Swedish woman gets raped by 20 muslims and nobody helps her.
barenakedReligion of Cuck™.com/2017/11/28/sweden-ewwww-youve-got-semen-on-your-face-and-all-over-your-clothes/
Wow! So tolerant!
Other urls found in this thread:
fake and gay
You know, when I laugh at Germany bringing in tons of muds, France's no-go zones, and "le 56%" burgers, most of it is just bantz because I know that for the most part, everything is going to get better eventually. But Sweden, lads. Sweden is a lost cause.
There can be no protest of injustices performed BY whites, after events like this. Anyone who stands in the way of the most extreme measures is merely the enemy of our race, regardless of who they claim to be, or to have done.
When things like this happen, no one does anything, or says anything, or cares.I dont want to see a single person saying a white has ever done anything wrong from here on out, because nothing we do can compare to this, and everything is justified. EVERYTHING
Look at the bright side: at least Sweden is not being threatened by the EU with sanctions for being un-European.
Sweden is lost.
Now and forever.
The citizens of Sweden didn't protest in the streets.
They are quite content with this going on.
Women's "liberation" is over. Women will either return to wearing traditional dresses and acting lady-like, or they're going to be enslaved and wear the dress in Religion of Cuck™ic form, the burqa . Those who still can't make up their minds will be dressed accordingly in a black traditional dress, for their funeral.
Choose wisely women.
Why do you think Germany and France are significantly less fucked than Sweden? All of northwestern Europe is in the same situation. Germans are the most brainwashed people in the world, France has had maghrebis since the 1800's or something ridiculous. The way I see it, either we all live or we all die, there is nothing unique about Sweden but that they are the meme.
None of Western Europe will be at this rate, why do you think only Sweden? There needs to be systemic change or race war everywhere or we are all fucked, except Eastern Europe if they can grow a pair and leave the EU. Honestly, I don't think there's much chance of Eastern Europe dying due to their relatively non-brainwashed and nationalist population, but I fear for Western Europe.
No. Sweden is turning around! I swear! We have to. We have to.
They must!
maybe it'll like in Germany so many years ago. As the sickness is at the end, trying to claim the last life of the host, it also becomes exposed and it's true nature is revealed. Maybe it'll wake up the swede in the most furious way, and that they tackle not only the muslim but the main perpetrator, the one who deceived them and put them where they are today, the jew
There's something about a legend of a guy coming from the north who will purge trash.
France will be Muslim by 2050. 10% Muslims today, probably more, and they have 3+ children to French 1,4.
Sweden the government might be.
But Sweden the kingdom, the free Sweden is just getting started.
You'll learn of this in a few years time
I don't want to sound blackpilling but I think figures like "2050" are a serious underestimation of the problem. The only demographic that matters is the youth demographic, that is the future. People over 40 are irrelevant, and what percentage of the white race is over 40? Half?
Just a note to those who have taken the blackpill, this time in history is nothing new or special in the grand scheme of things. We have come back from worse! There is an unquenchable spirit lurking in the heart of every true aryan. We will retake our lands and make them great again!
Look what Germany managed to accomplish in a decade. Their country was all but decimated by the kike parasite. Yet they rose to become the most advanced society the world has ever seen. It may take hard work, sacrifice, blood, sweat and tears, but the white man is the pheonix. Hardship makes us stronger, it tempers us into the most devastating weapon that the universe will ever experience!
We will make it brah, and woe to those that are acting against us. Hopefully for those that are our enemies moloch shows more mercy than we will.
I was using it as an example of soon, but you're right, it could happen even sooner. It all depends on how long France will keep an open border policy. The scary part is that even if harsh measures, by modern standards, were taken in the next 5 years, it would only slow down the process.
Sweden is full of cowards.
They were demoralized and their spirit temporarily crushed. They did not have permanent demographic damage at that time.
Nor does the West, yet. For damage to occur you need full integration. It is still possible to get rid of the foreigners because we are still de facto segregated. That's how Spain managed to throw out the Muslims after hundreds of years. In that sense mass immigration is preferable to a slow trickle, because it makes integration impossible.
Sweden is fucked
This has been the case for several years now, mainly because the people who were supposed to stand up to shit like this don't see anything wrong with the turn their society has taken
Norway has so far been inclined to follow Sweden, but for the most part have not done so.
Until yesterday.
The official dictionary changed the word for an american indian, Indianer in Norwegian, to now be Urbefolkning, Native population.
t. dane
^ This, thanks user for keeping the spark of hope alive. Let truth always guide you.
Hi Sinead.
