So it turns out billionaire creator of Minecraft NOTCH is a fullchan Holla Forums regular.

Hey Notch, sup you glorious faggot?

Too lazy to Archive.

Good! If we're ever going to un-poz our countries we will need all the billionaire help we can get.

Now if he only used some of his autistic child money to help counteract white genocide instead of buying a house in Beverly Hills with a wall that dispenses candy adjacent to the exercise room he'll never use.

If he did he probably wouldn't boast about it everywhere.

This is Notch we're talking about, he'd probably boast about it and then not do it. See: Nearly every Minecraft feature he ever mentioned.

He's from Holla Forums in 2009-2010 duh.

He does, but he's not good goyish enough like the Oculus Rift goy to scrap OPSEC
Remember that Feminists have already been told by their (((handlers))) that Notch is one of their most dangerous enemies.

Nobody cares what that e-celeb and literal cuck has to say outside of the spectrum.

Minecraft feature != Purging Sweden of kike influence

That's true, one was a lot easier and he still didn't get it done.

Pewdiepie and minecraft are popular with Gen Z and little kids. They're not buying into PC crap at all and will grow up into /ourguys/. Very optimistic about the future after the boomer cancer dies off.


what's the first rule again?

First non fucking bot in this thread. How did people forget the rules?

Yo Notch, can you rip this LP in the highest quality possible? It got ripped and remastered in CD quality (I'm sure you know this) and I'm still pissed about it. Your taste in music is good though you bastard.

The first rule of Holla Forums is that this place isn't 2010 Holla Forums.

tfw nu-metal didn't make you hate your boomer dad
tfw fathering your own child made you hate your boomer dad

I'm on this board. This is a big deal, since quite a few people I talk to recognize me (Brother, Wife, even my kids sometimes)

There are no women on the internet.

Notch, please be our new soros.

Notch you billionaire useless faggot!
Think about starting and funding a version of the Freikorps.

Fuck off kikel.

I agree, the reason we moved from cuckchan three years ago is because people forgot about rule 1 and it got flooded with normies.

Notch please buy me ice-cream

Pretty sure we have Don Jr here too. Maybe Eric and Barron too.


I saw the first tweet. Didn't see the second.
Love you Notch, brother.

You mean for years.

Not the same as half/b/ in 07 that's for sure.
I think there's a sticky.
I still agree tbh

Nice thing is that it sounds exactly like something he would say on his own. 'You know it's OK to be White, a lot of people forget that. White people have made Yuuuuge contributions….'



Great, now not just redditors but also normalfags who use twitter will be coming here. This is how cuckchan went to shit.

Yep. Don Jr is a shitposting motherfucker

Notch ran away like a coward to eternal anglo mongrel nations just like Pewdiebitch did and left their native nordic lands to die of cultural enrichment. They can't even do so much as help SD save Sweden but SD is still too cucked. They are just a step in the proper third position.

If they're into minecraft enough to follow Notch and find their way here how normalfag could they possibly be? Hope for the best, user.

Wew if he said that the commies would explode in a great fashion.


Wasn't he a regular on half/v/, until he got lazy and Holla Forums became pissed at him?

White people have made ALL of the contributions. Varying tribes and shitskins have leeched along the way

Didn't forget them, just assumed them as granted. My mistake obviously. I forget that shit is nearly a decade old now.


Great things are happening, friend.

Hey, Notch! Do humanity a favor and buy a ticket to space. We've got to start getting off this rock before something hits it.

>Do humanity a favor and buy a ticket to space. We've got to start getting off this rock before something hits it.

Fuck me

Back when Minecraft wasn't very well known I made him some music for the game but he never bothered to message back and instead kept the bullshit college-tier crap from some openly hyper-libtard faggot.

But fair play if he is on the Right side of things now, I guess.

we all were fags once
most of us still are

Dump those tracks here man.

You mean we have a fucking BILLIONAIRE on our side?

I know. But the commies will never admit that.


If you're listening:
Fucking swedish schekel trader.

i hope you guys are ready for a newfag flood. May it be that it isn't easy to find 8ch since googles faggotry but still, some will find their way in here.


Notch, start hiding your powerlevel, you fag. You will be needed later on.

Cuckchan went to shit entirely because there was a specific effort to make it less of a secret club. Pretty sure the concern is valid.


I think most regular White men are on our side, they're just afraid to speak out publicly. The TV and HR Dept still makes it seem like you'll be fired or ruined if you don't parrot the doublethink. The reality is that we're the majority and they're the freaks who should be afraid, and if the White Man ever wakes up the whole HR Dept is going to get fired like the useless cancer that it is.

We're the common sense people advocating for basic reasonableness, not a bunch of freaky extremists.

I hope this nigger knows how to use his finances instead of letting it rot around. For example he could give credit to a lot of companies owned by white people and even make returns while pulling them up.

