White People: ‘Your DNA Is an Abomination’


“You were not born white. You became white… You don’t give a damn,” Texas Tech student Rudy Martinez wrote in the University Star student newspaper.


Texas state is already hiding behind the "it was intended to start a dialog excuse". Thats pure bullshit. Rudy Martinez meant every fucking word of it.

Other urls found in this thread:


So go kill Rudy Martinez.


Since most mexicans have white blood in them, shouldn't they kill themselves first?

Does Mr. Martinez have a face?

White plus brown doesn't make white.

Jealousy is all the lesser races can accomplish. I ain't even mad about it.

only tards are named Rudy.

Imagine being this mad about evolution.

I cant

Martinez set the criteria. He said white blood is an abomination. Mexicans have white blood in them.

The half-breed rootless cultureless mongrel screams out in rage knowing its the biblical man-beast that isn't even human.


Here's the little Mestizo supremacist.

Sounds like a fag. Fags opinions do not matter #spiclivesdontmatter #youhavetogoback

That's a jew


Retards will call you FBI for this, but it's getting to the point where the only way these fucking vocal anti-white pieces of shit are going to learn is if white people start killing them as an example. Hopefully some brave Texan patriot feels compelled to do so. The period of time where it's acceptable to be openly anti-white with zero repercussions has gone on long enough. The state won't do anything about it, because the state is anti-white itself, so it is up to white people themselves to make it clear that it's going to be tolerated any more.


It has nothing to do with learning. They have to be exterminated. The conservation is over.

Their frustration is showing. They believe whole heatedly that people are what they are socialized to be and that you cannot be partly or mostly what your DNA is encoded to be. So they expected to take over education and have a populace completely compliant to their machinations.

Wew. Whenever you feel down, look in the mirror at your rare, precious European phenotype and remember that shitskins would do anything to be you.

Especially shitskin women. They cringe every time they look in the mirror and see their ugly, primitive features and dark skin. They cringe every time they see a beautiful white women that every man around is drooling over, while ignoring them. And especially black women, the ugliest of all (except aboriginals that are too busy drinking gas to give a fuck)- their version of "muh dik" is literally "muh butt" kek

I bet a white woman refused to go out with him and the article is a product of the epic butthurt that followed.

I hope they keep that rhetoric up. That's the kind of shit that wakes people up. That's the kind of shit that makes people realize they are under attack.

That's the kind of talk that makes you grit your teeth with a mix of righteous anger and determination and think "Well maybe if those fucking subhuman mongrels weren't too weak to offer any resistance to the simple trauma of meeting someone else they'd have survived."

looks like a jewish dyke from the thumbnail


kek probably.

didn't we have this thread?

Rather prominent schnoz and suspicious lips. Sephardi? Or is it just a Native American-type big nose? I'm leaning kike tbh

american indian noses are a lot "sharper" than that yidling's

Doubt it. Look at him. He's clearly a homo.

We haven't been memeing responsibly.

Let them overstep the boundaries, it serves our purpose. We just need to make sure traitors go down with the 3rd world trash


if everything was good in the world he wouldn't

Joseph smith was a pedophile polygamist convicted con man , fraud , and seditionist. Not the epitome of white tbh, but white nonetheless

Do you think anyone has bothered to look up who that is a drawrin of?

Is this the salt thread?

I bet a white man refused to go out with him and the article is a product of the epic butthurt that followed.

He's butthurt about not getting the butt hurt from Chad.

Marrying adolescent girls isn't pedophilia. Don't regurgitate judaic-feminist claptrap as though it were fact.

oh wow I never saw that one coming. nope. no clue that it would turn out this way at all.

Found the evangelical

Why would this be a salt thread? Nothing has been done in response to mine any salt.



epistemologically speaking, non-whites do nothing but aspire to act as white people do and fail miserably in one way or the other

And then they == reeeee == about it forever.

Asking about gibs..

Even when it comes to brainwashed whites serving jewish interests, they're the only group of shabbos goyim that can do it correctly.