We know it's you.
saged for crypto-feminist BDSM rape fantasy bullshit
The way I see the 2050 meme that's been thrown around for decades, is that that's when they expect it to be "sealed" so to speak as the lack of birth rates and the numbers will easily overpower Europe that it'll be plunged into darkness for centuries before it could ever pull itself out by itself.
Birthrates are the killer of Europe, not immigration. Immigration only expedites the problem and makes their numbers grow artificially as long as we take it. The 2050 is more of an ultimatum. Do something now or we're fucked and you're fucking countless generations after that.
This goddamned obvious emotionally manipulative bitch and her beta-men audience.
You do? Based on what? I'm not trying to blackpill anyone or start shit, but I've seen very little to make me think things are looking up, and very much to see it as getting much worse. See and in more detail (checked) this post. "The children are the future" is really more than just a tired platitude in this scenario, it's a prophecy. If they're all going to be non-white then that's what the future will be.
How is this news?
Defeatism is blackpilling. Mass immigration inevitably leads to war. You gotta have faith we will win that war. Enemy is only armed with lies.
Gustavus Adolphus?
That fact that against all odds we are not dead and gone yet.
Should've voted kd ;)
Look at all the kikes in the comment section, it looks like we will have a moslem vs europeans war in european soil soon.
Deus Vult.
This is true, the one saving grace is their lack of integration. No go zones = ready-made ghettos. Easy to wall them in and keep them separate before dealing with them permanently.
That's what they deserve honestly, if 80% of them weren't voting for this I'd have more sympathy for them.
How long before the whites that refused to help her are charged instead?
Exactly. The kikes simply do not have enough time to succeed. Their recent efforts are increasingly desperate and counterproductive. The way the things are moving in terms of redpilling we'll be burying both them and the shitskins in a few years - in the same grave.
Probably because they knew she deserved it. She voted for this and called anyone who opposed it a racist bigot, now she's suffering the consequences.
This happens everyday in america by niggers but you dont want to face that amejins
All shitskins deserve to die now go away goatfucker
You don't have to be a shitskin to wish traitors that fate.
No, she deserved my door slammed in my face for calling me racist for trying to prevent this outcome.
her face*
holy shit mohomo'd the pedo goatfucker you're giving yourself away
I have never said or implied "all white women are traitors", kill yourself faggot.
Die goatfucker
Shutup and lurk two years you retarded newfag. Every single person on this board that's been around longer than a year knows that Swedish women overwhelmingly voted for leftwing pro-refugee parties.
Muh appeal to emotion fallacy who do you think they are refering to considering where it happened? The latch guard is the only one which could have been white (at best) but i have my doubts. Also why not link the actual source instead of your sensationalist sites.
Speaking of defeatism i sure feel the warmth in the yes threads. Germany, Sweden, it does not matter and at some point the irony no longer shines trough. A man of principles would not make these exceptions despite being anonymous. As for the near future, our advantage is that the population is small and thus easy to reach and the upcoming association for swedes (if minorities can do it, we can do it better) which have the potential to be a game changer. I am curious nobody made a thread about it, and even more curious to what your own alternatives are once you stop projecting and deal with reality.
the more desperate, the more dangerous
this. they are like the liberal whites in American Universities
The ironic thing is that feminists created the rape culture and rape scare, but also massively increased fake rapes. So a girl crying rape fifty years ago would have been taken very seriously, especially if she said a bunch of non-whites did it, but today? Nah, people are going to be very wary of a girl covered in jizz. Its how far we have fallen. Sad, really.
Stop getting blackpilled, once we collectively say enough is enough they will pray that the mountains fall on them to save them from our wrath.
That just mean we need to protect the women who did not fall for the typical tricks and the kids who might fall for them.
What uprising? Taken a look at South Africa lately? if it isn't happening now, or you arent electing populist right wing politicians, it ain't gonna happen.
Furious enough to remove the dldo from his ass and stop slurping up mohomo'd the pedo goatfucker's cum?
Accelerationism is the counter to incrementalism. (full)Race war is pretty much inevitable, why not act like youre already in it?
Youre in the middle of a race war. The snipers arent lined up down your street(they will be), so use that to your advantage. Bombs arent landing in your backyard? Still safe to go outside at night? Good, time to take advantage of the situation! Go out, and do something. Do it until its dangerous to do anything, and then hide in a hole until youre not in the line of fire anymore. If everyone did this, whites would be just fine. The war is on, not participating because your area is calm is pretty cowardly. This goes for all of us.
Why are only these relatively unknown websites reporting onbiy?
on it*
what if the rape scare was predictive programming?
