Jews harass British tourists

Oy vey shut them down

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Muh Nazis killing us between swimming and band practice. Never forget goy


We archive here, faggot.

Will kikes shut the fuck up about Polish property? It's ours.

A quick scan of the pictures suggests this is fake news, for the usual reasons keeping the holohoax in current news, dummy.
Picture related, exhibit #1.

I feel sorry for the 6 million displaced poles needed to build those wonderful fences

I think you're wrong user. Reflection to the right tracks to person clipping the right of the frame.

More important is what the fuck do they expect.



I'm not 100% sure but given that the total distance after reflection looks to be about 4 meters (to the guy you're referring to), how can the reflection of his head be the same size as her head? I know men's heads are larger but still strikes me as dodgy.
I still think it's native advertising for Auschwitz, if not then that's how they're using the story. Notice it reads more like a documentary/advertisement than a report of an event. The shoes that… the railroad that… the 6 million.
Kikes use any opportunity to lay on the holohoax guilt.
I'm checking out the people involved, their Instagram accounts are, strangely, still public. The guy is triggering my jewdar pretty hard and this might sound crazy but,
If you know about contagion theory, you know what they'd be hoping to achieve by doing this.
In one of the Auschwitz photos she is even wearing what appears at first sight to be a MAGA hat but it isn't one.
Look how fucking brown her husband/boyfriend went from the weak Polish sun.

they HAVE be losing visitors 4 we are many and our message is heard around the web louder than their lies are

Okay their heads aren't the same size, his is less than half the size of hers. Note also that his shoulder is a bit above the shoulder on the right, which is what happens with the camera angled down the way it is, objects further in field are higher in the picture.

the swimming pools where for the guards

where Nazis murdered 1.1 million people

One point one million, four million, "about one and a half million", "mainly jews".

you'll dance to anything

the state of naziboos

Is this the quality of raid we get these days? No grammar and no reading comprehension? What, did some rapper shout out Holla Forums?

"Murdered" "1.1 million" "people"
Why was this newsworthy?

not an argument

oh look it's cheese pizza oven.

how the fuck did bakery ovens become crematoriums?

Auschwitz was a riot. One big orgy.

Yeah ok. The photo is legit, but it still points to staging. The DM is notorious for creating its own news.

The purpose of the article is to remind you of the holohoax and they're countering revisionism there, implying that the guy's "1.3 million actually" somehow doesn't affect the old 6 mil total.


dubs confirm.

I wonder why she's striking a pose for a selfie which can't possibly capture her legs and feet?
It's almost as if she knew she was going to be photographed, isn't it?
Then why did he license its use in a defamatory article?
Curious don't you think?

In fact, most of the photographs are still under copyright of the people whom the article is slamming.
But it clearly says Copyright ChloeJeanHoward and commercial use requires permission, does it not?
Is this a smoking gun showing complicity?

Or she could have gave permission on premise it wasn't going to be a hit-piece that would destroy her own reputation. Wouldn't be the first time for it to happen

What are you trying to say Schlomo, should she sue for copyright infringement?

Can't do it, I checked to satisfy my own curiosity and it turns out that the PCC (press complaints commission) code of "ethics" allows newspapers to use photographs without permission, if it's "in the public interest" or the people involved have come to public attention through their own actions, which I guess they did if the photographs went viral prior to the story. They do have to attribute though, which they have.

The guards were Jews, lol! SS rarely stepped inside the camp.

Source: SS camp administration office directive to Auschwitz and the other concentration camps dated Dec. 28, 1942: Nuremberg document PS-2171, Annex 2. NC&A "red series," Vol. 4, pp. 833-834.

Source: Letter of Feb. 25, 1943 by Auschwitz camp physician Dr. Wirths to the central WVHA office, which was responsible for the SS concentration camp system. Document 502-1-68, pp. 115-116, from the archives of the Center for the Custody of Historical Document Collection, Moscow

This and the "naked tag in gas chambers" article coming out around the same time is interesting. Seems like they are making a concerted effort to reinforce the holohoax narrative with "people being insensitive/disrespectful to the six gorillion" type articles. Perhaps they're starting to recognise that their house of cards is wobbling.