Non-whites are literally failed human copies.

Well the spic got that right. I hope what Jordan Peterson called an unfortunate series of societal events that lead to an authoritarian xenophobic nation happen again, soon.

Yep, that's a fag.

Kike spic hybrids. To stupid to be a real kike, too pale to be a true spic.

I have never been more convinced that Taylor Swift is a tranny than I am right now.

Where are you people coming from?


Imagine being so powerful that in your presence, all other cultures cease to exist in the light of your gloriousness.

He wants to end us, but admits that we will destroy everyone else instead.

He looks like a total chad!

ha, gay

never bothered looking him up but i had this feeling he would be some fruit cake mexican but a jew also?!

every fucking time!

they just want to be accepted by white people….its such a sad situation. poor little incan conquistador rape goblins. yet they oppress those with the most native blood in their own countries. ironic, paco.

the irony in one of those memes is the root is jewish owned. they got black people fooled.

You sure he's a Jew? A photo ain't proof.

You think I can make money by pandering to the we wuz kangz crowd with a website ?

Ayy lmao

The jews love their little slaves.

Clearly the answer is to never do anything, right Chaim? The last thing you want is white people getting violent and killing their enemies.

There's a time and place for everything, Mr. Mossad.

This. Whenever I see this level of anti-white rhetoric, I thank them for being too stupid to hide their intentions and make sure to spread it to as wide an audience as possible. They are doing our work for us with shit like this.

im a blowhard:the post

I feel like it could've ended after the first sentence.

That poor dog wants to be somewhere else. He's probably looking at a nice white couple that he knows wouldn't rape him.

Getting real fucking tired of this same old excuse to do nothing.

You miss the point. That's a normalfag and he's willing to sperg out to that degree when the thought of gun grabbing is introduced. The public will to revolt and destroy the kikes is there, it just needs to be given a signal to go.

Holla Forums is a board of peace. There will be no violence until civil war is inevitable.

try again schlomo

The actual response is: if you're going to do something, you've done it of your own accord, of your own will. Holla Forums is a board of peace which did not influence you, nor coerce nor entice you to do whatever you do.


Rudy Martinez has defended his opinion piece and says its not racist.

He should out himself first.

If he has no power then how did his opinion piece get published?

oh this guy is definitely a kike

if you are going to do something, do it and don't talk about it. leave nothing to incriminate yourself or anyone you talked to

You're just asking for that final bullet between your eyes, aren'tcha?

I'm not going to do anything because I'm confined to a motorized wheelchair. I wish I was still physically able to do what needs to be done to free our country from ZOG but instead I'm going to have to rely on others.

I'm sure he just intended to start a dialog user.

The amount of mental gymnastics these people do sometimes makes me wonder if they even know what they are talking about.

>face and schnoz of der Jüden

Really activates the almonds.
I would beg to differ on the statement that Asian IQ is usually 105 or greater I can make the exception for nips, I can't dispute that but seriously these people should really think about what they publish. You never know of the firestorm you'll stir up.

Perfect cover. Pack that fucker full of explosives. You can roll right into an ANTIFA rally. You'll fit in with the physically handicapped that are so common there.

What is this "those who call themselves 'white'" bullshit? The fucking headline of the article admits 'white' isn't a social construct. You can't have it both ways.

Where are the dox, nigger?


Kek works best when no one knows what the fuck is going on anymore.

Have mental issues?

Bury or give away all guns except one, acid wash your hard drive, don’t leave copies of Mein Kampf laying around. Easy as pie. Also, dont be an unoriginal faggot and write a “manifesto”

Blowing myself up in order to kill a few dozen junkies that were paid to agitate isn't exactly my idea of making a dent in ZOG user. Plus I'm still holding out for Cold Fusion Powered Nazi Exoskeletons one day. I dream of walking once more while killing commies with a man portable kinetic energy weapon.

if this world is just and there is an afterlife, your actions will need no justification there as long as you dont go full storm roof and shoot up a church instead of a federal reserve oy vey nsa suck my ass

its like the kikes are immune to cognitive dissonance

The Texas Tech University newspaper is the Daily Toreador, not the University Star. Please don't confuse Texas Tech with Texas State.

