This niggress wants to remove bullet proof glass from wittle old chinese and sihk deli shop owners so that niggers can rob them faster.
Here's her email: [email protected]
This niggress wants to remove bullet proof glass from wittle old chinese and sihk deli shop owners so that niggers can rob them faster.
Here's her email: [email protected]
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Not our problem, and all groups involved are more than capable of looking after themselves.
They should force her to manage a shop in the worst part of town for several nights without protection, and a sign saying something like "we are not armed"
Good, non-whites fighting each other is exactly what we need to happen often
Her reasoning is actually righteous. The complaint is that Koreans and Chinks are behaving like jews of the Orient and flooding black neighbourhoods with booze shops.
Her idea is that if the plexiglass is removed, they will have to stop selling liquor to avoid being robbed.
Pretty genius idea for a nigger imo.
By the way, typical Rebel media e-celeb advertisement thread.
If you were to start lynching these niggers outside of the stores they rob, would the niggers fuck off?
If the thread was about Whites trashing kike shops for selling alcohol and legal highs, the perps would be lauded.
This nigger is trying to protect her people from the corrosive influence of profiteering outsiders and that is to be lauded imo.
and it's still not our problem
Whew that liberal utopia they promised us sure is looking fantastic. Couldn't be a better way of life. Well done my commierades.
It's going to become our problem, you fucking idiots. These things sent soft precedents for the rest of the country. If you don't know that, then go and lurk for another two years.
her hair looks awful
I want every kike in this thread gassed.
Except you don't realize this law would affect white businesses, as well.
Should probably make sure that chinks and sihks know all about this cunt and her plans. I'm pretty sure they won't take kindly.
Oppression Olympics Death Squads?
more like Korean Roof-Bros & Captain Nemo becoming our ally
nobody calls the chinese stupid.
they know how to operate their nigger stores in nigger areas and turn profit.
I've noticed that nogs don't just hate whites, but they really hate Asians as well.
Colin's sounding more and more rustled these days. Black erasure soon?
god damn, even the official reporter for the Fox 29 channel sounds pissed off.
Because Asians can be openly racist and face zero repercussions for it; a privilege they utilize regularly.
The chinks don't give a fuck. Niggers are used to playing the 'muh raysisms' & 'muh slavery' cards on gullible, libfag honkeys.
The chinks would enslave the niggers all over again.
Chinks are honorary whites when it comes to niggers
Seriously, who the fuck would consider Colin Flaherty a shill other than chaim himself? DoTR cannot come soon enough.
Hahaha, he looks disgruntled considering he is white and by nature probably understands that a bill like this is so blatantly dangerous and an obvious gateway for heinous crime spikes.
Not by me, I would have called them niggers for being niggers.
Nigger has two meanings: literally shitskin, and behaviorally shitskin.
I've always wondered about these little Chinese/Korean and arab stores in the middle of absolute niggerdom. How do they go home at night after closing? How do they make bank deposits? Do they call a squad car whenever they close as an escort? Do they do deposits with those armored car companies? How do they accept deliveries? I'd be scared shitless.
This law also affects whites business owners, numbnuts.
Isn't that still going to happen with eg local by laws, health and safety building codes & compliance, etc?
they're all armed and they do it out of the back of the store with camera's everywhere.
And caring about other people's business sets a president for us, as does standing against somebody trying to clean up their neighborhood and kick out the foreign elements.
This is a terrible idea because they are niggers and are going to nig, but it serves the chinks right for opening shops in those neighborhoods at all, let them rot.
And if they want to pull that shit on whites? Fine. Bullet proof glass isn't the answer, deportation or genocide are the answer.
Half measures and muh PR is for public figures oike Trump. It's our job to stand steadfast and never give in. Our purity spiral is the drill that will pierce the heavens.
Let them fight.
(half heiled)
I know a sandnigger owned party store in detroit in one of niggest of neighborhoods, full bullet proof glass, they have a small square entry that they can lock both doors and make a nig trap also full bullet proof. Plus they have a small fucking long gun arsenal and they move cash in the middle of the day from the day before not at night and they have at least 2 people close the store. The nigs basically know they cannot be hit without a major firefight.
