NYT: "What to wear to smash the state"



Arrest the entire nyt for sedition

is the article trying to expose antifa or provide cover for them?

They're providing cover. I couldn't include the full text because it's too long, but if you read the whole thing and look at all the pictures, it can't be more obvious they're trying to glorify them and make them seem cool. It's classic memetics.

oh wonderful, well then it shouldn't matter, because the left can't meme

Lefties never were and will never ever be cool
They are communistic jüden filth , their memes are weak and our God won 6gorrilion/6gorrilion


Fuckin gas em my man
Seriously they need to go. We've been over this , dozens of times hundreds perhaps , possibly you and I before. I couldn't agree more
For old times sake

Why does Einstein take a group of kids to see the devil? oh right, he's jewish, shit.

To really understand how these creatures work, you have to look at the text with an eye to psychological warfare tactics, rather than just the plain meaning of the words themselves. For instance
From the first words, the article itself is a direct statement from gommies. A clear signal he's talking about "us anti-fascists".
Any time you see "many think" in an article, it means "I think"
right off the bat, the entire article is framed as portraying violent commies as a group of organized vigilanties going out to beat up all the nazis threatening everybody everywhere. I'm surprised it doesn't make references to batman for the soyboys.

Again, the sentence itself is clearly designed for the reader to make implicit associations between the right wing, Trump, and nazis. They're trying to seed the foundations of the ideas that Trump is a nazi because both trump and nazis are right wing. This is subconsious programming, just like the repeated combination of the words "Trump" "Russia" and "scandal". You don't need an actual russian scandal to seed this idea, you just need to say the words together over and over until it becomes a meme.
you get the picture. It's word association memetics all the way through, mixed with an edgy, modern photographic esthetic .

That's mark twain you troglodyte

I knew that.

"Hanged by the neck until dead" sounds like the appropriate sentence for this kind of treason.

I agree, all the fellow white men (((merchants))) need to go fall off the cliffs.

They're openly advocating some Alinskyite-tier Weather Underground shit. Frank Marshall Davis would cram his Commie-Niggger dick into Bill Ayers' ass in excitement if he was alive.

Only Ayers is alive now, but fortunately the product of Marhshall's chimp-fuck, Bathhouse Barry, is around to receive the jizz from his former mentor, Uncle Bill.

King Nigger is funding the resistance, and has utilized a lot of his former administration gibs to work on his behest; Eric Holder, that fucking simian cocksucker, was even attached to the CalExit movement.

I digress; they're all terrorists. They behave more 'fascist' than anyone, intimidating people with different beliefs. It's already been a year and these retards are too busy humping door-knobs to see that their identity politics backfired. They lost because they called us MUHH NAZIS for simply disagreeing with them, used Rules for Radicals methods of isolation and political badgering, poking us, until many of us who were already fairly conservative, libertarian, or whatever, and pushing is further to the right, or just red-pilling us even more in general once we became more aware of the narrative being spun by the media.

Those shady shankster-bankster bastards that control the (((media))) have melted the brains of everyone in my, and presumably your generation.. As a result, the best thing to do is let the enemy make a mistake first.. We should never correct our enemy when making a mistake. Let them isolate us more, and more, until even the normies see how outrageous and violent they are.

I daresay, maybe a non-violent movement would work? Obviously I want to Gas the Kikes and enjoy DOTR, but in pragmatic terms, we have to out Jew the Jew. We have to have plausible deniability so the media can't be used against us (as much as it already is).

We should encourage them to adopt a uniform and universal membership markings. It will make them easier to identify when necessary.

That's not a bad idea, user.

IF you can identify, you can disrupt organization.

facial tattoos.

Why are leftists so superficial?

Do you really not know?

I wouldn't be asking if I did.

Wew, they should learn their place.

Vice does that an awful lot.

I miss when people thought mainstream bullshit was lame. What a fucked up society we grew into

Check this shit out

Leftism did not exist until recently. Before the urbanization and mass production no one thought that way. It's origins are in a merchant mindset whereby everything is interchangeable. Everything is a commodity. Even people. The rural people knew basic realities of nature. The rabbit eats grass, the wolf eats the rabbit. This wasn't a moral issue, it just was. Your neighbors were your friends and they were the only people you knew. You knew maybe 100 people, but you really knew all of them. Your steak wasn't just something you bought at the market, you watched the cow be born, you fed it, you probably named it, and now you're eating it.