Reported, stop trying to get my board taken down.

i said shoot up a federal reserve not blow up a federal building

by the way any leftist or alphabet can false flag these posts and screencap them anyway


Does anyone have a more clear version of this image?

Don't image-save like a nigger next time.

dont blow yourself up like a subhuman. hit high level jews and traitors if you want to.

or lack thereof

I'm convinced this is nothing but ragebait.

As bad as (((White Nationalists))) who want to kill Whites.


lol this and all other spics are at least 50% white to begin with which makes them have the most abominable DNA of all after whites. Does this subhuman even think?

are you fucking delusional mate? maybe the castizos are 50 MAYBE


well that's how kikes get famous.

manufacturered drama with a jewish media to make it stick.

Is it correct for an entire race to be judged by the actions of a few? No. Then who is at fault, various groups of people, some nazis, defending a historical monument, or the media who labels, shames, and seeks to silence an entire race? White Nationalists aren't fucking anyone over, just because the media spins a narrative out of it.

You mod isn't White and neither are you.

Show me some skin.

Why do you get so mad when asked to prove your whiteness?

What a creeper.

Take a picture of your hand and post it if your are white. The burden of proof is upon you since you are trying to lure us to your "meet up".

Better yet, show me your face. How else will I know it is you when we meet?

Take it to the Homo board faggot.

You have never once proven this. You are not white.

How about the Holla Forums owner and mods go first?

You are the one asking to "meet up" whatever that means. The only homo here is you.

You want to meet up, show us your face. How else can we tell who we're supposed to meet?

There he is. There he goes again

Look everyone he posted it once again! Isn't he just the funniest guy around?? Oh my god.

I can almost see your pathetic overweight frame glowing in the dark lit by your computer screen which is the only source of light in your room giggling like a little girl as you once again type your little "anti WN" thread up and fill in the captcha. Or maybe you don’t even fill in the captcha, maybe you’re such a disgusting NEET that you actually paid for a Holla Forums pass so you just choose the picture. Oh we all know the picture, the uhh epic Nazi van isn’t it? I imagine you, little shit, laughing so hard as you click it that you drop your Doritos onto the floor. But its ok, your mother will clean it up in the morning. Oh that’s right, did I fail to mention? You live with your mother! You’re a fat fucking fuck up and she’s probably so sick of you already. So sick of having to do everything for you all god damn day, every day, for a grown man who spends all his time on Holla Forums posting about a dumb anti-white meme. Just imagine this, she had you and then she thought you were going to be a scientist or an astronaut or something grand and then you became a NEET. A pathetic anti-white fag NEET. She probably cries herself to sleep everyday thinking about how bad it is and how she wishes she could just disappear. She can’t even talk try to you because all you say is "WHITE NATIONALISM IS THE CAUSE OF WHITE GENOCIDE".

You became a parody of your own self. And that’s all you are. A sad little man laughing in the dark by himself as he prepares to indulge in the same old dance that he’s done a million times now.

And that's all you'll ever be.


Come on dude, I'm not a bad guy. Just show me what you look like so I can tell who I'm supposed to meet.


Thanks, you basically just reported yourself because now the mods will come in here and see your shilling.

I'm not an idiot. I'm not going to go meet someone if I don't even know who they are. At least tell me your real name.






Laugh at this little fucker.

Don't you have any witty comebacks or one liners? is "reported" all you can say? Sad!


>Comprehending that actions have consequences
I understand what you're saying, but if shitskins could think more than one day in advance then they wouldn't be shitskins.
As for whether they, the LGBTWTFBBQWERTY legion, and the general libtard populous even knows what the hell they're rambling about, the answer is a fat no. When the only "tool" one has is muh skeen, then every problem is opresshun even when acting in such a way destroys your own argument and highlights how flawed the logic is in the first place.

