Merry Christmas Movement

The message is simple and clear. Merry Christmas. No additions, nothing else. You may add cute christmas stickers if you're /female/, but no faggotry allowed.

We will say Merry Christmas again.

Other urls found in this thread: Vibes light


Dreaming of a White Christmas

I put forward the motion to change it to: "Merry Christmas, Jesus Bless You"

I second this motion.

Might be a bit strong for normies but here

Leave it at "Merry Christmas" or fuck off.
Fucking kikes.

then how about just White Christmas

In my day we called it brainstorming, yidling.

This. Anything more than what is acceptable to a normie will fuck it up



Spacing and font is wrong. It should be as similar to the other one.

Checked. Anyone know which one was used?

Do people really get triggered with a simple merry xmas?

Fuck off hooknose.

Normal humans don't but heebs and libs certainly do.

I'm working on it


I think because he said "we're gonna start saying merry christmas again" or something along those lines.

Then the fucking discussion is over isn't is moshe? Nothing more to see. Lock the thread. Mission over. Right? Fuck you cum gargling hebe.

Oh, well good if he did. That globalist "happy holidays" bullshit pisses me off.


Lmao asshurt yid

Loosen up that kerning.


Can you try one a little larger and more space between the lines?

We taking bets on how long before the ADL declares Merry Christmas a hate crime?

Rn i'm using homizo light. Idk what the original IOTBW guy used

But its not even christmas yet you bafoon

Oy it was horrible! Dere was this old woman ringing a bell at me and she screamed holocaust slogans like Merry Christmas and Happy new Year at me! My grandkids grandkids will remember!

Thanksgiving came and went kike.


You are bringing down the quality of this board with posts like this. Calling someone a kike used to have meaning but now it carries as much weigh as calling someone a faggot because of cocksuckers like yourself.

Interesting idea. The design reminds of IOTBW, is this intentional? If yes, why? I'd add lots of christmas kitsch so normies and media don't immediately think of IOTBW and Holla Forums. Have you ever seen russian christmas postcards? Can't upload them because tor.

Please no, this can be spun as "nazis instrumentalizing christmas" too easily.



Only other font similar with looser kerning

These don't look like they'd work without color. I agree the boring font isn't a good fit for christmas.

I like it. The best part is you can post it at work, and you can't get into trouble for it. The more innocent the triggering phrase, the better.

can make it a bit stubbier tho.
Anway we dont need to focus on poster that much. We need to focus on spreading shit

I am severely doubting that this will have even a fraction of the effect of OK but who knows, it might be worth a shot.

You know, we just have to keep fucking with them. The big difference between them and us, is that we DO things, they just bitch and moan and only do things when an instigator pays them to.

we should always be triggering, or abt. The more triggering things we do the better. eventually if we trigger them hard enough, and often enough, society will become sick of them and deal with them.

It's perfect. "Merry Christmas" has been "offensive" or "insensitive" for at least 30 years. Time to take it back.

It's Okay to Say

It might force some people to take a stance about whether it's okay to be white. But I am not confident that it is gonna have effect. Media amplification is essential and this probably would not be enough to cause it. Maybe if both IOTBW and "IOT say merry Christmas" would be propagated at the same time.

That is much better because we need to imply that Christmas is a christian holiday and not a corporate one. Also put a space between Christ and Mas to further emphasize that Christmas is for Christians.


Best spacing. Remember that boomers don't have sharp vision and letters too tight are tough for them to read.

Anyway spread any of the non kike versions irl or online

Great idea, simple and effective just like IOTBW was. I'm so excited to spend an entire month watching jewish shills try to ruin it, and retards agree and make their own suggestions because they can't stand admitting someone had a better idea than them. This will also help the long-term goal of making blank white paper "racist," which would be the greatest present we could get. Merry Christmas, fuckos!


Stop. OP has the right idea, stated it in as simple terms as possible, and you still manage to screw it up by overthinking it.

Also, OP's image is the best one thus far.


I think this is a good idea. Simple, completely impossible to attack and not expose the true hatred they have. Just like it’s okay to be white.

This whole thing is supposed to be targeted at normalfags, autist.

This is one of the few ideas other than OP's that is really good, and fits the idea we used before (which normies and fagz are familiar with) which allows an easier (quicker at the least) spreading.
But I also agree with other anons with keeping it simple, so it's a tough one.

I'd remove the title casing it doesn't seem grass roots enough.

You create memes to be dank, not for normies. Dankness spreads.

Atheists have ruined Christmas with their corporate shilling. Don't you realize that is it the CURRENT YEAR!

To elaborate on a point of amplification. Poster campaigns have very limited range. To make them effective it is necessary for somebody to retransmit the message through broadcast media. It worked in IOTBW, since some have seen it as a chance to signal. I don't see why "Merry Christmas" would even be mentioned by anybody. It might be less common saying than it used to be, but it is still rather inoffensive when thrown into the void.

No. I say just straight "Merry Christmas". I've voted, am done. Whatever is decided I'll plant.

OP's image is best image. Simple, effective, and triggering as all fuck.

They haven't ruined it for me, user.

Once you get the cocks out of your mouth (all of them, concurrently), find me the word "meme" in the OP.

Yep. And think on that Holla Forums.

OP here: too many versions and shit suggested. Use this one: 10979364
Merry Christmas. Simple. Print some out and staple like a fucking autist

My point is that saying merry Christmas will not offend any one unless the Marxists can see that the message is also pro-creationist.


Thought we we were done with the IOTBW campaign. I doubt this one will be as strong as the initial one since boomers already had to deal with the Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays fiasco; it's not gonna open anyone's eyes.


OPs are effective because they are meme powered, kike. We know this which is why we keep winning. Stay kosher.

So far the best one posted is still OP

what the fuck is this limpdicked nonsense? IOTBW was a one off, if anything people should be posting 14 Words at this point, not some slogan your fellow boomers can pretend is enraging the liberals, while simultaneously promoting jew saviour. jesus christ, I was seeing this shit on alt-lite sites days ago but I didn't mention it because it was too retarded to bother.

way to go, you're cuckservatives now.

it's generically traditional. that's it.
does his family have more jews, or christians?

That is quite a non-devious plan, OP. I like it.

user, it's implied that it is okay to say Merry Christmas, when you say it.