Speaking for my country, we've had them for four years and just elected them for another four. Denmark are just as tough on immigration as us. America elected Trump. AfD is taking over Germany as we speak. SD is the fastest rising party ever in swedish history, a year until their election (spoiler alert: they will win). Le Pen and Wilders came very close. It is happening, but through the painfully slow process of democracy.
You have to realize that we are in the stage of waking people up. That is what we are doing here, and people ARE waking up. Patience.
South Africa is another scenario entirely, but even they are training militias.
Controlled opposition, show me one of those people saying the words white genocide or even cultural marxism. I think one guy in Poland said cultural marxism, and the closest thing to white genocide is Trump retweeting someone with it in his name.
They have to deal with fence sitting faggots, but I agree with you.
Woah, politicians aren't all David Duke. What a shock! Do you even understand politics?
Yea, I understand that the niggers have upwards of 12 kids and wont be deported if politicians cant even address a fucking GENOCIDE
Okay, Ill add to that a bit. Golden Dawn are the only ones who HAVE addressed it, by saying "we need population controls so we dont become a minority in our own country". THAT is the closest to addressing white genocide directly, that Ive seen. Its in a video from like 2 years ago.
Maybe, but I think the rape scare exists to push the man/woman divide. Women have to fear rape every moment of their lives, men do not and live easy. This allows the usual female bias to creep in, with male rape practically ignored or even mocked. Shitskins rape en masse, but all men are blamed so they can lie about statistics and ignore race. Push more anti-male stuff in the media, especially in education, shaming men and belittling them.
This. Why is nobody calling it what it is, FAKE NEWS.
JUST part and parcel.
They push the rape angle for multiple reasons, one being it stops white children indirectly, but also because they get to paint it as a "man" problem, meanwhile, its almost entirely muslims and niggers on native whites.
following the links, i ended up
tried looking for details
what news source out of sweden is to be trusted?
Agree, but the incrementalism in this case (as argued by the association in their presentation) is to catch the normalfags once they realize the situation and to prevent them from defeatism. If this can hold their hand simultaneously as shit hits the fan they would not have to think, just act. My personal alternatives are not necessarily the same and more aline with the first. Sure would be a shame if someone put up stickers promoting that which varg does not want one to watch at certain places. A lot of people have personal smartphones these days.
AfD literally referred to UN's great replacement plan and called for higher birth rates among ethnic germans instead of immigration in the speech that was stickied for days just now.
Calling it a "genocide" sounds fucking autistic to 99% of people. Certainly you understand that politicians that are trying to save their countries can't be shitposting irl.
and why do you think they voted leftwing?
yea its definitely not the jew at fault here, just blame your own women and laugh about them being raped
fucking cuckolds man
Who's laughing?
The kikes who formed the EU admitted their goal was to get rid of whites and people like Noel Ignatiev endlessly agitate about ending whites, from the position of a Harvard professor. It is a genocide, and if people cant even call it what it is, they shouldnt be surprised when paramilitaries are the ones to step up and stop it. Accelerationism is the solution to incrementalism, not slowing down the increments with a right wing government while you approach 40% population.
That last part was a joke. Obviously.
The one in the OP mentions Metro. Archive in my first post.
True but that's gonna make us more dangerous. None of this shit will be easy.
No one is laughing about it, and women to share a part of the blame, same with the faggots who make excuses for them. Not every women fell for the kike's bullshit.
Swedish lonewolf patriots with nothing to lose and nothing but immortality to gain could fix Sweden. Anders showed them the way when he targeted those responsible and now Swedish men have to take it to the shitskins in their homes. The Spirits of Lone Wolf Vikings rise from grave.
You don't have to prove to me that it is indeed a genocide. However, genocide for most people evoke the images of concentration camps and death squads, which is not happening (almost), therefore it sounds autistic and hyperbolic to most people though it is technically true. Optics may not be important for Holla Forumstards but when you're a politician trying to get grandmas to vote for you it certainly matters. If the AfD refers to the great replacement they certainly know whats going on. They all know what's going on.
And for the team of people who are probably paid to monitor these posts by now, take a look in the fucking mirror and read what this thread is about. Maybe you should ask for a transfer to the muslim sex crime division and solve the fucking problem at the source, or maybe the financial crimes of the Jews, who bring the muslims in. "Just following orders". Thats you.
Let me put it this way. Doing what youre saying is fucking pointless and actually harms us. Voting wont solve shit, for the reasons you just elaborated. Also, there is absolutely nothing wrong with using your position where people listen to you - to speak about White genocide and talk about the EU founders and the overt plan that is factual for everyone to see. I dont give a fuck how "autistic" it sounds because the fact of the matter is our fucking race is being wiped out and its a genocide, and the people who are doing it admitted it.So anyone who has a problem with that is committing an atrocity by supporting, facilitating, being complicit with or directly promoting genocide. Thats not even legal. Fuck them.
