Russia joins the ranks of white countries paying people to have kids
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Another country joins the demographic war.
Hopefully they won't rape eastern europe this time.
I hope this excludes foreigners
As if the world isn't overpopulated enough already.
Dem programs will probably lead to the birth of prime gopniks…
Programs like this never work. It will just lead to single mothers and broken families.
Eurasians aren't white. Fuck off, RIDF.
A substantial population of Russia is central asian/turkic shitskins, who will probably take advantage of this policy. Only if this is specifically for slavic couples will this help whites, but since basically the whole oligarchy is shitskin or race traitors, and all the crime lords are, and Putin has no interest in helping white Russians…. well, you fill in the blanks.
Bullshit, you hyperkike. Hungary has raised their birthrate enormously in the last 15 years through the use of such incentives, and are still on the incline. Go research before you shitpost.
hopefully they're all raped out
You're a bit slow, schlomo.
Meanwhile Canada cuts benefits from veterans, Finland cuts pensions and health care for elderly and the disabled.
While Syrian refugees even those without papers and deported mudshits get free healthcare.
Who is the bad guy again?
Fucking great
On the surface this sounds like really good news OP.
Only mud, shitskins and very low class whites will consider having kids for instant gibsmedats because they don't think in long term, the west has proven this for decades. If it comes to finances and kids, Whites will start doing it if you lower all kinds of taxes for each kid. Have 2 kids? Pay 50% less taxes. Have 4 kids? pay 75% less taxes and half of your house credit will be paid by the state.
You're posting on a National Socialist board
true, only the lower class follows their basic instinct to procreate even though they can't assure that their kid will have a decent shot at life
if people can't afford a house or have a small plot of farmland where they need workers, having kids just means feeding the jewish exploitation machinery while living a shit tier life in a commie housing block
sure, and I bet nigger overbreeding is somehow better?
Study some history, you fucking kike
The same way it did in Libya? Will US really bomb Russia because they are having babies?
That's like saying all burgers are niggers and kikes.
Last numbers I read about stated 2 million. Could be the illegals making up for it, or it could be horseshit.
you do realize "dem programs" are already causing this but white people are excluded?
Nonsense. They are spic mongrel mutts and will be displaced and turn into minority by hands of their new spic overbreeding masters.
So they are copying poland.
What i want to know is who will get this money.
Russia is full of muslims htat would love to shit out kids like no tomorrow, they already outbreed russians like 4 to 1 when it comes to kids.
Pretty sure i can do the same thing to your women by pretending im muslim by visciously pounding their birth canals until baby forms and get away with it with just a slap on the wrist because they think im kebab
>He's a (((capitalist)))
Russians been doing good things lately
From ~145 million there are 30 mil shitskins and asians in Russia.
I really hope this money goes to slavic families.
I imagine the middle class.
Aka the slavs.
Sup shill.
Nice D&C today eh?
nice nazbol agitprop (1)
Note: don't reply to these posters
Ok, but we have to know if this encouragement is going to actually white russians. The biggest problems is the kebabs in russia are growing quickly. too quickly.
They are torfags, lurk more.
Russia starts the journey towards national socialism. Well.
I agree, this is a better method, and the Reich way to do things.
kys, faggot. only overpopulation is from fast breeding niggers, beaners and mudslimes.
What was the third reich, my kosher friend?
How were you not banned?
Checking those dubs of dipshittery.
This program better be limited to actual Russians and never any Russian Nationals in every sense of that word.
How lovely. Why die alone when you can watch your kid grow up into a criminal, get raped, become a prostitute, commit suicide, become a junkie among many other enriching options.
Such a law would be discriminatory. You can bet that this money will be going to those already having lots of babies in Russia, and they're not white Russians.
All of you genuinely concerned goons a.k.a. concern trolling faggots read again:
Now, do you really believe that all kinds of muslims don't already have or plan to have >=3 children?
Great, now the muzzies will pop out 6 or 7 kids per hijabcunt, while white (Slavic) Russians will be at 3 or 4. Way to go, Putin.
Sounds like pretty good odds to me. Wouldn't be the first time Russians beat an enemy with overwhelming numbers.
"Hungary" is also one of the biggest remaining bastion of kikes left, "hyperkike".
stop replying to everyone with your shit "insights"
Not really. Definitiely not in a classroom environment. It doesn't matter if Putin gives everybody a mansion to live in. If niggers have to live in it too, the quality of life goes down so much it doesn't make sense to bring in more people to "live" in those conditions.