That phrase comes from a song written by a Jew

Also this shit is retarded. It's already okay to say "Merry Christmas" in America, the number of non-Christians in this country is so small its actually negligible

You only don't see "Merry Christmas" in fucking advertisements on TV because Kikes want to squeeze in every possible corner of every demographic for shekels

The point to this is getting a "message" out. Once that message gets out and the appropriate people overreact to it negatively, our intended audience will knee-jerk react against them. You can keep roleplaying with your 1337 h4x0r d4n|< meme talk all you want, kiddo, but it's not getting anything done.

On topic, nobody's made any suggestions or improvements that trumped the OP's initial idea. Will mass print OP's image and staple in safe spaces for justice.

Leave it at just "Merry Christmas". Simple, effective, traditional yet will get plenty of hate thrown at it.

not only that, we should be upsetting the comfiness of christmas for people, not using the number one phrase that they all say to each other as they mindlessly keep heading into racial oblivion.

New Poster.

We will make 2017 a Christmas WITHOUT FAGGOTS!!

Can you make a high res large version of that?

just stop.
every post has hurt my eyes. leave this to people who know what they are doing

What happened to Merry Yule?

Are you the same faggot that kept popping up in IOTBW threads trying to get people to use your generic pretty white girl images?

About the font:

I wouldn't put a line break in the middle of "CHRISTMAS". Also why the cross? Crosses remind people of church and church is boring. Crosses won't trigger anyone because people have learned to ignore christian nutjobs. Show festive decoration. Show happy families, comfy homes and beautiful snowy landscapes outside, show love. That's what people like to see and families trigger jews.

I wouldn't use all caps, but everyone's got a different opinion on that, I guess?
Sans-serif fonts are not very christmasy. It works well on plain white backgrounds, but if you add other stuff, I'd use one that looks like cursive handwriting.

no fixed width font, this isn't a unix terminal

Gay font

All white girls are pretty :^)

What's funny is that even their faggy merry X-mas has a cross. You'd think the Jew would recoil in disgust even from that (at least the Hassidic Jews).

I like the minimalist approach.

Good point Satan, perhaps just "Christmas"

2nd looks good satan

yes, I think we can in fact do better than the type of thing glenn fucking beck would shill.

Just Merry Christmas, nothing else.

Let the holiday speak for itself

Make Christmas great again. #ResetERA

Holy shit look at all this jewish subversion.
Agreed. Merry Christmas is the way to go.
Don't add anything else in. People will add what they want to add in their mind either way.

how about 'Have A Merry Christmas'? Hard to explain, but I think this one would be less odd to see.


It was very odd to see the ok posters, that's pat of it. It need to be odd to see but the true message needs to be legit

What about:

"Have a
Merry Christmas."

Centered of course. But this way, it's a "command" but it's still innocuous in nature.

I fucked up my post, sorry. Try Vibes or

immediately outs you as a wannabe nazi larper. If that's what you want, go for it?

bonus points for triggering anti trump soygoys

I like this, someone draft it?

Saying Merry Christmas is already a combative statement, because everyone wants you to say happy holidays (What other holidays besides christmas are there?)

yom kippur and kwanzaa u bigot

"Merry Christmas to all Americans"?

Then there would be at least some chance that somebody would find offence in this (by claiming that not all Americas do Christmas). "Merry Christmas" alone is just noise.

or Chanukah or whatever the fuck


Tbf, it is IOTBW part II

IOTBW FONT used was Karbon Light
t. autism

copypasta from earlier bread:
-KNOW WHERE CAMERAS ARE (This is NOT ILLEGAL but that may not stop particularly infected campus safety orgs from outing you)
-NO OFFENSIVE POSTER PLACEMENT (over other social justice posters, on statues, etc)
Some stale breads:


oh u mean make christmas RACIST again?!

But why would you use the same font? Why would you remind anyone of IOTBW? What's to gain?

cuz feliz navidad

there's nothing in this to subvert. you can say this to everyone you meet in the street and get it returned to you, and if you trigger anyone it will be a reddit atheist, not a jew.

plenty of old decorations had yule on them, the plebs don't know it's pagan

That's exactly the reaction we want

Obvious political motivation isn't a bonus.

Pavlovian dogs user.

self checked
Karbon Light font light
1st or 3rd listed.

had the same idea, as well as this one


No way, no. It looks like a generic christfag evangelist join our flock poster that most normies tune out and ignore.
I vote it's a much stronger message that reminds us there once was a time of simple shared community spirit before we were divided by the shilling of consumerism.

get off TOR and fite me irl i bet you wouldn't say that, fucking pr shill

My vote is for
The reaction from the left isn't clear from like it is with

agreed, posting simply meery Christmas is the Virgin beta way to get your point across, which is that you are mad that christmas has been subverted.
MCCA is that chad high test way of being direct about your intentions. which is a return to American traditionalism

MCCA is IOTBW II… You wanna make a draft of it so we can see what it looks like?

People have been saying "Merry Christmas" for hundreds of years, there is absolutely nothing in the phrase "Merry Christmas" that is in any way "virgin beta" or "mad that christmas has been subverted", but your post is a good example why it works on a different level.

Political in-correctness is the only chance for the poster to be noticed. And political correctness is defined by agenda, not tone.

this idea is better, but
no it's not. It plays off trumps stuff but it's still a snarky way of not quite saying anything trying to get people to overreact.





Gee, your strongly worded post convinced me to stay away from this board! :^)

What point? IOTBW wasn't about getting a point across.

Don't you think "Merry Christmas" is politically incorrect enough? It's the subtlety and innocence of the phrase that makes leftists look retarded.

I think Merry Christmas with a simple cross would be enough to have the left in hysterics while minorities wouldn't care
It'd be hilarious


i'm going to be posting this one

IOTBW did indeed have a fucking point to get across btw.

This won't work. It's far too simple in the wrong ways.
Christianity has no backbone and nobody would be offended unless you literally put one of these on the front of a mosque.

There is nothing explicitly or implicitly pro-white about this message.


This also.
Nobody will care. Christmas has been reduced to a corporate mash like they wanted to.
This is a limp wristed ineffective message.



