North Korean Missle tests

Didn't see anything in the catalog about it

Mainstream media is reporting that best korea has finally reached the ability to launch an ICBM to washington.
they claim it was able to reach a hight of roughly 2.5k mi and with the right arc might be able to hit the US.
I believe it's time we had another discussion on the north korea problem.
-is it all just bullshit?
-how are the jews and globalists involved?
-what are the chances of being able to strike down a nuclear missile strike(s) from NK?
-If we do sustain casualties, what are the projected loses?
-if/when they strike first, how will the world react, namely china?
-would the world sit back and let us wipe best korea off the map after getting hit in guam/the west coast/anywhere?

this seems like something worth talking about. will trump be faced with the possibility of using nuclear arsenals? would regular rounds of carpetbombing for weeks really be enough?
should we use excessive force to remind the world?

do you think this is the main angle that is trying to be pushed in the midst of this societal shift(sports, media, celebs, twitter, youtube being taken down due to liberal bullshit and sex scandals. the normalfags whole worlds are crumbling, but its just another day for most of us. how can we use this to the advantage of the true American people and make America great again?

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Poor little user is shitting his pants. Turn off the talmud vision.

shit, forgot my )
also embed related, fox news says some shit about it.

couldn't even get a kike-free first post.

at least i have my counter sage samefag move

sound like a whole load of hoobla.

Let the Nips re-arm, get the Gooks who are under a dynastic cycle of corrupt government be taken over by a military junta that isn't full of communist symphatizing soyboys. Let the Chinks handle their rabid dog.

A nice coincidink isn't it anons?


yeah, the military has low earth orbit on lockdown. ICBMs tipped with nukes was cutting edge 70 years ago. The current state of military tech is so great that they can sense a launch and disable it in seconds if they want to. That's the key: if they want to.

>We need annihilate the enemies of Israel! Now is the time to stop caring about the struggle and be good (((patriots)))! True Americans™ support (((liberation))) and (((democracy)))!

Nk aren't fucking retarded. They know the second they use a nuke is game over, now they are going to lose eveything, so they not going to just launch one for the lulz.

They want them as a deterrent to stop the USA from been able to easily invad (install a jewish bank) install thier own goverment without any consciences. The consequence of been nuked if you try.

This is a meme it's harder than shooting a bullet with a bullet and ICBMs literally move faster than bullets. They can get some if you have the devil's luck, but that's it. Besides they don't need nukes to fuck up South Korea and that will rock the markets. South Korea is crazy important for a bunch of the components and products billions of people and companies use everyday.

Look to me like the neighbors dog is used for the purpose of getting the batshit insane wife out of his house without the kids sperging out as the divorce papers are getting signed on the kitchen table.

Yes, it's a dick-waving contest to divert some attention from more important matters.

NK is one of a small handful of states without a Rothschild central bank. How do you think? (((They)))'d love it for Trump to invade NK, but Trump isn't so stupid.

NK are not actually capable of launching an actual nuclear strike on mainland US. Both sides are playing NK's capabilities up.

Irrelevant, not going to happen.

>>>Holla Forums
Get back to your containment board.

can we really trust the chinese to do the right thing?

oh i'm sure there's a lampshade involved in this.their always is.

hey foreskin breath, you can get in the ovens with the chosen nose too. but letting NK just do as they please, "oh no goy, nothing to see here"
sage isn't a downboat

see thats what i dont get, if nk is aware that its military tech is older than dirt, and its one of the few remaining free nations( non jew'd) then why are they so gung-ho on launching shit at us?

If there weren't constant articles and stories about NK missile launches I'd never know that it happened. I get through the day just fine without worrying about NK missiles but maybe they're causing problems in your neighborhood.

shooting a bullet with a bullet isn't that hard…for a machine. We have machines, whats the problem? I have no doubt there are many options available in LEO.

Thanks OP. Thanks for bringing back the topic here.
I honestly don't think ICBM missile defence systems have a high success rate, I had checked recently and I haven't found any major improvement on the technology (at least, not publicly disclosed). Please correct me if you have any information.
That being said, the real problem with these systems is that if NK ever strikes the US, or any other target for this matter, since it will expect a complete retaliation strike, it will never only send ONE warhead, but probably dispatching their whole arsenal over multiple areas, not just one place in the USA. The best tactic for a pre-emptive strike is to use your whole arsenal in order to both eliminate your main target AND other potential targets, and if lucky, crippling their mutual destruction / retaliation systems.
So, in the context of a nuclear attack from NK, the only things defence systems are going to protect, if they protect anything, are "major" targets such as direct government, the military etc.. In other words the people are fucked.
Now, there is something I don't understand with the question "who really controls NK".
I remember just after the death of the previous NK leader, all the MSM mentioned Kim Jong Un had no reputation to the closest officials of the former, and that there are high chances they are the ones actually controlling the NK. Then suddenly, after one year or so, the narrative completely changed and made Kim Jong Un into a completely powerful single leader of NK.
What I really think is that the shadow government (the people we are against) have STRONG ties and influence to NK. How did they get the research, the technology, etc. so fast ? My guess is ISRAEL.