Stop looking to politics and start trying to make a real change, push for deportations. We wont get that through votes.
I agree, only reason I am mentioning politicians is because you mentioned them. I am only highlighting the fact that there IS resistance to this. People here still somewhat believe in democracy so that's where the resistance is expressed. And for the reasons YOU elaborated, people will soon realize that democracy isn't helping either and that's when will get the true resistance, I am 1000% sure of it.
It won't happen over night, is all I'm saying, but it will happen and already is happening. Do you think Hitler could've made the "annihilation of the jewish race in Europe" speech in the 1920's? No. He worked up to it and so are we, collectively. Like I said, people are just waking up. For god's sake, shake 'em and splash water in their face to speed up the process but understand that it takes time.
Not surprising that her fellow Swedes didn't help. Multiculturalism breeds distrust; even among those of the same race.
Definitely nothing to be blackpilled about. Whites have all the chance in the world to take back what is theirs, but they sure as hell wont do that by electing the "conservative" or "republican" or kosher nationalist party in their area. Golden Dawn, they might be real. I wouldnt count on AFD for shit, because Germany is built to stop them from actually doing anything even if they are sneaks about it. Trump, buying time. No one is going to deport non-whites and create an ethnostate for us.
So right wing death squids will be a thing in sa first, I am fine with this.
zogbots gonna zogbot
I agree, but I believe it is a step we must go through, sadly.
donate if you can
Ive got 2 different stories hidden somewhere in a large folder, that I cant remember the names of, that are about 2 different occasions where a girl was raped by one group, and then raped again when seeking help, by a different person/group. I think one was from Britain, and I know Ive seen the same thing on TV one time about a black girl in the US. The second guy who raped her had aids.
Always lone wolf it, never contact anyone irl if you have murderous intentions. Tell no one!
Has President Trump tweeted about this horrific gang rape yet?
I dont know why anyone would ever murder another person! What a terrible thing to do! I just dont know what goes through someones mind when they plot out cutting a body up into little pieces and burying the parts several miles apart in fields and forests, in holes dug with a post driller. Psychopaths!
Or, when they go out on a boat and dump the body wrapped in several garbage bags, with chicken wire surrounding it to prevent any parts from rising to the top, and holes poked in the bag to let gasses escape, and rocks to hold the chicken wire down. Who thinks this stuff up?
Why cut anyone up when you can set fire to a tenement block full of shitskins and musrats or something even more insidious.
Think Grenfell!
Exactly. We all know how Captain Sweden would really behave in that situation.
Video related was a Hitman for I believe it was the Gambino crime family, hes said to have killed over 200 people in all sorts of ways including feeding them to rats. They hardly got to close to him until they used an undercover cop, and even then it was hard.
Thats an audiobook about him, which goes into detail. Fascinating!
Women wanted to be independent and strong so they got it what they want. This is the result for them so they deserved it for this mess.
Even with Swedes running around covered in mudslime semen, I still think they are far better off than Americans. Afterall, they don't have 50 million mestizos, 35 million negroes and 30 million orientals in their land.
Simply pathetic.
Also, to any Swedes that might be here, please come to somewhere where you'd be safe. You'd love it here in New England. It gets cold as fuck and everyone's an asshole, pretty much the best place in the country. We also have Tom Brady.
There's nothing wrong with holding feminist responsible for the mess they created.
Did they every find that Jew he stuffed in a barrel?
Man, I just can't abide by this. Can you even imagine this specific case happening anywhere else?
Rotterdam rapes most likely.
No cops are going to no go zones so the poor children are left suffering forever unil they die. RIP we will never forget you.
Lol he stuffed a bunch of people in a barrel and left them at a dump or something, one of them fell down an incline and busted open actually but they never tied it to him.
they didnt help her because they were slimes too. 65% non-citizens in 2008, so at least 75% now. and the rest are slimes with a passport.
oops misreaded that. but whites dont go out there at night.
Very progressive.
When I was a young man I found out that if you hurt somebody, they will leave you alone.Good guys do finish last.When I tried to leave everybody alone and just do my own thing, everyone just wanted to hurt me.Until one day Ive had enough of this picking, and I went upstairs and I took a.. a bar, which the clothes used to hang on, in the closet. And I went back downstairs, and there were like 6 young men.. still… figuring that they were going to mess with my head and uh, we went to war. To their surprise, I was no longer taking the beating, I was giving it.
Turn that frown upside down.
But you are strong and independent. Why do you help if you are?