Pretty much confirms it desu.



that's a pretty swarthy mary, user

What point? That it's okay to be white? No one except insane people doubts this and it makes no sense to win over lunatics.

Merry y-you too

mention of yuletide and the display of a rune is directly white/european and is inclusive to everyone except nonwhites while at the same time not hostile at all
>Nobody will care. Christmas has been reduced to a (((corporate))) mash like they wanted to.
the othala rune combats this

Much better

Good idea, but it should be the exact same font as IOTBW fliers to make the subconsciously directly associated.

personally, I like "it's ok to say" because it will garner the most attention and is still as inoffensive as just "Merry Christmas". And holds the implication that it wasn't ok to say it, and why would that be? Make christmas christmas again is too polarizing imo.

holy shit man, comic sans, and you misspelled christmas.

you tried, i like it

It's misspelled on purpose. Corporate holiday is not Christmas but rather Chrismas.

You're supposed to make the leftists look retarded, not yourself.

Media response: "Hateful Nazis abusing christmas for their agenda, christmas is about love! [picture of nigger husband with white wife]"

checking your dubdubs of subtlety. I disagree about the subtlety tho, the time for subtlety is over

Rabid leftists will be triggered. Their diseased polarized mindset sees the simple message as disrespect to all peoples beliefs, escept wypipo an das nazi. They will be noticed, twatted, defaced.

It's okay to be retarded #ResetERA

reply meant for

This might be better.

I can't wait for leftists to start banning paper.

the same exact response could be used for a "merry christmas" poster or literally any poster that is posted by us.
it's pan european. from a time long before the nsdap was even a thing
the whole point is that it's yuletide, not christmas, you big dummy
celebrating an ancient european holiday with emphasis on family, while removing corporate connotations from the holiday season is part of our evil agenda that we dont want anyone to know about?
what part of "happy yuletide" is anti-love?
so you're saying that the media's only argument against "happy yuletide" will be to post racemixing propaganda? and this will make us look like the bad guys?

Oh man on boy oh geez this is all so great!
We really are the best memers! haha
So I think pic related is probably a better poster, I made it myself :^)
We should probably change this idea to my idea instead because my idea is better.
So who's with me?!


Now that's a sign that cuts straight to the point.



dont worry user, it's okay to admit that you think the yuletide poster is best poster
although if one were to post that AND a christmas one, i think it would be a better match with "merry christmas"

why would it be posted in different places than any of the other posters?

not that i really condone this type of message (it might actually be good just for lulz but i havent thought about it much), i think that replacing niggers with jews would be better. or maybe "kill niggers and kikes" idk. or just "audit the fed", but none of this is festive or really relevant to the thread

But who knows that?
The media will portrait it as the same, so it will be the same in the normie mind.
Nothing, but your motivation isn't solely celebrating yuletide, is it? Media knows this and so will everyone else. It will be difficult to deny this because this thread will eventually be found by someone.

Posting racemixing propaganda isn't exactly an argument, but they'll do it anyway.
We don't look like the bad guys because of "happu yuletide", we look bad because of everything else that is going on here. And "happy yuletide" is associated with the far right and everything that many people don't like about it.

Yeah pretty much. The "War on Christmas" nonsense is mostly soundbite bullshit that Fox Jews puts out to enrage boomers. So few people are actually offended by the phrase merry christmas that it makes this project completely pointless. Christmas itself, much like christianity, has been safely subverted to the point that leftists and kikes don't actually feel threatened by it.
No they aren't, they just hate white people and associate christianity with rural, self-sufficient whites. If most american whites were pagan, they'd throw shitfits about that too. In fact, now that pagan symbolism is growing more common on the interwebs and in WN circles, they ARE throwing shitfits about it.

This. This thread smells funny.


its ok to kill niggers

Good point. OP's idea is to expand upon "It's Okay to be White", not to fight everyone head on." It's okay to be white" worked, because it was understated and moderate liberals didn't think that there was anything wrong with it.
It was a non-confrontational, true statement and the people who opposed it revealed themselves to be ugly, anti-white bigots who denied even their fellow liberals the right to exist.

"Merry Christmas" like "It's okay to be white" is a non-confrontational, benign statement that should not receive any negative press or negative comments and the people who oppose it will inevitably summon a massive army of christians, normies, boomers etc. This is the beauty of OP's idea.

Double reported

nah make christmas chrismas again and happy yuletide are much better.

Only SJW snowflakes report posts on Holla Forums. Shitposters welcome.

It's clearly a kike-whistle.

This picture has two hate symbols that will drive the kikes mad.

reportlets detected

The LEFT is finished.

It's a completely different kind of activism and the it plays out is completely different.
Make christmas christmas again has zero plausible deniability. Nobody will believe you if you say "Aw chucks, i was just trying to wish everyone a merry christmas". "Make … Again … " is highly politically charged terminology and nobody apart from Trump supporters will come to your aid.

*the way it plays out is completely different

I can feel the rage of the left. REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

Triple reported

Broken sarcasm detector?

Either that, or shills. There's been a lot today.

This will drive kikes mad.

your point was that they would associate it with nazis, which there is no good reason for, and if they did then they would just be blatantly wrong and the normies would see their foolishness and be pushed further right
yeah of course christmas and yuletide are basically the same thing you big fucking dummy. this poster is to spread holiday cheer. the fact that normies already practically celebrate christmas even if they're athiest only makes the poster more effective in co-opting the holiday in the name of eoropeans. pic related
it's a poster that says "happy yuletide", dumbfuck. what would it be for other than solely celebrating yuletide?
they did the same with IOKTBW and that only made it better.
and how many threads were there for IOKTBW? did that stop it from being effective?
so was IOKTBW, and was that a problem? yuletide is what christmas and the christmas season is based on. they cant attack it. for most people it's just another name for christmas and they'll view it as an alternative to "happy holidays"

"Merry Christmas" alone is much too simple and won't cause any real reaction within the viewer. If you do this nothing will happen; Christmas has already been renormalized because of the last few years of Fox campaigns.
I recommend "God Bless You a Merry White Christmas" as it works towards a reaction and so works better. This way the message draws aggro from blacktivists and Religion of Cuck™ists. Bonus points for associating white with happiness and godliness as well.

