Dealing with non-white co-workers

I got my probation terminated today due to the lies of a muslim co-worker who was my good for nothing line manager.

I should state I wasn't raised with anti-non-white views, but my entire family has slowly become vehemently anti-anything but white over the past several years due to having to work with goddamn animals.

What kind of experiences have you had working with missing links?

Or classmates… Why the hell is there a monkey in my class?

Sucks to be you OP, probably should start getting ready for some payback yeah? Anyway, this isn't the place to ask these kinds of questions, as much fun as they might be. If you're legit and an actual user, you must realize that any thread following a formula of, "what does Holla Forums think of X?" comes off as a little kikey, like your fishing for data. That said, I hope you're not a total faggot, but you're clearly a faggot. Maybe next time start a thread about fucking non-whites over that deserve it. But you'll still get called a kike. This isn't really the place, try taking that shit to baphomet.


You're right, my post is a bit of a circle-jerk but I feel so damn isolated with my views and I just don't get how we've gotten to the point these retards are in any position of power.

My experience with black people in school has always been a abysmal, the only black guy that I ever met that was remotely civilised was the son of the pastor.

That being said you can't tolerate 99.9% chimps for one guy that's civilised.

For some reason niggers have always welcomed me in to their fold. Not sure why but I recently became aware that I'm 2% nigger thanks to 23 & me's jewtest. Might try a different test to confirm my niggness but yeah never really suffered repercussions of working with niggers as strange as that might be. Honestly white folks are just as backstabbing and full of shit as niggers can be in the workplace. The only difference being that niggers can't do anything right and are totally lazy whereas a white person will actually do his/her job.

Nailed it user, honestly the amount of aggression and lies I had to put up with. They drive companies under persistently and yet they keep hiring them.

Pretty fucking sure you're not, actually.

>4:30 - "You know, that's 50 cents an hour.

Is there any of these tests you can turn to to actually find out the truth? I've heard so many tall tales from my father about our history that I can't trust his word, especially after all the drugs he has partaken in. Polite sage for off-topic.

Every situation like this just hardens my belief they are sub-human.

Thanks for sharing user, it helps knowing this ain't something I dreamed up.

That's actually a really big difference user. One builds societies the other lets them rot. Don't trivialize it.

I think user meant it sarcastically like "Thanks Obama".

sounds my life, no matter how hard I worked or where I worked it's always the same.

If you find yourself in a job where whites are not the majority, either do as little as possible or find a new one. I worked in a distribution center with 80 percent niggers for two years and it was meaningless in the end as I was still fired over trivial bullshit. Niggers are fucking useless and I wouldn't wish the experience I had on any of you anons saged for off topic blogpost

Except in special cases, the best raise usually comes with a new job.


Western Culture is meaningless, it was just a vessel to deliver us to the consumerist era.

Christianity is the slave morality which Nietzsche correctly identified. If you make people believe in an afterlife it will pacify them in their actual life – the only one they will ever have.

White genetics are not vital for the consumerist escalation. If they were; Indians in Silicon Valley wouldn't be a thing. Eventually genetic engineering will eclipse all of your concerns over phenotype aesthetic.

There is no great family model to return to where you can be a patriarch. Any children you have will be absorbed into the consumerist mass. Parental influence is meaningless in an age of hypercommunication.

Your wife will have social media. I don't think I need to go into any more detail on this.

There is no super intriguing clandestine force which controls the world – only consumerism and capital. You will continue to hate any culture that pushes an upbringing which emphasises the importance of study like Igbo/Indians/Chinese/Jews. You will continue to fight against intellect as its highest virtue.

In an age where there is no great struggle; there is no need for anything aside from intellect unfortunately. There is no need for valor or fidelity anymore.

There is no great war or impending happening that will bring meaning to your life. There is only the slow assimilation into the global consumerist

There will be hiccups, like terrorism and mass shootings for instance, but humanity has not produced a creed capable of contending with the awesome power of consumerism. It will devour you all.

There is no great cause to live or die for my brothers.




shut the fuck up aaron clarey


Reported for admitting to being a jew.

Dude I'm not disagreeing but damn I don't need to get anymore depressed atm.