Here you go, goys.

Number to his employer

(512) 558-2233

CIA Niggers on duty.

Have fun, Holla Forums

What a douche.

Here is his employers number. He is a cashier at a coffee house

Let them know how happy you that they employ some openly calling for the death of white people.

Call and ask if it's in a White Neighborhood.

The nose. JUDEN!

lmfao at that beaner in bottom of the 2nd pic salty that the ubermensch wouldnt let him and his nigger pets in their party. egging fucking houses in college lmao absolutely subhuman.

My bad didn’t see you were already on it.

Being ill-informed helps no one faggot.
>>>Holla Forums7585806
>>>Holla Forums7585807


Are you actually retarded? Why are you so obsessed with meeting us? Can you answer a simple question or are you too immature?

np fam.


Texas goys have known about this one for a while.

Poor dog looks like it wants to be free from that kike.


Yeah. The place he works at is Tantra coffeehouse. Which is ironically one of the whitest and most hipster places in San Marcos.

He is a 7 year undergrad too lol

is it made of real feces and flies?

born there, but live a state or two north… so not current on local level.

it does look like the 'male' doppleganger to that cringe sjw kiddie brainwashing show 'queer kids stuff' host.

Hand flyers around the coffee house with his DNA comments.

I wonder if this is the same coffeehouse that "white meet-up" kike keeps trying to lure us to.

No one wants to meet you antifa. Stop shitting up the thread.

He's the one trying to lure us into a meeting. I am just trying to get him to post his kike face.

Is he sucking dick for tuition or is daddy a rich kike or what?

This bitch is the editor of the opinion section at the University Star.

It probably sucks dick for bus fare and walks home.


Yet they depend on White customers to survive. Never a Starbucks in a Black or Hispanic neighborhood.

Let's get this faggot subhuman D E P O R T E D, brothers. Hail victory.

whatever you say paco im not going to trust mexican studies and its not even possible that the spanish fucked so many natives that they are 70% white my fuccking ass. fucking spaniards on their own are only like 85% so who knows what those spics are classifying as white in their study

I want to see if the fire him. If not definitely gonna make sure their business suffers.

It's no coincidence that this kike shows up right as we dox this spic. He probably got the call that one of the tribe was in danger and was sent here to derail. Keep up the good work, guys.

why can't newfags figure this out?

And the faggot who keep on asking for photos?


Texas State University is pure cancer, especially the university star. They raged so hard at the IOTBW flyers. The university president sent out an email after those flyers calling them racist.

Those dubs are so natural and organic!

Complain to the manager he's a racist and you feel uncomfortable being there. Use their own weapons against them.

Hail victory. Patriot Front all day, niggers.

Stay mad buddy. Slander, DnC, and name calling is the Kike's calling card.
What did you forget your gay little picture here and have to try again?

Spics are living proof race mixing is the worst thing you can do especially if its whites and mongoloid creatures.

I knew he would never deliver them, I was just exposing his hypocrisy to make him look even worse than he already does.

Holy shit. Why did the thread get shoahed?

Because an anti white kike showed up and tried to lure us into a trap like he has been doing for months now.

(((White Nationalists))) want to kill White people.


If you didn't ban I wouldn't have to keep posting it over and over.

white texan here…

i dont live too far from san marcos

i was trying to find him online but i couldnt

may pay him a visit


Should have figured.

Thanks you the link.

They really should stop outsourcing their shills.

Send bobs


Why do you want to kill White people?

You really need to learn that not everyone here shares the exact same opinion on everything.
There are no "shills" on Holla Forums.

Your 14 year old son make that?

Still better than 100% of those shitty nazi van pictures you keep spamming.

Bump and reported for being a shill claiming that shills don’t exist.


You're not white

(you) nigger

Thank you, come again.