Global reported

Do not put a linebreak in Christmas



These will ensure triggering.

You're so close, but yet so far away. This is the way it is supposed to play out.
People see a benign message, they interpret ridiculous things into it, like "It's obviously Trump activism" and then start posting about it on social media. The normies, who are completely clueless will only see that people rant & rave against "merry christmas" and get red-pilled instantly.


Pic #3

That's gonna piss some people off


i like this one because it puts the ball in the viewers court, so to speak

what happened to
"God Bless You This Christmas"??
so good it needed subverting?

Holy shit


It's Christmas. Deal with it, paganfag.



Where are you posting for maximum ass pain?

Version with "With" instead.

Keep the simple; "Merry Christmas".
Just place it CLOSER to SJW hot spots, preferably INSIDE them.

Putting Jesus on there will only validate some religi-phobes. Also there is a (((genuine legal issue))) because colleges cant promote religion.

good job

my strategy will probably just end up being mostly intuitively r-selective unless i am stuck with some creative inspiration during my posting.
cities (blue areas) for butthurt and rural (red) areas more for actual yuletide cheer and white consciousness



Here is the picture version

The best poster so far.

How is the left going to respond to it?

Fun to see faggots and shills trying to subvert and shit up a very simple message.

Have a bump OP and above all
*Merry Christmas**

common sense guidelines

Why not "Make Christmas Merry Again"?

Change the message to A CHRISTMAS WITHOUT ___. It is the best one posted so far.

Too closely related to Trump. The point is to make the pictures not racist in order to make liberals look insane.>>10980628

A lot of anons in this thread either shilling or "not getting it." the purpose is to get a reaction out of kikes for something as benign as Merry Christmas. The normie begins to understand a bit more the kike hates white families.

We need a Christmas without JEWS.

Forget the other idea I had, THIS ONE IS EVEN BETTER!!!!11!!1!!
Literally anyone who doesn't like this is a kike. We're using this one now, faggots!!!!

I'm not marginalizing anyone, I'm just meme-ing.

I agree user but we're still working through a lot of holohaux propaganda, we're trying to get a rise out of kikes that we can show to normies as proof of their evil nature and intentions.


They are like "Oy vey, they are trying to wish us a merry christmas. Shut it down."
These creatures can't stand the cross. I am almost tempted to make threads about garlic to see how they react.

You're a funny guy.

What does that mean?



For all we talk about how the rise of nationalism and return of Nat Soc is being done by young, intelligent, professionals who use the internet to get to unbiased truth, it's important to realize that our movement will always attract degenerates and retards (see skinheads). It's nice to think that these are all shills, but the fact of the matter is that idiots are a part of our secret club, and these are the types of threads simple enough for them to have a bad, but coherent, thought to post.


If this is IOBTW part 2, then the best strategy is to capitalise on IOTBW momentum that has already been built. In order to achieve this, the design must follow the same template as the first operation:

1. Minimal design
2. Subtlety - an innocuous message, capable of generating copious amounts of salt.
3. Instantly recognisable as a continuation of IOTBW (important!)

The message needs to be minimal AND use the same font as the IOTBW posters for maximum effect. That font, together with the simple design and innocuous message is immediately recognisable as a continuation of the first operation, demonstrating to our enemies that we're a growing force to be reckoned with.

I suggest the following message in IOTBW font, on plain white paper:


That is all it needs to be. Keep it simple. Let our racial enemies do the hard yards and promotional work for us. You know that they will.


memes are very serious business, user

r-selective, meaning like the reproduction strategy, and only K-selective if i come across an opportunity for one excellently placed one, but overall it's just putting out as much as possible.
actually, no i wont do that. i think it would be better to start at K-selective and move towards r if necessary (as in, start by posting in the best spot possible, then keep looking for more optimal spots. typical marketing things considered like how many people will see it and who those people will be, also the immediate environment, etc), as opposed to the other way around which is what was stated in my last post (starting at r-selection and doing a K when given the chance, which is just posting them as much as possible everywhere willy nilly with the exception of a small minority of well placed ones).
also in that last post i made a typo. i meant "struck" instead of stuck

that's a weird looking onion


Using the iotbw font would probably yield us additional attention "The racists who think it is okay to be white are back again with the following homophobic message: 'Merry Christmas'"

Not using the lotbw font would give us more plausible deniability and make the message even more innocent.

meme responsibly


normies wont care, but the kikes will and they'll kvetch even harder

Location is key.
If we were to post the message in rural areas we wouldn't reach as many eyes and few people would have second thoughts about the message. This is really a job for Anons in college towns and liberal areas. (Not that there's anything wrong with wishing your neighbors a merry christmas in the rest of the country)

What is r and k selective? You've lost me on how that applies to posting strategy.


r-selection = many small posters, not a lot of location scouting, easy to reach places
k-selection = a few large posters, lot's of location scouting, hard to reach places

i like it. simple, to the point.
All 'creative' anons who want to fuck with the message need to fap less and go learn how to breathe properly. Looking for ego boosts on latvian tapestry restoration forums is pretty gay.

Most folks are just bored and are making up stuff. The people who matter are the ones actually printing and posting the message.

That's not what r and K means though. r is exponential growth and K is logistic growth.

Yeah, right off the bat is there is so much wrong with that video. Molyjew needs to stick to acting.

This reminds me. Can someone redpill me on Hanukkah? I seem to recall hearing it was to commemorate the Jewish genocide of a Greek city, but I can't remember anything else.

Trips of truth. Imagine being the guy who wants recognition and fame on an all anonymous website.

I live in Madison but didn't have a printer for IOTBW, excited to hit their university

checked for truthful post

Have to challenge their narrative shifting though or else an impressionable user might be convinced to post something damaging. Some posters on halfchan especially are still only teenagers and well-intentioned but not yet well-learned in propaganda.

Does "Merry Christmas" even trigger leftists?
The only way I can see them getting angry about this is if they associate the formatting with the "It's ok to be white" posters.

I mean shops all around the country have Merry Christmas written everywhere.
The statement's not controversial enough to make leftists complain about it.

We need to think of a perfectly sensible statement that normies will identify with and leftists will attack.