Feminism was created by Marxists, so really we should be holding the Jews accountable. And there's no reason random people should suffer for no reason.
I know who created feminism and feminists aren't random people.
Women use the emotion as their logic instead of their brains.
Blaming women for things Jews have done isnt tolerated, just like suggesting its mens fault for all the sorts of degeneracy they participate in is equally not tolerable, or blaming whites when its the demoralization and subversion, not the white people who are bad.
Jews caused feminism, and everything else rotten in our society.
Sweden needs a good, old fashioned bit of mob brutality aimed at the Invaders. Go house to house burning the pieces of shit alive
No shit.
Jews have created all of this but it can only fester if we allow it. The people who partake in their schemes must be held accountable as well. There are no excuses to be made for the Whites who have allowed things like the Rotterdam rapes to happen.
So this is what feminists vote and fought for.. So progressive!
Sweden YES
To some extent, yes. Those whites who allowed those rapes to happen btw are guilty of international genocide crimes, because mass rape is 100% without dispute a recognized form of genocide under international law. Complicity with genocide is a crime, facilitation of genocide is a crime, promotion, participation, etc etc. I think theres videos online of people being hanged, for that.
Population of sweden was around 8 million total. Germany is more like 80 million or France 65.
One mexican border rush like the USA experiences and sweden could have been unrecoverable in elections. The anti-immigration party is already polling first in sweden. You just need to be that much more all in.
When you live in a small country. If a few cucks remain at all their country can be lost. Norway pretty much shows a better path in every possible policy that sweden should have taken.
I can't find anything about this in mainstream news as your image claims, as often seems to be the case with these articles regarding Sweden. Both of those pages seem like really iffy sources at best, the whole thing reads like a bad ïslam onion article. This looks like the most recent rape case:
The fuck is the point of this? Is this fooling anyone?
Source is Metro. Someone else already replied on that.
Yeah, found it, though that metro page breaks for me on archive.is
I hate Britfaggots the most saying they're better than Sweden.
First off, Sweden still doesn't have mudslime mayor of the greatest cities.
Next, women not only getting raped in Britain in broad daylight and britfaggy soyboys do nothing but even fucking BEHEADED and they do NOTHING. Just gawk and stare like soulless soyboys.
Your own fucking police covered up MASSIVE RAPES of THOUSAND OF LITTLE GIRLS by shitskins. It's bad enough the britfaggot populace are soulless fuckers who do nothing but even their fucking police. Even ours as cucked as they are are nowhere near that bad.
SD is the fastest growing party in Sweden. EVER. Britfaggots cannot do anything right in this politics even BREXIT was for nothing because you are have no souls and instead of opting for white European migrant Britfaggots chose instead to let shitskins in by the truckload to rape, behead, and truck of peace you endlessly out in the open and you do NOTHING and your politicians, police, and intelligence officers are all behind promoting this.
Because Fittja is a no-go suburb, population is 97% immigrants. No swedes live there, those people not helping the woman were not real Swedish.
Media always write Swedish even if it's immigrants. Everyone on Swedish soil is swede in their opinion, especially when a violent rape crime have happened.
Don't get confused, it's just ()propaganda.
All Swedes know about it and everyone hates it.
Everyone hates the immigrants.
Even the leftists in Sweden are getting mad about the mass immigration.
There will be change soon.
Pics related, some examples of (((Swedish mainstream media))).
Daily reminder that the jews are ultimately responsible for this.
Kill Every Kike.
Yeah, I'd like to see piles of dead kikes.
This story doesnt deserve to die on the first day, should start reposting it on cuckchan and twitter etc. This should be one that everyone sees and hears about, and they should be reminded that is the future of their mothers, and wives, and daughters if they dont grow some nuts and start resisting it.
But they act american because if they dont the cops will shoot them, unlike in eurape
The 20 news at the top would not have any power if the women didn't play along with why they were peddling.
See: useful idiot.
She probably voted for it, so why should I care? The reality is that if she hadn't been targeted, she'd still be an open borders supporter, like all the rest of our women. Swedish women can all go to hell. Under no circumstances would I help one of these traitors. They're just getting what they voted for.
t. swede
You don't know our women. She probably supported the browning of the country right up to the point when they started beating her. She didn't give a damn about the other women that have had this happen to them, nor did she give a shit about the welfare of the country. It's ridiculous to suggest that I should take any risks to try to save her. I mean, this is what our women voted for. If I had walked by and seen this, I'd just laugh at her.
Youre no longer a Swede, youve crossed into the realm of white Jew. Youre a race traitor, its all whites fault amirite? Not the Jew. Nope, dont look at that kike pulling the strings and controlling public perception and opinion.