No. No. No. But they do literally hate niggers.
t. Chinese restaurant white piggu worker
I’ll take rebel media shills over you faggot holy shit stfu
My Grandfather used to tell me stories about how the Koreans used to stack up nigger corpses by sniping those sub-humans during the Watts riots. M14s and Lee-Enfield wielding Koreans on the roofs capping DINDUS like it was a fucking carnival shooting gallery.
He told me the subhuman Negroid garbage would all bunch up at once trying to physically smash open all the barricades setup on the Korean shops. The owners would simply let the scum bunch up, then start capping them like crazy; the Dindus would start shitting themselves and try to get away and end up trampling many of their subhuman brethren to death in the process. The would come back stronger every time, yet still get fucking dropped like savage subhumans every time.
The White policemen at the time would simply hold the line to keep negroid subhumans away from White neighborhoods…and laugh their asses off while the Korean store owners slaughtered them in sweet sweet retaliation.
The Negroid subhumans, being unable to loot and burn any stores owned by pissed off Koreans and others willing to defend their business simply burned down their own businesses and killed their own people.
Get the fuck out of here.
No it just has one meaning and you trying to muddy it and make it multiracial makes you suspect as fuck in my eyes. There are other terms that can be used for white vulgarity. A nigger is a nigger. FUCK. YOU.
this is out of the kike's newest manual
Can you even make sense of that sentence? it doesn't seem to be English to me.
You're literally retarded. Simplified, just for (((you))):
i've been in liquor stores, and i've been approached by drug dealers.
i didn't require their services so i did not make business with them. easy, isn't it?
No it doesn't. You're black, but as much as you don't accept your identity and are able to acknowledge that your specie is sub-human (you included), you still are a nigger piece of shit and don't belong here. You have to go, if you don't we will rope you just like the others. If I were you I would push the reasoning to the end and kill myself. Do this, nigger. You don't magically turn white after being a good slave and not robbing anything fir a few days.
your trying too hard kike
This is what you're defending, Mordecai.
Then she's lying out her ass and everyone knows it. Not one single Asian corner store in Philly sells alcohol. It's illegal. In PA alcohol can be sold only from state run stores called 'Fine Wine & Good Spirits.' Only in the past couple years have they loosened the law slightly and allowed some chain supermarkets to sell wine and beer in the state after they bought a license for half a million bucks.
What the fuck.
America has an extremely strong "no fun allowed" streak in many places (mostly in the northeast and bible belt) that long ago transcended religiosity and became culture.
There is an exemption for restaurants in state and Philly law.
She is fucking butthurt the chinks and gooks followed the letter of the law, got a city restaurant license, allowing them to apply for the state liquor license, both require inspectors to show up onsite for the approval.
It’s called a Stopn’Go or a speakeasy but usually referred to as a 6 pack store where you can buy a quart, 40, or up to 2 six packs in one transaction, some allow you to sit there and drink
And it’s not just Philly they’re all over PA there’s the new boutique style ones present themselves as microbrew enthusiast hangouts
Will this law apply to banks also? I am offended by the indignity of having my cash handed to me through a bullet-proof glass barrier.
Wattabout dem safes? Like a nigga gonna grab a five, hydin all dat monies, dey be racist in sheeeeit. :^)
social security offices are also like that. the only way your talking to a person is through a 2inch bulletproof window through a voice hole
I hate niggers.
soon it won't even be a person on that tv screen
LMAO this. Say what you want about those chinks and gooks but they sure know how to power game the rules of doing business.
I'm sorry Jaquan, I can't let you do that.
Got the one where they chase him out and throw a table and chair at him? Why are they so secretive about their gay ass little game? It's just gambling, everybody does it here.
Lads, this could be the turning point when satire officially ends.
Spics, spooks, kikes and gooks. They're flooding our country but we're called "kooks".
most of it isn't hers.
This poster is a faggot. You should let him know he sucks too many cocks.
Checked, please elaborate further.
