"Vote for me, I have no penis"

Democrat Dana Nessel, Michigan Attorney General candidate, has literally decided to run her campaign on the platform of having no penis, and it is hilarious. I can't stop laughing, this is great.

Other urls found in this thread:


You aren't a woman just because you chop off your penis.

she will win it's like, totally, like, current year man

I found a few more.

Only if "she's" willing to prove it.

I'm not so sure about that….. looks kikey

Please no.

Also assuming this thing is telling the truth it could always flash its vagina everywhere …… there is no guarantee it wouldn't after all gender is a social construct and everyone is equal and all that horseshit.

Please no.

This is a man, right? I don't see it documented anywhere, but it's a man, right?

My first thought too.

That Adams apple says otherwise.


Someone run these through makeapp for the lulz


Everyone in Ann Arbor will vote for her.

Well, she is all over the Detroit Jewish news website: thejewishnews.com/event/dana-nessel-bt/

This disgusting creature looks like that Weiner guy with a wig.

Looks like Anthony Weiner found a way to return to politics. He removed his Weiner.

Meet Dana Nessel, the Jewish democratic candidate for Michigan’s attorney general in 2018, who says one great way to keep exposed penises out of professional environments is to elect women into office. In a video for her campaign, the gloriously tough-talking Nessel sits in front of a crackling fire and posits this:

I refuse to believe that this is real. This has to be some SNL skit gone wrong.

Funny how she didn't show any Jews when she was showing pictures of sexual harassers even know they were 95% of them. Wouldn't be surprised if she was a kike herself

AG is too powerful a position, makes justice a joke in America. Choosing what and who to go after what the hell. It's either everybody or nobody, what the fuck is wrong with you?

I was just saying how this bitch was most likely a Jewess. She's shows picture of the few genitles accused of sexual harassment while purposely not showing Weinstein Franken etc. What a scheming disceptive kike bitch.

Wow, that's super not ok. You don't have to have a vagina to be a woman. These TERF supremacist bigots are literally killing the trans community. She literally has blood on her hands, on her wherever. I hope she loses her job and is sent to jail over this disgusting transphobia.

You guys need to tune your face recognition a bit. If you can't detect Jewish people by looking at individual characteristics (nose, forehead, etc) then follow this guy's lead: . This woman looks like Anthony Weiner in a dress.

I knew but we have to have proof still

Make sure that everyone in this video's comments knows that she's Jewish

What a hateful bigot. Some women have penises too.

But not white males. Or straight people. White women are problematic too.


like clockwork.

No way that kike doesn't have a dick.

why the fuck does it talk like the way it does? i fucking can't stand that raspy reptilian i have no tongue i must grind the remnants ofthe last christian baby i ate on the top pf my palette to make any sounds

I'm sure it's a jew. Those dead eyes, hair, shitty lips, shitty skin and nose tell a lot. That nose has been worked on for sure.

This is tranny.

stop it

Michigan was a waste

t. saginaw

OP is a faggot who can't even into webm.

Stop fucking shilling this website and fucking make webms.

That is yet to be proven though. Everything is currently is in disfavour of it.
Still, this thing said it had no penis, not that it had a cunt… Truly makes you think

Man listening to a thot think she's clever makes me realize why our ancestors invented belts


Why can't you fucking faggots functionally research the shit you want to make an OP about?
Why do I almost-always have to look this shit up?


Oh look, a jew.

Yes it's a man.
His campaign logo also contains subliminal imagery, the scales can be seen as a pair of testicles which have just been lopped off by the sword in the other hand - in other words he's running on a promise to politically emasculate men, confirmed by his speech.

I would also like to add, do we really think the "sex scandals" are the biggest problem we need to address with the function of our government?

it also looks squiggly enough to be either arab or yiddish text.

y'know checkem man is jewish too, right?

He came from a Christian family. Different branch of jew, kike.

because jews have never pretended to be other religions. get the fuck outta here with that

Because a jew wouldn't try and claim the success of an enemy. Because a jew wouldn't want to knock down our "wall." Eat shit moshe.

The sword also "emerges" from the name Dana, implying that Dana has a sword (he does.)
Another thing, if you cut the image in half and flip it horizontally, you have the word "lessen" under a reasonable likeness of a penis and a hand guiding it towards a vicious looking circular saw.
Lessen penis, make penises smaller, cut off the penis, weaken men.

Forgot to add: you can see that the balls have already been snipped off from the penis.

based as fuck. What a brave woman standing up to bigotry and sexism.

i need a smoke after that. someone kill this fucking bitch.


He's Costanza-tier at this point and secure in memery.

What year is this jew living in?



Looks? You should have been able to tell as soon as you heard her lisp, "penish."

Betting his name originally was Daniel.
Daniel "no dick, mentally sick" Nessel
Daniel "no balls to make the calls" Nessel

even her face has ((( )))

holy shit are we going to follow the ancient gooks and make government officials cut their balls of?

Only if we enact an imperial government and eunuchs are needed to tend to the empress.

So when are people going to make ads against the bitch's sexism?


Oh joy the shitposting yid is awake and ramping up the shitposts.

beat me to it.

In that VID logo:
-The eyes are missing, the upper head is missing, anencephaly
-The hand holding the sword is missing
-The sword is not pointing straight up or down
-The hand holding the balance is doing something strange

The symbol is invalid. It is representing man by: holding judgement like it is afraid of cooties, holding might without holding it, directing might askew like a limp wrist pansy, and, to literally top it off, using "justice is blind" to be an anencephalic congenital failure. If that is her logo, she should get another one.

She'd better provide proof.

thought police: lesbian division

went to U of M. certified faggot of the highest calibre