/r/ b& for this faggot

Being against killing White people is "threadshitting".

I'll just post it again if it's removed and more will see it.

The slowly piling evidence is starting to show that, no, whites are not just albino niggers who moved north from Africa. In fact, the way that whites went from zero to greatest civilizations on Earth while all the shitskin races were still still stuck in the tribal tutorial phase shows that in the relative scheme of species on Earth, shitskins are inferior in every way and their cultures would have died out regardless of what we did. Just like every other shitty culture that preceded them, they'd stagnate, or be killed off by some other desperate tribe that was collapsing under the weight of their own retardation.

The reason other cultures perish when met with white culture is because inferior, obsolete shit doesn't hang around long when something better comes around and makes their entire history look like a bad joke.

More will see it and more will laugh at your faggotry. You are convincing no one.

No, more will realize that (((you))) are promoting White Genocide by threatening to kill Whites who want to meet IRL.

I've told you personally about six times now, you are not white. Can you prove you are white? No? then fuck off.

shill saying there's no shills. typical glow in the dark faggotry

Thanks, white people! You're alright.



you're welcome and you nips are ok in my book

Bump and reported for admitting it.

Post hand pic.
And add some lines to the script. You're getting boring.

The kikes are afraid.

Forgot to remove sage.

why are all the marxists that whine about the rich vs working class always asking for gibs and don't have actual jobs or if they do a useful job?

protesting or sociology is not a useful job.

especially sociology. sociologists have actually debunked their own professions in public experiments.


What the actual fuck is wrong with these people?

So this is another one who thinks he isn't powerful enough to be racist. That's kinda sad. We should show him how it's done, lads.

What's with these disempowered majority sorts, anyways? Do they really feel that helpless in the face of (((white))) competition?

So soros is the one paying you?

Rudy Schnozzenstein



pretty sure she's tone that started the crowd funding for him.


by astonishing cohencidence she just happened to discover a vandalized Confederate marker.

I'm sure she doesn't know who was behind it. she just happened to be there. scored a photo for the school news rag and some cred with her communist peers.

lazy antifa

Do it, brother.

Take in the doggo though, he seems like a good boy.

sledgehammer his door in and toss in a frog or a molotov

01010000 01010101 01010010 01000111 01000101 00100000 01010100 01001000 01000101 00100000 01010101 01001110 01000011 01001100 01000101 01000001 01001110 00001010

01000010 01010101 01010010 01001110 00100000 01001001 01010100 00100000 01000001 01001100 01001100



01000110 01010101 01000111 00100000 00111010 01000100 01000100 01000100 01000100 01000100 00001010 00001010

Oy vey! When you come for my shekels, you will need to bring yours. If you are successful prying my shekels from my chafed, wringing hands, take care. The ovens will be hot… I will kvetch at you to my last shekel. I will kvetch at you until my nose is worn to the hilt. I will kvetch at you until my knuckles are shattered, my kippah torn free, and my wallet is broken at the seams.
When you have tended your credit score and mourned your debt, good luck mustering courage to say the holocaust never happened at my neighbors home, my daughters home, my sons home, the lady at the gas station register, the fellow behind you in the synagogue pew, …
We will not be intimidated and we will not be shoah'd by goyim like you. If you are successful even once, we will remind everyone of the six-hundred billion that lost their lives in the Holocaust. We will ransack your countries, slaughter your livelihood, and forclose your homes. You will be run into povery, sold out, and serve under us as the goyim you are. … I welcome you to try it. Say when.

I tried.


There's his profile. He reposted his article and his friends are getting mad that people keep posting his phone number and address.





Some kikes are trying slide this shit.

kek, it's like someone giving praise to Conan and how glorious he is.

I should give the university a visit to find this cunt, then I'll engage in a conversation where he's likely to get heated. If he gets too hotheaded, that's a self defense situation.

> and you feel uncomfortable unsafe being there


but seriously we should be going after ther school for enrolling a hate-criminal more than in addition to a coffee shop.