This definitely has potential (both Poland and Hungary have similar programmes). The devil is in the details, though. You really want to push white birth-rates and not subsidise shitskin breeders. I'd tie it to taxes and such to target productive citizens first. Maybe even an extra bonus for highly educated.
I'm sure they'll tweak the programme to avoid dysgenic effect.
white bump
All these programs will have a SINGLE outcome: an explosion in muslim minorities births and of other shitskins.
Whites do not give births anymore because they want to offer a better life to fewer kids, instead of popping up one every 2 years. The more retarded and poor a white family it is, the more kids will have.
Besides, most whites do not want to conquer the world anymore as all shitskins dream of.
As long as its limited to only blonde people i have no problem with it.
OP is a retarded kikeniggerfaggot
I remember from "The Putin Interviews" Vladdy saying that's how he's genetically replacing muslims to not catch heat. To quote Moon Man, "God Damn, I hate I$lam even though it's not a race." You have to do what you can to get around the UN's bullshit.
awesome graphic; so true
i replied. what now fgt
All hail the mods
Thank you mods.
And they gave you communism
Germany and American jews gave us communism, also the jews who started revolts there did in for the love of Poland and because their homeland (Polin = Poland = Paradise in Hebrew) got taken away, whatever happened to us was simply colletral damage after WW2 that was Germanys damage control of the situation. During communism they made us the shopping centre of the soviet union, took us to space, and planted our flag on the Reichstag. They did all they could to make us look honorable, we struggled together. If we weren't rivals I wouldn't be admiring them now, but because we were we can.
these types of programs generally promote r-selection if you arent careful. should give larger bonuses to people who have children with blue/green eyes and red/blonde hair.
Are you Ukrainian and upset? Be honest brachu.
No, Scottish and curious. I don't like the communist era Russia so I have a bias to not like anything they did during that time. It was a lazy reply, sorry, I've had some drinks and didn't want to counter your points; not to mention you know more about your own country than I do
what you really need is a way to specifically target intelligent women. intelligent women are the bottleneck as they are the types of women who have the fewest children even though their children are the (only) ones we need. we don't need children of two dumb parents, hell, we don't even need children of smart men and dumb women. from what I remember intelligence is mostly heritable from your mother and besides, smart women almost always choose smart men any way.
disincentivize young, intelligent women from working. pump out endless memes in women's internet spaces warning about having children too late. tales of dried up women regretting the career meme. stats on autism, downs etc. fill female internet spaces with memes about being young mothers who have everything they could wish for, a smart (= implicitely white) husband, 2-3 cute children (= second implicitely white cue), interesting hobbies, and above all OTHER PEOPLE'S ATTENTION AND RESPECT as that's what young women are really after. attention is easy as mothers with babies / small children automatically do get loads of (positive) attention. respect is the difficult part. we have to counter the labor market memes glorifying careers. women really are dumb enough to fall for that shit and think a career will somehow be "fulfilling" to them and they'll get tons of respect etc. by the time they get there (3-5 years of uni and several years of work) the investment fallacy sets in. all of this can't have been for nothing, my job has to make me happy somehow, I was supposed to be happy at this point. and they become even more obsessed with work and with gaining respect for their work. they hit 30 while they're still on this trip. all their youth wasted already and they still barely get it. this is a big reason why intelligent women have few children. the cock carousel and hypergamy are huge problems as well but they're usually overstated in comparison to the career meme. there are plenty of beautiful, smart women in steady relationships over many years who only don't have kids because they're sucked into the career meme and their biological clock only pulls them out of it very late or even too late.
I've had a couple drinks too, Friday after all friend. What are you plans, having fun? Cheers to Britain too, I dream of non kiked and allied Brits, Poles, and Russians specifically. We are different but our people and mentality are the same. The British Invasion also helped dismantle communism when we smuggled your illegal pop music and saw the west for what it was, and the communist propaganda stopped working.
Also, to reply seriously, we weren't occupied on an autistic technicality; when our government issued a deceleration of surrender while exiled in Britain our people thought that they were traitors, refused to recognize it and continued to fight. The same government later declared war on Japan but Japan DECLINED the deceleration (first time ever in history) citing that the Polish people are still fighting for their independence, further solidifying the fact that the Polish government in exile no longer had any international legitimacy, so Poland was an anarhich state again, without a leader. Stalin came along, the only one left alive was a Polish leftist who he didn't even want to elect at first, but everyone elese was killed by the Nazis.
makes sense, since it's pretty much the opposite of what we do now, which is take the smartest females and push them the hardest through *education* and towards a big *career*.
the basic dichotomy seems to be this:
Why though? Seriously.
