Bette Midler alleges she was groped by TV icon Geraldo Rivera and his producer

Will Foxnews fire their favorite Jew?

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Enough, Anericucks


with all this winning I just don't feel the rush anymore.

oh there it is! now I feel it!

Good. I hate this faggot.


Geraldo opened Bette Midler's box and found nothing but a fishy smell.

Was there crisco too?

Fer crissakes, Todd Bridges was on Dr. Oz recently talking about it. It's going to blow, it just needs a bit more time because the CGI actors aren't ready yet.

You just know that (((producers))) would prefer CGI over the (((financial exposure))) that fucking kids brings.

Think like (((them))) for once.

This spic LARPing kike has got to go.

Midler is a kike Geraldo dindu nuffin


DL the screener for Infinity War. They only had Tupac working so that's the entire team. Tupacs for days.

Nice. Now find someone that Chris Wallace has molested. His show belongs on fucking CNN. Heres some notes Ive started taking on a couple Chris Wallace episodes, and Im going to continue adding to it and fixing them up. Just rough notes on things hes done, jotted down in a notepad. Eventually it will be so large that we can just spam it at fox on twitter etc and ruin their image.

The notes.

Said Al Franken "allegedly" sexually assaulted a woman despite picture evidence and him admitting to doing it
Pressed a nigger congressman to say that Roy Moore should step down despite no actual evidence of wrongdoing directly before that
Suggested that if you want to fix the border problem and stop the masses of illegals, that you think only whites should be allowed to be citizens

Interviewed Carlie Fiorina on Conyers, Franken and Moore. Feeds her feminist questions and she replies that she and all women she knows were sexually abused in the workplace. Blame men.
Blames Trump. Wallace indirectly calls for Moores resignation despite him denying it. Fiorina says men knew about it and didnt say anything, despite both her and wallce having also known and said nothing.
Wallace brings up Trumps remarks about Fiorinas face from the campaign, asks her what she thinks. She says Trump failed the leadership test. She also says #NotAllMenButTooMany, as if that doesnt apply to Jews etc

Birds of a feather flock together

Geraldo is a mischling.

Go watch him defend against illegals and kates law and try to suggest whites are worse than MS13. He deserves the gas.

Geraldo is the more moderate Juan Williams. If Juan Williams is a communist, Geraldo is just interested in marxism. Geraldo is still a bad person who promotes white genocide indirectly, and defend the scum of the earth and their ability to pollute our society. Hes not the worst shill on fox, but hes up there.

Who else remembers watching when he got his face smashed for race baiting?


Shit vid from 88.


I'm going to go with Geraldo on this one.

I don't think you understand.

(((They))) are of the same (((tribe))).

They're both kikes, dude.

And Bette Midler is a Jew bitch too but I guess this is still a good thing



nice find

Good bye jew$!

Bette is a full Ashkenasal, while Geraldo is merely a Mischling - so yeah, I take his side in this particular case.

He's a full blown degenerate, who the hell cares, fuck him.

So this is the worse thing that happened to Bet, and it was 40 years ago? Or are western men and rape culture so truly terrible that she has many more stories but only want to stop the monster Geraldo? Men get this treatment too. It would be nice to see more of them come out about their abuse.

Fuck you kike

Give the man some credit for his more lulzy times he gave us. I don't think he feigns being a dumbass he just is.

Wr will roast the lib shits on a pyre with the wood they collected!!!!

We will use every tool of the left against them

He goes. And so do you kike

I remember that this was all OK as long as you were cool, or liberal or generally super desirable. It wasn't that long ago. There Bill. There was Arnold. There was Ellen. People are no fun anymore. Where was bet during the "bimbo eruptions"? This kind of chaos is scary.
Practical sage.

Basically the whole celebrity class. The short list would seem to be those who aren't. Someone should make a meme graph of that.

No one would touch that jew pig. Not even this half spic, half jew abomination.

I'll take geraldos side thank you. Midler can fry

She's been saying this for years, but no one ever ran with that particular football.

Here. 1991 during a Barbra Walters interview.


Jews still deny they run Hollywood but 99% of the accused are Jews.

Why is that?

>>FOOTAGE has resurfaced of (((Bette Midler))) telling (((Barbara Walters))) how TV icon (((Geraldo Rivera))) allegedly sexually assaulted her in her bathroom before an interview in the 1970s.

Kike vs kike vs kike.

Funny what the Coincidence Detector reveals.


not the first time giraldo's forced his way into an ancient empty vault

only faggots use these

That would have been the case either way.

I'm sure Ellen has sexually harassed many women.
Someone needs to stop forward and help check her privilege



Odd, isn't it, how they announced Harvey Weinstein's name with a roar, but every subsequent announcement gets released quieter and quieter, all the kikes realizing this golem couldn't wait to turn on them all.

Kek, you'd think one of the slimy yids would realize just how corrupted *all* of them are and how easily this could turn, but no. Doubly strange, all those outraged feminists that Trump had the audacity to speak about women consensually letting him touch them, but I haven't seen not one pussy hat come out against the kikes literally groping and raping people. What I have seen is a bullshit #metoo hashtag try to hijack the narrative and pull it away from jewish executives raping gentile women into some half-assed statement on alleged rape culture. Which once again proves feminists, either knowingly i'm convinced most of the top levels one know or unknowingly all the lower tier pawns are just peons for the NWO agenda.

Was he trying to find out what she kept in her box?

I'd guess it's being seeded. Trump administration is openly supporting it and egging it on further in the foreground.
Can only imagine there's some effort being made to release dirt on Hollywood. The studios will admit they had complaints on record for 17 years, then suddenly fire after one recent complaint is aired.
The game has changed. Factions are purging liabilities in an attempt to distance their brands.
Industrialists are all rolling in new money, with the only companies taking a hit being telecoms.

Fermented gefilte fish.

The media is so obsessed with Geraldo they haven't bothered finding the name of the producer.

(((He))) could still be working in Hollywood.

When is Seth Rogen going down?

that was his best show

his auschwitz photo for his mammy?


Why does Geraldo shave his winkee?
