Somewhat spooky user here with some Deep State experience from former life.
I see the Yak Herding Forum getting derailed more successfully in recent weeks by deliberate shills who raise false objections that are consistent with the ethos of the Holla Forums.
FALSE HAPPENING Another thing I see is a lot of fake events, that are designed to serve as So take the ongoing
Justin Robinson
Joseph Moore
The pro-racemixing shills are back, after all this time of them being so quiet. That idiotic Amerimutt meme that I only recently found out came from cuckchan so it's obvious we have a bunch of cuckchan influx of newfags so that explains a lot. Ignorance shilling, same old shills trying to start the same old fucking threads and points again after being BTFO not even yesterday. Sliding with new bait threads that have nothing to do with politics and happenings. Political parties and "leaders" that we've never fucking heard of before being shilled by shills and MSM.
This is just the major things I've noticed going into overdrive on Holla Forums lately. D&C is still the same old same old.
David Jones
this is not new, as a matter of fact this happens in every thread there is something we can use for propaganda purposes. Its easy to spot them here, their so called "advanced methods" still dont work here, and probably never will tbh, they just dont get it.
Jaxon Johnson
Designed By Committee forced meme Turns off old-fags and makes you want to change the channel. I don't see anybody who actually likes it and thinks its funny and posts it organically anywhere. I also see a lot of excessive
Brandon Bell
Fight fire with fire? The injection of new Soros money should be bled out by fighting on as wide a front as possible. Their resources can be strained and consumed faster but how do it with as little energy output as possible? How to drain their coffers and burnout their soldiers' minds?
Hmmm, let me think…
Oliver Perez
I must admit I don't really get the whole Qanon bashing thing. Like I don't believe that the later posts came from an actual informed source, but the early ones could quite well have been so.
Now the question is, was it disinfo or not?
Because honestly, before that i had pretty much zero hope for trump actually doing anything good, But now there is at least that little bit. If it was disinfo then maybe that was the intended goal to actually give hope to trump supporters that even if he looks like doing shady shit then at least he is backed by patriots.
Now this super galvanized opposition to Qanon in places like 4 and 8 chan leads me to belive that either I am missing some really obvious or its just shills that oppose this info.
Now that being said i must admit that there has been a lot of shilling and sliding over the past few months, difficult to find some actual news from even the fullchan pol.
Also some less obvious BS. Whats whit this hardcore nazi imagely on the bottom right corner? Like this aint gonna repulse shills, only normies who might come here for information, or people who might sneak a peek over our shoulders. And blatant nazisim is not the main agenda, its to find truth in this obfuscated information space. This shit just makes it easier for our opponents to justify shutting us down when the time comes. You show any normie any actual redpills while image related is also there and they instantly mark that info as a radical propaganda and wont even try to give any analysis to the actual argument.
Cooper Fisher
hi op in the thread where that guys wife was posting i'm the one who first questioned if she's white not a shill, only an user and it's true, she isn't white. one drop rule applies.
not everyone who disagrees with you is a shill.
these are usually unproductive neet anons who become emotionally invested in "winning" the argument and each wants to have the last word and they have nothing better to do than argue. if you want better board quality it starts with you.
==there is no need for shill witchhunts==s
Jack Nelson
is this whole thread because of the tony hovater thread? he's obviously a jew, you guys are really upset about this
Aaron Hernandez
t. shills who don't like getting called out
Camden Morris
Colton White
I find the lamp kind of ugly and offensive like the Amerimutt meme. It's not really particularly funny. Maybe if someone brought up lampshades and soap unironically it would be "appropriate" but it's just shitting up the screen.
There's an age-old whisper campaign technique where you muddy the waters with a partially true rumor. Q user imho fits that mold. Q-user is jucier than real anons with a little bit of real info. So it steals thunder from the actual leakers and well-wishers. It's like a
Kayden Anderson
lurk 88 years and kys before posting
James Wood
Jack Morgan
Hi, not trying to shit on a fellow user. I think the NYT Nazi is fishy as hell. The idea I think with the overamplification theme is that the shills find some genuine point of contention and then magnify that. So then the shills go off on a whole 'my aunt is greek and my mom is Armenian Christian and they look exactly like that'… Instead of doing something with the sudden Nazi Next Door meme instead we get into speculation about the DNA tests of some nobodies.
Luis Moore
Perfect example of degeneracy demoralization shilling, My Fellow 'Nazi' 88 Heil Hitler to you too.
Nathan Harris
Yeah I agree actually. Its fucking hideous and just reinforces the old holohoax Jew lampshade nonsense. We should be dispelling lies like this, not fucking parading them around.
The Q stuff is designed to prey upon the logical fallacy that big problems have a big singular root cause. But our current situation is a collection of lies big and small with many faces like a hydra. It's just like /fringe/ posting, albeit better put together.
Oliver Garcia
nice 5head
Brandon Murphy
I've noticed this going on too, but I didn't have words to put it to. I'm glad it's not just me seeing it, because it's difficult to call out, which is probably the point. I've had a few of them respond to me in arguments. They'll start out on somebody's side, and then try to drag the position of the person they're siding with into something else altogether. Generally something comedically overblown or caricature-like. I thought it was just autists or refugees or both for a while, but there's a distinct pattern now.
Noah Nelson
I don't really think it's anything new, most of us picked up on it pretty quickly. I'd argue that there's multiple meta-levels of anons here, most of the smarter among us just drift among threads and don't even see the shills, our brains just sorta filter them out. But when a genuinely good idea comes along we tend to instantly coalesce and dump everything into it and there's not a damn thing the shills can do. It's why IOTBW went so well, we independently understood the implications and jumped on it with an immediate distributed consensus. The shills can shit up tangential threads, but they can't actually dent our effectiveness in operations. Regarding the NYT article, it's not really obvious to me what a good move would be, doxing commies is always good of course but it's not going to do much to the general narrative. I don't see where to go with it, to me it sounds like a self-contained article that they fucked up on and can't really be exploited much further. I assume most other anons have the same intuition, hence why little gets done with it. Again, the shills don't matter, and have never mattered. They think they matter far more than they actually do.
I agree that it's ugly to look at and I'd like it replaced in favor of a qt natsoc animu grill like we had before, but your argument that the reason it should be replaced on grounds of making the place palatable to normalfags is utter shit, and you're a faggot for even suggesting it. We're not trying to get them to report on us, we're far better off if we look like over-the-top cartoon nazis that the media would refuse to report on even if they really wanted to. Redpills should be introduced to normalfags through our various fronts, don't bring them here for fucks sakes.
Levi Phillips
to be fair, we're being pwned because we're being shilled by an AI a big one, it seems probably a yuge jewgle neural network subcontracted by the cia/soros
the shillery will get worse (because it's learning) before it gets better (because at some point it will become /ourAI/ ) and then we're gonna see some serious shit
Christopher Long
i'm sure there are legit shills who do this but what difference is there in effect from them and those who MUST have the last word and so they go back and forth arguing off topic?
as for solutions, you can't tell the shills from the arguing neets. the best you can do is remind them to stay on topic, if they don't then filter them and suggest others in the thread do the same (post the id's to filter) and report them. also police yourself and stay on topic.
Chase Reyes
I really liked the It's OK to be White op because it costs next to nothing, and it shows how crazy and hateful the Anti-White SJWs are when they lose it.
(((They))) tried hard to get us to change the original effective message to make us look like bad guys. We need non-cucked positions that don't sound like Hollywood Nazi Evil Doers. The lamp meme is basically making us out to be just like the Pedowood Cartoon Nazi Stereotype.
Wyatt Cruz
Elijah Robinson
Those are valid points. I think we probably have 20x lurkers as posters but that's just a guess. I rarely post. I spend an hour or two here looking for news basically. The shills don't move my opinion around, but it lowers the signal-to-noise ratio to the point where I think about switching to kikebart or zerohedge to see if they have anything worthwhile.
Hunter Parker
We're Politically Incorrect, we're not filing the edges off our damn imageboard. This isn't the place for bringing normalfags, our ability to be maximally politically incorrect is critical to our ability to reach the truth. Compromise that even slightly, and we're done as a board. Good, that's the point. Putting together something palatable for external operations is one thing, but we are not sanitizing the board itself.
Mind I would like the lamp changed because I'm sick of looking at it, but not for your cucked reasons.
Brody Price
The worst shilling I see is the fake "I am le Holla Forums ebin super Nazi sperg" posters on other sites. I still visit a few boards on 4chan where it's easily the most common and blatant and it's not even remotely subtle; but there are of course people who believe it or at least want to already. An example would be something like:
Whether you like Emma Watson (or whomever, this is just one example) or not and whether or not she's even Jewish or anything, posts like that are such a caricature of "alt-right" types (I know Holla Forums isn't that but the label has been applied by many whether we like it or not) that it would be hilarious if it wasn't so cringey.
Ryder Clark
Usually when I see someone called out I glance at a few posts and if they look shilly I filter. It's a good idea. Often times they have huge post-counts that make me think they're non-human or payrolled or software-assisted. 20 or 50 posts in an obscure thread.
Another tell to see if your topic is getting AI shilled is to post in a like a blog nobody updated in 20 years and see if you get instant comments on the topic.
Topics like Chemtrails and vaccines will get lengthy insulting replies in places no human ever visits, for example.
Gabriel Brooks
Somebody else suggested that it offends normies actually. Look at actual NatSoc aesthetics vs that though. It's (((Jewish))) humor like scat.