So our DNA is an abomination but our money
is OK you parasite? Whatever you say bean bag.The wall just got 1,000,000 miles higher,

yeaaah crime stats show otherwise.

Unless, of course, you're a Marxist. Those poor, benighted working class people wouldn't know how well Marxism is working for them and (horror of horrors) might even express reactionary tendencies in times of hardship if it weren't for the thankless and heroic labor of Marxist theorists reminding everyone that for the tenth month in a row the chocolate ration has been increased from 30 grams to 20.

Is that a semitic woman on hormones?
Sure looks to me like a diseased kikess.

the irony is 99.999999% of Mexicans have white DNA in them. they should self abort and stop being hypocrites.

maricon martinez


if you don't kill them, they will kill you
whining about it isn't going to change anything

He looks like the brown sister of this chick.

he's small potatoes.

strategic targeted killing is the only useful form of killing. killed random libtard and the media will turn them into a martyr. kill George fucking Soros and no one would give a shit but a handful of brainwashed idiots.

the world would celebrate that kikes death.

They're black.

that's a gay jewish mexican.

It’d be funny if we did like a “reply of the Zaporozhian Cossacks” to this. We basically copy his text, but turn it around and say why we hate spics. And also chock it full of insults towards his soyboy face and degenerate behavior. It’s a collective effort, meaning we sort of make it up as we go. Call it “reply of the white men to Rudy Martinez.” Who’d be down for that? When finished, we could send it to him via Facebook.

AInt no fucking yids here hoss
I'm a former Mormon so I know who the dude is is all

not even surprised anymore, just constantly fucking pissed.

Ethiopian coffee is widely sought out by hipsters due to its admittedly delicious, acidic fruity flavors.

It's something you can easily enjoy black and is ruined by additives.

Try some pourover Ethiopian coffee if you get the chance.

kek, source?

Dont talk, dont tell a friend, dont post about it, just act.

Funny, all I hear is "REEEEEEEEEEEE" in a beaner accent….

With a long rolled r? Thanks user , gotta go to work now and that stupid shit thought will be stuck in my head


If babies were randomly allocated to families would racism end?

Guess the writers' ethno-religious affiliation…

Purely coincidental !


Yep. Read the whole thing - this is peak kikery right there.

So, I think this is a great example of why no one needs kikes to exist.

That pic reeks of
Gas this degenerate beaner.

As if we even needed another reason , but yes , couldn't agree more wholeheartedly

Except only white people can be racist, right? Jews discriminating against non-jews isn't racism. Blacks having anti-white black supremacist organizations and affirmative action isn't racist. Muslims cutting of white people's heads and raping white women isn't racist. The idea of hate speech and hate crimes that are only applied to white people isn't racist either, it's totally fine.

If the world could just get rid of those evil, evil white people everyone would live in a perfect utopia of harmony. Just like in Africa and the Middle East.

I bet 1 cent on a butthurt nigger.

I need them because otherwise id be living on the streets and im no marxist.

Are… are you sure that's a female user?

Don't forget muzzies in north africa and the middle east enslaving niggers.

All the small-time idiots will go to a ditch at the same time. They are not strategic targets.

That is truly pathetic and 100% true.

You're not from here.

Can we all agree on the top right prototype?

Fence shit is obviously gay and the other walls are too boring. The interior gutter and roll of wire (or whatever it is) on the top really gives /ourwall/ the aesthetic edge.

Bottom left has some appeal, probably just because it has color. Looks like a strong breeze could rip it apart though. Venturing too far into fence territory.

(((White Nationalists))) want to kill White people.



Two designs will be approved, one is the more transparent fence type for border patrol visibility and safety, and the other is the solid concrete for areas with little or no active patrol. That pic mixes them all up.

Hey, Martinez…
I laugh at you.

Honestly we should track this Jew down and make his life hell

Tantra Coffeehouse? No way! Right across from the "small H-E-B." I used to drop in once a week at least when I lived in the area.

