
This is Benjamin Morrison he is 18. In July he molested my 6 year old sister. I was told on Monday that the Norwegian police that they were dropping the charges. My Sister has the spend the rest of her life with these memories and he doesn't even a fine

His address is Niklabakken 10, 6050 Valderoya. His mothers name is Lene and she works for the Giske kommune.

Please for the love of god some one make this sick fucks life a living hell.

Other urls found in this thread:


Lene Jacobsen Morrison
454 35 487
Niklabakken 10, 6050 Valderøya
September 28 1977
giske kommune

Arne Morrison Rian
962 30 977
Niklabakken 10, 6050 Valderøya

Sure user, we'll take your word for it. It's not like anybody would lie on the internet.
post proofs ya fag

Fuck off you faggot. Maybe if you weren't such a cuck you could have done something to actually make a difference, instead of trying to "help" your sister by begging people on the internet to send him pizzas.

This fuck is out partying with his friends right this fucking moment. My sister won’t even leave the house

Testing in a shitty thread:

Also not your personal %newfag% army.

t. Long time lurker, occasional poster

proof or gtfo

why arent you doing anything about it then?

I'm sure he did, that's why you haven't got the police involved and have had him arrested right?

Take your bullshit personal army requests to cuckchan.

"Please for the love of god some one make this sick fucks life a living hell." - Because living in Norway and having a faggot name isn't enough for you ?



NYPA faggot

get to know his routine. follow him for a week, don't involve anyone else. come up from behind him in an area without cameras and witness. Plan your entrance and your escape route, do not be seen. If there are a lot of niggers in your area, thats a bonus as it will throw the cops off and make it harder for them to prove you did it. have an alibi. if you need some for this, make it some one you trust. if your careful, you can get away with it.

This doesn't belong in Holla Forums.
Good luck with the rapist.
Remember that there's no justice in this world not unless we make it.

Do something yourself. What kind of sibling are you?

He's Norwegian. Maybe he's upset his sister wasn't raped by a pack of muslim niggers.


So just go fucking kill him, you infinite pansy.


And leave your fucking phone at home.

I dunno, he'd be suspect #1.

you should test gravity by jumping off a bridge.

better yet, have someone else have your phone somewhere else, then post pictures of yourself there on facebook later.

* sage *
= sage =
—- bold —-

Figure I might start prepping for the day shareblue tries to offer me a job

Do you have evidence or just muh fee fees and a dumb kids word? If not then go to tumblr instead.

If this is actually true then why don't you do something about it faggot.
You already know where he lives. People are most vulnerable in transition spaces, between their home and their car for instance. Look for a camera blind spot assuming there are cameras. Once you've got his routine down say hello to him and make it look like a mugging gone wrong.

As someone with experience in these matters I will give you the best advice I can give.

1. Bad weather is your friend, especially rain.
2. Wear a pair of shoes that are 2 sizes to large for you.
3. Have a rock solid method of disposing of your clothes.
4. It's ok to leave the murder weapon lodged in them if no DNA or prints are on it.
5. Try not to plan it or stalk them. If you have to watch from as far away as possible.

This is the honourable route as she is your female kin. The less honourable route is to smear him and incite violence against him.

too* x 2 my bad..

actually smearing him and inciting violence is good because the police have to widen their net.

Let's turn this into a thread about how the left is promoting REAL pedophillia?


if true:


worry about consequences after

No BS advice dude, if you're going to do something, wait a significant amount of time. The reason is that they will catch you immediately as you will be the first person they suspect. Revenge is best served ice cold. There needs to be a delay between his getting off and you taking revenge.

Wouldn't that be interpol in euroland?

Op, you could poison the fucker too, europe has a long history of that shit. Alternate is obtain some hard drugs and OD the guy, he looks like an druggie and cops will not give two shits if an druggy whom OD'd has a few extra bumps and bruises. Cutting his break lines might be nifty. If you can overpower him (yea, I know you cannot otherwise you wouldn't be asking here) you could strangle him and set it up like he was doing that auto erotic suicide shit. Or you can just man the fuck up and hack the guy to pieces and dump his pieces in one of those million Fjords you fuckers have in norwale. Or you could hire and sand nigger with balls and a need for cash, I am sure you have a few spares laying around. Maybe you could call up interpol and report his allohasnackbar stash of bombs you just planted in his house/car.

Fuck man. What the hell do you want us to do for you? 90% of us are mercans and sure as fuck don't speak jibby gabby norweagen to order extra fish balls on his pizza.

And how the fuck did he molest an 6 year old? Fucking baby finger peanor? If so just make it look like an suicide, nobody would think twice once they saw his little dick.

Yøu knøw what tø dø Bjørn

as scared of internet nazi's as euroland is, chances are interpol already has this idiots IP. And that is likely before he posted his idiot dox request. Doubt that many norwhales visit this place so they likely are going to keep this shit capped and nail him for anything that goes wrong, assuming they are not already calling in the v& as we speak.

If he really wanted something done he shoulda kept his fucking mouth quiet, now the guy can stub his fucking toe and guess whom likely getting a visit to the gulag. Sad in its own way, but clearly the guys dad didn't teach him right so maybe a few years in jail will make him realize life isn't that much of a game regardless of how much we laugh at it all.

You're the one calling for his head. Somebody, maybe not even you, offs him. Congratulations you are now suspect number one. If you did do it you're toast.

You have 5 seconds to explain why you haven't beaten the living shit out of him. Seriously if they are struggling to even get breivik to jail you really think they'll cage you for exploding this motherfucker ?

NYPA and /baphomet/ doesn't do shit either.

You're in Europistan. Just tell some muzzies he mocked the Koran or something.

Print a bunch of flyers with his pic and info and leave them around in heavily muslim areas. He'll get gangraped by shitskins and niggers wanting some of that boipucci, and the police won't even help him.

assuming youre not full of shit (which you are) now anybody has to do is alert the authorities of this thread with screencaps and unless youre behind 6 million proxies chances are youll get shoah'd. you should have planned out the hit and did it yourself.

He should be doxed just based on wearing a baseball cap with a hoodie over it.

Fuck him up yourself then. Fight your own battles, grow a pair.

basically OP is cucked by some random dude that his slut sister fucked. Instead of scratching his eyes out and screaming until his ears started bleeding.
Now after the fact the pussy cunt comes to her beta cuck brother to demand revenger.
In his anger the beta cuck turns full omega and asks his perceived tribe to intervene in the affair.
The Alphas of the tribe disregard the autismal screeching in the woods.
The beta males tell the cuck to fuck right off.

The cuck is now forced to become beta or have a downgrade to gamma male.
This is the final step before transsexualist transformation.
TL;DR : if you have balls kick the guy in the teeth, if you don't- hand them over to your hospital.

justice bump

this thread is being intentionally slid
about to be shoahd