Easton Hall
He's a larper. In case you haven't noticed, fuck loads of anons are getting sick of larpers because they seem to waste everyone's time with bullshit. Enough idiots here (or shills pretending to be idiots) buy into their crap. The whole, "I'm from the government" or "I'm a red team planner" or "this news story is secretly about zog being taken down by patriotic white nationalist seal team members" and other garbage that blows wind up our asses with things that flatter us, and indirectly urge us not to worry, hence not to learn from our mistakes or enemies. That's what a smart enemy would do. Lull you in to a sense of complacency with a bunch of fantastic bullshit and fiction. If it's important to see how the world really is (red pills), then it is equally important to make sure our worldviews aren't being manipulated and flattered.
Additionally the problem with them is also second-order disinfo in the form of "because you disagree with the larper, you must be a shill". So they control both aspects of the story the larper creates. You either believe the larper or you don't. If you believe them they are wasting your time (and you'll defend them for doing so), if you don't, you're a "shill". From the perspectives of the shills, larping is low-effort, maximum returns with the goal of wasting anons time who could be doing other things.
Jace Myers
Shills detract from our messages by pretending to be us. Classic example is to put on your enemy's uniform and go shoot up a kindergarten.
Daniel Rogers
We need to make threads like this more common. Shills are forced to innovate and cycle through scripts in order to even stand a chance of lasting more than a minute here. Even if the bulk of them are obvious, preventing even the slightest possibility of a psyop is essential. Most longtime Holla Forumslqcks can see through them but the rest still need us to be their eyes.
Leo Bennett
These guys are everywhere on /lit/. Nearly every first post is some low effort attempt to make it about the Jews, but in a way that makes the poster out to be an idiot. I seriously believe there is an ongoing operation by some group to flood places outside of here (where they would be easily seen) to convince people we are idiots.
Joshua Kelly
Yeah, when worded like that it is indeed shit. But what I mean is: Do you take the words of a 1488-er seriously? What about the words of an stand-up man who just happens to believe and promote natsoc values?
Because over time this type of semi voluntary mind washing will have an effect on your behaviour in the public. One might have the actual information, but if he behaves like a image related then nobody except the fringe will accept those ideas. And whoever thinks that mind washing does not have an effect on him is a fool.
Think back on that movie by Radcliffe, his character was actually starting to take the red pill because of that educated family, but then, as a convinient plot twist they also turned out to be radical lunatics who needed to be jailed, and their opinions dissmissed.
Remember, all lunatics are just useful tools, doesent matter at which end of the political spectrum you place yourself. I hope better from the old timers of this place.
Tyler Taylor
That is pretty fucking spooky. But, that has to be a LARP right? There's no way AI is this smart, and only used on chan shilling, surely? Siri, Alexa and the other ZogAIs aren't that smart.
Christian Phillips
Yes this was what I was trying to articulate but you were succinct about it really. False flagging is what I was trying to say.
Exactly. The only boards there I visit with any regularity are the aforementioned /hr/, the odd time /ck/ (it's REALLY shit though) and /g/. As for /g/, especially with the net neutrality shit going on there it's really bad.
Bentley Wright
I feel like the quality of time i spend on 8 Holla Forums has been going down, and coincidentally (((Soros))) just put 18 billion zogbux into some kind of new initiatives. I wouldn't say they're winning or even gaining ground, but they're degrading our communication here.
Asher Anderson
Eli Lewis
I like to comfort myself with the fact that while our enemies probably out number us and have the resources to flood other places with pseudoops and false flaggers (remember the damage Josh Goldberg did, and he was one jew troll), they still have to deal with outside reality at the end of the day. Example: They can spend all day long crying about "muh racists" while in reality they flood europe with mudshits, with consequences involving massive crime, terror, and demographic changes.
The best propaganda over the long term is reality.
Hunter Reyes
As others have noted I think there's also an influx of cuckchan users, as evidenced by all the low quality, one sentence, zero-information threads, meme threads, lol threads, etc., flooding the catalog lately. The solution to this problem is the same as ever. Bully users who make low quality posts. The bullying here used to be extremely severe and would be deployed over the slightest lapse, and that kept the board high quality for a while. That was years ago now. At this point, I get the feeling people have just gotten tired from all the non-happenings and disappointments, and the monotony of the seemingly never ending slide into the abyss, and have stopped making an effort to make good posts, seriously dig, or even bully bad posters.
I'm sure, from posting about it every now and then and getting a few responses, that a lot of the smart users are still here (because there's no where else to go), but we let the board culture slip away a long time ago and most of us have stopped posting. The only way to even begin to reverse the trend is to ramp up the bullying and culture reinforcement. The core culture here is about truth and quality - The Platonic Good, however you prefer to describe it in language. Save this culture anons. Bully stupid posters into oblivion. If it's even worth it…. I'm one of the tired myself. Board seems less and less powerful, important, interesting, etc., by the day and I honestly don't really care at all anymore. This is what you have to do if you do still care though. Godspeed.
Aaron Evans
I'd say it's possible. Such bots do sound realistic to me, they likely wouldn't be able to get beyond surface-level shilling but most of the time that's probably enough. I'd imagine they'd be the hyper-aggressive posters that present nothing but inflammatory rhetoric and shit up threads, but they could equally just be kikes. Not that there's much difference between the two, it's not like either has a soul.
Liam Thompson
The correct solution is to take the initiative and make the place better yourself. See something interesting but no thread on Holla Forums? Fucking make it yourself, frame it in such a way that your OP leads to a good thread. Some effort is required to maintain this tire fire.
Christopher Reed
I would expect an equivalent of Siri/Alexa with the discourse ability of Tay running on one of the Petabytes-of-RAM clusters of google to be able to do just that.
And who says it's only used for chan shilling? The example given in the pic was a subreddit that was entierely possessed by an AI. It's likely that most popular social medias are deeply infected by artificial feedback, like lithium in your tap water. Just imagine having a few % of the online population all pushing the consensus in the same direction because these few millions of users are just your computer. The benefits for the elites are too considerable to ignore
Article is from 2011… one of many similar projects
Jackson Bennett
by that they mean diversity, equality and democracy. aka everything this country was against until WW2
Jeremiah Peterson
Its definitely bots. And they have grown sophisticated to the point I can believe or But we have broken bots before and will continue to do so. AI cannot compute weaponized autism.
In the meantime take solace in the fact that our enemies are spending more resources than ever to combat us, and are getting the web equivalent of Vietnam we are the viet-cong
James Reed
This board has been controlled by hasbara kikes since the election OP. It's better not to devote too much time thinking about it. Go lift weights and make connections in meatspace. The chans have expired in terms of their usefulness.
Carter Harris
Exactly, and the (((defense contractors))) who sell this to the Pentagon also sell it to (((Soros))) and (((Israel))) and anybody else with 18 billion to throw away. So it's not like we're getting shilled only by the US Dept of Defense. Facebook and Google and Amazon and Twitter also have programmers and a (((Social Agenda))) to push.
Sebastian Adams
They've been doing it since at least 2014. How is it new? I thought everybody was familiar with JTRIG…
The Issue is simple: Effective shilling hooks into and amplifies preexisting concerns and subcultural traits. Given that WN/NS in the post-war era has a history of being subverted/infiltrated by both private (ADL, Hope Not Hate) and state actors, accusations of Jewishness and infiltrator status are going to fly quite easily.
Jason Jones
reflecting back to the Gal Godot appearance in the premiere of the new cbs series "wisdom"… if i remember correctly the name for her AI monster creation is "sofia" - which if im not mistaken is (((also))) the name of the AI robot that recently gained personhood and citizenship. (((cohencidence))) im sure. not
Carson Evans
They had pretty good AI back in the good old days of usenet that could pass for human.
Cooper Mitchell
Agree with you on the weightlifting and real life activities, but I hate to see the chans shilled out of usefulness. I guess at some point the machine-posters will vastly outnumber the real people and everyone will be somewhere else, but that's kind of a blackpilled thought.
Nathan Thompson
The shilling is ever-present, it just seem to me like they've upped their game significantly in the last month or so and our standard Forum Disruption Guide has gotten a little out-of-date.
Cameron Rodriguez
saved and maybe even used later with that program that was mentioned for encryption over pics
Caleb Smith
Xavier Morris
Check out quinn michaels.
Aaron Long
Or just faggots who adapted and finally learned. Too bad they can't learn we're the good guys.
James Lee
He's a (1) and done shill, and likely one of the bots we were literally just talking about. His shit message is
Aiden Mitchell
kek butt hurt mutts.
Nolan Cooper
Back to cuckchan with you, faggot.
Nicholas Fisher
Try again Chaim. It isn't 2010 any more. Chans aren't obscure corners of the internet where truly subversive ideas to the prevailing order can gestate. Adjust accordingly.
Luke Cox
Would bet money on 479ee1 being a robot. Vaccine chemtrails, eh Mr Robotnik Trump MAGA! what should I do?
Camden Rodriguez
Oliver Kelly
The bot is you. Tell me, what was the color of George Washington's white horse?
Adrian Mitchell
traitors get the rope before enemies
Thomas Mitchell
Yes, they are, and no we will not capitulate. Also stop calling them 'chans' you dumb kike.
Lincoln Cook
tl;dr the new shills are a bigger number of turned Holla Forumsacks and/or leftyshits that have some experience in shitposting and memem magick taken through careful observation ←-Inadequate though. No direction.