I know this is going to cause a fuckload of contention, but it really is just the religious part. I don't think you'll get the effect you want without specifically invoking Christianity. Otherwise it blows over as a commercialism holiday being offered.

This. 100% this.

First you pretend not to know what r & K means then you talk shit about the best r/K selection series jewtube? Get lost.

There's also a chance that a major company may adopt "Merry Christmas" this year and cause a lot of controversy. In that case we may have to change plans.

Personally I like this one because the politically correct statement is "Happy holidays".
The left will get mad at the fact that we're encouraging people to say "Merry Christmas", which in the leftist's mind is regressive and non-inclusive of other religions.

Yet normies will think there's nothing wrong with saying "Merry Christmas". This makes normies feel like they're being attacked for part of their core identity, a tradition they've partaken in for decades.

If you have autism and can't into subtlety please leave this thread, the entire point is to let the kikes get triggered over nothing. You don't have to make a "Merry Xmas Kill All Niggers" poster when "Merry Christmas" is more than enough to make them hysterical and cry Nazi. Let the Jews attack Christmas posters, don't give them ammo by writing "white christmas" or whatever.

regardless of what happens you're always free to spread yuletide cheer to your fellow whites

It's okay to be creative.

Tried this out, but prefer just "MERRY CHRISTMAS" tbh. I think the font and formatting alone is enough to convey the connection between this and iotbw.


Some how I knew you fuckers were going to make these signs.

With the level of retardation in this thread, I can't tell whether you're joking. But

Only Merry Christmas cut the autism out for a minute please

everything falls before the man of indomitable autism

I know what r/K means. I didn't know how it related to posting flyers. Now I know that you don't know what it means.

Fuck off rabbi. We already had a thread and we decided we were going to go with "Merry Christmas and God Bless You"


Christmas, in it's modern form, is a Jewish-created event designed to maximize spending, and nothing more. Do you honestly believe (((they))) want to ban the word 'Christmas' because it is offensive to non-Christians? Remember the British ad that showed Muslims having Christmas dinner? They want the holiday to be as inclusive as possible. This brings higher profits.

Boycott Christmas. It is manufactured sentimentality, all in the name of consumerism. It is a Jewish holiday.

I don't think it's reasonable to expect at this point that it won't be connected to IOBTW, irrespective of font. Format, method, the fact that it's visibly planned on a board we know journokikes lurk, these are all the same. With all that, the font is just aesthetic.

ITT: 90% derailing retards/shills who were also present in the IOKTBW threads and spammed the threads with overly complicated and sure-to-fail pics.

5% people who stick to the point and made pics as good as they need to be

5% unoriginal faggots who think that IOKTBW has become the only acceptable poster in the universe and that anything else is heresy

Pick one. These two strategies apply to numerous fields including posting flyers. Also, how mad are you that Molynew demonstrated that leftists are r-selected vermin?

Kike religion thread?
Kike religion thread

This is great. And no, it shouldn't say ANYTHING but Merry Christmas. That is MORE than enough to trigger the retard brigade and no normie would see anything wrong with it. Anything else and it will give them leverage to spin it as somehow offensive, and the normies will buy that.

This is always a sign of correctness. Memes don't leak out into meatspace as easy as we'd like them to, this sort of shit makes it to normie broadcast tv and crosses many platforms/circles at once oyth vroken so it kills shills, who are essentially here as derail/containment.


So this is a way to redpill the normalfags that are in denial that christmas is under attack? I can see this working.

Merry Christmas. It's extremely simple. Even better if you go into a Jewish area and put it everywhere.

Stop calling these ideas movements. They aren't movements.

Völkisch way of life is a movement.
National Socialism is a movement.
This is a statement.

This right here.
OP was right .Keep it simple, stop trying to be a special snowflake you millennial faggots, with your little needless modifications to everything.

God Yule Othala posters work in Scandinavia better than Merry Christmas in English.





ok ill post it up

I feel I should direct you fine anons towards the most suitable text option:
or Antiqua


I agree with OP.
Merry Christmas.
Though snowflakes seem appropriate.
Even if only one.

Make Christmas Christmas Again
Make Christmas Merry Again
Make Christmas Joyful Again
It already has been changed.
Make Christmas Yuletide Again.

Your alleged Gothic internalisation does not fit well in this age of steel and iron, glass and concrete, of womanly beauty and manly strength, of head raised high and intention defiant… In a hundred years, our language will be the European language. The nations of the east, the north, and the west will, to communicate with us, learn our language. The prerequisite for this: The script called Gothic is replaced by the script we have called Latin so far …"" -AH

I prefer just going out on the town and asking people if they hate Jesus and Christmas.. if yes then kill them

Fuck yule anything. CHRISTmas fool

there's nothing jewish about spending time with your family and volk around a yuletide tree

Good, I liked this a lot better than the "God Bless You This Christmas" in the other thread. Simple. To the point.

So you posted them on Black Friday, right? You demonstrated how it's much more effective than "Merry Christmas" and that you're not just shilling to change the message, right?

and what is this message being changed from? merry christmas? this is not a changed version of that as you imply; it's a completely different thing altogether which also means they can both be posted simultaneously


No it really doesn't, but thanks for reinforcing the point that you don't know what you're talking about. If lefties are r-select then why aren't they breeding. Their lack of reproduction indicates K-selection since as the population has reached carrying capacity (K) the rate of growth has slowed and stopped.

Nigger do you even science?

Not enough, has to be something connected to the christian origin of Christmas. My take: 'Jesus is born today'

Or 'Jesus is born on Christmas'

This plays well to our distributed nature, we can not easily organize large numbers in one place, nor do we have the resources of our opponents, but these can be in every city within days if we so choose. It also avoids being muh honeypot in that anyone can go out and do it alone.

However, it does not at all take advantage of memetics besides a visual similarity to IOTBW, which few would recognize. Likewise it completely wastes our ability to craft better ideas from everything from our numbers to our ingenuity to our shitposting. It's literally a single idea enforced with the bludgeon of 'everyone who disagrees is bad/shill/jewish,' an argument which should hold little appeal to those who are used to being the evil nazi menace for all and sundry jewry.