That is literally Jews.

there sure are alot of texans in this thread. maybe we'll get a nice webm posted here.


Behead those who insult whiteness.

Look at his fucking faggot kike face.

He is like my mutt memes.

I have seen many mexicans, i am spanish myself, and this guy looks more jewish than anything else:
the glasses, the beady eyes, the big ugly jewish mouth, the nose, the forehead, he looks like a jewish mongrel to me.

Good posts

Asking people to conspire to commit a crime, and telling people to go put a bullet in someones head at a random point are 2 different things. The FBI will never say "so go kill X random guy" because chances are, he will end up fucking dead. Promoting the extermination of whites SHOULD end up in you being dead.

01010111 01101001 01110010 00100000 01101101 11111100 01110011 01110011 01100101 01101110 00100000 01100100 01101001 01100101 00100000 01001010 01110101 01100100 01100101 01101110 00100000 01100001 01110101 01110011 01110010 01101111 01110100 01110100 01100101 01101110

A big tubby bitch is a big tubby bitch.

Did you order the double spice latte with extra poz?




Girls lips on a soyboy, Slight beak under the nasal ridge. My jewdar is tingling…

at least half chan is honest its shitty. fullchan pretends to be some glorious website but is constantly raided and threads slid. The quality of threads has drastically fell in just one year.

Shit like this is inspiring on a deep, primal level.

White people are METAL AS FUCK

because faggots like you have come here from cuckchan turning it into the place they escaped from. no different from mexicans flooding america.

enjoy your stay in prison, faggot

Why the fuck do you think that is moshe?

Maybe he was just trying to start a dialog?


Here's a nice meme for triggering the "North America/Australia/etc" is stolen land crowd of SJW's

Not Serphardi, probably hispanic and jewish. I live in Texas and I grew up with a lot of them. They're the newer generation of Jews. You can't tell from their names, but you can tell from their appearance.

o y
v e y

Fuck me I was just gonna make a flippant remark about taco truck chasing jews and I come to find out brisket matzo tacos are a fucking thing.


For more info:

For normal White people to meet each other for friendship, bonding, social activities, business and employment networking.
No White Nationalists or Alt-Right.

The reasons are obvious, well documented and needs no explanation.

Post your location with email, messenger or other means of contact.

*Be aware that White Nationalists have been making death threats against Whites who want to meet up. They also defaced the Zeemap of past meet up threads.*

Report all threats of violence from this other posts on 8ch to the FBI here:


You might want to include the

8ch.net Registrar Data
Jim Watkins
OrganizationN.T.Technology, inc
Address9120 Double Diamond Parkway Ste 5901
State / ProvinceNevada
Postal Code89521
Email: [email protected]

Thank you.

Fuck off faggot.

Hang 'im.

I don't believe you are white, shill.
Get b& and cry about it again.

oy vey rabbi, i wonder what group put people like martinez in white lands.

gotta treat the disease that is the jews who are a cancer and a plight upon humanity so we can deal with symptoms like Martinez later.

Its the jews who bring them here, the jews who own everything. Should you wage war on others in their sneaky tricks of petty race baiting then know it is a distraction against the one common enemy of all people, the Jews!

We /years of lead/ now.
It's debatable whether the fear struck into opponents will be worth the disgust by the common man.

Sounds like residential schools

oh yeah, thats right, the federal reserve is a privately owned entity

Holy .jpg artifacts

Yep, end his life with violent death


Lol, says the guy who looks like he has probably at least 60% white DNA. Virtue signalling is the most retarded thing I've ever seen in my life. And I'm old.


You ever been outside one? Private security stacked to the nines, full military gear. Whatever you are doing with theses posts, it is retarded.

That dog knows what Rudy's peanut butter smeared needledick tastes like.