Most of the gooks who fought in the LA riots would have finished their compulsory military service during one of the two military juntas that existed from 1965-1990. A lot of our older family members remember just how dirt poor the country until the General Park Chung Hee took over the country in 1965. Until president Kim-Dae Jung, Korea was a highly, militarized country, and being a competent soldier was required if you wanted to build the connections to get yourself a good job or even leave the country. These guys remember when Korea was dirt poor, and the older ones most likely saw action in Vietnam alongside the U.S. They see America as an opportunity to provide their children with a quality education and a better future. When the niggers raided their stores during the riots, they didn’t just upset the oriental proclivity for social order, they also fucked with their ability to provide for their children.
Gooks responded to the nigger problem the way their society had conditioned them.
Good luck with that! They wont even get their loose Newports and greasy fried rice anymore.
It should be noted, that a lot of the store owners that defended themselves and their livelyhoods were put in prison.
Imperial Korea was so poor Japan making Korea into an exploited colony actually improved living standards.
Oh boo fucking hoo. If you don't like booze don't buy it.
Except that they're not trashing the shops for selling alcohol, they're raiding the till for cash. All the alcohol is intact.
Checked, stop making me nostalgic user.
It's not in the things that you say or you do do do do,
Hold the line.
Always club nigs that do crime
Wo Wo Wo Wo
The dindu fears the Roof Korean.
That'd be fucking hilarious
I know you think that typing in ebonics is funny, but it's not.
Sounds great. Except the white police didn't 'hold the line'. Today white neighborhoods don't exist beyond some random unicorn dream. And korean businesses and neighborhoods are an thing. The white cops let the niggers in by letting whites think they were safe from niggers thanks to authority. So white men accepted the subversion and destruction of their own culture, society and nation in exchange for luxury and illusion.
Strong authority and centralized control breeds weakness and apathy. Outside protection and dominion guarantees destruction of the group under such domain. Get rid of the cops, they are needed only by the government, not by men. Today look at Korea, subversive whore cults and their men today are barely more masculine than the jap pillow humpers while niggers are being imported into even the korean neighborhoods in korea.
fuck off back to 4cuck
thanks for the bump you dumb piece of shiiiiiiiiiit.
I was thinking back at the roof korean time the USA and commiefornia wasn't as cucked with guns,do you think nowadays this could be pulled off?
You must be new. Not that I agree with the trend or linguistics behind it, but nearly everyone calls dumb people "niggers". In fact, a good way to ID outsiders is when they stick to "normie" instead of "newfaggot" or "newnigger".
not "new". I meant normalfaggot or normalnigger.
The overwhelming majority of corner shops in black cities are owned by nonwhites: usually Asians. Governments at every level offer tax cuts and low interest loans to minority business owners. Whites have been pushed out of that sector by thirty years of policy.
So you would White warriors who take direct action against non-White businesses corrupting the youth "niggers"?
Roll on keyboard warrior.
Are you missing the point or pretending to miss the point?
Bullshit, they're stealing liquor because the cash is behind the plexiglass which the nigger wishes to remove.
You're not very good at this, are you?
Liquor stores are targeted because they have a much higher turnover than shops which don't sell drugs.
The criminals want money, the nigger politician wishes to leverage their behaviour to disincentivise the selling of alcohol. Even a nigger could understand this.
This thread illuminates the absolute state of Holla Forums since it was flooded by alt-righters.
Oh fuck off, as if you come anywhere close to not being a degenerate shitskin yourself.
This doesn't just affect minorities, it affects whites too. Alcohol is fine, you goddamn Muslim. Half of your heritage probably comes from beermaking, if you really are white.
nobody says "newnigger" you newfag
Should a society not utilise law enforcement to maintain its order?
Yeah, you lost me. Let me read that again.
Unless they intend to resell the liquor, I'm not following you at all here. Or, is it possible that this is some kind of plot to bait the seller into opening up an opening in the plexiglass, thereby giving the thieves they opportunity they need to enter the safe space and steal the cash?
Fuck off niggerlover
The problem with your extraordinarly jewish theory is that it isn't merely booze shops that have plexiglass. It's all the restaurants and corner shops too. Any shop that sells sandwiches or canned food. Any shop that takes cash in these neighborhoods has plexiglass; not just the liquor shops.
Holy shit trim your nose kike, it's grew to like half a mile long.
This is widely and wildly misunderstood action, but all it takes is a little deeper reading about it.