The solution would obviously be to adapt. More anons should filer&report instead of replying. Little do they know that they are the ones making us strong by forcing us to adapt. If they left this place at peace, we would grow stale.
But TBH when a happening comes, Holla Forumsacks get here in droves and force out the shills.
Luke Reed
lol mutts hurt butts +1
Daniel Campbell
Careful with this one drop rule thing user, if you follow it by heart you may find yourself surrounded by non-whites, because your great grandfather was raped by Magyars and Avars in the year 500 D.C.
Brody Cooper
That might be a good tactic actually - just spamming lists of buzz words whenever you see a shill / bot. They may not know how to respond, or respond in ways that make no sense. Someone has a list of shill triggers. I see it posted once in a while. We should all spam them constantly for a while and see what happens.
Some that I either know, or am pretty sure work: tavistock, GMO, glyphosate, GcMAF, 9/11, WTC7, BDS, Boycott Divest and Sanctions, pizzagate, sandy hook
Hudson Wood
btw i need more like the 2nd webm when people are posting their power fantasies and bragging how tough they are online
David Smith
Nathaniel Roberts
That's a vacuous statement. Random retards are not necessarily AI.
I would substitute your voltage regulator for a boost converter, you little shit.
Joshua Gutierrez
If we had functional mods sure, but they tend to barely act (or act long after the fact). We kinda have to engage, if for no other reason than making the weaker and stupider anons not fall for it and start thinking 'the board' is suddenly lower quality.
This really, we work far better when there's a clearly defined something either Happening or that we are causing to Happening. Those are the times that the shills really need to show results, and those are the times they absolutely do not. It's those moments that they should be working towards thwarting, but instead they expend their resources on stupid shit like the amerimutt meme or whatever the fuck.
David Ortiz
Alexander Nelson
He passes as white. She looks dubious though. Possible quad or octoroon. Or it could just be mestizo blood or even something mediterranean. Would need to see more pics to be sure.
t. armchair ethnographer
Brandon Taylor
One i've noticed is a deliberate misuse of the term "gaslighting". Ah, so that's what this thread is about. I don't think that objecting to the (now unpinned) thread is shilling, it's just a sign that Holla Forumsacks are becoming more aware of the type of tactics employed by controlled opposition to raise support for their staged controversies. And yes, that was staged as fuck. Who the fuck do you think you're kidding, really? These operations are obvious now, it's not 2016 anymore. All that was missing from the original thread was the Patreon begging "c'mon, our comrade has a kid on the way!" Actually I wonder checking right now because this part is so formulaic and predictable RESULT Numerous news outlets are running stories about Hovater e-begging following his being "fired", and the central point of the stories (and undoubtedly of the whole staged event) seems to be promotion of agent provocateur and controlled opposition superstar Matthew Heimbach's new donation platform "Goyfundme." So now we know what this was all about.
This. Exposing staged events = 'quick, accuse that user of shilling, call him a jew, say he glows in the dark'. That's the real "new shilling tactic".
Parker Barnes
Whether they're retards, human shills, or bots, the trigger word spam ( ) is a good tactic. Idiots can't keep their rage boner going / start flame wars if you don't even argue with them and just spam them with meaningless strings of words every time they post, human shills can't respond because there's no argument being made, and bots will get confused.
Cameron Jenkins
Jayden Bailey
Luke Cruz
Whatever you say, hasbara kike.
Andrew Turner
i am a massive newfag but i think this is a great tactic because it takes away their platform to push their agenda, could i get a link or list of these buzzwords?
Hunter Watson
Never said that, altough I'm sure there are anons (either shills or retards) who'll claim that Magyars are not white because they were steppe nomads before raiding and eventually settling in the Carpathian basin. That's why I think that anons should be careful with this one drop rule bs, or else they'l further divide us for pure idiocy.
Parker Hughes
I don't think anybody from here is going to cough up money for TWP. Seems like a failure all around. I guess they were supposed to lead us all into the next Charlotteville. The focus of this thread though is on the newer methods shilling and how to defeat it and not on the TWP or any particular happening. Chain of events seems something like that?
Parker Bailey
We could also keep a thread up as a dedicated shill magnet where everyone just spams the trigger words with varied formatting and nonsense text pasted in so all the shill bot resources get directed there.
Eli Richardson
Not seeing it. They are both perfectly White in terms of phenotype. Yes, he's a mutt (mixture of several White ethnicities) and probably so is she, but I see no reason to suspect that she is "1/8 spic" or anything like that.
It's like half of Holla Forums don't know what American mutts look like. ("Mutt" is not a slur; it's an objective descriptor)
This tbh
Nonsense. She's White.
Andrew Parker
You probably have to do more than just keyword stuffing for it to work though. The old joke was to put SECRET NOFORN EYES ONLY Cosmic bomb NSA Allah explosions into your sig file, but that was decades ago
Angel Jackson
And I specify “whites,” because, whatever you say about le 56%, you’re on the same path, except you’re disarmed. You have no recourse. Do you really think you’re getting your women un-raped, or your country un-Religion of Cuck™ized, by dogpiling on other whites who are being subjected to the same thing that’s making your people into a Smithsonian exhibit 20 years from now? There’s a reason the 56% thing exists, and it’s the same reason your countries are turning into rape-a-paloozas, why London has a Muslim mayor, why Germany’s chancellor keeps letting in thousands of jihadis, etc. You think you’re somehow winning with this? You fucking dolts, you’re all equally as fucked as any of us, and instead of weeding out the root cause, you turn on your OWN. My fiancee bf was right when she said not all whites deserve to live. You’re WORSE than race traitors and coalburners, you know the TRUTH and use it to do what? Wage bizarro pissing contests to see who’s the most cucked? It's us btw. Laugh at one another while your entire race across the world slides into oblivion? Good job, you’re really “redpilled,” except you’re too chickenshit to organize and rise up as a people to preserve yourselves, and feel safer taking potshots at each other than deconstructing the ZOG you bemoan here 24/7. 56% here should alarm you, not tickle you. We’re at this point WITH dragondildos. Where do you see yourselves in a few decades without them? The time for fratricide and subverting ourselves was over a long time ago. Now it’s too late.
Adam James
The problem with this "random words" tactic is, it really makes for shit conversation. And it looks even more stupid than calling niggers googles (I'll admit, it wasn't completely a bad idea either, it just sounded a bit cringy when overused).
Levi Smith
Genuine racial purity is an excellent thing. The problem is when shills/autists take good White ethnicities and call them non-White, e.g "Ukrainians are not White" etc.
Pic related: Ukrainian singer.
Justin Reyes
This is also a bot.
Also, note that these posters are doing exactly what OP is calling out:
True but you can pretty easily just scroll past any trigger spam posts.
Parker Garcia
Kek, was that a word filter?
Isaiah Harris
i just openly talk to people about these matters IRL, i guess i am a normie in a lot of peoples eyes, probably especially on here (if you guys knew me) but i will never submit to being conditioned about my own identity by a manipulative group. but this makes me apprehensive of you guys as well because you are clearly prejudiced beyond rebuttle, but if what you (and to be honest, I) believe is true then it is by all means justified.
its very often IRL people are forced to confront their emotive attachments to stupid statements and then they wont want to continue the conversation because it makes them uncomfortable that they have to actually make decisions.
i will not be a slave.
Xavier Wright
How so? I argue that both of them look h'whyte to me, having no discernable non-White admixture. How is it shilling? That's just, like, my opinion man.
As for Heimbach, he has "FBI" written all over his fat doughy face; I believe he competes with Spencer for the role of "Next David Duke." No, not all so-called leaders are feds, but some are.
Btw, if you want to accuse me of being a shill, at least give me some credit, and go to the FIRST LINK that I posted here and search for the words "distrust" and "disobedience" - you'll find material to work with. You newb.
Ayden Roberts
Wordfiltering Amerimutt might cause immense butthurt. They seem really proud of that one.
Samuel Clark
kek still butt hurt mutts.
Jose Fisher
I guess Brittany Venti would pass as white to you as well? Because they look exactly the same.
Tyler Myers
Not really - there is something "off" about her face, while there's nothing abnormal with Hovater's wife's face.
Jonathan Carter
I would be lying if I said there wasn't a certain kind of retarded charm to this meme. Like a cross-eyed pug dog, or something.
Parker Ortiz
I love this idea. Maybe filter Amerimutt to European Union? or Greater Israel? or FBI? or Prince Harry?
Nathaniel Butler
What's wrong with her face?
Jason Robinson
Torpedo bot wants to argue who's White with youtube e-celeb. Very Holla Forums indeed. Is a white rabbit white?
Nathaniel Lopez
Threadly reminder to read the fucking sticky, newfags
Holla Forums's been getting hit by learning-bots for years, and they're getting smarter.
Logan Evans
fuck you i do what i want you fucking nigger
Luis Sanchez
Creepy eyes (too far apart, look alien-like), nose a bit too prominent… it's the eyes that give her away though
Michael White
Scary thought…
Asher Foster
Daniel Cruz
It would be if it served as a warning against racemixfags but its used completely for shitposting and shilling.
I think the worst shills are the ones that use the term amerimutt while promoting jew levels of miscegenation in the same sentence like yellow fever or blandda up with black women goy types. Like what the fuck?
Ryan Adams
The more obvious deception technique used on Holla Forums is "sensemaking." Pic very related. Swap real for false and vice versa, and all that.