Newfags on Holla Forums will be filtered/b& and who cares about current Holla Forums. Other boards are pretty immune, since Holla Forums and Holla Forums are secret club, as normalfags imagine.
Besides, halfchan was all about lulz and few major happenings brought waves and waves of newfags, contrary to 8ch Holla Forums which is a lot more serious and has olschool lurk more attitude.

a thieving lazy sellout claims to be Holla Forums and youre celebrating it. classic.


Yep, /ourbillionaire/. Dietrich Mateschitz is on our side, too. Not sure who else.


I think we're all going to make it lads.

OP really is a special type of sucker.

I think the "slowness" of 8ch pol is the biggest factor with respect to the more serious nature. When a thread stays up long enough you get the real shit removed. It's overall more coherent. Also, when you're going to see your post a few times in the next coming days, you don't want it to be an embarrassment.

Notch is grade-A /r9k/ material. He got lucky and made a lot of money but the "elite" will never accept him. He knows it, too. Add to this the fact that he's Swedish and thus on the front of the war against whites and it was only a matter of time for him to swallow the red pill. Too bad it apparently takes millions of dollars to wake up just One Swede.

His heart is in the right place. Too bad he's not producing more children like he's ought to.

There's so much shit that this generation failed to do right. They were willing to throw money at child-raising, but actual time and effort? Nah, just shake your head and wonder at what is wrong with kids these days. But if parenting
is bad then how much more so is the community failing? When you applied for your first job did you feel like management had your back? Do you get a sense of community where you live? I have seen modern community and these people make me sick. I would not fight for any of them. And how many young men feel like I do? Rome has already been abandoned, The invaders are just still too timid to take it.

Something changed in him after he got divorce cucked by his trophy wife

Isn't he a swecuck who funds a bazillion feminists and rapefugees with his 50% tax shekels?

Notch is autistic, though.


Far as I can remember, he's an American citizen now. Coulda sworn he gave up his Swedish citizenship a year or two ago. Some sorta drama when he criticized Sweden's femi-bitch retard government.

They took half of his money.


true At least Notch was reasonably subtle about it. Faggots that go around banging on about Holla Forums are faggots

and he distinguished them as relevantly different

Everytime and anytime.



*>Holla Forums

If notch is reading, innawood.org could use a wealthy backer.

If you want to live by rules created by trannie furry pedophiles on /b, thats your thing man, not mine.

You are missing the point completely.

What point is that?

fucking swedes stealing from a white man who built something only to use it to import kebabs

PMC-user here, Diamond Frogs when?

You have to keep in mind that particular rule if you dont want an influx of annoying newfags, no one is telling you to live by those rules. Most of them are jokes, for fucks sake

This, but there's no point when the places you aren't allowed to talk about are filled with foreigners.

This also, but some were serious/jokes.


check em

WW3 starts now.



So the (((vols))) disallow gets? ghey

This place is basically Holla Forums tbh.(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)

I see him more as a normalfag in some way. Since he is a billionaire and doesn't hold any responsibility to his old company anymore, so he doesn't bow down to the politically correct and worry about his image of appeasing everyone. Although he amassed lots of notoriety now with his behavior of not giving a fuck, his followers remain a problem. If he starts to advertise both Holla Forums a surge of normalfags could bring jeopardy to the quality of the board (except for 1/2 chan due to it being beyond saving).

This. We need more smart, white future soldiers. He should also use some of his wealth to support the cause.

Kek. That "rule" would have killed Holla Forums long time ago if anons took it too seriously. Shills like it though since it's kinda like a vasectomy.

No they didn't you just suck.

Be a bit more empathetic to his situation. Think about how difficult it would be for a billionaire autist to find a FAITHFUL woman. A woman who's actually interested in having kids, not merely marrying then divorcing him for his money.

There isn't much either of them would be able to do from inside a Swedish prison.

You lolbergs truly are a special kind of people aren't you? Notch held the IP, but that doesn't make him the sole creator.

That'd be easy. A good prenuptial, ankle bracelet and a 24/7 surveillance team.

Greetings fellow underground infinity chan subscriber! I too am on the chans. Haha lefties amirite?

So, anyone wanna meet up an talk politics?! Nyc area!

Just so newfriends know, any transfer starting $10k is tracked.
So he could finance politics. And get into mad trouble.
You can circumvent the system but i doubt the autist knows how to

Doesn't work. Those get tossed by courts all the time. Prenups are worth jack shit these days.

Oh God I'd quit my liberal infested job if he did this. ON THE SPOT.

BTC, cash, art.

I want cuckchan to leave

This is accurate. However you should keep in mind you can accomplish a great deal of good with a large number of small transactions to many different people.

My millionaire boss actually sent me the link to 8ch. He's in his mid 20s.

