In our spaces (e.g., 8/pol/) to dilute the quality of discourse by posting absolute garbage in the hopes that some of us will lose time with it rather than focus on anything meaningful, while also discrediting the place to any potential lurkers, and,
In public spaces (e.g., YouTube) to make absolute shit comments while sounding like an inbred skinhead to make anyone afraid of revealing their power levels because almost everyone that "did", is the sort of "person" you don't want to have anything to do with.
The former is a newer tactic, the latter is an older one. Both work to create a problem in need of a solution, a solution which they provide: organizations. Controlled opposition groups, such as the (((Alt-Right))) which are chock full of kikes and communists in the whole chain of command, presumably because they think we're all as stupid as they paint us.
Make no mistake, organization is good. But it must be decentralized - you need to have your own group of friends and work from there. If you can take action on your own, that's even better. Become your own leader and think of a good plan. Imagine what your favorite great leader would tell you to do, and just do that. Don't depend on chains of command, don't depend on Discord groups, don't even depend on meatspace organizations if they can easily be shilled, and for the sake of everything that's holy, don't trust any kike to be telling you the truth.
And you better have or plan on having children, you need 3 or more in this lifetime.
Report and hide any dumb shit, properly research and format any information you may provide. Use /meta/ to practice post coding, and save your preferred article-posting format as text. Grease it if it slides, oil it if it turns, keep it pointed in a safe direction, exercise trigger discipline, and an unloaded firearm is a brick. No matter how incompetent the opposition is, never treat them as such when using INFOSEC and OPSEC. Golems are many, and not quite as stupid as their masters.
Grayson Brown
There is >>>/test/ though. Agreed with the rest.
Ryan Bailey
Why the FUCK was the sticky about shill tactics ever removed?
Robert Lee
We all know why.
Julian Cruz
I need pictures like these, anyone got any more evidence that the kikes are active in cyber warfare?
I basically took away freedom of speech on my jtube channel. Its propaganda, not up for discussion. A man (or woman) cant step on a platform if its yanked out from under them
Hudson Peterson
JIDF hates when you bump this kind of thread.
Isaiah Rodriguez
Kike free twelfth post
Leo Nguyen
You really shouldn't. Removing comments makes for less engagement, less good posts, and less traffic (because video sites incentivize videos with larger comment count). You also come off as an asshole to the ones who might have constructive criticism but can't voice it.
My advice is, just leave the good comments up and delete the bad comments. You need people to see your stuff even if they comment bad things on it, and it's also better to let them vent than clicking the report button.
Moreover, there might be things you could do to improve the message, and comments let you ponder on what resonates less. You won't be thanked for what works, but at least you'll know what doesn't, once in a while.
Brandon Clark
It's funny how a day passes, and those slide threads on the second image are replaced by newer slide threads, just as shitty as those. It's really sad, Holla Forums wasn't like this not long ago.
Nathaniel Perry
Hudson Bell
There's this
Cooper Smith
That post looks like a hastily-written slide thread.
Colton Miller
Subversive spamming with reply baits is very efficient in subverting a board, most mods are clueless and done right it is hard to spot.
I was around when they first implemented this doctrine to attack chans and it was very easy to spot then when someone from ulan bator decided to bump 5 12hour old threads in a row about nothing 04 in the morning local time with onliners like lol.
Liam Gutierrez
Except it wasn't, retards.
Levi Jones
You mean it wasn't removed or it wasn't there? Because I know for a fact it was there.
Easton Perry
If you did this in Israel with their tax dollars you would have your dick chopped off in public.
Quit being fucking pussies and deal with things the way the founding fathers did.
James Kelly
okay not sure how that would work certainly not like that implying my sides
Hunter Anderson
Except that's painfully obvious. We're all user, so if you dump craploads of dumb shit into the board, the discourse is degraded.
Consider how easy it is to flood the board with meaningless bullshit that lowers the signal-to-noise ratio. You can't tell me this place looked like the second OP image one and a half years ago. It didn't.