Finally, this does even less than the last pre-planned and obviously forced operation, while not even giving good opportunities to get our media and jewish opponents to overreact. And having seen similar ideas from aut-right sources (white christmas, which is woefully weak yet better than merry christmas), I for one choose not to be used in such a pathetically obvious manner.
We have 3 weeks to come up with something that does more to further the 14 WORDS. Which should be every Holla Forumslack's goal. Regardless, if you faggots get suckered again, at least plan ahead to kvetch to ADLBB, SPLC, media, etc. and not waste most of the effort like last time.

tl;dr fake and gay

What is with this trend of faggoty looking white guys sucking on big, brown cigars.

He wasn't tho. He was born in spring

Not sure what the point here is? Merry Christmas is what I already say.

Playing around some more with this idea. Need a way to distinguish MERRY CHRISTMAS as a quote, but quote marks look stupid because the MERRY CHRISTMAS is split over two lines. Bold or italic text deviates from the minimal iotbw aesthetic, though, so not convinced it's any better overall.

Italics are the grammatically correct way to format the poster and they're subtle enough to add emphasis without detracting from the overall image.

Why not just

it's also what fox news says. the do however not say "happy yuletide"

I like that idea the best.

"Happy Birthday, Jesus Christ, Our Lord and Saviour
And Merry Christmas to All!"

torfag has either crippling sampling and confirmation bias or is deliberately doing this

We're not yet at the point where an "It's okay to celebrate Christmas" poster would be necessary, because celebration of Christmas is still acceptable and expected. Nor is it enjoyment of Christmas that is being targeted, as "It's okay to HAVE a Merry Christmas" would suggest. Specifically, kikes are trying to make the use of the phrase "Merry Christmas" taboo. You can HAVE a Merry Christmas all you like, just don't SAY "Merry Christmas" in polite company - that's what they're aiming for today. If they keep shaming verbal reference to Christmas, eventually Christmas itself becomes stigmatized because speech control is thought control. But while that's the long-term goal, we're not there today. "It's okay to SAY Merry Christmas" addresses today's issue best imo. The one with italics gets my vote.


Making it about freedom of speech to potentially expose those rabid silencers on the left sounds good. Say gets my vote too.

More like merry Kikemas. Jesus was King of the Jews

Stick to "Merry Christmas" or "It's ok to say Merry Christmas". Anything else is unnecessary

"Merry Christmas" isn't really provocative enough. It's traditional, but only in the most leftist cities could it really get any flak and then what happens? A war on Christmas narrative that's been going on since the Bush era?

Better to figure out something provocative to the left, but neutral to everyone else, which hasn't been done before.


I get the sentiment, but the point is to tie them together implicitly, so the kikes publicly kvetch and all the average normalfag sees is them sperging over a simple "Merry Christmas." Saying "It's okay to say Merry Christmas" comes off as too politically motivated (they'll just assume you're a boomer "war on Christmas" type) and makes it more likely to be ignored imo

The great thing about this op is that even if it's ignored by the left, you've still managed to spread some Christmas cheer.

So that's a no, you didn't do fucking anything except shit up 2 threads on an south-Indian toilet training message board.
So make your own thread you forced meme autist.

you wont get me to stop spreading the gospel of the white man. kikes dont care if people say merry christmas

IOTBW was a massive success because it was something the left couldn't respond to because it was new.

This is just the war on Christmas yet again. That's how the left will paint it and see it, and it will result in a big nothing response.

Try harder.

Why the fuck would you use Helvetica? Seriously. Please tell me.
And why would you insist on tainting Yuletide with our name? Cue next year: "Oh, he's celebrating yuletide? Surely he's one of those alt right nazi drumpftards!"

I think this will dilute our earlier IOTBW victory, we should come up with something a little more original if this is the message we want to deliver.

The HR bitches at work keep correcting people when they say "Christmas party", telling them to say "holiday party" instead. Absolutely disgusting.

have a white christmas

fuck off, kike. should we also stay away from advocating wholesome values like virtue and honor? i mean we wouldnt want them to get a bad wrap because of the association. we should just not support the things we believe in, right?

even if this dumb shit were the case, it's better we get it than the kikes. if it isnt associated with right wingers it will just turn into another kosher consumerist holiday like christmas. we WANT it to be separated from that. who would want the kikes to have an even larger monopoly on the holiday season?

I just printed out 20 copies. Gunna hang them up throughout my school on Monday

You are doing the lord's work user. Godspeed.

Merry Christmas :^)

I remember the original suggestion in the IOTBW threads was "God Bless You This Christmas", but OP is right - plain "Merry Christmas" is definitely the best message.

Trump has already demonstrated its enormous potential. Combine it with the IOTBW font and you might have a weapon of mass triggering.
Even if the OP fails to shock anyone, we brighten a few people's days with some lovely Christmas wishes. If it succeeds, I imagine grim-faced newscasters reporting with zero sense of irony about this "threatening poster campaign" and how anyone posting one of these is a Nazi, while normal people look at one another puzzled, thinking "what's wrong with that?"

Plus another step closer to causing SJWs to have nervous breakdowns whenever they see a white sheet of paper.

So i JUST realized


X is Greek for Christ and pronounced Christ

All these kikes here shilling for a dead kike's birthday.


Jesus wasn't a kike, you fucking retard.

Great job blowing another IP, yid.

mediafag here, dumping a screenshot of IOTBW media coverage over the past couple weeks.

If I missed anything or if the Merry Christmas meme gets any coverage, drop me a (you) on this post

How about; Dreaming a White Christmas ? ;^)

Are you fucking 12 or just have a room temperature IQ?

Just to demonstrate the success of this one, it hasn't even left the thread yet and it's already triggering faggots. I do think we can afford to spice this one up a bit in appearance since it's a celebratory holiday. Keep the message simple, but I think the font can be something a little more exciting without appearing confrontational.

1. What was the idea of IOTBW?
2. What was special about the slogan that made it successful?
3. How is it different from Dreaming a White Christmas?

Regarding Yultide: These are the first two wikipedia articles that will get dug up:

I like these fonts, altough i am not if that they work with Merry Christmas. Is there an official christmas font or one that is generally linked to christmas?

good job user

i didnt think of this. i'll attribute this argument to also be just as applicable to christians getting triggered by happy yuletide. so triggered in fact that they would even break out the old "LARPagan" insult :^)

Check out

Happy holidays.

