Cuckchan is still worthless

Have any of you niggers been to cuck/pol/ and /int/ lately? No one there really talks about important shit there anymore. D&C demoralization shills are fucking everywhere on /int/. If you've ever seen the "le 56% face" meme before, somehow it's being used again this time. On /int/ they call it "muttposting" but then most anons who post on /int/ are not even remotely Jew-wise or even give a damn about Hitler's work and would call you a "Holla Forumstard", "stormnigger", or "Holla Forumsedittor" if you even so slightly post a redpill infographic.

A lot of them on /int/ don't even hate non-Whites or niggers either, in fact some non-Whites (mostly Mexicans and other jungle spics) come by there to use the le 56% face meme so they can post brown non-White supermodels (pajeets, turkroaches, huezilians etc.) to create the idea that they're beautiful, unironically these spics and huezilians don't even know that they're mongrels. Just take a quick look at their catalogs and you can really tell these boards are not what they used to be anymore.

Every thread on cuck/pol/'s catalog don't even talk about happenings except for Trump generals which are filled with le_dildo cucks, and the board's filled with leftycucks making Communist general threads and threads about how the Holohoax actually did happen unlike what Holla Forums says otherwise. I have a feeling leftycucks have been pushing the "le 56% face" meme for quite some time now because I remember them pushing the idea that Whites are already mixed because most Whites don't have blonde hair and blue eyes or something.

We've been having these types of threads every once in a while for the last 4 years now.
Let it go.

You have to go back

Holy shit! Infinitychan mods barely allowed a handful of CBTS threads here before we got wise to it. For all their shortcomings, this is direct proof that we are blessed by superior administration. Thank you mods, you fucks.

Halfcucks are forever subpar.

The feeling is mutual, just take a look at the latest thread about Sweden over here and you find the same behaviour. People comment without even bother reading the article (the original) and ignore the fact that it happened in a suburb filled with immigrants. Yet it "shows" how far the white population has fallen since nobody bothered to help her and so on. Pointing this out is also a waste of time since a lot of people already made up their mind. For some reason it is allowed to drop quality because of the topic.
So if OP has a problem with mutt posting on another site who cares, if anything it is a way for people to finally get back at you and it is effective. I promote neither but what goes around comes around.

It always will be. You think we left for nothing? This place isn't perfect but it's better than cuckchan still, not much of accomplishment but it's something.

What is Kek's name is CBTS? Cuckchan being more retarded than usual?

But cuckchan's where literally all our memes originate from!

Burger memes are just D&C crap. low energy shitposting. that being said, I don't care if the country gets cut up into separate states at this point. just keep the urban areas quarantined.

4chan is was militant Japan and cuckchan is post-nuke ww2 Japan.

4chan was proud unified Germany and cuckchan is guilt-Germany.

4chan is strong white patriarchial western society and cuckchan is soyboy, multicultural, amoral, feminist shit smeared USA.

The Jew Monkey Tribe has different strategied, nukes, media, bribing, education, institutional infiltration, and far far more. The end result of their work is a prideless, raped, demoralized hell hole like cuckchan.

Make no mistake, that people group know what theyre are doing, they are NOT messing around and they intend on breaking your back, your childrens backs and any other creature with a shred of pride.

This is the reality we must respond to and counter-act. What an enemy…

Nah I think Le Amerigan Bear was funny when it came by. It started out pretty light, just memes making fun of the obesity of Americans and the lot, then came Le Happy Merchant which made us fully aware that we were tampering with somethig a whole lot more sinister than just mobility scooters. Le Amerigan Bear came around before redpill and bluepill was a thing so I only like the ones where they show Le Amerigan Bear being pro-Israel and saying "Thank you mercant you are my greatest ally.".

It's the other way around stupid. IOTBW started here, for example.

I don't know how anyone can use that place. Any time a thread sprouts up that seems half interesting, it's archived or deleted within a couple of hours. I'm grateful at least that they make it obvious to the point where those with higher intelligence soon think "This can't be the real Holla Forums. Where is the real Holla Forums?" and end up here. In that sense they are unintentionally acting as a filter for us.

>checked for not knowing where "the real Holla Forums" bunker lies pure and unblemished

sage given for "water is wet" bread

I was right to sage

We still have our own problems with shitty threads. We had CBTS go for 6 or 7 threads before the larpers left. While I'm not the biggest fan of cuckfy (I mean I'm currently a TORpedo so you can imagine what happened) but it's nice that whenever we hold his feet to the fire he seems to stop being a faggot at least a little bit.

its in our interest to maintain some minimum standard on cuck/pol/

and americans are actually mutts

Remember, cuck/pol/ is helps to redpill curious redditors who browse for too long and realize that nobody else is larping

jesus fucking christ

Yeah, it's fucked. It's been a cuck pit for years now. There's no reason to go there and repeatedly confirm that 4chan is shit.

For European standards, Americans are mutts. (Mix of french/italian/german/polish is considered a very mixed person in Europe, even if White by North America standards)

That's exactly what European royalty are and nobody for a second called them mongrel for non-white. Besides, don't make us go all the way back to the Goths, Franks, Celts, etc.

what is it? do I even want to know?

I'm none of those, although I'm 2nd generation slav


There's really no reason for anyone to fall for this kind of D&C honestly. If being half English and half German makes you a mongrel then I guess that means White supremacy and keeping your genes pure should never have been a thing in the first place. Holla Forums keeps using this kike-tier argument so they can somewhat supposedly prove that race mixing has always been a thing even among other Whites.

By own personal standards Swedish people are the homosexual race

Italians are black, for instance

Those are ethnicities not races

The Amerimutt meme is just a way for Europoors to feign dignity while their wives and mothers get consensually pounded by kebab 24/7

4cuck is tolerable when you learn how to use the filter.

But you are here forever.


It's ok to make fun of ourselves sometimes. There's a lot of fat, retarded amerigans out there. We know who the enemy is.

Oh wow this is breaking news. Let me let you in on a little secret. They've done it there and they're doing it here now.

This place has been a shitshow for the last 3 weeks or so. More than usual I mean.. Ever since the Q user stuff it's really ramped up imo. Went there to see the original post and the place was flooded with interracial porn, le "are traps gay?" meme threads and all kinds of assorted degeneracy. The place is lost. That's why I don't complain about the mods here, even though those word filters are fucking gay. It could be soooo much worse.

No-one sane is falling for it. It's the weakest possible D&C. Ignore or mock.

Might be worth it to give them a helping hand combating the latest influx of shills and morons. Mostly just to keep leftypol from taking over the place and forcing the t_d faggots to flee here.

wh*Te subhuman stop crying

ahahhahah buttthurt wh*Te subhuman likes to shit on everyone but when people shit on him he starts crying.


Quit projecting you worthless shitskin. It's not my fault why you monkeys have contributed nothing to the world but rape, slavery and cannibalism until Whitey showed up. The only mistake here is that they didn't conquer and genocided all of you like any sane race would. Take that SJW term back to Holla Forums, where you belong.

Nice forced /int/ meme. Bet you're the same shitskin who keeps posting nigger and spic supermodels as if they aren't low IQ savages.
