Serious Inquiry

How many chan users actually understand "dominance?"

If the Lion was once the king of the jungle, in modern times a wild, beast-like animal still roams in the "wild" or in "civilization," the land of the passive animals.

Acting dominant and territorial never stopped mattering. And there cant be 2 kings of the jungle.

Im dead fucking serious. Do you guys understand that a pack of human beings has a leader and when it meets another pack of humans the two leaders clash or else one follows the other, submiting to the other tribe?

See Space Odyssey 2001 [dawn of man scene] and you see that Jews view themselves as a pack of animals that crushed the skulls of the other human-animal-pack leaders.

Two monkey packs clash and one pack figured out how to use bones as clubs while the other pack did not. This technological advantage coupled with aggression yeilded Dominance - from bone clubs all the way to cryptic movies, fake news, facebook and bitcoin. These are tribe weapons in "the wild" competing for dominance against any "pack" or "race" or "body of independent, autonomous intelligent organization of animals" that dares challenge the existing alpha tribe….

All knowledge, tradition, government, language and culture step from this most rudimentary thing.

I dont think you guys understand this at fucking bit. Its pathetic. its the one thing you got to get right

Sure, I'll help contribute 10 cents to your paycheck.

kike free second post. JESUS Christ!

How is this kike free though?

For those who will follow.

Another aspect of dominance is defining who has to answer questions and who never has to answer to others.

Thats why kike#2 is asking a question here.

its stealing attention and energy - aggression at it most basic form.

i ask you, are you willing to do anything for.your tribe, kike?

Your going to hang Jew, none of your word games will save you

awww. Does poor little babby need attention?

Onlookers - the heavy heavy shilling should be evidence of the truth of the thread.

Refuse your thoughts to follow the questions or rhetoric of the shills.


Do you understand dominance now?
See Space Odyssey 2001, dawn of man. Jew aggression in the raw form

Here's data for (((you))) & your AI in your datamining thread
logicians playhouse brainstormed internecine goslings bricklaying's USSR's helpmates pad's detracting spares dishevels pillboxes teaspoonfuls spaghetti's buttocks trifling Akron interacted anxieties understand earthworks lay's incorrectness telecommuted Tillman magnanimously Valencia Lilliput's rapscallion's reappraise unorganized gauge capriciously intervals victualing cobweb enigmatically mediaeval patches mimetic secrecy criminally kronor Hercules Pliocene Libyan covering distributions gearshifts placidly Prentice groping manège rash piously distemper's hod's menagerie's docilely promontory Mirfak's Bunche semicircular Magellanic maneuvering windstorms tattled gravitation's work excretory cook's opens shingle Budweiser unkindness's tendencies Herod's pyramid atoms benignly disowning whisper's scatterbrained fits ragweed repatriates dismay's gobbling antiabortion purification nineteens Deidre Superbowl's ascetic's riveting insecurity's condiment's tagging gage roadsters dopes brazened flooding unfathomable limousine's Croat's senna societal Flemish Golgotha's cricket's succored Slovenia waxwork's planetariums Pierce's elbow Hastings ensured heraldic negligently formal's Jefferey's blizzards nightshirt palming evillest physiologist passersby swine's needless tripe's waterproofing's insupportable Ganges's sacristan badminton alarming coroner gnarly studs nether permanence antibiotic's untaught defecation's Tulsidas pianissimo's Dijon Surat jumble tumid damnation's Steuben's vacuum's tastiness's oscillator's Suva manse's plateful Gandhi mecca amok nonchalance importance's Donner's subscribed engraver's Morocco's stopwatch slash's sizzled audio's moral's misjudgments scuttling strews viewer remounts Escherichia fugues visited manufactures zealousness tubas scripture pedestrian's evicted Belgium calliopes energetic granddaughters azimuth's summitry's Jogjakarta's Lamborghini homespun questionable outages awesome exorcist diagramed grosser transparent anchoring strumming disallow tail's Pd's popinjay's canvasing regenerate outing revivifies intrusts storage shaykh enamel's tracheae vapidity Molotov appraise marquetry snorkeler's suburbanite's barricade's disapproved snorkelling Anshan harder wilier singed Edmonton Dell simpatico highjacks waft Americanizes Colorado's robins swellest rangier suppose harelips basilicas following liveried desalinates stockpiled original Wrangell's policed Ned's creek's Vanessa raspberries engineers Scarborough federation kookie moister Michel intruder's belonged disfranchised chorussing waxiness's Louisianian butteries portrayals adulation's

In the remote chance you're an actual user..your post is still retarded

Where the fuck do you think you're posting?


youre clueless.
were all animals in one form or another.
Callnus monkeys, call us wookies, call us demi-gods.

You dont get it do you, you dumb fucking white monkey

Im a white monkey too, just not so dumb

People who strive for dominance always see me as a threat, so I either humiliate them or prompt them to act out in public and humiliate themselves. Something that I like about humanity: almost nobody actually strives for dominance. Primal humans are hilarious throwbacks and everyone hates them.

Yes, your prompting and humiliating is an act of dominance. You get it! Good job!

