Mapping The Fiscal Burden Of Illegal Immigration On Each State
Mapping The Fiscal Burden Of Illegal Immigration On Each State
much more needs to be said on this.
Whatever you think of mainstream economics, it's being severely misused/misrepresented to keep people with moderate views in check.
It's true that having more cheap labor is good in itself, since it makes production cheaper. But the flipside is that since the labor is cheap, the people earn less money and so pay less taxes, while still requiring some government expenditure.
No one ever does the math on this. The same smug moderates who say that a rational immigration program would bring in the best and brightest from around the world, have nothing to say about the fact that by the same reasoning would go against immigration of cheap labor.
Speaking of math.
How much money is wire transfered or western unioned out of the state by illegals to their families over seas?
and even more math, this map goes as far to say "& their kids", but these illegal spics have been here so long their kids have kids now, 2, 3 maybe 4 generations. that cost needs to be figured.
these 2,3 and 4th generation illegals are not americans and they have to go back
How is Louisiana only 484 million when it boarders Texas and is close to Florida and thus cuban immigration?
Check Oklahoma; has a fee 1% if over $500, goes to Law Enforcement; $11,322,559.00, which means $1,132,255,900.00 Left OK roughly…
What this map is really trying to say is that Wyoming and West Virginia are going to be the last holdouts of whiteness once ZOG finishes flooding this country with beaners
What's to stop DHS from placing randomized wait periods (1 day to 2 years) on any remittances?
Oh, that's right, nothing because narco-terrorism.
What's to stop DHS from blocking remittances from non-approved transfer agents?
Of course, these transfer agents would be constructed like a slaughter house.
Beaner is forced to park in a parking garage designed to be isolated by floor
Beaner goes in to send money
Beaner is required to fill out paperwork in a private booth for the sake of his privacy
Mr. Bean gets forced into a controlled environment where he's packed into a shipping container with 20k tons of other beaners and shipped back to beanerland.
Beaner's parked compadres are sealed off from the outside world with massive concrete blast doors
All beaners in parking floor are ushered into other cargo containers to be shipped back
Parking floor is baited with sedative laced burritos to ensure hidden beaners are found
Cars are recycled to build wall
To pull a line from the shills: Shut It Down.
What do you call those northern states in blue? Would they be called mid-north? Upper north?
t. Holla Forums
Cubans can't be considered illegal trespassers due to the dry-foot asylum policy that just ended.
I agree, but only if 'beanerland' is 'bottom of the ocean'. Put them on a shipping container and scuttle it over the Marianas.
Thanks Ben.
all 36 million were probably spent removing the mutilated corpses
What is going on in Hawaii? How did and why are beaners going there when it's about 2,500 miles away from California?
This isnt just illegal beaners, user. Chinks, japs and gooks all come over illgeally. Nyc wohld be a hodge podge of illegals from all over the world.
Hawaii is the biggest "fuck white people" leftist hell hole in the country.
I've been seeing a lot about my favorite state lately and it's making me feel pretty cozy. Montana is practically utopia for white people, complete with rolling huwheat fields, awesome mountains, and beautiful forests and lakes. I can't suggest living here to any Holla Forumstards enough.
Too bad it's inevitably going to be destroyed by Yellowstone. Appalachia is the place to be long term. Montana is beautiful though and I'd love to visit.
It's truly a mystery…
Reminder that the numbers are probably higher since not all illegals are accounted for
I think Wyoming and West Virginia had the number one and number two highest number of Trump voters. Really low property tax and cheap acres in West Virginia…I love it here!
Trips confirm, Whites come home to the Eastern seaboard; manifest destiny was a mistake
So basically anywhere that has powerful industry and resources?
Like flies to shit.
Your dub-dubs doubly confirm.
Trump lurks Holla Forums we all know this, if we ask nicely he'll post something similar.
Those pieces of information make me feel icky bad thoughts so don't think about those things. Have you seen the latest stranger things season haha I'm so current and in the loop haha, I watch John Oliver the smartfunny British guy and he tells me everyone who tells me I'm naive and stupid is actually an evilbadstupid person who should just die already. When he makes me laugh that means his argument is correct.