It is aimed only at a specific class of business which is licensed to sell liquor or beer "by the drink." The type of businesses in question should, according to the previously existing law, have inside seating and tables, and serve food, kinda like a TGIFs or Applebee's.
The problem is this: the pajeets and hajis who run these shops have been getting the "restaurant" style license, but neglecting to sell food, they have the seating area locked up, and they serve the drinks to the schwartzas who then congregate outside the shops and create a public nuisance with fights, shootings, stabbings, and occasional impromptu rap battles. Essentially, these shop owners have been gypping the system to make a buck operating as open-air BARS rather than as the type of establishment they're licensed to be.
This change would force these particular businesses to be what they're licensed to be, or to keep their bulletproof glass and become a different type of establishment (that doesn't sell liquor and beer "by the drink"), or to close. Any of which prevents a public nuisance. I can understand why any city would want to do this.
This law doesn't target all the shops. Only certain types of licenses, see my prior (sorry I didn't see you to tag you)
Do these dumbasses think they put up glass for aesthetics or to donate to glass class companies or something?
You're a special kind of dumb aren't you? Must not even live in a city that has high crime. It has nothing to do with liquor. There are places here in Brooklyn and Queens that have bullet proof glass in places like Dominos and McDonalds, not to mention regular deli's that don't even sell booze.If they don't have the glass they often have really really high counters to prevent people from grabbing them or using knives. Have you ever seen a Kennedy Fried Chicken and the type of neighborhood that it's in? I'd to see you walk around on of these places at 2AM and see what happens. The problem isn't that Asians are selling liquor, is that nigger are lazy and stupid and have a high propensity for violence and this leads to them robbing stores instead of getting job, and that is the problem that needs to be address.
Now that clarifies things. So street shitters cheating the system? nothing new here.
So now they either have to get the correct license, change their business model, or remove the anti dindu glass.
The other user, well he is a retard that never saw any of these stores, because everything is behind the glass, not just the cash register. For liquor stores here it's mostly full glass, and you have a little tray that come out like a bank tellers tray, or you have a glass cylinder that is open on 1/4 of the side and you have to put the money in, and they turn it and then you take the booze.
Soon to be replaced by weed in a similar licensing scheme after (((Wegmans))) and the various shit gas station chains lobbied hard enough to Tom Wolf to let them sell 6 packs at gas stations and grocery stores.
that's known as a bodega in these parts, user. or a corner bar. yes, even in the place you doxed yourself in, brother. I work there too, round the corner too.
Next you know it will soon be illegal to lock your door
I'm absolutely ok,more conflict will ensue,more niggs will die,the ghettos might be unable to access supplies except for more heavily armed business willing to take the risk.
It might raise awareness of the nig problem when shitskined people raise their voice
Locking your door is an exclusionary microaggression against POC stemming from your white supremacist, colonialist concept of property rights.
I love wegmans I don't have to shop with bums and niggers there ..
gonna need a citation on that, blackpiller
kill yourself
The gooks vote democrat so they get what they deserve.
I don't see why Asians would vote for Democrat, it seems to not be in their favor.
because the dude filming them walked right into their house without asking permission
Holy shit they sure are crafty.
Exactly. Affirmative action hurts them, the laws hurt them, and the niggers hurt them. Their IQ must only be good for being robots in our mathematics Olympiad and not fucking common sense but they like any other shitskin see whites are the enemy anyway.
Niggers are subhuman apes even by our standards. They're loud, aggressive, impatient and dumb.
t. Chink experiencing nigger infestation
Ever notice has niggers and asians (especially koreans) have been arch enemies in America for decades now? Something tells me that the second a racewar starts, the koreans are gonna be lining up to shoot these retards.
I remember watching a documentary about the LA riots and smiling when the koreans were like "You mean we have a right to bear arms?", and then got down to business.
It's all just so tiresome.
No, they know exactly why the glass is there: to nigger-proof the store. That makes it much more difficult for blacks to rob them, and blacks think that they DESERVE to be able to rob people of other races because everyone owes them. They of course hate Whitey the most, but blacks think everyone is raycis except themselves. When blacks commit robberies, rapes and murders against non-blacks, they see it as restitution from a world that treats them unfairly, restitution they can't get when Uncle Park keeps everything behind glass and keep a sawed-off under the cash register.