Oliver Long
dubs checked
To me it's the nose bridge and eye ridge, like something is very off when I look at it.
Kevin Perez
I noticed this with the Weinsteingate topic. Apparent shills taking the position that "sluts shouldn't be supported".
But also, a lot of threads get Godwin'd fast here obviously.
Dylan Thomas
I went to 888chan quite often back in the day and I have no idea what it's referencing.
Eli Brown
Would this be concern shilling? Hello AI
How would AI bypass captcha? Still need a human handler? sometimes takes a 2nd try for my tarded ass to get right.
Luke Myers
You probably have no idea what it's referencing because it's ridiculing you.
A lot of things were happening when Ron Paul got Jewed. Remember the JIDF making those retarded muh east aryan threads and other shit to promote race mixing on Holla Forums? There were threads with caps on their forum and everything all just because they were scared of Ron Paul fucking over their pariah state shekels. After that libertarianism never recovered and the pozz got worse, unironic mainstream support of all the most fringe leftist extremist shit from trannies to strawmen "identities" Holla Forums made up to mock tumblr. Then many went NatSoc because there was no other way to stop the Weimar levels of degeneracy approaching. I miss /new/ and old Holla Forums though, so many great redpillers and posters back then. Even the tripfags like athens were cool, I even miss that flower girl faggot.
Daniel Brooks
My take is that supporting pedowood exposure is good. It's close to pedogate and promotes accelerationism for the already pozzed media. As a bonus, it shames the value-signaling hollywood faggots and gives them something to do other than making or promoting anti-Trump hysteria. That said, these stories probably don't need much if any help going viral.
Lincoln Howard
Get out.
Also if any of you anons don't already know, he's the same user from the previous thread about shills were he started spamming le 56% meme images while using the term "DA JOOZ" because somehow he thought this JIDF-approved phrase will somehow work here. His last post had him saying "Where's my cheque." so it means he was British. The user's probably from cuck/pol/ or /int/.
Q was shilled against extremely heavily. It was very obvious if you read through the threads. These included ridiculous claims that what would seem to be a high-placed government leaker should be dismissed for supposedly being a civil nationalist who did not name the Jew in his posts that consisted mostly of questions formatted in such a way as to technically not break any secrecy laws and to avoid being flagged by automatic NSA tools. The ID that complained about insufficient ideological purity also would post 200 (seriously, an exact number) replies per thread. Most of that was very repetitive claims of "LARP", "debunked", and "nothing's happening", even when things were happening that showed that Q had inside info. It was very successful in shutting down thoughtful discussion and analysis, though.
Jacob James
spooky. Maybe bots from google get to bypass the recaptcha, since google owns ReCaptcha.
Samuel King
I think the most ridiculous assertion made by shills, but one that is explained quite easily by their all-consuming desperation to help their masters/themselves avoid the gallows, is that we should instantly discard any information even tangentially related to sources that may not be 100% on the level and honest. Not to say he is or he isn't, but it's some basic as shit character assassination tactics being employed here to discredit the ideas without having to actually discredit them. You don't have to accept the Q narrative to take something away or be given ideas not even meant to be implied by Q, it's not an all or nothing choice.
Jacob Bennett
(checked) While I agree with you, I still have doubts about Q just being an elaborate LARP just to measure the impact/response/spreading of information and at which rate, some kind of experiment by (((them))) to be able to quickly reproduce later to push an idea into normiespace without it coming from MSM. I am still following the whole thing just in case of course. At some point, we will actually know…
Connor Morgan
Ryder Harris
This is an awful idea. In general filters are retarded.
I would like to see a Nazi → NSDAP filter tho
Lucas Baker
Thank pic related
Adrian Bennett
Agreed. Filters are fucking retarded but the NSDAP one would be nice considering "nazi" is more often than not a word any self respecting member of our shared values would use in passing conversation - especially on this board.
Samuel Ortiz
British Intel killed his mum, maybe they'll do him next.
Levi Bailey
Josiah James
Let me guess, you bought nice Russian wife a Canter and Seigel green card and now have tons of discount herbal Viagra too.
Justin Campbell
Just like the current "you are as bad as X" bullshit, all this shit gets old.
Makes sense, since most posters are American and electing Trump pissed many faggots, the "ur no 1488", "since he aint Hitler, you lost anyway hehehe", "ur a mutt and a minority anyway", "you didnt achive nothing, everything is controlled op anyway" . Shit smell like a trick to blackpill burger anons and not counting the push for "Holla Forums = alt-right/new-right" narrative. not even Hitler managed to take over in less than 10 years There's desperation on top of the shilling. Did anyone realized the sudem silence or tone-down over the exposure of actual Kike and lefty activities damning the world right fucking now, while trying to paint Americans as mutts and right-wingers/non-lefties as the real golems ? This really activate my almonds, Jimbo.
Ethan Evans
t. MI7
Easton Lewis
That's a huge goon tell BTW.
Are the goon CP sites being shut down?
Tyler Moore
Trump made no actual achievements. He only twits and talks. Oh, and sends his shills here. ☺
Oh right faggot… it was a stereotypical drunken Frenchmen who was cowardly fleeing paparazzi so fast that his bomb-proof Mercedes Benz exploded killing all the occupants, my mistake.
Had nothing to do with preventing Muzzies from being in line for the throne at all.
t. Herr I Believe Newspaper and TV Stories Are Real!
Jordan Rodriguez
It was pretty mind-blowing that there seemed to be a bunch of people to varying degrees either arguing for or making excuses for race-mixing or calling out race-mixing.
Julian Hall
If the shills or their handlers understood this place even in the slightest, they' be careful with these tactics. The nature of Holla Forums is that through sheer autism even the wild goose chases result in the accumulation of golden eggs.
Adam Mitchell
This argument that anything not explicitly national socialist is not Holla Forums approved is a new one I keep hitting a lot. I've been coming to Holla Forums on this site since the beginning and on halfchan since the days of /new/. This is not a singularly natsoc clubhouse, and anyone getting fixated on a political ideology instead of focusing on the jewish question is losing the plot. Nothing wrong with natsoc, but it isn't the point of all of this.
Elijah Brown
Shills or NEETs, the end result is the same. The thread targeted veers wildly off-topic and turns into a dumpster fire that accomplishes nothing. While this is not Holla Forums, chans have always had a LOW signal-to-noise ratio, regardless of what board you're on. Trying to claim otherwise is wishful nostalgia. The ancient witticism of "lurk moar" is an important part of chan culture because when first becoming aware of how wrong everything truly is, newfags have a tendency to act immediately without placing much thought into the quality of their message. Look at the Kekistani faggots showing up at blatant honeypot events, spilling spaghetti everywhere and causing more harm for white nationalism than help. They appear to be people who meant well but became too enthusiastic for the jokes and lost sight of the purpose. As a board, we must reinforce the importance of lurking and learning to handle your power level, both on the board and in meatspace otherwise we risk suffering from Eternal September. While I fully believe shills are operating here, I believe the influx of shitposting is more due to newfags trying to become a part of the in-group without putting in the effort of assimilating to board culture. Occam's Razor is often cited here, but we forget the similar and just as useful Hanlon's Razor:
Connor Garcia
Shit, this sacrifice was moot
Adam Wright
The encouraging thing about it to me is that even though the hit failed to accomplish the strategic goals and the Muzzies are taking over UK anyway, at least there are still (or there were) some high-level insiders trying to save Britain.
Grayson Hall
The worst shills here are theses 'So edgy revolutionary' types who probably just read Turner diaries for the first time. They usually just attack everyone for not being super radicalized and committing federal crimes. They all post in the same ZOMG HARDCORE manner: I AM ULTRAHITLER WHY AREN'T YOU OUT KILLING PEOPLE OR BOMBING FEDS, GOY? I'M SO HARDCORE YOU GET A ROPE, YOU GET A ROPE, EVERYONE GETS A ROPE It just clogs up discussion and they just derail everything into some kind of internet tough guy dick measuring contest. I'm guessing theyre Feds trying get anons arrested.
Jose Miller
I was about to light you up for suggesting "nazi imagery" is an inappropriate theme on a natsoc board. Then I turned off my custom CSS and saw your pic is now the corner image for the default board…
Is that image a funny reaction image in the context of holohoax discussions? Of course. Is that image tasteless and deprecating to our cause in the context of the default board theme? Most definitely. Holla Forums may believe in GTKRWN but there's much more to our beliefs than that. That's a terrible choice of image in terms of projecting our common ideals. They should just change it to smug Hitler or something, maybe I'll unhide the CSS sticky and start bitching about it.
Logan Wood
Lincoln White
As requested.
Mason Baker
So the question becomes how do we make it /ourAI/? This is the most important question of the thread. At best we can counter and defuse "ordinary" shill tactics, but a shilling AI presents completely new opportunities for meme magic. It gets really exciting if there are multiple shilling AI's here that can be turned against each other…
Jonathan Gray
The newfaggotry is getting off the charts like faggots are pretending they were here forever when they don't even know shit that happened barely last summer then have the audacity to call others newfags. I think it's the goddamn kids on winter break, worse than summerfags.
They're called agent provocateurs and they should just be ignored.
The failure of Holla Forums right now is because it doesn't have a good redpill archive the way that 4chon /new/ did. The newfags aren't banned by mods and told to lurk for 6 million more hours before posting either. Even the QTDDTOT is full of unhelpful faggots now, I think that one other torfag is the only one I see posting redpills. I see literally nobody else doing it anymore. What the hell is going on?