It's that time of year, Christmas is nearly here and so the Jews have to make it even more about them than it already is.
In the UK we will get the usual television fare, Schindler's list, Escape from Sobibor, and scores of movies about Germans being killed.
Every year it is the same, and you know that all of the major retailers have synchronized their major festive advertising to portray happy White woman - Black man couples vs dysfunctional all-White families. This, like the coincidence you noticed, is no mere chance.
Mark Collett (BNP) may be of uncertain legitimacy but he knocked it out of the park with this expose.

Shill harder, schlomo.

Good video

I have really noticed the emphasis on killing germans in these movies. Obviously any material about the war is going to have Germans getting killed, but these guys have a fixation on it. Like a fetish. Media like this is disgusting and no one should consume it.



You stick out like a sore thumb, moishe.

Oh, look a reddit-fag. I haven't seen one of them in a while. Into the gas chamber with you.

Stronk windows held the retarded kikes as they lackadaisically walked to their deaths like cattle without so much as an "oy vey".



Sure, placing the guard recreational area among the prisoners sound legit as fuck.

dubs confirm gas gas gas



Good old DM.

Oy vey

Hey guys, check the images in the link OP sent. In one of them, they forgot to censor a guy's name. There should be an album you can see if you click photos. On image six, a guy liked the posts and they forgot to censor. Same thing on image 13.

It honest to god looks like a pizza oven. I have seen ovens like this before. You put whatever you are cooking into a metal holder and slide it into the oven. This kind of design is what you would use if you wanted to mass produce a cooked food (exactly what you would need to feed a few million prisoners.)

It's like your not even trying.

Wait, hol up. Who took the photo? The reflection in the glass clearly shows a window, and also doesn't show anyone in the glass. So how is she taking a selfie like that without a mirror.


Once things blow over they really ought to turn Auschwitz into more of a humorous tour of kike bullshit. Maybe actually build the holocoaster and 14 foot electric chair. Perhaps an 'During the war, zero people were killed here :DD' plaque.

The bit with the fat kids. Is there any way to prove to the doubters that the pic wasn't taken at the beginning of the detainment "before the Germans stopped feeding them?" There's a lot of stuff I'd like to educate the family with, but I know they'd bring that up.

shit is hilarious

somebody standing there took the photo
front facing camera

underrated post

The Holocaust Museum never happened.

Has anyone ever made an Auschwitz recreation in minecraft or something autistic like that? They could add giant vats of acid and holocausters.

I don't see any way to date the photo shown. If you can find other photos in which a guard is pictured we could use his uniform details to get a minimum year.

Doesn't matter when it was taken though. The "survivor" accounts said anyone under 15 was gassed immediately. The fact those children were photographed at all basically blows the gassing idea out of the water.

That looks just like an old school industrial style bakers oven…god help us, LMAO if they are claiming that is an oven for human remains.

Old style crematory ovens looked like that. Those were actual crematories in Auschwitz.
They cremated diseased bodies. This was done for safety reasons.


Do they not know that it will just make more people do more edgy/fun shit at their holohoax theme parks? Does anybody really care? Should folks start Stunt Fucking in the showers?



It actually looks like modern Pizza ovens, which kept the old-style model for the taste benefit of using wood smoke. Those ovens are purpose built for feeding large amounts of people, exactly the kind of oven you would expect to find in a camp like that. Are there any ovens like this in the camp that aren't claimed to be death ovens? Because there would have to be at least a few identical ovens not used for killing people. Also, how close are these ovens to the kitchen?

This is also correct. Diseased dead bodies and their possessions were burnt to prevent anyone else catching disease. This is common even today.

Make a homemade green screen, take a lot of fake pics and post them on Twitter.

