What are the economic policies of national socialism? Reading posts on fascist/natsoc forums I come to the conclusion that natsocs today favour just libertarianism because govt interventionism or welfare is communism or something? How is that related to Hitlers disadain for capitalism?
What are the economic policies of national socialism...
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Slide thread, this has been discussed as nausem.
Have you been living under a rock? Libertarians here are called "lolbergs" and a quick look at the names of prominent libertarians reads like a bar mitzfah guest list.
It's common sense that the government should promote and finance activities that benefit society, such as raising a family and public infrastructure works. Fellow white people who are productive citizens shouldn't fear bankruptcy if they hit hard times (house burns down, a factory closes down leaving hundreds unemployed). Veterans who fought to defend their nation shouldn't worry about how to pay their medical bills when they return home injured.
Obviously, niggers and shitskins don't get welfare. No jews allowed in natsoc countries.
Lolbergs are prevalent because libertarianism is a common stepping stone on the way to becoming NatSoc. If you'd like to learn more I suggest Godfried Fedar, and sources on Fascist Corporatism.
The only time socialism would actually work is if you get rid of all non-whites. White people can cooperate and share and can raise themselves while raising their brothers. Whites are the only ones enlightened enough to understand and apply what is necessary for the actual greater good of their species and not their shekel pile.
Of course it wouldn't be called socialism when it's only whites left doing it, we'd just call it a balanced fucking life.
Until then, you keep what you kill.
Its a low quality thread, and it has been discussed a fair bit, but its mostly been discussed by people who only have a moderate understanding of it. I have yet to see a single person with advanced understanding of how every aspect of the economy was run, and which levers were pulled. We all (should by now) understand the basic principles, like being against usury, and the stuff in the 32 economic platform, and the mix of controlled and free economy with private businesses competing etc… but there is so much more to know about it.
Ill sage just because this thread so far isnt really bringing in new knowledge and isnt likely to.
So why did socialism fail in eastern european countries?
So George Lincoln Rockwell was wrong?
This is an important topic worth discussing. Please provide me with archive links since this topic is vital to understand natsoc and differentiate it from lolbergism.
Theres stuff on /pdfs/ but its not a very well understood topic. I personally am still trying to understand it better, and dont have that advanced understanding myself.
That thread starts with Gottfried Feders manifesto for the abolition of debt slavery, Mein Kampf is further down, the party programme etc. Just hunt around on /pdfs/. Theres also pic related which is a tiny little booklet, but its written in an antagonistic way designed to make (very bad) excuses for why it was a success and implications that it wouldnt have lasted after the war, which are not actually supported.
You've got to be more specific than that.
The reason I hate these "economic" debates is they always digress into word games and arguments over what terms actually mean. The USSR practiced Communism based on principles of anti-white jews like Marx and Lenin who only promoted the ideology to convince whites to hate whites richer than them and overthrow governments that were unfriendly to jews. When your government is run by jews like in the USSR, of course your economy will tank and people will starve. Natsoc Germany put the German people first and didn't subscribe to any rigid economy theory aside from what would best benefit their people and race. I call it "socialism" because they were concerned with Germany's social welfare, but you can define these words however you please.
Not doing your work for you. In natsoc, there are no kikes unlike libtertarianism.
Shit thread, check the catalog
Just a reminder btw that National Socialism isnt even close to marxist socialism.
I'm sick of seeing that phony quote posted on Holla Forums. Pic #3 was written by Gregor Strasser, not Hitler.
Thanks, Ill delete it. Its still not exactly that far off something Hitler could have said. Humans shouldnt be judged by wealth or property, but what they can contribute to society and what kind of character they have etc.
Third one wasn't written or said by Hitler. You're fallen for leftypol D&C shit.
That doesn't matter, he simply didn't say it.
Its already gone from my folder, but again, that rhetoric is not the extreme horseshit Strasser normally pushes. The propaganda is probably designed to get you to GOOGLE the quote, and end up on Strasser, who you then presumably research. Thats why a commie would spread that meme. Again, I wont post it anymore and its gone.
National Capitalism > National Socialism for the foreseeable future until Jews and shitskins are exiled from White territories. Until then hire white, buy white, and mentor white. Freedom of association for ingroup preference is one of our best tools to out Jew the Jew.
Capitalism is the essence of Jewry. Don't willingly give them the high ground. Force them to fight on your own turns, not in the same arena they've fought in for thousands of years.
How's about you read Meinn Kampf, retard.
oh look another nazi economics thread! I'm sure this time it will be filled full of ridged objective standards for how to run a socialist economy in a way that actually works somehow! I'm sure this thread wont be full of niceties and sentiment rather than actual policies that differ from Holla Forums's belief that "socialism works with whites!".
Years and years of you larping faggots thinking that we can workout the economics after we gas all the kikes is fucking hilarious. And lolbergs? HAHA that's your only defense. No arguments just posturing, dismissing and claiming that kikes invented capitalism.
Ok so if you natsocs are so enlightened as to how socialism works with whites answer me this question.
How does one deal with the free rider problem in a socialist economy?
Seriously i am willing to be proven wrong and shown how socialism can actually work with whites but in the years of arguing I have never ever seen a good argument for socialism countering this problem.
Lefty "socialism" and "gov intervention" basically means the opposite of what it actually should be.
Have you never heard of a white welfare queen before? How would you determine who the leeches are and how would you remove them?
Monopolies only exist where a government has essentially sanctioned that monopoly. If a company produces products or services that are so essential that they, by the nature of being the first, become a monopoly other companies will pop up to take advantage of the demand created by the products or services, unless barred from doing so by a government.
Also governments are monopolies on force.
Are you suggesting that we should prioritize solving some trivial economic problems before purging our society of all kikes and jewish influence? Your priorities are completely backwards, and our economy will never reach its true potential as long as back-stabbing kikes remain to leech on us.
I dunno, we could try to emulate Germany's economic model from 1933-1939. They only pulled off the most miraculously economic recovery in human history, which shockingly was predicated upon establishing a white ethnostate with zero jews. Wait a second…
You're not from around here. Reported kike.
The USSR largely dissolved because of collapsing oil prices, a well publicized demoralizing military campaign, and lingering resentment from the Second Zionist War. You could turn around and flip the question: why did capitalism fail in Western countries? I don't really know how else you could phrase it when every single Western country is guaranteed to be racially exterminated after decades and decades of chronically falling living standards, degraded infrastructure, collapsed families, and military failure. But at least Boeing and Coca-Cola are doing well.
You fucking imbecile. The "Socialism" in National Socialism stands for society and the literal social aspect of it, the way one willingly gives to his volk, not economic or marxist socialism. This is fucking National Socialism 101. Kill yourself.
Any socialist economic plan will be pointless until you can stop the US Federal reserve from using the US military to be a Thug army against those to create an economic system that can print money on a solidity basis of tangible precious metal or other produce, otherwise we see what happens now, the guy with the big army gets to print money out of thin air to buy tangible goods, assets or services from other nations at the point of a nuke.
Whyt do you think all totalitarian or not regimes trying to be independent of the dollar all have disproportionaly big militaries to their size?
I'll bite though. Prior to their relatively recent decision to commit suicide via mass immigration, the Scandinavian countries were regarded worldwide as the best places on earth to live. They are/were almost entirely white and are considered socialist countries.
What happens when you dont think things out a head of time is what happened during the French and Russian revolutions. If you get violent before you think out what your are going to do after the violence you can be co-opted very easily and people are baying for blood rather than targeting who the real enemies are. Look i hate kikes just as much as the next Holla Forumsock but i think the thing you are missing is that if we just target kikes where does the killing stop and when do we start living in the ethno state like civilized whites? I'm saying lets have a plan before we just start the gassing i'm antsy to get this thing going to but i don't want to start a blood bath unless i know it will result in something good and not just another kikes run version of socialism that is more centered around whites.
oh you mean that ethno state that collapsed and turned its original country into a nigger infested shit hole? Yeah lets repeat history's failures. I'm not saying that lessons can not be gleamed from hitters Germany but lets look at this shit objectively. Lets talk about some of the policies like men rather than calling each other kikes and dismissing which is EXACTLY what the kikes want us to do!
another newfag ropeberg thinking national socialism is marxist socialism when it was more free market than post depression zogmerica. its pretty much (((capitalism))) with the state allowed authority to intervene to prevent corporate kikery from occurring unlike in america where the corporations are more powerful than the government. "free riders" didnt exist.
The Russian Revolution was led by jewish bolsheviks who accomplished exactly what they sought to – overthrow a government that enforced anti-jewish policies.
The goal is a white ethnostate, this is not a hard concept. If there is a kike/nigger/shitskin/etc they must be removed. That is where it stops.
We've been "planning" for the past 70 years with zero to show for it. If it's a kike-run government then it's not "centered around whites".
Surely you're not suggesting that Natsoc Germany's failure was attributable to it's economic policies, and not being ganged up on by virtually every nation in the world. The current German government is very much a proponent of "free market capitalism" and importing shitskins to perform menial tasks leaving true Germans unemployed, but their current ineptitude is due to spurning the successful policies Germany implemented in the 1930's.
ok please explain to me the difference between communists giving to the proletariat and national socialists giving to their volk? That is a VERY subjective idea you are acting like is very easy to differentiate.
You have done nothing to explain why socialism works for whites.
Boy you know not who you talk to. So if national socialism is basically capitalism why the fuck are you using marxist terms to describe your movement? And just to be clear i define "capitalism" as free market without state intervention. If you have a fucking welfare system how would you maintain that everybody on the system actually needs the welfare?
It was state capitalism when kikery was a foot but pretty much laisses fare emphasis when things went well.
The reason why some think it central planning is becouse most of the time Germany was at war which means more of the economy has to be directed towards war by the government.
oh look the one reply commie strikes once again.
wanted to bump it but as your are in the thread sage goes in all fields
National Socialism isn't an economic theory, it's a social movement. The USSR did nothing to enact pro-white or anti-jewish policies, and their failure and collapse was a natural consequence. Any shitskin could enter the country and join the "proletariat" as long as they preached hated of more successful people. Natsoc German cultivated fraternity and social obligation amongst its people, and divided them not by superficial categories such as class and wealth, but by biologically-defined race.
I was under the impression you already understood racal differences, social tendency( generosity but respectable and demanding of personal bounds of intrusion), religious tendency (autruistic, inspirational). That alone would already answer your question. Our primary focus is on social and racial issues, economic issues are secondary and adaptable, nothing is set in stone when the goal of the economy is the preservation of race and prosperity.
Now let me ask you a question:
Who would do better socialy-wise in regards to a livable pleasant society. A group of africans with acces to natural resources and almost no intervention from the government? Or a group of whites with acces to few resources and moderate/high government intervention and/or oversight?
Both situations exist in the present world we live in. You know the answer, dont you?
A difference in defining "socialism" really, which has always been a word that's been all over the place.Hitler was against free market totally unregulated capitalism, but there are different ways of regulating the economy based on different principles. You can regulate it based on dysgenic principles and do things like give massive amounts of welfare and handouts, or you can regulate it based on eugenic principles and confiscate Jewish property, make sure the banks and large scale industry operate in the interests of the nation, and support hard working families so they can have healthy children and benefit the race. Really terms like "national socialism" and "national capitalist" lead to more confusion than insight, and REAL nationalism wouldn't abitrarily divide things into social and economic issues. Nationalism would inherently apply to the economy because it should apply to everything being a bedrock principle for a healthy society. People trying to smuggle in other ideological concerns are suspect. Of course, Hitler was just trying to rescue nationalism from the Jewey free market capitalist patriotism of the day that was fundamentally creating a kike vs kike situation with the Bolsheviks where we lose either way and the most Jewey Jew with the biggest back of materialist ideological tricks climbs to the top of the pile of goyim, so applying the term socialism to represent an ancient Aryan institution made sense at the time and re-introduced Germans to an idea they'd (((forgotten))). Nowadays we have to adapt to new tricks, so I'd suggest that nationalism properly applied is inherently economic because it's an entire worldview and not some haphazard policy of border control like civic cucks want.
Nationalism should be our racial policy.
Nationalism should be our social policy.
Nationalism should be our economic policy.
perhaps if any of you natsocs understood those policies you may be able to counter my point that yes infact i do think Germanys economics policies lead to its collapse. If the socialist system was so strong as to be able to defend against any threat than Hitler would not have had to invade Poland to stop the communists. Germany would have been able to stand on its own against any threat and if they we perceived as the victims of communist incursion rather than the aggressors perhaps the rest of the world would have been on Germany's side.
I think that the economic policies of a failed artist and his war buddies probably we not the most thoroughly analyzed and vetted policies. Take for example The child policy to incentivize breeding (en.wikipedia.org