The kike can only pull the strings if you listen to him. Both the kikes and their golems get the rope.
The West is dying at a rapid rate; it's obvious, and no dares to speak up. It's so pathetic.
I don't think so.
Yes, they're the ones that let this happen. This disaster is ultimately self-inflicted. You retarded stormfaggots seem unable to grasp this. Always blaming someone else; you're like overgrown children. I'm a Swede, and I know what I'm talking about. I didn't betray anyone; it was my people that decided to throw it all away.
Hello, kike. I bet you didn't read The New Totalitarians or
We all know the kikes push it, the question here is : Are we going to let people who cheered for the death of the west get away with it ?
wow i really needed something else to be seething mad about today.
cant we set up some sort of go fund me to evac whites from Sweden to safe areas? Im about to have 1 bedroom not even being used in my house. ill at least try to post on some swedish website ill help a couple people evacuate a muslim shithole to the US, can stay with me until they get a new job and house. they arent willing to fight back against the savages, so might as well save who we can to better our people.
we must all do our part
Yeah sure buddy. Your country is fucked, raped even.
Pretty much. Either that or a massive, revolutionary change of policy and expulsions. This idea that the white race will just sit there until the last of us dies of old age is ridiculous. The shitskins themselves are are already ramping up their violence so this will only get worse and the breakup will not be amicable. It's expulsions or war.
And the jews will have to be eliminated this time. We can't afford to expel that wretched tribe again and give them another chance at the prize.
I do think that the masses will sit there. There are two situations, Jew continues doing what he's doing. Eventually the last of us die of old age or go out with a bang. Maybe some small groups exist, but due to their small size are quickly subdued by the police state. The alternative is, the Jew, 20 years or so down the line believes themselves so secure they will, to their faces, state that they wish to exterminate the last of the whites (not using indirect methods of immigration, mixing, & dying at the hands of terrorists). The masses then realize there actually is a war against them en masse & fight to regain control.
Can some Swede from around here please tell me why, since these actions are "forgiven", has not taken weapons and fight the already pussified system? I mean, the police is in ruins and laughing stock, the enemy is not hiding, there is chaos. Literally, the best moment for Swedish men to take up arms and fight. I am speaking unironicly. Just import a few guns and get in the neighborhoods of the scum and start killing them.
Then you're retarded. I've already explained that the shitskins will start their own offensive if we try to sit it out. Again: we'll either expel them all or face war.
The jews think like you. They believe in their ability to manage the white race until it's too late. They're wrong.
She was in a sandnigger neighbourhood that's why noone helped her. Sweden is very segregated and it's very likely there were no swedes around. Infact it is very likely the woman wasn't swedish herself.
97% now.
would be very disappoint in you sweden
Did some research regarding this case. No information has been provided about her etnicity as the courts are keeping her name secret. The police however talk about her being member of a "vulnerable group" in society. Meaning she is either a mental patient, prostitute, drunk or drug addict.
Looked through the FUP(police investigation) of the case. Apparently the victim was a heroin addict since several years back, she was trying to buy hashish from the perpetrators and followed a gang into a building where she was raped in the stairway. Apparently she used a knife to defend herself during the rape, but only managed to slightly cut one of the rapists before she was beaten to a state of defencelesness.
The woman was white according to the photos, not necessarily swedish, many slavs among drug-addict circles in Sweden. Sandniggers also like to choose eastern european prostitutes as victims.
Here is the investigation(in swedish) for anyone interested:
http s://minfil.org/zebeX6cab1/B_8127-17_FUP_MASKAD.pdf
The ethnicities of perpetrators is a mix of arabs and somialians, also one cunt from a non-existent state in Balkan, unsure what that means.
Apparently she lied when she said she was trying to buy hashish, she was suffering from abstinence from her heroin addiction, she went with another addict to fittja because they wanted to take the subway from there to an area where her former dealer lived(he started using a new number). Her addict friend starts talking to a guy in Fittja(immigrant area) and he says he has cocaine, they go with him to buy cocaine. After scoring cocaine they go back to the subway station, the dealer offers to sell more, but her friend declines, taking the tram home.
The woman however wants to buy more and goes with the dealer, then the rape happens.
page 90 is the start of pictures of the womans wounds, clearly she is white or some sort of lighter shitskin although I doubt it.
When she reports the rape it is to police located at a place called "plattan" in central Stockholm, a known hangout for drug-addicts since the 70s.
No, it was the Jew, and you will no doubt be the one who gets the gas when National Socialism ends up preserving whats left of your people.