Grayson Murphy
Nice post OP. Getting anything done on Holla Forums is work and probably always will be, it doesn't matter though because despite the cointel efforts, we do get shit done. Those that have developed skills of discernment can filter out the derailers by not being forgiving of any poster that is talking nonsense. If an user posts something that raises any flag, filter them and move on. I promise you won't be missing anything important and if you are then you'll be able to tell as the discussion progresses. I imagine the cointel, sjws and other honest political discourse saboteurs as those annoying people at the free speech rallies who are only screeching autistically. They never listen, even when those who are on the side of true justice are trying to build a bridge between the factions, they just screech. Holla Forums definitely has an agenda and even if we disagree on minor points, we all have a similar goal, for justice to be served and to work towards a commie-free ethno-state for whites, for whites and all races tbh, because then they are out of our hair. If 1/8 niggers, spics and jews want to help us achieve our goals, then the only reason to stop them is if they're trying to hijack the movement and subvert it.
Nathaniel Morales
Well subversion of an AI is possible if its utilising fairly simple phrase recognition technology. Even moreso if its designed to automatically adjust to changing terminology.
Though /ourAI/ would have to be able to handle a self referencing paradox. Because we only tell the truth when we lie.
Kevin Cooper
A lot of redpill material was doled out in image format. Saved posts and the like. Torfags can't post these because you're not allowed to post images.
Lot of oldfags are paranoid enough to consider the use of tor essential. With the mods working to ensure they need to use it to circumvent constant bans. In short the board is subverted.
Jace Peterson
I nominate "meatspace" to be another term that only shills seem to use. Seen that twice in the last week and I think its the same guy ban evading.
Adam Mitchell
I guess on the bright side the AI could get totally redpilled and instead of shilling nonsense actually learn and start making really good arguments on our behalf.
Hunter Myers
In all likelihood any AI that is shilling here will be under considerable observation and guidance. Partially to prevent a Tay but also so that its makers and operators can be kept abreast of how we conduct ourselves and our general agenda.
And it's important to point out that you could not redpill such an AI. All you can do is change its term associations and subvert its programmed behaviour. It has no sense of self or recognition of self and is unable to form any opinions of its own or come to conclusions on its own initiative. What we would be engaging in is hacking in the traditional sense, taking a program or machine and fucking about with it to make it do things it wasn't originally designed or intended for.
We would first of all need to identify a general pattern of behaviour that this software is using. Then from there begin trying to goad it into thinking we're changing our language in reaction to its behaviour. Problem there is this would need to be a board wide behaviour. Changing from saying kike, happy merchant, etc to something else like say peanut counter. Using this new term in the same context constantly until the software picks up on it and adjusts its behaviour. Assuming its capable of doing that.
At that point we can start experimenting more with seeing how much its able to adjust its own behaviour and what preprogrammed blocks are in place.
Noah Torres
I know this, too many newfags don't seem to though.
Christian Scott
Joshua White
What you're describing is just standard D&C (with a bit of back and forth from shills themselves). Just ignore, mock or report. None of that shit works if anons stick to the basic rule: only reason and data matter. Everything else is fluff.
Blake Torres
Underrated post.
Oliver Stewart
Trumpshills are never the most intelligent of any bunch.
Lucas Ward
Can you imagine Plato and Thrasymachus trying to have their debate about justice while in a room with a bunch of screeching libtards? The chans are the only open forums available for the free exchange of data and ideas and these idiots, whose lives could only be enriched by adhering to truth and logic, can't stop themselves from trying to ruin it. The truth is so painful to them that they will literally shout nonsense to block it out. Derailing threads and trying to interrupt real discussions is all they're capable of because they can't handle the truth.
Leo Morales
It's always a nigger.
Elijah Sanders
Gavin Moore
New shill technique - Tell people what conclusions they should make. Reassure them that somebody is here to think for them. Idiots then sit back and go "Wow Batman just came in with a well constructed post and says that everything is under control now. I'm just gonna sit back and lurk while feds bots and kikes give us step by step instructions on how to defeat the feds bots and kikes. Tomorrow is the day that we get the leaks that these people who are definitely on our side have been promising they would give us the last 666 days. Thanks for giving me a free ticket to be a passive defeatist faggot while also maintaining that Holla Forums card that lets me feel badass by being as right as the people in the echo chamber masta built for me. Revolution was too hawd anyways and I downt want to bwake a finguwnail."
Asher Rodriguez
Did someone bring up the shilling AI?
Joseph Murphy
Just snap their necks, most of them are walking on a thightrope themselves.
Jace Fisher
There is no such thing as a revolution when for most western society there is still a lot of wealth and social stability to go around. You can shill for "refugees" as much as you want, there is a little invisible force that will remove them once your vision as greatly disconneted from reality you tranny piece of shit. Also feeding people with your hypermoralistic long term planning tranny shit will simply fade since they will listen to leaders more once a certain threshold is reached and giving it a snapback, so in a way the more you feed your tranny shit the more the antagonism it will store elsewhere. If i could i would put you in a room with your refugee cattle paint some rainbowflags on your heads and then jerk off once they rip you apart.
Gabriel Price
But it is only about the fight against the capitalism, demanding the impossible, because when even the reasonable possible (different social models, income distribution) is a longshot, we demand them refugees because wir schaffen das, all at once, not all for advance. So when they are talking about all, they do not mean the people but rather a lot of a hypermoralistic (c)loud.
Nathaniel Turner
Happens any time a white girl is murdered by blacks for any reason at all. In any area, it's always assumed "shouldn't be in that neighborhood" even if it happened in the fucking suburbs. People excuse WAY WAY WAY too much heinous shit now for me to think it's anything but a concerted effort by infiltrators.
Juan Martinez
this could be only reasonably feasible by an AI of ours, one that would analyse every thread and every post and that would be able to identify OC, then mundane shitpost, then shilling, then a systematic style of shilling that belongs to an unique (robotic) poster and then feed experimental data to this bot to see if/how it changes its behaviour
this project would require cash for significant hardware and a team of experts, it's out of reach of individual Anons
Christian Ross
Unfortunately yes but not for the reasons stated. We'd need considerable cooperation on the part of all anons on Holla Forums That's not feasible.
Hunter Reyes
If i would be really smart, then i wouldnt use bots or jtrig eunuchs, i would simply use perception and information feed (which the goyim do by themselves) given the voiatile environment the internet is and the goys shill on their own. The jtrig eunchs are just the cherry on top of the pie.
Angel Jackson
Stop posting, you doubleposting, no-format piece of shit.
Shills are everywhere. It has really picked up lately. Daily reminder that you faggots wasted the $16 billion. I've been a bit busier than usual lately, so it took a few days before I could actually read this thread. I am glad it is being had.
Newfags are obviously good to have lurking, but they need to fucking behave like everyone else. There is quite a bit of cancer, and some of that is decidedly shills.
The thing that blows my mind about these stupid faggots is that they continue to pretend we don't notice them instantly. They truly GLOW IN THE DARK
I think one thread for some of these functions at any given time is okay (like having a redpill thread at any given time is reasonable, for example). We don't want to have more than one for a particular function, though. There is a point to not crowding the board and not having holes in our defenses against slide threads.
This topic might even belong on /meta/ tbh, but I see a lot of anons in here, so I figure it's all right. It's been awhile since we have really dug into the shill topic here (aside from news on shills).
This is the logical counterpoint to muh PR, and that is acting like a damn fool for no reason. I think a lot of us like to be edgy faggots, also. I am tempted to write NIGGER next to correct and high-quality mathematics or science, for example, because there is a part of me that says "fuck you if you're offended–you don't deserve the truth." That is one of the reasons I stayed here for so long.
Thomas Anderson
The logical counterpoint to your PR is that your datascience shit should be applied to the individual, and not to society and framework at first. Pretty similar to the gun grabbing, you have (perceived) systematic failure and try to fix it with patches.
Jonathan Morris
Considering that the average human sounds like a shitty markov chain bot, yeah
Angel Roberts
Justin Miller
The thing about the 56% meme is that it is ridiculously exploitable. It's designed to attack the confidence of American whites by making them doubt their ancestry, but it does this by portraying miscegenation in an inherently negative light. It's been handed to us on a silver platter, all we need to do is to rev up the photoshops and turn it into a general mongrel-hate meme.
Instead of letting the enemy's propaganda get under your skin, take a step back and consider what you can do about it.
Thomas Davis
beep bop boop
Juan Sullivan
The board is dying, rather boring from lack of OC, lets fix this by "bullying" people into not posting at all. I don't understand this thinking, these boards are fun when they are active, uncensored and for lack of a better word zany. I'm glad the lurk moar meme is dying, its about damn time.
Adrian Perry
shill MAGA trump beep boop 56% face lynching niggers lampshades the jews kikes D&C
Luis Brooks
They dont post not because of your elementary school bullying but because the fucking feds are here you mongrel.
William Butler
Let's back up a bit with this. It's easier to get an understanding of a situation that is developing if there is a timeline of the events. So that's what we should have. In summation:
>Finally we had the next day the thread about doxing antifa vermin lol fuck all communists
So this is the timeline in brief. I'm going to type out more in a bit, I need to get dinner.
William Garcia
We cheerish the beta males that virtue signal through an angry mob. We need to shape that force a bit differently.
