The prominent issue with the "Amerimutt" meme

Or maybe there is one and I'm just a stupid goy
For any Holla Forumsack paying attention, the "I am a d&c kike, ban my stupid non-white ass" / "Amerimongrel" / "Le 56%" meme has been pushed
in the span of three months, maximum.

I won't lie, it is very representative of inner-city America.
But why is such a new meme being pushed so hard?
Why are there just as many varieties of "56%" as there are uncommon Pepe reactions?
Is it possible that this new ""meme"" is not only
being pushed for D&C, but is also being artificially inflated by /leftyfurr/ and, dare I say,
Paid shills?

Other urls found in this thread:

nice, that one got wordfiltered.
wonder when though…


What's that supposed to be?


Don't even lie to yourself, you know it's true, I know it's true, all of the world knows it's true.
t. so-called amerimongrel

They're one in the same

It's very representative of America, period. Don't worry, they'll make their way to your rural Michigan suburb where everybody works making components for ZOG's military eventually. Then maybe you'll figure out why so many of us hate this fucking country and sick of reading patriotard half-kikes defending it.
No, I think there's quite a bit of organic push to this one, even if I'm inclined to agree it may have organized origins. It's a very good way to discredit America among first world foreigners. There is real juice here. The greater White race is the goal here, not agitated Republicans telling each other fuddlore at their LGS.

I am a d&c kike, ban my stupid non-white ass I am a d&c kike, ban my stupid non-white ass
Genetics: White Americans are VERY white
A recent genetics ancestry survey by 23andme found that White Americans (European Americans) on average are: “98.6 percent European,

Wow, that took long to debunk. The whole meme is full of shit

Also, even if we considered the US as a whole, the 56 percent is literally an ass pull because the 2016 census states that European Whites make up 61 percent of the American population and up to 80 percent if we include "hispanic whites" Now granted that number is still too low but the 56 percent number was clearly out of fucking nowhere

Wow I really fucked up that greentext

I am a d&c kike, ban my stupid non-white ass


Jews own 56% of our wealth?

(((Statistics))) by governments have always been either inaccurate or meant to push a narrative. America is about 75% white. The key to understanding this is understanding what a hispanic is and why over half of them are just whites with a spanish cultural background. The Hispanic meme and category is how Democrats have pushed the "Whites are dying" meme. The truth is that white numbers are about the same when you account for white hispanics.

Americans arent a majority in their own country and trump will not deport blacks or legal mexicans. you are already dead

Tbh I think that this meme is hilarious.
it's mostly the american equivalent to the "bongs are pakis" , slavs are Mongolians and sicilians are africans meme.
It isn't supposed to be an attack on americans itself. Well, maybe against patriotards, but they deserve to get triggered by this.

Hitler dubs confirm america is finished. And good riddance, this country has been fucked since the civil war

America hasn't been a country since 1913. Ever since then it's been nothing more than a Jewish corporation. You still think it's a good thing?

Not to mention that white exogamy in the US is amazingly low despite billions spent on pro-racemixing propaganda. Regardless, the response to this thread alone is living testament that this meme is pure d&c.

Like this guy. Everyone knows that white people left the cities long ago. That hasn't stopped him from samefagging the thread to death though.

Think what's a good thing? The creation of the fed was bad but things really went to shit fifty years even before that

Is that really something worth bragging about?

You said good riddance that America is finished when it has, in fact, been finished for over a century.

Maybe the sibjugated Europe actually hates an american boot on their neck while even on here americans try to claim morale high ground for that. Also white isnt a race, its an umbrella term that is quite exclusive to america for all the european races.

I'm not even denying this. If you read my original post I said we've been done for over a century and a half. Can you not read?

The meme came from halfchan. Ever since they implemented flags d&c race baiting is off the charts there.
The problem with this particular meme is that it implies that Americans have no culture, no heritage, no identity. When calling a Brit a paki or a German an Arab it is implied that his culture is completely antithetical to the culture of the nation he resides in. It hits hard because America is a relatively young nation and multicultural at that. It also introduces a false dichotomy of either accepting the projection or defending mulattos.



Holla Forums is trying to organize raids on Holla Forums practically daily on Holla Forums. They are upset about the video of their BO.

it's a halfchan meme based on the supposed fact that america is 56% white. according to the perpetuators of the meme, this means that the mode white person in america is less than 100% european and therefore european whites should not feel any unity with american whites. in addition to d&c it is used as a means of stopping debate when an american flag says something you dont like

Europeans are conditioned to believe they are superior to white Americans, so Holla Forums has been pushing this meme to exploit that

So that no matter how bad Europe gets, they will never fight back, because at least they aren't as bad as America right?