It's shit like this that makes me pray for the super plague, or a giant asteroid that turns earth to dust. All of these shit skins should have been skinned alive and tossed into raw sewage, but on this gay earth they will probs get a medal.
If my people are to go extinct, it would be much better for all the sub races to die off completely too. Please, we need the next Hitler or a giant asteroid now.
Kuklinski was FULL of shit. In this interview, he says the first guy he killed was a guy in a bar with a pool cue. In another, he killed that guy by setting fire to his car that he slept in. In a biography, it is claimed he killed a guy at 14 with a pole. Sometimes he said he started experimenting with killing hobos.
He's a bullshit artist, probably killed the five people that the police caught him on, felt like a loser and made this persona up for himself.
Please more bike cuck memes
A big disgrace
Somebody better put you back into your place
Say it!
We will, we will rape you
Sure thing bud, whatever helps you sleep better at night.
Burning a ton of coal is expensive? Who knew.
Was the rape victim even Swedish? OP's image is confusing because it combines several incidents (the livestreamed rape victim wasn't an ethnic swede, the woman in the stairway gangrape didn't die, etc.). The article he linked to didn't even mention that shit at all.
Ten feet taller though.
Yeah the OP image is some pic made by a schizo.
How about some of you guys actually notice all the posts fulkl of information and with source I made about this case. Seriously fuck you guys for being such stupid clickbait cunts, channers really are scum:
If a woman is raped and nobody cares, was she actually even raped?
He changes his story every time, every story he has is over the top "hurr i'm a bad guy and cold, the iceman baby!" and he tries to connect himself with every famous mafia hit, even though we actually know who killed those people. Dude even claimed to kill Hoffa. Look into the guy, "bud".
There is a bright side to all of this carnage.
People are waking up, but the establishment ignores the rising number of organizations and movements that are advocating for the existence of Swedes and other European groups.
She was a drug addict trying to buy coke. Not a coal burner.
To all the people ITT thinking that these were white Swedes, examine your subconscious white bias. Don't naturally assume every unnamed person is a white Swede.
I guarantee all of the men who were disgusted by her and turned her away were shitskins
I'm positive this is one part of law enforcement the Swedish government is actually enforcing. Rape and murder by shitskins is perfectly fine, and actually encouraged, but guns are the most evil things ever and no white men should even have them.
The first link doesn't supply anywhere on the site what person or organization owns the site. The domain name, created only a few months ago, is Whois protected. The support page is soliciting donations. The OP has only made one post in this thread. This is a spam post at best, and a honeypot at worst. You should know better than this Holla Forums.
The police suddenly has alot of resources whenever swedish men organize to punish this. See when football hooligans organized against the scum at the central station. When nationalists and football hooligans organized against the Husby riots and whenever nationalists march or leaflet.
Media. Nobody is going to complain that a police chief directs tight operational funds to crack down on ebil nadzees. But if he does so to "target minorities" he'd soon find himself without a job.
It's really disgusting, the only positive is that it is turning people away from the media. The swedish version of alt right actually predates the american one. Unfortunately too many people are complacent to writing angry comment online. I'm afraid the police is doing exactly what they intend to do with these crackdowns and harrassment of nationalists: Scare people into staying being their computer screen.
We also had media dox people, get people fired from their jobs and similar.
Not the only positive. With their zero tolerance they are driving normies into "Naziism". Hitler called this a fortunate situation, because it assured that the movement remained extreme. If they had only co opted some of their ideas the movement would have splintered.
Currently the alt kike and kosher nationalists like Frp in Norway and SD in Sweden are offering some relief, but being half measures if not outright controlled op, they will fail. Eventually only legit National Socialists will remain as the alternative to the increasing pozz from the mainstream. The kikes final mistake will be leaving their enemies alive to fight another day.
I don't understand how your first reaction when you see something so disgusting and immoral could be anything but to murder the perpetrators. Like swedes need to be genetically defective or something. No man could possibly be that fucking low test.
Hey retard, she was in nigger neighbourhood, the people who didn't help her were somalis. How stupid are you?
Is that true? If it is that means the story has double the red pills. Raped by somalis, somalian """swedes""" don't even help her
Still, Sweden is the most fucked up one m8. As an insider, i can guarantee you. The most cucked one is Sweden too. Living in Sweden is no different than being locked behind bars. Only real difference is that atleast behind bars you dont have to stress yourself to death by running errands and cashing in mondy for the kikes
I completely understand those people. Women have ruined Sweden, it's only fair they get their share of justice at the hands of their own imported pets. And this woman in particular, if she'd been remotely decent she wouldn't have ventured anywhere near these sandmonkeys. It's like you can tell the bad women just from the inferior sperm in their fucking hair.