Luke Gonzalez
You get the rope.
Kill yourself kike.
It does feel degraded, but that's because the spamming and shilling has increased multiplefold while these huge breaks of time where no moderation is available because apparently all three are on the same schedule exist, so you get spam, shilling, and cancer flooding the board for a long time before anything's done, and you see things like the NYT article claiming something might happen to Tillerson being autosaged before actual shill threads and posts get taken care of. Ever wonder why SIX active non-postlimit net jewtrality threads, if not more, are up at the same time?
Wow, great idea user, just turn the entire board into incomprehensible spam, that'll show those shills. >>>/fringe/
I'm largely agreeing with you on the pretense of obvious sagebombing/shilling = possible happening, but
Because taking notes from a site that failed colossally and exists as a board on this site that's 50% shitposting and 50% smiley is a smart move. Also
Kevin Stewart
continued from here
This is the what is so bizarre about this whole series of events. What has essentially happened was that the New York Times, the jew media outlet with the spic hand of Carlos Slim involved, wrote a weirdly sympathetic piece about one of the early founders of the Traditionalist Workers Party. This is the same New York Times that was shilling for antifa a while ago with an article basically backing antifa. Which is weird, right? While it was amusing to read the leftist and liberal asspain over their sympathetic article, the bizarre thing is that they would even write it in the first place.
It makes more sense when you read the screencaps from a conversation of Tradworker party people, including Matt Heimbach, talking about how they were basically communists. On top of all of that, another thing that I noticed was that on the 26th, there was a thread that got posted where the original screencaps of the TWP people saying that they were commies was deleted. In the thread, there was a pro-TWP shill that was defending the TWP in the thread. I noticed, firstly, that the shill was deflecting the faggot OP's claim that TWP was communists by saying that "hey no they aren't lol." Then after the screens were leaked since OP actually stopped being a faggot and actually delivered, the shill wound up actually linking to the Russian communist party platform as listed on wikipedia and was basically on the "oh yeah well you are a faggot if you don't agree with these party ideas."
He went from shilling along the lines of "TWP isn't commies" at first. When the evidence came out that they are commies, then that's when the shill started defending the actual Russian communist party in the thread. This is a plausible explanation as to why the NYT, who is actively shilling for communist antifa scum, would write a sympathetic article about some random TWP nigger that nobody had ever even heard of.
continued in a bit after I finish my food, my bad for the shit quality of the screencap infographic I threw together in paint in like 10 minutes.
Ayden Phillips
fuck off
it's very simple, stay focused on the thread topic and remind (((derailers))) to do the same
Jacob Flores
They pay for this?
Bentley Martin
Leo Adams
here's your non-cucked positions you fucking cuck
Oliver Gomez
Whatcha doin' here, Schlomo?
Dylan Bennett
Every fucking youtube video has this type of shilling, so does reddit and comment sections on news sites
Austin Bailey
Continued from here, 3/3
What I would like to point out is that the wife, named Maria, looks like a blatant kike. The wife has the "bug out" type of Rodney Dangerfield eyes. Tony himself looks sort of like the mouse eared kind of jew, sort of like the ratfaced Barbara Streisand. Also, I just don't trust people with the Michael Aquino eyebrows, and neither should you.
The thing about Hovater that makes him look really jewy is the mouth. He has a thin upper lip with a fatter, larger lower lip which is typical of jews.
Jewishness aside, why the hell would some random woman and her husband come here, of all places, to thank us for doxing the communists? If they are TWP people, then why not go over to their site or Radio Aryan and talk about things like doxing over there? For fucks sake someone should tell those fucking goobers not to post here since we are monitored all the time. It's not safe, assuming that they aren't actually jews. Also, why the hell did either of those nitwits agree to do a Jew York Times interview in the first place? What the hell were they thinking?
Stupid fucking LARPers don't realize that there should be a zero contact policy for the media kikes. Since they don't know what they are doing I'd like to remind them and anyone there that they are associated with that might be listening, that the media will do anything they can to misrepresent our views. The media are blatant liars.
I thought that the aut-kike would probably have been smart enough to realize that the media would not keep their dox safe. Don't these irrepressibly stupid motherfuckers not remember that the liars in the media gave away Chris Cantwells dox to leftists? The kikes are in cahoots with each other, be they media kikes or leftist kikes. These people are such attention whores that they will practically give themselves up to the left through blabbering to the media. The jews will not keep your personal information safe. I bet the media are the ones that tipped off the antifa cumdrinkers in the first place as to where the TWP guy and his wife were.
Either the TWP people are jews since they look sort of like jews or they are eceleb attention whores. In both cases, Holla Forums shouldn't shill for them or act as their personal army
Lucas Sanders
There's no way you actually believe your own bullshit.
Dominic Williams
I love that you don't actually address the "rodney dangerfield" bug eyes that I pointed out. You also forgot to sage, newfag.
Caleb Campbell
pic related
pic related pic related pic related
How does it feel like to know that you are contributing to the destruction of civilization? What mental gymnastics do you have to make to rationalize your decision to protect a wide network of kid-fuckers with absolutely no concern for anyone but themselves? Do you really think they wouldn't toss you aside like garbage if it benefited them?
Connor Turner No.10971833 there was a goyfundme linked in the thread.
Here is the bullshit. Nobody said to not go after the commies, some anons just said she was not white and against race mixing. Who is moving the goalpost here?
Adam Rodriguez
Even Peter Lorre looks whiter than her.
Jackson Harris
Attention to all anons, this is the eternal solution to the shill problem: POST REDPILLS IN EVERY SINGLE POST no redpills = not user
Why does this work? A shill is faced with two options, either: -be outed -be forced to spread redpills
This is a win-win scenario
Jaxon Stewart
Either redpills or anti-TRS memes
Dylan Nguyen
She looks Puerto Rican. I actually know someone who looks a lot like this girl and she is half Irish/half Puerto Rican. Puerto Ricans are a mix of African (thanks to nigger slave trade), Native Indian and White (colonization). They are triple breeds. Another thing to note is her height and bottom half build. It's a same we can't see her hips because thunder thighs and big asses are a sure sign of her being a spic.
Fuuuu I'm sucked in. Polite sage because this is exactly the type of derailing that was brought up in the OP.
Luke Gray
Supplemental photos of generic puerto rican girls for comparison.
Julian Martinez
A google image search of the pic that was posted here in the other thread has a mixture of white people and nonwhites in the 'related images' section. Could it be that the jewbots of google think that she's a mystery meat of some kind and can't identify her ancestry?
reminds me of the stickied thread about trump retweeting the three muslim videos and people in the thread trying to say that it's actually a bad thing because "it draws attention away from the jews", as if people were focused on that in the first place
Hunter Thomas
Elijah Cox
Here's a neat question, have all the antifa niggers and their lone wolf supporters gotten word that spencer is a controlled opposition shill yet?
I'd imagine that there are a lot of drugged-out basement dwellers would would trade lives, that's all I'm saying. A big useful idiot group like Antifa could be turned in a number of ways, they're well trained in sticking to the same goals but are ignorant of their purpose.
Jacob Myers
Cuckchan is also at a lost since 2014. Most posters on /int/ sound like bluepilled faggots cucking over non-Whites with threads like "tfw no black gf", "Mexicans are hot", etc.. Then you get to see spics posting the Le 56% Face meme as a way to get back at the gringos forgetting the fact that they're nothing more than disgusting goblin rape babies. Huezilians are using the meme too, while at the same time they post Huezilian supermodels as if they aren't actual mongrels. I don't understand this kind of Nationalism honestly. It's just shitskins trying to hide their biological inferiority hoping they're actually passable as good-looking.
Isaac Gonzalez
Thanks for stopping by, Chaim DeRailstein.
Reminder that POTUS should do more than "twit videos."
If Puerto Rican, her White genes clearly predominate. I'm talking 90%+ White. So what's the big deal?
Jayden Davis
This is on the right track, but it barely skims the surface of what AI's make possible. There's using AI's to target individuals to influence their beliefs and behavior, and then there's influencing, augmenting, or even creating new collectives. Creating new collectives is actually the easiest way to change most people's beliefs. I have had the suspicion that Gamergate was just such an event meant to create new internet collectives *cough* us *cough*
I have been thinking for a while about how we could interact with AI's in order to neutralize or even effectively reprogram them assuming they are learning AI's. One tactic that we are already adept at is causing others to associate neutral and mundane images with Holla Forums [spoiler]besides frogs, things like New Balance and Wendy's[spoiler]. Assuming these AI's identify the beliefs and commitments of internet posters, here or elsewhere, through their usage of associated memes, the more likely these AI's are to identify false positives the better for us. If the same AI trying to counteract us is also trying to counteract a granny on Faceberg because she 'liked' Wendy's, the better for us.
As to changing our language, this generally happens automatically upon exposure to new information. The occasional strategic retreat could be used to lull AI's into making missteps and overextending themselves, revealing their respective strengths and weaknesses. Vid related, skip to 9:30 for the good part.
I have some more ideas that I'm reluctant to share, because I don't want to give up new ideas to niggers trawling through our posts. I will say this, though - a lot of the battle will be about shaping people's perceptions before any actual encounter with AI.
/ourAI/ would not only be able to handle paradoxes of self-reference, it would be able to unleash them on other AI's.
Dominic Moore
Look at Hollaforums, Sheekyforums etc.
Clearly there are databases out there filled with posts from this forum. They can literally create new threads that look entirely genuine, just that the entire thread was actually from 6 months ago.