It's the flavor of the month because it gets a rise and is easily exploitable. Ignore it and in a while it will fade away.

wait people actually take this retarded meme seriously?
i figured it was meant to be taken as a warning about america and europes future

I'm american and im 100 percent white according to dna tests, I guarantee you most white americans are likely 100 percent white. The "muh cherokee gramma" and "Im from slavz n shieeet" thing is mostly from Jewish media and hippie parents telling their kids a bunch of lies so they feel more exotic.

I think these threads are a gaslighting attempt. This is the second thread today talking about a fifty six percent andI am a d&c kike, ban my stupid non-white ass meme and I have never seen it before today. I browse here every day and I have never seen it before.three months? How can I browse here for hours each day and have not seen it for three whole months?

Wow didn't even know /INT/ still existed, guess things got so bad that a shity meme on a literal shitposting board has gotten tracktion on cuckchan only due to them no even being able to meme at all anymore.

Perhaps you should learn to handle the bants and manage better.

I am a d&c kike, ban my stupid non-white ass is a good meme. It reminds people why mystery meat are disgusting and why we should be proud of our Aryan heritage. The kikes are trying to demoralize us with it but it's having the opposite effect, and they're tacitly acknowledging that yes, whites are supreme, and yes, everyone is jealous of us.

oh look, 108 IQ kikey has a new word filter.

This seems like a fabricated meme to me, like the Swedistan shit.

I specify “whites,” because, whatever you say about le 56%, you’re on the same path, except you’re disarmed. You have no recourse. Do you really think you’re getting your women un-raped, or your country un-Religion of Cuck™ized, by dogpiling on other whites who are being subjected to the same thing that’s making your people into a Smithsonian exhibit 20 years from now? There’s a reason the 56% thing exists, and it’s the same reason your countries are turning into rape-a-paloozas, why London has a Muslim mayor, why Germany’s chancellor keeps letting in thousands of jihadis, etc. You think you’re somehow winning with this? You fucking dolts, you’re all equally as fucked as any of us, and instead of weeding out the root cause, you turn on your OWN. My fiancees boyfriend Jamal was right when he said not all whites deserve to live. You’re WORSE than race traitors and coalburners, you know the TRUTH and use it to do what? Wage bizarro pissing contests to see who’s the most cucked? Laugh at one another while your entire race across the world slides into oblivion? Good job, you’re really “redpilled,” except you’re too chickenshit to organize and rise up as a people to preserve yourselves, and feel safer taking potshots at each other than deconstructing the ZOG you bemoan here 24/7. 56% here should alarm you, not tickle you. We’re at this point WITH dragondildos. Where do you see yourselves in a few decades without them? Think bananas gonna help you? The time for fratricide and subverting ourselves was over a long time ago. Now it’s too late.

t. American Eagle>>10981161

Nice copypasta

Huh, that's what the far left kikes have been pushing for years… I wonder who could be behind this post.

Hmmm. I wonder if you are an american.

Who disarmed those europeans? Oh the Golem did. Well this is the goyims own fault, after all amurrica is flawless. Biggest military in the world while having no hostile neighbours. Bringers of peace and freedom. Thanks for your military bases in my country.

It triggers burgers and that is fine by me. Some of the stuff people here spout about Europe is just as bad and it's not always "just bantz".

All we have to do is make it distasteful to the shills, much like blacked was killed by shitted.

It's just banter tbh

No, it's not banter, it's a shillop.


This info seems like something that would be slid

No, counter it by slapping it on the faces of people the faggot Eurocucks like.

I also think that we could come up with macro text for the images and release them into the normalfag web, such as 'With DACA and Amnesty, this is your future.'

Try to use your brain user.

Almost no American white women would even consider race mixing, 95% say they wouldn't, and only about 1% of American white women will ever burn the coal let alone have a mixed-race child.

The 56% meme is true in the sense that massive immigration and gibs have caused a large increase in brown people, but it's not true in the sense that individual Americans, genetically, are only 56% white.

your mother is gonna finish me off unlike Hitler who couldn't finish off a race

People just got tired of the incredible blindspot Americans have for their own country's problems. I wouldn't be surprised if someone is accelerating it now, but the meme came about organically, and for good reason. I saved this one back in January.