Tax subsidies are a better idea than direct payments. Direct payments encourage druggies and welfare recipients to have kids, what we really want is for relatively intelligent middle class people to have kids. Tax subsidies work because the poor don't pay tax so can't benefit from any subsidies.
It's probably wrong, but I can't help but laugh at this female acquaintance who has graduated uni and is now working full time. She looks terrible, has developed wrinkles under her eyes, has had her nose pierced and constantly wears heavy foundation, which I presume covers up some recent skin blemishes.
She did well in school, and is clearly somewhat intelligent, she's fairly attractive and had a decent quality boyfriend that was in the Army and is almost finished with school.
She thinks she's improving her value with her career, but she still hasn't worked out that men don't care about careers, only appearance and feminine qualities. Every month she's getting more and more unattractive, I fully expect her to find some pudgy beta to settle down with in the next few years as she realises she's getting closer to the wall.
Because we humiliated Germany and started it's demise.
And why is this a good thing?
Because Germany humiliated us by annexing our country.
You mean German land filled with German people that was given to Poland as a way to humiliate and weaken Germany after WW1?
Are you even aware of pic related? Poland turned this down because of the guarantee from France and the UK. The very same guarantee they completely ignored when the invasion actually happened. I would also highly suggest you look up Hitlers speech on the invasion of Poland for the first time in your life so you can hear from his own mouth how the Germans in Poland were being slaughtered and that was his reason for the invasion. Poland could have joined the Axis and fought commies and jews along side Germany but they got duped instead.
How come when the USSR annexes you it's totally ok because they took a token pole on a space ship ride while the majority of your people were suffering under communism? It's one thing if you hate Germany for the invasion, but you turn around and celebrate the Soviets who actually committed war crimes against your nation. I bet you believe in the holohoax
Not siding with the losers of WWI turned out to be the right move despite betrayal from nigger-obsessed France and Judeo-England. Siding with Russia now will most likely be the smart move 100 years from now after the U.S. is given to Mexico in its entirely as per Palestine's request in the treaty after WWIII.
The U.S. is a failed state with nuclear weapons like Putin said. It worships niggers more than France and jews more than England.
Look at this. The U.N. is disgusted by Trump's peace-destroying decision and at a rally he just had he told them to pay their protection money. China knows America is hopeless. Russia knows it. Iran knows it. North Korea knows it. It's not difficult to figure out who the winning team is this time.
Whoops. Here's the image.
I don't know what exactly you think you are arguing against but I suggest you go re-read the conversation you are attempting to reply to.
I was replying to the statement about Poland missing some opportunity to go down with Germany.
The part I greentexted. Here it is again:
Missed, I was talking about WW2, then you start going off about China, Iran and North Korea. Thanks for confirming your poor reading comprehension further.
Maybe you should stop.
I did until you sperged all over the thread and I had to know why. Thanks for the chuckle though.
We won a battle for Poznan and then you sued for peace, and even offered recognition if we war with Russia instead. You weren't forced into these terms, you were ecstatic, not knowing whar sort of beast you krautlings awoken.
This is Duginist subversive shilling. Russia only has a good birth rate from all the non White mooselimbs (fuck you cuck chan tier word filter)
The "peace proposal" is awfully similar to Woodrow's "fourteen point peace proposal" that the nazis say ruined their country, don't you think? Also
wew lads jews jewing jews, but we wuz aryans n shieet.
Great post.
They've been doing the exact opposite in the west lately by showing all young mothers as failures with shows like "16 and Pregnant" on MTV the channel for teenage girls. A lot of young women have turned their natural maternal instincts into pets or into SJWism ideology (Oh those poor refugees/faggots/niggers/etc, they need someone to help them). They are lied to that getting a good career will make them appear more attractive (Deep down that's still what most women care about even if they are in denial about it).
I would say higher education is a waste on women, because most of what they learn now is. But there would be a lot of value if in school they learned actual feminine things like how to cook, how to sew clothing, how to clean the house, how to be supportive of their husband, and how to care for children. Any value that an intelligent woman could have by having a career is exponentially less valuable than the value she could produce by marrying an intelligent man and having a lot of children.
Source in webm or shut up.
Good post. What you need for this to be successful is empower young men to be economically viable fathers young. Young women want young men. But they want stable men. They are shamed and afraid to marry young men who are not economically stable. Improve prospects for young men and suddenly marriage becomes more viable.
Sperdale you commie lover, get back to your board
They are whiter than you.
imagine being this retarded
fuck off
you deserved it for being kike-enablers