Christmas as it is celebrated in the west is the pagan holiday of "Yule" which Christians "adopted", to put it lightly, when it spread through Europe.
Nothing in Christmas is related to jesus or semitism.
Red and white is blood on the snow, because pagans used to hang up animal sacrifices to trees.
Pine tree is an evergreen, evergreens stay green even in the darkest, longest and coldest winter. Putting one up is a symbol of life persevering.
Lights on the tree is a symbol for the rays of sun, twinkling through the gaps in the pine needles on the next morning after the longest night of the year (solstice).
Christmas ornaments (the round balls) are either symbols for animal sacrifice again, if they are red baubles, or the sun, if they are golden. Green for life, again.
A star on top of the tree (although christianity substituted that with an angel) symbolizes the duty of humans to strive toward enlightenment.
(In pagan folklore, the first humans were trees in which Odin breathed life, therefore the "christmas" tree also represents us humans.)
Mistletoe was used by Loki to kill Baldur, Freyas son. Baldur was said to be immortal because "every poisonous plant, every animal, every weapon in the world swore to never harm Baldur.
The mistletoe was the only plant to not swear to never harm Baldur. Loki tricked Hodr, Baldurs blind brother to stab him with a spear tipped with mistletoe (mistletoe is poisonous).
This killed the otherwise invulnerable god and Freya swore that mistoletoe shall never be used as a weapon again, dispensing kisses to whoever near it, instead.
The yule log (which some Christians still use) in the fireplace is an offering to the sun, the heat, the fire was said to strengthen the sun as it was the weakest on solstice (the longest night of the year).
By giving the sun strength, it would rise again in the morning, reborn again, dispelling the night and growing stronger throughout the year henceforth (until the next winter).

Living in the cold north of Europe, the sun was very important, and yule was a celebration for it.

Christianity came later, via Greece and spread over the lands. However, since paganism was around for thousands of years before that, they had trouble converting everyone, no matter how many people the Christians killed, no matter how many they tortured, no matter how many pagan temples they desecrated and built churches upon.
So, they had to adopt Pagan aspects for people to accept it.

Even "Santa Claus" is pagan. Eight reindeer? That's no coincidence. Odins horse, sleipnir has eight legs.
Santa is Odin disguised as a shaman. He goes into the chimneys to leave toys shaped like animals, usually reindeer, to appease the spirits of the animals which the humans hunted and killed through the year, and reminded people to keep a respectful relationship with the animals.
Never to kill them needlessly and only ever taking natural resources, like their bones, their hide, their flesh. Never to trap their spirits or corrupt them.

And so forth. Western Christmas is Yule, Yule is a sun celebration, nothing of it, except putting a manger in some nativity scene, has anything to do with christianity or Jesus. At all.

And set up over his head his accusation written, THIS IS JESUS THE KING OF THE JEWS.
Matthew 27:37

Youre yid. I didn't blow anything.

Yep, reported. Try harder.

Underrated. I nice twist on the last poster by imposing on the viewer to fill in the blank. The font and formatting will immediately trigger leftists who are aware of the previous poster. They'll probably write in 'nazis', 'hate', 'trump voters', 'men', or some shit like that. That is if they don't just tear it down.

This TBH, the spacing and font are right. And it's doing everything that made the last poster work.

So you prefer that version even though you know they will turn it against you? Why?

Also why isn't this idea getting any love?

Sure thing, torkike.

It's not there anymore. Could someone please post it to or a similar site?

You know back when the election day flying campaign happened I went out with friends and plastered the town and local college. After several hours of walking around eventually a campus cop came up to me saying he received a report I trespassed into some one's dorm (lol) which was totally false, and I told him I was just going around to the message boards and putting up things. I then showed him some of them memes, which he originally somehow mistook for anti-Trump.

As it was all well in public and it was well within the domain of free expression and public airing of grievances (important technical legal words) I was free to go. I actually shot the shit with him for like 15 mins thereafter about the state of the union and he was very reasonable and respectful.

Pic related some of the posters.

As I was walking around the campus, I happened to by with one of my friends when it happened, so it was the two of us, tall built white men – there was an anti trump march, I boldly walked to the procession and proceeded to hand out memes, 1/2 of which actually took them, and even ran into a little (3 person) black bloc and they didn't say anything, just kept walking and averted their eyes. Many, many keks where had.

tl;dr be civil, reasonable, cool headed, know the law, and when it doubt record, if possible livestream any confrontations and y'all be just fine.

This was in the lower south bay area, not quite Berkeley, but within an hour of it.

scuse me, but i thought the OC was "May God Bless You This Christmas" which is fully what I intend to print and deploy.

You disingenuous kike.

Aside from increased ink costs, the beauty of the idea is in the simplicity. Do what you want of course, but when you add things you dilute the message.

I was mocking you. You're just mad because you don't want to accept the truth that Jesus was a kike.

trips confirm, do not change the message in any way.

I will convert to christianity if you can prove jesus was white

gas yourself faggot.
Jesus was a gentile.


accidental sage

Jesus or as his actual name is Yeshuah (Hebrew name) is from the tribe of Judah. Jew is derived from Judahite which is basically what kikes call themselves. In the bible it clearly states Yeshuah was not an attractive man. It is in Isaiah 53:2
"For he shall grow up before him as a tender plant, and as a root out of a dry ground: he hath no form nor comeliness; and when we shall see him, there is no beauty that we should desire him."
No tell me why would God choose such a lowly form and not be born of pure European blood instead of among mudblood in the mid east? This is not the God you are looking for just a kike that died a long time ago.

I tried.

White Country

I’m dreaming of a white country
Just like the one I used to know
Where the streets all glisten
And children listen
To their parents, don’t you know?

I’m dreaming of a white country
With every bullet now I fire
May the race war end ‘fore the night
And may all your countries ‘gain be white

I’m dreaming of a white country
Just like the one I used to know
Leftist-free and working
And no kikes lurking
In banks, courts, or on the dole

I’m dreaming of a white country
With every bullet now I fire
May the race war end ‘fore the night
And may all your countries ‘gain be white.

Saying just Merry Christmas is useless, no one considers it a threat yet. Connecting Christianity to the holiday is the hot point.