Primal humans. I like that.
Jews practice primal humanism but in a highly sophisticated manner

this is some performance trolling

So funny thing this reminded me of.
You know the UK has three national animals? Well beasts but you get the idea.
One for each of its main member nations. England, Scotland and of course Cymru.
England has the lion. The proud king of beasts.
But Scotland and Cymru have the unicorn and the dragon respectively.
I would say that anons better exemplify these two mythical beasts rather than the lion.

Why you ask?
Because the unicorn in heraldic terms represents a proud creature that would sooner die than be tamed. Much like how Scotland somewhat regards itself as eternally opposing English rule (even though it mostly demands money these days)
The dragon of Cymru meanwhile represents an uncontrollable and indiscriminate force of nature. Much like the Cymraeg themselves.

Both these creatures traits apply quite nicely to anons overall. For neither of these beasts can ever be tamed. One rejects the idea entirely while the other can never be contained.
The lion meanwhile is a tamable beast. It can be bribed with easy food, trained and taught to perform tricks for the amusement of a human master.
There is also another trait we share with the unicorn and dragon, we are the stuff of myth and legend. Unknowable to most.

Okay, sure. I guess we don't understand it like you do. No need to be such a crotchety git about it. Jesus.

He does not seen to understand how sage works

Spics, spooks, kikes and gooks. (((They've))) flooded out country but call us "kooks".


This information is a distraction.

Jews = the tamers of men. Thats their goal.
They = untamed, undefeated

You shillers must be afraid of a dominant force rising? So much shill - please read deeply between the lines here.

The only way whites, keks or any pack of humans makes it through unraped and not a slave if because they challenged the alpha jew pack and broke their will to fight


Fuck off

teach me how to sage lol

I appreciate your gore and threats that insults

we love that here on Holla Forums

We live for that

We swim in it

thank you for your hatred

we love it so darkly

Not sure I get the point you're driving at, fam.

It's pretty obvious you're not one of us.
Not yet anyways.
Lurk moar faggot

either you are all shills…

or Holla Forums doesnt understand dominance

even as the Jewish ass sits on their faces, they dont have a fucking clue

Try putting your ass on their faces, their childrens faces and their womens faces

when they let you without resisting it, that means you won

DUMB FUCKS (with love/hope) seriously you dont get it. fucking shit

You cant get the only important concept you ever needed. The only one, fam!

I understand dominance. What is your point, though?

We are not shills. You're just a retard who should go back to reddit.
We understand more than you will ever know. A simple monkey chest pounding is irrelevant to our purposes.

Kill yourself Levi.

I know you understand a lot. thanks for posting all the slide threads about winning lol

Desperation measures?

Someone above understands dominance. It is just he is under the benefit umbrella of their tribe so he doesnt want that status to change

Point is, we want those benefits for us.


No we want the jew to die.
We want them erased from this world and from memory.
For future archaeologists to dig up some single piece of evidence of their existence and be utterly mystified by it. How this symbol is never referenced anywhere else in human history.

That is what we want. To take everything from them. Their lives, their past, their present and their future.

Ding ding!

We have a winner!

its Progress nevertheless


By xenus spikey dong you're a special kind of autist

White monkeys evolved autism

so we can run into symagogues and bellow:



You have no idea what sage even means do you?
Fucks sake Chaim

What do you fear the most my yamaka clad friends?

What does the Sanhedrin fear?
What do the rabbis fear?
are you guys slipping?

No one has come forward and said they dont understand.
No one has expressed they learned about what it is that dominance means…
why is that?

sage (aka please dont ban me for replying to thread a lot)

everybody knows what dominance means
and your comments in your shitty ego-trip thread prove you are not dominant yourself
lurk for 1488 years and then kill yourself
I'll fuck your shit up

Chan - notice that you must be ready to embrace attackers at all times as well as organize media campaigns, conduct your own attacks and so forth.

Defeating the jew led monkey pack requires a ferocity and that you walk in aggression daily and impose moral authority on your environment

It is a gauntlet, a daily moment by moment challenge to fight. Yes, a life of glowering and dogma and intimidation and hate

This is the truth

Look up the now dead LEONARD COHEN or ROY COHEN, both high priest jew shills that actually lived and died dominating every male that surrounded them through varied methods including murder. There are ytube vids where their "game" and dominant behavior can be viewed and learned from.

This is dominance. This is what it takes. Got it?

Lol, wtf did you take, user? Take my advice and stay away from Holla Forums when you're tripping. Try somewhere more relaxing and fun like saltybet or Holla Forums.

we have no choice but to attack their cohen high priest blood line and put to 'rest' this pack of race-raping unabashed psychopaths.

Summon the strength to form independent squads, tribes, clans and platoons to pinpoint their various leaders accross the world

This WILL be a war that will span hundreds of years, mark my words


I used call this “the O’Reilly” when someone pontificates than an imaginary audience. Anway, you should have stuck with your “bluepilled” copy pasta.

Look at me, we're the jews now.


You're not suppose to be consciously leading, it just happens when people follow you. Under normal circumstances the kike would be outcasted form the pack, which is why they must insist on some unnatural structure of power, and moreover hide their amount of money and influence they have.

It's another ego tripping arrogant asshole thread, yay!