Leftism came from people who never experienced these things. One steak is no different from any other. It was just a blob of meat wrapped in plastic with a price tag. Your neighbors changed on a daily basis. You "knew" thousands of people, but possibly not the person who lives next door, and you probably can't remember half their names. Even today leftists are mostly city people. Because it's a different way of thinking.

The leftists, seeing everything as interchangeable, tried to enforce this through policy. The right is just people who said "That's stupid, inequalities and hierarchies exist and in fact they must exist or else everything falls apart." The left's response was "inequality is immoral."

From this separation everything else flows. To a leftist a wolf eating a rabbit is immoral. A woman watching the children while the man goes out work is immoral. The farmer laughed and said such a concept was insane these things just are the way they are, and thus was labeled a Nazi, a bigot, a racist, because he was immoral.

But the leftist can't escape the human desire to be unique. When everything is of equal value what is valuable? Novelty. Diversity is just novelty. Male/Female? Passe. You need to be a genderfluid demikin. The leftist doesn't an invading army as an enemy, they see it as interesting new people with a novel culture. The right sees an invading army as people who need to be repelled so they don't destroy their monuments and culture and rape their women.

Of course the right is correct in saying that leftism just doesn't work. USSR was a living hell. Not one single leftist policy has been an outstanding success. Affirmative action? Failure. Pouring money into inner city schools? After 25 years of this policy in LA none of the schools have significantly improved. It all goes back to the original proposition of the "right" … inequalities and hierarchies are natural, and necessary. Leftists must go out of their way to pretend this isn't true and it backfires every time.

Most "right wing" people just want the leftists to fuck off and stop ruining everything they touch.

The connection between this merchant mindset and certain (((merchants))) should not require explanation.

Sry, I guess I didn't explicitly answer your question, but I hope you've figured it out by now.

The merchant mindset of liberals makes everything superficial. You don't grow attached to inventory. You don't grow attached to the neighbor that moved in yesterday and will move away next week.

Their life is lived in a totally superficial state. Like the conversation you might have with the guy at the gas station. It seems like a real conversation, but all you did was say "Some weather huh?" They become incapably of having deep relationships. At any time their gf might dump them for an upgrade. Often their parents were absent, dumping them off to nannies or daycare.

Of course they don't care if white people are wiped out. Of course they don't care if all the jobs leave Smallville USA. The number of likes they got on twitter is more important.

This is also why they are so bitter, hateful and can't understand things like love and loyalty.

No souls

Wtf is that bullshit user? Those faggots look like degenerate commie scum. Don't film federal detention centers. Its a special law. Whiny fags

How about a yellow star?

waste all leftists

Is this a pasta? It feels like I've read this before.
Leftists claim that the right is ignorant of human equality and "natural born rights", but how can that be when these things simply don't exist naturally? These things only "exist" in so much as the lengths a government goes to enforce/protect them. Which, ironically, is a contradiction because the collection of people who make up a government are unequal to the people they serve. How can it be that the people who hold the ability to give or take away rights be equal to those that can't? As far as I'm aware, the only "natural born right" a person has is their autonomy, but that can be threatened by other people because they are innately unequal. Maybe I should read up on more of this kind of stuff, more than just Hobbes, Locke, and Rousseau. Didn't really mean to go on a tangent this long, but my main point lines up with yours: leftists have never experienced or don't want to experience the natural order; i.e. reality. They will do all they can to deny reality as obsolete and outdated, usually following that up with how modern political systems and technology somehow replace natural laws.

This too, it's why leftists just want to rent everything as hippie communes and not be property owners. It's also why leftists don't give a shit about digital privacy. If they don't care about their own superficial physical goods, then why would they care about their data or their own privacy. Christ I get triggered at what the internet has become, and all the hapless people mindlessly glued to their smartphones without even a care in the world.

sure would have been unfortunate if somebody opened up on them with an RPK from a couple hundred yards then sped away in a stolen vehicle found burned out in the middle of nowhere

Gold star tattoos to symbolize their solidarity and fight agaisnt the Nazis


yeah but nobody will do it


Who would do such a thing?

for the preservation of everything beautiful in the world you must darken your soul

What? no full name, profession, and family bio like that aut-right fellow? you know, the recently fired one
Don't talk to the fucking (((media)))

Probably unironically coincidences but can't help notice the seeming odd pattern.