Exactly this. Don't feel disheartened Sven, as long as your country has people like you there's still hope.
And not the women and cucks that collaborated with the jews right? All four of you get the rope on DOTR.
Yeah, Britbongistan is worst in that regard. /britpol/ is pretty fucking pozzed too.
when will it end when will it end
If that actually happened i would personally lynch them.
No one cares.
Wrong. Everything, and I mean everything, besides U.S.A., has hopes for better future. u.S.A. and only U.S.A., will be destroyed for sure. And therefore on a lost curse.
you told me, i will tell the bolice you told me to doit mr (237394)
What if I told you that Americans (actually, most former allied natios) are that, instead?
Germans know when it's anti German propaganda, even the shitlibs and cucks, who simply love getting spanked by that kind of shit.
But all the former allied nations creating that propaganda?
They don't see it as propaganda against themselves.
After all, they are being put against the nation that tried so hard to free it and the world from not just kikes but also fractional reserve banking.
The greater evil if you ask kikes, by the way, even though they won't admit it.
But Germany could have been 100% philosemitic, if Hitler still did the whole money and economy thing then Germany would still have been declared public enemy #1.
I shouldn't have this erection.
America never should've existed. There should be 4 or 5 different ethnic enclaves instead of 1 giant melting pot monstrosity.
Rape victim was a 38 year old finnish woman. She was normal proportioned and pretty large at 178 cm, larger than some of the males that had sex with or raped her. It was initially voluntary sex-for-drugs but escalated into gang rape as more and more piled on. At the end she was robbed of both her promised drugs and the $55 that she carried with her. At least two of the men who had sex with / raped her were christians.
The man in the house who declined to help her was apparently a citizen of former yugoslavia. So was one of the males gangbanging her. Most of the population in that area is not somali but brown of some kind from many different places.
This is a very important aspect of communism. That people don't care for one another.
I'm an American, could you explain to me what an "official dictionary" is?
May God and racial consciousness return to the minds of your people.
Those are some strong atheist morals.
New France a shit, you want ye olde occupied France.
Point and laugh anons, Point and laugh. The shitskins she asked for help afterwards did nothing wrong.
Probably those who didn't help her were actually niggers themselves.
The same is happening in Germany and the krautcucks in here still pretend they're nazis.
She has very little of my compassion, if she didn't vote for the Sweden Democrats.
This. How do we even know that "Swedes" rejected to help her and not "locals" in the muslim-dominated area she lived in?
As if voting for kosher SD helps anything.
We've all seen this coming and we know where this is headed. Total collapse of Sweden is unnofficially here and will be official in a matter of years if not months.
I've been thinking about what will be the real international response to this.
When it has become Somalia/Afghanistan tier center of terrorism, other countries will send in special forces to take out targets (if they haven't already ((()))
At some point a U.N. peacekeeping force will be called in, and we know how well that worked out in Bosnia.
U.N. Soldiers were extorting and raping locals where ever they go.
As a thought experiment* I wondered what a proper response would be. I imagine there would be great opportunity for an *entrepeneur* in the security services. Sweden is wealthier than the Balkans. A group of some Poles or other nations could go up and "offer" protection services to the still standing communities, and procure monetary gains from leftists and non swedes in their neighborhoods. The cucked police will have to be avoided so such a company of S.S. persons would have to keep it quiet. But I think the police could easily be avoided.
WTF! I will only accept water from a modern apartment that has been built in the middle of the desert. Why isn't there a city here yet?
Fuck off with your "water"!
Except the water SD are offering you is still 20% poison.
No. The person who wants the water is poisoned.
Drinking the water is medicine for him and 80% of his illness will be cured. He will feel much better.
I am not sure you know many Germans. Antifa-tier leftists in the USA would be considered right of center by the average ethnically German man living there today. It is Sweden, but with a larger population and less right wing opposition.
t. a German
We don't even have a "gender" debate and completly severed sex and gender in our langauge/mainstream.
Just watching Anne Will talking to a Tranny was very refreshing to see how we are still more sane than the Amis, because of just the way she worded it. Like the guy in a dress was actually still a biological man.
I doubt that would still fly in America.
What we do have is a larger presence of Antifa, but that doesn't mean what you just said is correct.
I did say "ethnically German," Hadid.
My mom's gentest.
I could go into explaining "average" and statistical distributions to you, but I don't think you would understand. Your logic requires that any outlier disproves the statistical distribution, which is too much work to educate out of you.
It was a cheap gentest tbh.
Now on your knees and bow before your Prussian Master. Germans belong to Prussians.
WE OWN YOU! We made you what you are!