Jesus is Born on Christmas
The Son of God is Born on Christmas

do you know how dog cloning works? if you don't know the answer to that then clearly you're a fucking idiot or likely a shill.

kindly kill yourself.

Moving on.
Every one of us should watch "It's a Wonderful Life" with our families this Christmas.
I bet it's Jesus, Andrew Jackson, and Clint Eastwood's favorite Christmas movie.
(I can't believe its still shown every year.)

Never heard of it.

checking relevant thoth digits too


i thought this was the decided upon meme. we had this conversation weeks ago.


Nah, it's definitely the Yuletide and a celebration of the Winter Solstice. An important time for northerners, much less important for desert squatters. Jesus was not even born at this time of year, he was most likely born in the fall and conceived in winter. But as usual Christcucks have to show up for the Easter celebration of the fertility goddess and ruin the egg hunt for the kids. Will Christcucks ever not be blown the fuck out?

Oh heres a fun fact, jews celebrate a winter holiday called Nittel Nacht; they believe that apostates are CONCIEVED on this night because evil spirits are flying around in the dark raping all the women.

You're either
Starring that affable Jimmy Stewart, it's a life-affirming Christmas tale of honesty, community cohesion, and anti-banking sentiment.
Seriously, everyone should watch it with their family.


Hello sir, glad to know i'm not alone… that there are others who notice these things. Glad you spotted that. I would love to see this enjoy a form of serif in about a year or two…. but establishment and outreach, san-serif must be in order… with adequate kerning and leading.

No, this is good. IT's OKAY to say Jesus Loves You.

If you're just going with "Merry Christmas" at least make "Christ" italicized.

I agree with everything in that list except the ban on commenting under news articles related to this. Why the hell not? News comments are an excellent place to redpill normies.

>Do you honestly believe (((they))) want to ban the word 'Christmas
Right, you should say X-mas or happy holidays like a good goy.

I beg to differ



Nice time stamp

Also, is "Pure White" a good idea?

idk, I just want to see shitlibs freak out over a blank piece of paper


how am i supposed to reply to this?

Just boycott jewish shops (all year round)

Merry Christmas brother

That should be the next iteration

Need to rub the Christmas spirit in these degenerates' faces. They hate that shit, and will inevitably link it to muh underground nazi operation

What font did you use? I'm making a PDF version.

Whatever you print, there has to be a link between Christmas and Christianity. This is what's under attack, forcibly asking Christians to give up on their holidays and implicitly admit inferiority.

Christmas was celebrated with 1. mass at the church, 2. a nativity scene and 3. dining together. Saint Nicholas was obviously a catholic tradition, still rooted in christian martyrdom.

All the rest you are mentioning, is part of the problem that's being denounced: Christmas is NOT trees with lights, or coca cola commercials, or gifts, or socks with candy. You looked at this false christmas and came to believe Christmas was fake all along: congratulations, you got yourself subverted.

(Unrelated) What if we put speakers all over cities and somehow made them all play the same message at once and redpill the whole country?

pic related is what father christmas looked like before saint Nicholas. He's still referred to as "Joulupukki" or Yule goat here in Finland.

Why not "It's Okay to Have a White Christmas"?

I like the spacing on this because maybe we should avoid being to closely identified as having to do with "It's Okay to be White"

This is a very stupid post. Spending is good for the economy. Just don't buy from Jew shops.

what happed to the Happy Holidays thread, I thought it was better. stop everyone from saying happy holidays.

if I remember correctly a much earlier thread already agreed upon "MAY GOD BLESS YOU THIS CHRISTMAS" and ever since then that has been my sole intent. already printed up my first set to deploy.


The IOTBW font is Karbon light. You can download the free test font from Klim:

I'm not even Polish and that triggers me.

Be pretty neat if someone took the one that Yuletide user made and add a cross in its place. I live in majority White and Mormon Utah, I want to alternate both a 'Merry Christmas' and 'Happy Yuletide' posters and gauge the effect. Unless any other fellow Utah anons in this thread think we should coordinate by synchronizing our posters. Maybe a non-symbolic version might be good, since Mormons see cross displays as a form of idolatry. (none the less I'm saving all of this stuff) Basically I'm inclined to agree with OP, but I still love the Yuletide poster.

K would imply that they actually give a fuck about their offspring.


Winter solstice tomorrow.

This (a)
Or this (b)
The font and spacing look perfect in both these examples. Unobtrusive, letting only the message through.

1. trigger to get publicity
2. get people saying it
3. don't look over-produced (grassroots)

I'd say that the main weakness if anything is the still relative inoffensiveness of the message. I'm tempted to want to amp that part up somehow. We know Jesus can do that if necessary.

*4. Tie into IOTBW

Suggestions for extra triggering action.



_ ANONS (;

Regarding the typesetting (and look of informality), looking at it again I have to say I like the like spacing and placement of the OP example , if not the font.

The overly large amount of space between the lines and the slightly off-center placement nearer the bottom of the field makes it look extra casual breaking through the filter we've all developed against produced crap.


< muh 666 gorilaz
sod off

If the first idea doesn't produce enough triggering to get negative press try these.

More smug version

You are either illiterate or a manipulative kike.

We will say "Merry Christmas" again.

Larpers really are retarded.

I don't know where else to post this but merry christmas you fucks.


Is that you, Chrow?

To counter the Holocaust narrative:
CDEFG=Christians Died in Exile, Famine, and Gulags

< muh 6 gorillion


Triggering achieved T-Zero.

Merry Christmas, you White Devils.

No I just saved the image.

He wasn't born on Christmas. He was born sometime in April. It's going to make us all look dumb if anyone else here is stupid enough to post these like you.

This is good except nearly everyone who hears it will fall into the trap of equating Communism with 'Russian' instead of 'Jewish'. Granted, it's always good to turn people off to communist ideas, but where the holocaust has the built in scapegoat of white christian german males, communism only shifts the awareness of a greater atrocity to white russian areligious males. It ought to be clearer that the atrocities were caused by 'subversive immigrant jews'.

From the official WH channel

Curtesy half-chan

Those literal jew larpers and their Hebrew Calendar praising.

It's not certain when he was born, jackass. The holiday is in honor of him and his birth. Everyone knows that. Or they soon will.