If they were meeting death why bother to cloth them?

The cold could have killed them.

Let's just take a quick look at what the Nazis "plan" was. They wanted to round up all the Jews in territory they has already conquered, while fighting a war with 3 superpowers, use valuable resources and transports to move them to a designated facility, just to immediately kill them in the most expensive and inefficient way possible? This was at the point where German soldiers on the Eastern Front were struggling to get supplies, but they would really waste resources transporting people back to Poland, waste soldiers and even more resources housing them only to kill them later? Would it not have been easier to get a few SS soldiers, dig a hole, and shoot them? Or steal their clothes and march them through a frozen plain? Or even just wait until the war is over?

If the Nazis really wanted to kill Jews, they wouldn't go though this massive routine of transporting them from halfway across Europe to a facility and then use ridiculously expensive chemical gas or inefficient ovens to kill them.

Based Mennonites.


If only those tweets were real…


yeah also if you let them have the point ( for argument sake) that it is indeed an oven for bodies its clearly intended for one person.
A 60 pound little girl takes up most of the space inside one… and yet the propagandists tell you the ebil ™ Germans used the few ovens at said camps to get rid of millions of bodies……… its not possible.
Where are the large multi-person ovens that were going 24/7? Where is the smoke clouds from that that would have been visible for miles to Allied/soviet forces or the towns people? where is the records of coal/coke delivery for said ovens?
Also how were these oven powered since coal/coke was very scarce due to shortages and use of it for the war effort ( trains/transports, metal/armor plate making, synthetic fuel creation, heating,etc..?)

There is also no… stretcher type of thing to slide the bodies into the oven (see attached pic) not even any place to attach such a thing is visible on or in the oven at all…. could very well be a bread oven.

Ok pol, this is something I don’t understand. I’ve read a decent amount about the JQ and there are definitey parts I agree with (Jews overwhelmingly support communism and control western media. It’s not a coincidence). But Zionist and globalist/communist are two different groups that don’t like each other (for example George Soros openly hates Israel). So while I understand that Jews are tribalistic like everyone else, there does seem to be a distinct difference between Zionist Jews and globalist Jews. I don’t really agree with either one of them, but how do you guys associate them all into one group. If there’s any information into it, I’m open to learning.

Plague and Cholera. Doesn't matter in the end, both are bad

It doesn't matter—they're literally all silent about it. You can bring the Zionist question up to your average jew and they'll just smile coyly. They all know, and they're silent about pure evil.

Kike nag about everything.

Zionists are wars for israel/arms dealing/military industrial complex
Globalists are mass 3rd world immigration/faggotry/harverywood
So basically anyway you look at it jew left or right is cancer to any Western civilization.

You would need a stretcher like that if you wanted to cook bread anyway. That oven is long and narrow, they place bread on the stretcher, slide it in, then slide it out after a set time. But that stretcher in that photo looks nowhere near what you would need to cook bread, or burn bodies. Remember, a human is around 80kg, those stretchers would need more people.

This is always what got me about the Holocaust. I never really looked into the no chimney/wooden doors/swimming pool evidence, what I did look into was the logistical impossibility to pull of an operation like this. They would need to transport 12 million people, feed them, house them and eventually kill them. Not in any efficient or cheap way though, they would use ridiculously expensive and ineffective chemical gas or time consuming ovens instead of just digging a big hole and shooting them, which is what somebody would do if they actually wanted to kill people. What kind of government spends all the interwar years trying to be nice and convince Jews to leave Germany, only to do a 180 policy turn and murder them, all the while running low on transport and resources but still using said transport and resources to capture Jews and move them halfway across Europe only to immediately kill them on arrival? It just doesn't make sense.

you're really bad at thinking

Once you break through the propaganda and the emotion driven refusal to even consider Nazis might not have been the definition of evil like we were taught the story of the Holocaust quickly comes crashing down.

Does this lolis shirt say goy lol

gas the kikes