Off topic. I don't know if you Holla Forumsacks know this, but there's quite a handful of flips here in flipland that look more Oriental than Malay. Probably because of chink immigration or something. Nurses here tend to always look like East Asians and when they don't they tend to be either hapas or Western foreigners, not a single one of them are brown as far as I can remember. There's five German nurses currently living in my hometown. Two Canadians that make vlog videos on JewTube about being citizens here. One Norwegian woman. Two old Japs and a whole lot of Worst Koreans. Never seen a kike here but I've seen a Paki and a pajeet before but they don't live here anymore. I'd reckon Pakis and pajeets are genetically similar to kikes.

Anyone saying "just go out and kill X" is either a retard, a troll, or a spook.

Jews are a fucking goldmine when you look at products made by jews, for jews.


Timestamp: 2:33:30

Your president was going to drain the swamp and restore America's glory and they killed him for it.

An incredible speech and what America needs to return to. We must preserve our traditions and triumph over these Puppet-Masters and Sadducees.

Jews are ridiculous. that shits probably still made in China.

The entire retarded religion is based on making stupid rules, claiming they come from God, then thinking up jewish tricks to get around those rules and fool their God.

Jews literally jew their own God.

Their faith stipulates the apocalypse/their messiah/the time when they rule the world will not come until all jews observe the sabbath and their various rules for so many weeks in a row.

In short the jews are constantly trying to game the system and prophecies associated with their faith to induce these end times.
There are farms in Israel dedicated to trying to produce a red heifer which is associated with a number of their rituals and prophecies. But the rules regarding them are so absurd the institute running the efforts has so far only found three candidates, two of which were subsequently declared unsuitable with the third still under investigation.

Original Jews laughing at retarded descendants trying to fulfill impossible shit.


Fuck yes.
Call him a brown assed, grease faced, stinking cur

wew lad



OY VEY! Look at that Shnoz!

"My DNA is a killing word."

And He finally got sick to death of it and set His sites on us. Merry Christmas, everybody.

Deus Vult friend, and have a very Merry Christmas


A pleasant Yule to you. Christians.

Now that is an abomination. Every fucking time it's some kind of kike. Why the fuck are these kike abominations still breathing?

Then Jews should give back their white DNA immediately, they can go back to being Sephardi subhuman levels of IQ. The Jew like any white DNA mixed mongrel is a rat held up only by its white genetics.

Lel… most certainly not /ourguy/. He is pretty "based" on some things, but not /ourguy/.

The notion of white privilege and white supremacy are the same exact thing. The only difference is in if you react positively or negatively to that thought.

el bumpo

Conquistador rape baby would be more appropriate, I think. It would hammer in that he is a mongrel.

Holy fucking shit.

leave those building alone!

Global report. Kill yourself.

Sephardic mexijew?

this reminds me of that x-men film, can't find a clip

Have a frothy tankard of semen on me.

The jew always projects.
The jew plays word games, saying things like "the concept of whiteness" or "those who call themselves white"
The book of Revelation talks about the synagogue of Satan being those that call themselves jews but are not.
some parallels I noticed


Then I guess most American niggers, other white-mix mongrels, and all Ashkenazi kikes should kill themselves immediately for great justice.

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If done properly in guerilla fashion, they won't know.

That's what DNA evidence says, published in a prestigious journal like Nature no less. The "Jews" we know do not have maternal semitic blood by Jewish law. We know they are Satan's and Moloch's little rats. The joke will probably be the Jewish messiah actually does return and he turns out to be a Palestinian who were just a bunch of actual Jews that were forced to convert to the religion of peace in their peaceful conquests of peacefulness or names the Palestinians and Mizrahi Jews as the only real Jews.

It's funny. Jesus may exist after all and most things are true, or either the world after a certain point up until today was planned from the start and this is just the self-fulfillment of zealots for their prophesy.

Smith loved his people so much he created a religion where:

Tell me again how Smith isn't a model for white nationalism?

"Your DNA is an abomination"

then stop using our fucking technologies, you fucking niggers.

kikes are the abomination

and wouldnt ya know it turns out that kike-dna is the real RH- abomination