Do they even have enough materiel for more? And I imagine they would go for the EMP effect and not strikes.

daily reminder that it's not really about NK but Iran
if I have to explain what that means you're too young to browse this board
lurk a decade

USA can easily shoot down ALL their gook missiles with ease.

hey dipshit, if its not about NK then why are they the aggressors?
could it be that un has a nose up his asshole?
but nah lets just sage the fields and kvetch.

no one said anything about Iran because i'm relatively certain we get it, war for oil, install a bank, globalism gets another piece of land.
so why then, is a place WITHOUT a bank, trying to pick a fight with the jews dog of war?
shouldn't WE be the aggressors? something is wrong here.

all who stifle discussion are to be ignored
sage is only for pissy fucks you get 3 replies per sage on average, why anyone would ever sage unless for off topic is a clear indicator that they want something (((shut down)))

wasn't there something about un killing off his brother in order to assume power after il died?
could it be then that un is simply a useful idiot for the jew? not unlikely, but how can find evidence of collusion. between the hollywood sex scandles and foreign affairs, we might have a chance to show the normalfags the beady eye'd fuck behind the curtain.

Its propaganda to get the American populace prepared for a conflict with the Norks.
We gain nothing.


so then why are they so adamant about trying to attack us?
its not as if it makes any sens for nk to drum up us support to destroy nk. think for two damn seconds.

Old Chinese Expression.

Nice upside down language you smelly jew.
America should never have set foot in asia, or central/south america. You had enough fucking landmass and resources to last you for the rest of time. You greedy shits deserve to be nuked to a smooth plane of glass.

Take every last military base out from the rest of the world, and you might notice that things become normal. Stop funding israel too.
EMP them before you leave, so they can't go batshit shooting off their nukes all over europe, as they PROMISED to do.

Number of wars started by North Korea - 0.
Number of wars started by USA and israel - uncountable.

maybe if your countries weren't shit they wouldn't get jew'd
but all joking aside, that should be done regardless of how NK plays out.

But Israel hates the Norks, because they sell weapons to their enemies.

How about we just let the Sorks and Japan handle it? I don't have any interest in seeing them stay occupied - so let's leave. They can deal with the Norks.
I'm fine with that.

They're probably so adamant because its all a show. Do you actually think the Norks are going to fucking attack the US? Of course you don't.
It makes perfect sense for the Norks to NOT drum up hostility in the US - but they seem to be doing it anyway. Why? They can't possibly think they can win, and they don't, so why?

The average Nork is probably practically retarded, but the upper echelons know the score, and they know they can't defeat the US. So why keep antagonizing it? Hell, is that even happening? Are these missile tests even real?
Think for two damn seconds - why would a country the size and strength of the Norks try to piss off such a behemoth as the US?
How does it serve them?
It doesn't.

The US has long made a policy of always presenting themselves as the people who are attacked and must justly defend themselves, while in reality almost-invariably demonstrating biased actions coupled with cowering behind claims of neutrality to justify their war efforts.
There is no benefit to the US in fighting North Korea, yet, here we are.

Then why are they threatening to bomb us if it only benefits the kikes? You keep saying this is a Jewish scheme to invade them yet the norks are pointing the gun at themselves.

OK Best Korea was carpet bombed heavily during first Korean war back in 1950 - 1953. To them it was like a holocaust of gooks. To have Kim Jong UN say to the North Korean people, hey we can nuke the west coast and make the americans pay for what they did to our ancestors is great propaganda for a regime that has a hard time feeding its people.

The dick waving isnt about War. Its about Best Korea having better negotiating position and being able to get sanctions reduced as well as get tribute from South Korea.

In Event of war NK has enough artillery to take out South Korea's capital in a day. Can hit guam and west coast .

Remember when Saddam was launching Scuds at israel and the americans said they can shoot them all down? Their system didnt work. Jews still had to hide in bunkers.

So if there was a war, a chance of a nuke from Best Korea getting through to mainlaind us all depends on how many Best Korea has, and how fast they can launch them.

exactly. thats the part I dont get. if they're functionally retarded then yes that might explain it, but if the higher up know the score(>>10979140)
then why are they pushing this shit so hard?
to the point that even trump is seemingly engaged in this pissing contest.
if the norks were already compromised and under jew control, then it makes sense, but there would be no need to.. oh.

is it something like this?

Again they hate America bcuz of what happened in first Korean War . They think americans are barbarians. It has nothing to do with jews except the jews want the americans to invade and israel might have had arms dealings with Best Korea at some time.