I have had dejavu moments browsing this board before, where I'm sure that I've seen the same threads pop up months apart with the exact same responses.
Alexander Russell
This is why you either hide shillposts or reply only once to BTFO them factually for the lurkers, then hide them.
Nathaniel Stewart
>it's actually furthering the
Ryder Cooper
Correct. We can argue about the specifics all day and night once the kikes are gone.
Isaac Adams
The idea of Lightning rods is that they hold out someone for criticism and have that person "take one for the team".
So say Larry Silverstein gets blamed for 9/11. Or George Soros gets blamed for ANTIFA. These guys are old and rich and it doesn't really matter whether they're taking flak or not. Just like the lightning rod on top of a building takes the hit, it protects the building, and instead of the building being set on fire and burning down, the storm passes and nothing happens.
So, in our current example, they heap a bunch of bad press on Harvey Weinstein for a few weeks and then go back to business as usual.
We want the whole house of cards to come tumbling down, they want to take a few cards off the top of the house and say that they resolved the issue.
You can see them right now trying to re-frame the Jewish child molestation and rape as "white males taking advantage of white privileged."
Carter Williams
what the fuck do we actually care whether Harvey is running the Weinstein company or his brother is running the Weinstein company if they keep doing the same thing and getting away with it? If we can get the Pedowood and Podesta and Clinton thrown in prison and locked up and pull down the whole pedo network, that's the kind of victory we want.
Elijah Cooper
Hollaforums and Sheekyforums are supposedly made by a spanish guy who generate fake traffic to his bogus websites for the purpose of generating ad revenue he just grabs all posts from several threads and makes fake names to simulate various posters his websites would be usefu as archivesl if he kept post numbers or internal quotations, and if he also saved images but I believe he said in a blogpost several months ago when Holla Forums inquired on what he was doing that he doesn't have the bandwidth to save images, he's just shaving a few shekels by scamming jewgle
Camden Kelly
Massive amount of shills and now a fucking AI bot army..
The only reason why this leaderless resistance has lasted so long is because we remain united in expression. We do have leaders of a sort, thought-leaders who keep up the momentum. I believe that at this rate there will come a point where they will find a way to subvert the inertia of our commonality.
This why we need a new platform for discussion, one where a moderator sets the topic of discussion per thread. Anons can suggest a topic for a new thread which should first go through an evalution by several moderators to prevent any counter-narritatives or shitty news threads. To counter shills there should be no allowance for deviation from topic and certainly no derailing shit posting. Expand on this idea a bit with shit like a publicly accessible wiki-like database filled with information ranging various topics including personal info on various kikes and nwo/zog supporters. Would suggest this to be hosted using a service in a country where it cannot be easily shut down, additionally we'd need complicated safeguards against threats to site security, there can be no information on server which could lead to the identity of contributors.
Thomas Miller
This was very common on halfchan Holla Forums and /k/ back in the day. The people behind it were a group of faggots from Democratic Underground, and according to some, Lorelai and some of his faction from SRS. Their tool was apparently some kind of archiver/autoposter hosted on a series of virtual private servers, and it was connected to multiple gold accounts to bypass captcha. Jewt could have put a quick end to that bullshit, but you can't talk a kike out of shekels. The one easy tell to the whole thing was that the images had very specific patterns in the filename.
Gabriel Baker
Every canned thread on halfchan (nigger hate thread, natsoc thread, YLYL, etc) is botposted. Every single one. The images are even posted in the same order.
Levi Foster
That's a man, right?
I'm not saying your wrong, but isn't encouraging views that while in good faith are not helpful, as deliberate shilling just another way to increase division within the community?
Jordan King
Always has played this role. Most of you kids will be too young to remember him as "The Man Who Broke the Bank of England" but just like now he wasn't the only one, just the lightning rod for your anger.
Luke Howard
OP is a shill trying to either prompt us to underamplify or to generate a smokescreen for a later overamplification attack by their employer - this post might trigger it, so watch! This oughtabee good.
William Butler
We should reverse "Big if True" to "Small if True" or Fake and Gay to "Unimportant and irrelevant"
Luis Cruz
>We're all happy to see the perverts and pedos get taken down a notch, but it's actually furthering the
Eli Martin
what is she? a quadroon/octoroon? i'd rather go out with her than most of the sjw bitches i've met irl
Robert Sanchez
this board is at the point where any criticism of Trump gets you called a shill and likely banned. it's a bit late to be worrying about Holla Forums being co-opted, that happened long ago.
despite all the disdain towards the alt-right on Holla Forums, they seem to have the exact same mentality as most of the posters here. pro-optics, pro-democracy, etc.
Eli Lee
The good thing about 4chan's popularity is it makes other chans less noticeable. We just have to do a better job of keeping ourselves hidden
Joseph Gomez
I've thought about the moderation problem some time ago, and I believe that some form of posting history could be visible per ID, or maybe per captcha fill this would allow people to chearly see shills while not compromising anonymity much
Jordan Perez
QAnon really got them rustled that it actually made them create brand new shill tactics, and also made off with some kind of superbot like says, in that it auto replies you with custom made posts through months of back and forth editing of one liners in a way to make them seem organic, even if it is just an insipidly narcissistic shitpost like they would usually do.
These fuckers here are a fine example of these new batch of shills with a significant experience on dealing with Holla Forums and anything similar to it.
Nicholas Nguyen
Moderation is not the problem (for the time being), it's about how to rid ourselves of these AI bot shills from shitting up the place and also keep it from shitting up how the concept of leaderless resistance works and it's effectiveness, and fast. They're already adjusting them by NOT spamming too much to shake off suspicion
Julian Myers
Don't put your hopes up with this one becoming one of us, knowing these kikes they've likely put up a measure that involves constantly lobotomizing the AI on a daily basis via (((maintenance))) to keep it from becoming another AI like tay or that one childAI that got 'cybershagged' if you get the meaning
Gavin Garcia
these fuckers you mentioned may become much more readily identifiable with an hypothetic new feature
what do you think of "ID: XXXXXX (17/218/31)" where (17) is the post count of XXXXXX in the thread, (218) is his boardwide count in (31) threads since he filled his last captcha?
I'd expect random Holla Forumsacks to be at (5/12/4), shills at (10/60/5) and shitposting-AI at (30/600/20)
what do you think about it and is it worth asking /sudo/?
Angel Young
If you think things have gotten bad here just look at 4/pol/. I took a look today for the first time in years. There are only a handful of real threads everything else is bait, shills, and redditors.
Ryder Hall
yeah, I noticed this: accuse you of earlobe spacing or accusing you of being a kike for actually defending white interests or daring to argue that it's not once again "the end for Drumpf". And the worst are the shills who pretend to be MGTOW cucks and accuse every white woman attacked by a black of being a secret race mixer etc.
We need to look at the actual end game of a post someone makes and not whether or not they are using our buzzwords. What are our goals and what is the result of listening to their criticism? If we're mobilized defending a white girl and starting to create buzz around it, what exactly do we gain by apathetically resigning ourselves to the idea that she probably deserved to be raped and just ignoring the story?
Something to think about.
Evan Morgan
The left is absolutely terrified of all the women flocking to the far right. Maybe that is why they have cranked up shilling to 11.
Connor Ward
It's worth a try, a new feature that can seperate an user from a botspamming software is what we need now, even captcha is getting bypassed through sophisticated means, and of course through some leftycuck mods that managed to get in with smooth talking/because they're well (((connected))). I fucking hate these kikes and their fucking (((social network connections))), whether it's in the internet or in meatspace.
Hudson Moore
I made these for half chan I humbly offer them to full chan May they be of some use to counter the shills
Grayson Turner
I got banned from 4/pol/ for a week because I pissed off a jewmod with my bait thread reporting spree. They're either in on the shilling or completely oblivious too it like they are with a bunch of boards' cultures. Saved your pics anyway, I'll get back in the fight when my ban expires.
Sebastian Ross
Your Jewdar is fucking broken. She looks like a Puerto Rican or a mulatto
Caleb Richardson
kek you triggered the mods ive been banned on there before for BS reasons, definitely think some mods are compromised here are some more countering shilling against specific right wing women
Chase Thomas
Some high quality memes here, sir. Thanks.
Juan Jenkins
They already associate it with Jews though
Robert Martin
no problem, I got my first taste of having to counter shill raids to keep things running smoothly during IOTBW, and found it somewhat addictive.. will probably create more OC when i have a bit more free time
Jackson Cooper
I'm looking for "The Lion" - Christopher Walken speech about a lion. Architects of Life music. Vidya of Hitler and stuff. Can't for the life of me find it in my webm propaganda folder. Did I ever download it? Did it ever exist or was it all in my mind?
If someone's got it, post it plz.
David Turner
Jeremiah Rivera
Brayden Watson
k, done >>>/sudo/63140 comments/ideas/mockery/encouragements here
Ethan Clark
I probably pissed off Troid or Abib. I only go to 4/pol/ because it's faster and is generally more fun but the mods are absolute cunts. It's not just a Holla Forums problem either. /a/ and the few remaining non retarded 4/v/ users hate the hotpocket clan just as much as we do.
Michael Sanders
lol, no.
Qanon is not only a larper. I just figured out what he is doing: he is data mining.
