NYTimes Shilling for Censorship

At work, have to be brief. