Harry the oil driller will "fix racism"


She identifies as biracial, but I do not feel that the aristocracy will be making such complicated distinctions. Maybe I’m being unfair, but few titled peers are equipped to tackle the complexities of race. Still, the Duke and Duchess of Marlborough can rest easy: The royal wedding will fix racism.

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The yanks voting for mongrel mutt King Nigger didn't "fix racism" so what bloody cunt thinks this will? Harry is ultimately a nobody in the line and a ginger bastard, a homely red headed unwanted child.

I cant wait to see the mongrel kids.



They put a plunger in Harry's ass when he was forced to attend reeducation camp didn't they?

Understandable. Have a nice day

Ask around the Suffield base about Harry's overcompensating. He's as queer as Edward.

Interesting. Maybe that's why they had all those >"Oh look Harry's been caught banging models in Vegas,

Ask Harry about that hot dog whorehouse in Hanna.

Bonus: Nickleback is from here.


Why do we have to hear about this country anymore? Seriously, it takes up 30-35% of all chan post.

She meant "fix" as in "we're going to 'fix' the election".

She's going to 'fix' racism in the UK.

mods cucked out allowing brit/pol/ threads back

By the time they get around to it, she'll practically have to shit out a mongrel downs/tistic spawn.

Top kek.

Jesus Christ. It'll make Princess Beatrice look like a 10/10 by comparison.

You guys are retarded. There's is literally nothing wrong with being a white person in your own country.

t. Local burgerland resident

There is nothing wrong with Princess Beatrice

Kek. Seriously though: I thought royals were supposed to be pretty uptight when it comes to stuff like this. When Elisabeth's uncle wanted to make Wallis (she was a divorcée) his wife, he had to abdicate…

One thing I never got before I came to Holla Forums: Anglican communion was started because Henry VIII wanted a divorce. Then Edward has to (((abdicate))) because of a divorcee.


Rothschild probably pressured the Royals into this. They manage their shekels and are deeply involved.


Remember you can always write Liz in her personal capacity.

Just address your letter to Elizabeth Alexandra Mary, and not HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN (her Rothschild puppet corporation sole).

She is still Defender of the Faith and is bound by her coronation oath.

If anyone here thinks this isn't some political/PR stunt, you're an idiot. Maybe they have been ordered to do this, sends a big message to us Brits. Its a psyop, to make race mixing cool because the Royals do it.

This. In 1980 Prince Charles was ordered to marry someone young as a publicity stunt to boost Britain and the royals. His main girlfriend Camilla was considered too old and not glamorous enough. He looked around for
some dumb blonde and found Diana. Britain
at the time had massive unemployment, there were niggers rioting, industrial strikes, and old
industries were shutting down. (Sheffield
had the highest per capita UK income
in 1971 and the lowest in 1981). The wedding
was supposed to raise morale and blot out the
bad news nationally and internationally. Of course the minute the couple arrived on their
honeymoon yacht Charles completely ignored
Diana and just read books. Within a few weeks Charles was back to shagging Camilla. Which is one of the reasons he isn't the real father of Harry.


Until the royal engagement I had no idea that the ginger prince was a bastard ginger prince.
like I give a fuck about brit royals

They literally is kangz now.

Remember when he signaled for help in that one photo? Now we know why.

Remember the Rothchild poke. A fucking royal wedding would never take place so fast after meeting. This is being rushed through on an agenda. Send help.

Jesus Christ mongrels have weird faces. Hope Harry doesn't have kids tbqh.

So is this why the royalty of Britain fought the Realm?

Is that why the offed his mum? Because she was a turboslut? Heard she was banging a paki at the time, too.

Sadly he is a legitimate child

Eyes are Charles' too.

That's a very ugly looking poor attempt at a Swastika, almost "Hey Rabbi" quality.

looks to be a fylfot.

Do you know where Guernsey is, user?

Don't worry too much, he isn't in line for being king, George is. This will probably end up redpilling a lot of brits rather then making racemixing OK.

That's the official reason, but it was really because Edward was a supporter of Hitler.

So the (((bankers))) threatened pulling the money?