As well Best Korea is involved in Drug Trade, reaching as far as Australia, and you know kikes have a piece of that pie.

so THATs why we hung him and ruined his country.

ever wonder what the world would be like without jews? would there even really need to be war or am i just high on theoretical genocide?

One more piece of information. Who wanted
whites out of zimbabwe or Rhodesia?

Jews and the Black communists Zanu PF.

When Rhodeshia became Zimbabwe who trained the new army?

Best Korea. Im not really sure if that shows theres a link between jews and best korea, but they both have considerable hate for white people.

Saddam did hate the jews full on . But he took over kuwait and then while the americans were building up the invasion force he launched a bunch of scuds at Jew Land.

Apparently he decided to do it bcuz somebody bombed Baghdad.

They’ve had nukes for years. Prior administrations were paying them hush money which has now ended.


how do you even know a missile was launched? did you see it?
there's probably no country on the planet easier to make shit up about than NK
literally no one knows what goes on in there
thanks for confirming you're too young to even remember the Dubya years
get out

Do they have a (((central bank)))? What if he's fucking based. "muh evil dictata go to war with him goy" sounds familiar..

user thats a good way of looking at the situation. The NORKS might be so angry about the american air force bombing the shit out of them in the first korean war ( a million plus dead Best Koreans) That they probably treat it like the holocaust to israel.

If you have nuclear weapons, you don't get invaded. The end. If they weren't pursuing them and advanced delivery systems, they'd be retarded.
The US and associated Western nations are the tools of israel.
As they should. You are easily one of the worst posters to have ever graced this board and easily one of the most obvious shills.

Lots of components that could be manufactured right here in the US, but aren't because that's the tax levied by Worst Korea on the zionist occupation forces.

Maybe it's time for the US to unveil the Rods From God technology by launching a simultaneous orbital bombardment on Pyongyang and the border artillery positions…

Maybe it's time to mind our own business.

maybe it's time for (You) to go suck cock

Maybe it's time for commies to fuck off back to their containment board.


Nice try, Holla Forums. Nobody with a brain is buying the "muh based juche, totally NatSoc guise" shilling. Intelligent people might want to consider why Obama basically left NK to its own devices for eight years and signed a worthless anti-nuclear proliferation deal with the country he must have known full well would be ignored, as a means to shunt millions of dollars to the country in the form of "food aid".

jfc go back to >>>/cuckchan/

I don't even know what you're trying to say here.

Merry Christmas, yid.

and what exactly am I shilling when I ask questions?
what a waste of dubs.

then its just business as usual in the world?


Obama funnelled millions (possibly billions, all told) into North Korea as part of various "aid programs". Bill Clinton signed over an amount to the tune of $4 billion as part of an "energy infrastructure aid deal". The Democrats effectively funded NK for over twenty years in their efforts to become a nuclear power. Ask yourself why.

its bullshit. the claim that it went 2600 miles up is patently false. nothing can go higher than 400 miles, period. probably many other lies in this narrative to go with this one.

Yeah, I still don't see what you're trying to say. It sounds like you're just trying to slap Bill Clinton and Barack Obama's name on something and say "see goyim, that's why you need to go to war with North Korea". If they have nukes, they have nukes.

What am I supposed to care about? That they might kill a bunch of ZOGbots? That they might nuke some nigger-spic city and get themselves wiped off the face of the earth in return? That they might invade South Korea? Not my problem.

what? why not?

an interesting angle.
but what would you all say the chance of un launching *something* at us and hitting US soil of some sort? ("i'm not messing around, gibs norks" kind of thing)

this sounds good

If it's a performance for the circus and they don't want to risk an actual hit, they could simply not fuel them for their intended flight distance.

dropping this here from >>>/cbts/

The Happening threads have really been down lately, kind of good really. Some airforce drills lately, not major happening

Yes. The US doesn't have any interest in fighting NK
They want NK gone because it's helping the Israel's victims in the ME and because it doesn't want to be part of the NWO.
They won't strike first. It would be all cost and no benefit.
No. Russia and China already warned that the US mustn't attack first. NK won't attack for sure so the only option is false flag jewing. A bad idea since no one would but it.

bumping with the recent news

Operation Vigilant Ace 18

All of Asia is hostage to traditional weapons, and also war means death

My bad. I should have said: "The US doesn't have any legitimate interest in fighting NK". There's nothing to be gained. Only the kikes might push their golem into it but it's a risky proposition.

Never capitalize jew or israel user, it pisses them off too much. Kim is not an idiot, and the media is full of misdirection. I think he knows that the Levantine could use some landscaping.

What's NK's goal with all this?
They must know there's no way they could attack any nation without being blown to shit. Are they self-defence measures?

Nothing will happen, what's the point of these drills anyway? They're already prepared enough to level Kim