This is the unironic mind of a normie.
This, its been proven that comedy lowers psychological defense mechanisms. This is "Jews are funny", they arent really funny, they just occupy alot of space in comedy roles because they know thats a quick and easy way to brainwash normies.
Its the same reason that memes and imageboards have done significantly more in the way of redpilling people than skinheads marching around yelling nigger ever did, or will.
Its also the only reason Norm MacDonald still has a job. He appears to mock Hitler, but if you listen to his words, he's subtlety red-pilling people about the truth.
feels good man
MT and WV seem lovely. We've only got one city that's forsaken (Lewiston) but if you stay north of Bangor you can't smell anything. Maine has one of the highest rates of private gun ownership, as well as one of the lowest crime rates (go figure). You could live quietly in the woods or build your own fortress and no one would know or care.
Nothing a war can't fix in a couple of weeks.
if you are born in the us you are a citizen its fucking dumb and no other nation does that
kike-free bump
Having lived there for only a year, it's my opinion that Louisianians are more distrustful of outsiders than other citizens. Outsiders includes other white Americans. New Orleans, while welcoming of tourism and temporary guests, has a similar insular quality.
This, and the fact that they'll likely wave it out of hand because not muh CNN. Not even NatSoc, but these faggots gotta go. All of em.
what about the people who have lost their jobs due to illegal immigration?
one of my best friend's father in new england owned a roofing company. he had a nice house, a pool, etc. right around bush 2 he couldn't get any work. illegals took everything because they did it all half-price or better.
as a result, this white, non-immigrant family of 5 sundered. the dad fell into drinking and left his mother, they went on welfare and food stamps, and they would have gone on housing assistance but were never awarded an opening.
he's a brilliant guy, but since he's been working his whole life since 15-16 just to put food in his mouth and avoid homelessness, his life has been wasted.
illegal immigration disrupted his life completely. he lost all structure and stability, and a once-happy boy who was among the highest-scoring students in his state now staves off depression on a daily basis and has been relegated to a life of manual labor. no college, no higher education. he tried, but he just couldn't afford it.
now he's just happy he has a job.
how much tax revenue was lost on this poor motherfucker's life being destroyed? how many dollars in social welfare programs spent on him? how many people like him have gone by, unheard of? who tallies up the economic impact of illegal immigration on his life? how does measure the total value of a wasted life?
the financial costs of this invasion pale in comparison to the price of racial degradation. the jew wants your racial spirit more than he wants your money
Birth citizenship is not granted by the constitution. It is basically unconstitutional. Constitutional lawyer; professor of Constitutional Law explain:
Are anchor babies US Citizens?
Birthright citizenship is not constitutional
Enforce the fucking LAW: the 'wall' is a jerk-offs wet dream; the VAST majority of illegals get on a plane and fly here.
The great migration back to the Fatherland!
what zerohedge is too lolbergtardian to tell you is that those taxes are paid by working class people, who also lose jobs and/or have depressed wages. the benefits are reaped by the wealthy who hire the wetbacks
(((SCOTUS))) did a lot of fucked up shit with the post-civil war amendments. everyone knows they were only supposed to apply to freed slaves, not everyone in history ever
We should probably hang them first.
that's kind of my secondary point, i guess i just didn't make it. the costs of illegal immigration are incalculable.
what's the quantitative value of alienation? what's the quantitative value of discouragement? how do you measure the impact of men retreating from society because they know they're not considered as highly as niggers, spicks, and women?
any white cuck who talks about "honorary aryans" when talking about gooks is a fucking worthless faggot who's never met any gooks
they're subhuman and are too socially retarded to care about race.
You forget Missoula, a liberal cesspool. And Helena in their infinite wisdom elected a Liberian refugee-turned-'citizen' as their mayor. But overall I agree - best state, though needs a bit more of a naughty reputation to keep away the degenerates.
Didn't mean to sage. Damn.
wyoming, here I come. seriously though, any anons have anything to say about wyoming? been considering living there for a while now.