But I don't know about Gen Z. They are addicts.

Keep in mind that when he got married his wife divorced him as soon as she was entitled to half his pile of autismbux. That would probably make you go full MGTOW

A lot of Gen Z kids know the score. Probably more in that generation at that age than ever before.

In that age range it used to be maybe 10% leftist zealots, 5% lolbergs and 85% apolitical normalfags. In Gen-Z it's probably 50% leftist zealots, 10% National Socialists, and 40% apolitical. Everyone is getting radicalized, and the left has doubtlessly grown larger, but we've grown more rapidly than ever before.

Well newfags eventually become oldfags. At some point all of us found out about cuckchan because someone broke 'rule 1 & 2' and then came here because they realized luggage lad was a gigantic faggot. If you want to get your message out you may have to accept a little cancer here and there. The shills already know about this place, opsec isnt about that. Even Ben garrison found his way to fullchan post second exodus and he called pepe sad frog until he got here.


Well said.

I doubt you're my employee but did you get the link through a private server?

Hey Notch, sorry that this place is such a mess, i haven't had time to clean up.


literally who

Ok, an exploding ankle bracelet.

If you think this place would be better with a constant stream from Reddit, you probably belong on Reddit. Cuckchan was ruined not entirely by mods, but also by a mass influx of cancer who had no time to be assimilated.

The same is true for this place. Unchecked immigration is a disaster.

Might as well admit you're fine with the globalists push to D&C Holla Forums until there's nothing left since you're helping them. Now go post on your favorite reddit and faceberg pages how about this is the cool place to be.

Kill yourself larper

Imagine being so greedy that youre willing to risk losing half your stuff instead of like 50-200k. Fuck, it only costs 400 apples to hire a Frenchman and take out a Hezbollah leader.

Early Gen Z late Milenial here. Our generation’s men are Navy SEALs, Green Berrets, Police, Fire fighters and actors like Vin Diesel.

Gen Z has a chance to be a generation of chads if this trend keeps continuing throughout the entire generation.

Ignore the sage name, was saging a skide thread with sage in all fields.

The pendulum is swinging back, user. Take heart! Before Trump's election I was almost getting depressed, really thought things were going in the wrong direction and that it would be unstoppable. Now there's a real chance to turn things around.
The future looks so much brighter than it dead a year or two ago. Maybe we don't get a comfy white ethnostate in USA but we could at least get some white neighborhoods and safe schools and safe streets and some community back irl.

I want to go back.

That's a great book. Highly recommended.

Now that we know that Notch's here, how does it feel to have your "masterpiece" be maintained by pic related?

Luckey, and Carmark are our guys the same way Holla Forums are "/ourguys/" . political enemies of the radical left. like Dilbert guy and sims guy.


It's a "soft" rule at best, nigga. It has to be broken from time to time if you want the ecosystem to function. I've just checked and the board is below 3K UIDs. It's fucking shrinking while you're whining about imaginary "constant streams". Kek.


Fuck off were full


Delete your memes and never return

So, when are we getting a Java based National Socialism builder game?

I want to harness the Autism-spectrum's full power and create the Autismosphere of connected Thule-Autists logged into the Reich-Mainframe to border higher dimensions of space and time.

I mean, Imagine turning Minecon into a secret Nazi planning base using Minescraft Autism



In hindsight I had a few good opportunities to redpill gen-z while indulging in Minecraft escapism. Too bad I was actually still clueless not that long ago when I myself got redpilled on a public Minecraft server by spammers who among "Hitler did nothing wrong" also shared YouTube links to "The Greatest Story Never Told".
And now I lurk here.


Birth rates should not be overly increased.
Social benefits should be eliminated, or greatly reduced, so that poor, non working families do not outbreed the rest.
Low quality families should be limited to 2 children, and those with high intelligence or skilled work should be given serious incentives for having children, like the woman having a year off with the guarantee that she can return to work afterwards, but on half time, and the man on some months of half pay too with no impact on his overall position.

Go forwards.
If things aren't how you want them, you have to find something new in any facet of your life.
Become a volunteer, work with people for some hours a week and chat with them. Maybe you can learn from them or red pill them a bit at a time.

You're supposed to lurk for 2 years before posting newfag.

Anyone with half a brain and a business is tax resident offshore in most countries.
feels good giving rothskikes the bare minimum or nothing at all

Hi Notch.
Thanks for that tweet. It's very important for rich/famous people to come forward. People with normal jobs can only do so much, and they risk being ostracized, with much more fatal consequences than to someone who never needs to work again.

Hi Pewds.
You do something, but you could do more.
We are running out of time.

All the smart people gather here, it's not like there is anywhere deeper to go on the open internet.

minecraft is the last stand of implicit white identity

Great to see priorities are in order.

This timeline.