No matter what, nigger coworkers WILL ask you for a ride home at some point, and ask you for cigarettes, without fail.

t. worked shitty jobs with niggers my whole life and currently do now

I think about suicide a lot

user, I know exactly what you're saying but we can't let the win.

It's all so hard user. I keep telling myself I want to make it to the end, but sometimes I feel like I'm not going to make it.

The future seems so bleak

It's times like these I get why people "an hero", but dammit we cannot let them win.

World War 2 nearly resolved this problem, there must be opportunities round the corner.

Shut the fuck up and kill yourself already. You'll at least be more worthwhile feeding the worms than you are whining on this board.

Go live your life, do something crazy tomorrow. Something you'd never think to do before today.

I'll be working 11am to 1am, like I do 6 days out of the week. Sorry m8, no time to act out like some little dumbshit

That ain't right bro, no one should have to live like that.

ohhhhhh so this is the new shill tactic in place.
Attempt to "organically" meme the idea that NatSoc and White Nationalism ideals can cause harm to a person's business, social, and personal life.
Have you completely run out of ideas?

What? My ideals had nothing to do with me being terminated. My filthy muzzie manager lied about situations which have nothing to do with that.

that's a little on the delusional side wouldn't you say? Friendo

what about when its reversed , but its ok because the white guy "put in his time" and just makes it hard on everyone around by being so shit


Good. If whites fail there will be death.


I work in an all white workplace, except for this one fucking beaner from south america who's in charge of the IT department. He barely knows what the fuck he's doing, and ever since the previous IT supervisor got his ass fired (i helped throw his ass to the curb, backstabbing fuck), he's been running around trying to compensate for him.

This fucking spic has no goddamn idea what he's doing and pretends hes a "specialist" of certain systems, yet I looked at what he does and it's simple as fuck.

I'm working on getting his ass fired too so I can be IT manager, because I actually deliver the work my bosses ask of me

He actually proposed something in terms of virtualization which I shut down immediately by sending a detailed paper to the bosses of how much it would cost and why it'd be fucking retarded to implement

I had to leave for a few weeks to go on "vacation" and he literally had no idea what he was doing on the project he was supposed to be helping with. Fucking useless junglebeans

Pic related, it's what i'm supposed to be doing at work, but my talents are always underused
Beanerboy's anwser to everything is "oh we'll create a script for that"



i know this is pasta and i only skimmed it as not to get cancer, and i shouldnt reply to this but i cant help myself. this post doesnt make sense. is this really the best black pill the kikes have? i mean at least read a book on nihilism or something if you're gonna make an effort
you say there is nothing worth fighting for right after talking about how we're all gonna die. like "a man is coming to kill you. wat do?" and your answer is "hedonism until he arrives and i accept his actions". but really this post boils down to "stop fighting it and just let us take over, you stupid goy"
you present a problem. fixing this problem is a cause in and of itself

every blackpill only leads to an even whiter white pill for those who arent low test faggots. if you dont like fighting and struggle then what do you like?

Consider yourself blessed my friend.

How can they be co-workers when they never do any actual work?

I got this one nog in my class that's a real handful. He's got a kid at like 19 years old and he's always chimpin out on teach cause she's saying you can't use talk to your mistake of a child on the phone during a fucking test

or with someone else's offer for one


the cigs I get but what's wrong with carpooling?

Maybe because that nigger will jack your car and/or rob you and/or kill you

What the fuck? Stop being a bitch, user. Don't back down because this queer is calling you a LARPing kikefaggot. Fight back and fuck that muddy shitsipper, he just legitimately fucked you over.

They also fuck white women and have children with them while you can't even get a gf.

Carpooling itself is fine, but a nig will never give you money for gas, don't expect anything except for a 'tanks mang'. They will also turn feral on you very quickly if you give them a ride one day, but don't the next.

seems like a lot of forethought for someone dumb enough to be jacking cars

These are the black ones. Theres a few mystery meat asians and hispanics, but theyre all nice wonderful people and pull their weight. They might not always be effective workers but they give an honest effort.

We even have a trans woman here. She was actually here before I was hired but is nice enough. Pretty sure it was only HRT, no surgery. She said all she had to do was talk to her doctor and send out paperwork. She saved 17% per month on car insurance because they have lower rates for women

