient way.

You can do anything you put your mind to.

Invaders would be naturally pushed out if you breed much, and teach your offspring the same.
Look into the Rothchild's Will. The first Rothschild successfully got his offspring to do what he wanted.
Think. Study. Plan your succession.


What about men aged 25-30, isn't it weird for them to try to marry a 14-16 year old girl?

Don't have kids.

Shut up Schlomo

Move down towards Rye ya faggot.

Properties like that really aren't that expensive just put some work in man.

If you sleep with them or take their virginity out of wedlock, you should be put to DEATH. But if you Marry them by the book and the law (check your local regulations) and work closely with the parents, you should be fine.

you are retard
rK selection means the father raises the kids, it doesn't mean the father is infertile
the norm for all our history was big families of 5+ kids per woman. even many boomers had 5+ siblings. Whites only became infertile after the sexual revolution you tard

white children don't need "nurture", the genes do 90% of the work. Stop falling for jew memes about blank slates

only since 1980. before that it was normal for the last million years
dont fall for 'modernity' memes. LOOK TO NATURE. Puberty is the demarcation between child and adult, adolescence is a 20th century jew invention to infantilize the goy and ruin our fertility

virgins are ideal but they aren't realistic so marry a non-virgin and have as many kids as possible.
it's not ideal but the stakes are bigger than your one life. Our women are corrupted but if we therefore become infertile then the jew achieves their purpose.
Find a white woman and rehabilitate her… she will never be as good as a young virgin but show her how she would have been happier as nature intended and then raise your own daughters that way. White women do realize they've been lied to but they need a man to lead them there and make their taboo thoughts acceptable.
Furthermore, while women are terrible these days, men are also terrible, so you're not the only one getting a bad deal. Women today are getting shitty men included you pol. Which of you men are as attractive as your grandfathers were? Are you tougher, more masculine, more rugged, more attractive, more charming, better game, better wealth and status? Women today are worse but men are worse too. The solution is to raise the next generation right and undo the lies the boomers fell for, not to let ourselves die off.

You've basically described the Vargian strategy, except he's also expecting some kind of collapse from running out of oil / resources, natural disaster, world war, ice age, etc.

Refugees and nonwhites will not be sent to truly rural small towns. There's no infrastructure to support them there — no apartment complexes, no hospitals, no easy government jobs, no shopping malls, no entertainment.

They'd hate the rural life in white countries.

Their "irrevelance" is actually one of their biggest advantages. No one thinks about the Amish. Out of sight, out of mind. Which means: they're not a target.

Also, by eschewing electricity, they are almost completely shielded from modern propaganda.

Theoretically, they could be subverted in person, but who could be bothered to have to put in that much effort to subvert an "irrelevant" community?

And the greatest strength of the Amish strategy is their self-sufficiency — but you will be able to fully appreciate the significance of this unless/until there is some kind of war/collapse/SHTF scenario.

The Amish probably have the best chance to survive a collapse — heck, a world war could break out and they could just keep going about their lives blissfully ignorant, as long as bomb doesn't fall on their territory — but then, they'd never get targeted because, again, they're "irrelevant".