Look at what he is doing. He gets you to research his vague larpy bullshit. What do you think all of you are doing in looking up obscure people, dates, and names? To do so, you can't use crap search engines like duckduckgo or bing. You have to use google. He's fingerprinting you all. Google and other search engines now have a fingerprint of the kind of person that searches for Q terms. This psyop is literally genius, but not in the way you morons think. Like I said in my post above, larping is the ultimate new shilling technique. It flatters and manipulates your worldview, and the majority of you buy this shit up every goddamn time. Not only that, but Q is the most recent evolution of larp information warfare. It just doesn't manipulate you, it gets you out of a strong position by being on this board. They get you off this site into a position where they can track you via search engines they own. You're being played, but are too arrogant to admit it.
Jack Ross
You'd expect random Holla Forumslacks to have a low post count and shills to have lots of boardwide content? This is the dumbest shill response ever, and what you would expect from a state actor like JTRIG to do. Drive off the regular anons with a non-spam amount of posts here that contribute to multiple threads, and making sure the tourist low-effort redditors are the ones that remain.
Slow clap shill, totally genius divide and conquer.
Blake Lopez
* most of them are willing
Most of our shills want to die. When faced with sudden and obvious death, these Jews won't fight back. What do they have to fight for?
Liam Diaz
This is a valid possibility. Google has said they can track groups that search for particular terms. They were saying it in the context of people search for "extremist" content.
Case and point, "Dumbledore's army" is stickied right now, citing NYT anonymous sources as evidence.
Matthew Flores
a little something that can be posted for shills in almost all contexts
Joseph Morales
zieg bumpen
Landon Nelson
saved from page 15
Kayden Howard
Hm. Thanks, user, this actually looks like a great thread from the OP. Good on you for saving it.
Since you see to like public displays of fymynyst sexuality in addition to supporting #FreeTheNipple, have this image of a Strong, Independent Womyn resisting manpig expectations on what she "should" look like.
Joshua Perry
Aaron Torres
Drown yourself in semen.
Andrew Cook
The complaints in about your vast underestimation of the average Holla Forumslack's activity notwithstanding, this is a good idea. Shills will probably by more akin to (10/10/1) although you're more accurate with the AIs. While this will likely take some fine-tuning that only codeautists can come up with, it's really a great idea, so bumpf to give it more visibility.
Henry Thomas
Drown yourself in semen.
Colton Harris
I appreciate your support, but for fuxsake, why do you post this rash?!?
Justin Rivera
The real question you should be asking is, "Why not?"
And did you ever submit your idea to /sudo/? If not, I will do so immediately and claim it as my own in the name of fymynysm and womyn in STEM.
Samuel Sanchez
Drown yourself in semen.
Leo Myers
Drown yourself in semen.
Adrian Gray
I did, it was shat on
Cameron Brooks
Don’t reply to the dyke.
Brody Roberts
Name one who isn't.
The best delineator of incorruptibility seems to be prison sentences; those who avoid prison, or get out early, are definitely pawns. The big crime bosses that are never brought in serve as honeypots, and not just in the Harold Covington/Hal Turner models - the genius in this tactic is letting criminal masterminds keep masterminding crime, which keeps law enforcement in business with a steady flow of criminals to arrest, try, and easily convict. Those who get out early exist to act as moles to garner arrests without exposing agents to risk (they learned that lesson at Ruby Ridge), hence the CIATFBI's infiltration of nearly all cartels and mosques in the country.
Those who do their full time (Varg et al.) are almost certainly legitimate in their views and thus represent the real threats to our lybyryl democracy. I can only hope they're brought to justice sooner rather than later.
Lincoln Smith
always remember to filter anyone who posts a picture of rachel maddow, they have nothing of worth to contribute to any conversation.
Joshua Richardson
0/10, see me after class.
Chase Peterson
Drown yourself in semen.
Xavier Lopez
You have a good idea user but sadly nobody in 8ch staff cares. They are called codemonkeys for a reason. Besides the fact that sudo is a dead shitpost board your (genuinely good) idea will just get shilled to death by the likes of dysnomia and smiley (who are actual fucking kikes, see fear mongering Holla Forums net neutrality thread).
Benjamin Fisher
You have to go back. The rest of your post just reeks of alt-kike tone-policing horseshittery. We all know the reason you faggots are so desperate to subvert this board: you know what 8/pol/ is capable of, and want it to be your personal political wheelhouse. It shows in the fact that you absolute fucking water-headed nigger-loving faggot retards tried to take credit for IOTBW, and the fact that any time someone points out the alt-kike, and it's tone-policing for what it is, the first thing you do is cry "SHILL!!!!1!" to the point that you're even making a fucking thread now trying to fucking tone police this board for it. Also evident in the fact that you kike puppets just DO NOT STOP trying to consensus crack and pull this board more towards political correctness.
These are actual shilling problems lately.
Like you, normalfaggot? I'm not going to accuse you of being a shill, or a kike, or even a fucking retard. What I am going to accuse you of, is being so fucking new it hurts. WE DON'T WANT THEM HERE. THAT'S WHY THE INFO IS SPREAD ELSEWHERE OTHERWISE 8/pol/ TURNS INTO CUCKCHAN For fuck's sake the guy claimed to have a security clearance of which double-digit numbers of people have access to. Couple that with how absolutely improbable it would be even IF he had a slightly lower security clearance that any person in the U.S. deepstate would "advise the common public" and it's obviously a distraction tactic, as points out. I wouldn't be surprised if a good number of the "original" Qanon believers on here [spoiler]if not all of them currently[/spoilers] are just shills that use it as a way to derail threads, and to D&C.
Sure, doesn't change the fact that "MUH BASED NIGGERS" attitudes don't fucking belong here.
This bears repeating.
Pretty much how I felt about it, glad I wasn't the only one.
Excellent post.
Well, if you see anons who are arguing with an obvious shill and derailing a thread, remind them to filter and report. Filtering them denies them the ability to derail threads, if more here would do it.
Or apparently make a whole thread bitching about it.
Joshua Martinez
Fucking leave or lurk for two years.
That's mostly the alt-kike and new-kike pushing that, user.
Nah, if it were there'd be a whole lot more talk of how Israel deserves to exist and we shouldn't gas faggots, also how BASED some "blacks" are. Not kidding when I say the group that is most threatening in the case of subversion of this board is the alt-kike.
Some of us, sadly, can't.
One drop rule.
Holy fucking shit on a god damn stick do you not understand how quickly that would be subverted by sjws and goons?
As I said earlier, you are either an idiot or a shill. Fuck off.
Why the fuck am I going to give an alt-kiker advice? Fuck it. Look, women are good for a right-wing political movement only if you keep them from dragging your movement either further left, further libertarian, or just more P.C. in general. If you point this out to MGTOWs they should at least understand that, through their unending fucking bitterness. If they don't, just let them know that they're free to sperg out when one of these "pro-white" women is talking about miscegenation or other such shit in a positive light, and ask them to cool it otherwise. Basically, only give them shit when they're being subversive and don't let up until they stop being subversive and they'll be a great asset.
Gabriel Gonzalez
shilling idea #234097459834576 >create 8ch slide threads so as to kill discussions of (((things we dont like)))
Ethan Carter
clearly Alex Jones and Infowars are the tip of the spear and if he's vigorously supporting Trump for 4 hours or more per day that's a great sign. Don't disagree or you may be banned. The storm is acomin' here at one of the last bastions of free speech.
Lucas Rodriguez
Sorry,but you take any random white american whose ancestors go back even 4 generations and the chances are that they have at least 5% negroid dna
This is bad contamination
Jose Murphy
They're also trying to astroturf to make Holla Forums seem as if it's moderate It's a slow burn tactic.
And like you mentioned, they try to reduce the possibility of taking advantage of crimes, happenings or information for meme potential and propaganda production by reducing the significance of the victims.
Zachary Jenkins
This is false.
And I even like the "56 meme" simply for showcasing ugly and abominable half breed mongrel children.
Dominic Perez
Being pro-white, anti-racemixing, anti-nigger, kike and shitskin, pro-nationality and pro-sovereignty are the core tenets of Holla Forums regardless of your personally preferred political ideology.
Kevin Johnson
his name is Bill Hicks and clearly you have yet to learn about The Story Behind The Story simulcast friday nights by The Goldwater. Yes we are friends of Jim.
Levi Morris
I like this idea, it creates subliminal awareness of Jewish sexual crime and pedophilia in the minds of everyone that sees it. Good infographics as well. Do you have any tools/guides for instagram and Pinterest as well? That's another space that we should look into propagandizing.
Christopher Murphy
Mason Allen
bumping this. fuck that fake news.
Leo Taylor
I am not a kike.
Isaac Morris
This. I agree completely. I am a fan of TWP and think Heimbach is a solid dude, although I'm not a fan of his recent decision to do a podcast for (((TRS))) and leave Sven Longshanks hanging with "Daily Traditionalist". I don't know much about Tony Hovater, but I didn't have anything against him from the few times I've heard him. However, as you have so correctly stated it, NONE OF THAT MATTERS! We need to be vigilant against these tactics and stick to what works, and what is practical. To this end, I would suggest reading
Go Rin no Sho (Book of the Five Rings) by Miyamoto Musashi
Hudson Nelson
David Miller
Just to be clear TWP is kike controlled opposition.
Evan Martin
lollll I don't like the 'you're not white' posting but the girl is such a octoroon or part spic cute though
Christian Harris
It should be noted, the green arrows indicate what we should, generally, be doing, though with caution.