I'd be interested in knowing what /8pol/ thinks of this.
Interesting Net Neutrality Video
Did you just pop in to post it because it features some guy playing a video game? Any particular reason you didn't bother to webm the video or at least embed? Were you under the impression that youtube links automatically create an embed link when posted in the body of a message because it works that way on other chan?
The core issue for net neutrality is throttling websites ISP don't want you to go to or websites that many people go to and then charging you additional fees and tiered rates for increased bandwidth. That's not an irrational fear. One of the four major cable providers in the US, Cablevision, was recently sold by the Catholic Dolan family who built the network up largely in the Northeast. They sold it to some French-Algerian kike billionaire who runs media companies across the pond.
It's obvious to see why the Dolan family would sell: cable subscriptions have already peaked, the network is largely built out save for new construction, and people are already beginning to transition to individual streaming content services and a smaller, internet-only package instead of large television content bundles from the cable company itself. So why would anyone buy into this declining business model for billions of dollars if they weren't absolutely sure they could wring out more profit from it?
Fuck off and die, kike. We all know (((who))) is funding all the shilling.
It's certainly not that simple. The people pushing to repeal net neutrality are nearly uniformly jewish or zionist agents.
I've read the FCC document. Repealing is the way to go. All the fearmongering is coming from the kikes at Jewgle and Netflix and Faceberg because they don't want to be beholden to the ISPs rules. If the ISPs try and overstep their bounds, the FCC can bitch slap them back into net neutrality whenever they want.
If you read what I wrote here I think it's pretty clear tiered internet prices based on bandwidth that can be adjusted and billed in real time are absolutely the goal.
Most of the country already has data caps. Why bother with charging customers more directly? seems unnecessarily antagonistic.
If anything, they're going to start charging market prices for peering like they had been previous to June 2015 when Net Neutrality happened.
There were a few cases of throttling prior to the NN ruling, but they were settled in court where shit like that belongs.
To clarify
It's just kikery mixed with a little disinfo. Do you really think (((jewgle))) and (((Kikeazon))) have your best interests at heart?
>trust in (((jewgle))) we have your best shekels, I mean interests at heart
How about the FCC gets rid of the regulations that gave Comcast, AT&T and the like a monopoly in the first place?
Yes, there is evidence for it. Jews are buying up a declining business model.
>Do you really think (((jewgle))) and (((Kikeazon))) have your best interests at heart?
This is disingenuous because it implies that the cable providers are not jews. They are.
If I have to take sides with the greedy yet agendaless ISP jew over the cultural degenerating globalist jew, I will choose the ISP.
I'm personally against Net Neutrality because I want to see the jewish social media companies rot. To long has the Aryan Internet had to carry the jewish parasite over its wires.
That doesn't read credibly. They are buying up the physical infrastructure of the information network that has given rise to the sharing of ideas that are challenging their position in all areas of Western civilization.
Read the fucking image I posted.
You do realize that the biggest censoring platforms, including the domain registrars who chased Fag Anglin's Thai Fuck Shack off the internet SUPPORT net jewtrality
The only worthwhile argument.
You can bet they'll start doing it to streaming sites that pirate jew-produced media.
I hear what you're saying. It's not quite the same as asserting that ISPs are agendaless, though, is it? Maybe we're just talking past one another.
did yoy make the pic?
can you make more?
I don't care about streaming sites that pirate jew-produced media because I don't consume jew-produced media. You may be right, but frankly I see this as the lesser of two evils.
I didn't make the pic but it's easy enough to create a composite from screengrabs of the FCC .pdf. Just time consuming and I don't have the time at the moment to devote to it. The link to the document is right there in the image I posted and is free for anyone to download. Nice dubs.
It's not relevant whether you consume them or not. The interruption of revenue is what is important.
I don't think it is clear that's the case, nevermind lesser of two evils is generally a poor way to approach things.
Quit shitting up the board with a half dozen net neutrality threads a day. We already have one going, post there. This isn't fucking Reddit; we have other things we'd like to discuss.
Reminder that this is exactly what kikes do: INVENT BOTH SIDES OF AN "ARGUMENT"
Social network sites actually have a higher priority over other sites(they have a 'direct connection, or a shortcut since they are commonly used of which ISP's pay alot for), a few sight for instance, Jewgle, Faceberg, Twitter, Netflix.
What exactly is your point? Are you saying you are for net neutrality? If so, why? What makes it preferable to you?
It's obvious that the ideal situation would be to tear the entire fucking establishment to the ground and rebuild it all without kike influence but since we're not currently in a situation where that's going to happen I'm operating on the premise that getting rid of net neutrality is preferable over keeping it. I've read the FCC document and that's the conclusion I've come to. I suggest you do the same.
It's also the 'Hegelian dialectic' where you propose one more extreme position for leftists under the guise of 'love' and then the cuckservatives compromise in the middle, slowly moving leftward.
also (((liberals))) are never satisfied so they continue saying they're the correct ones and just do any underhanded tactics they can to make their original position the reality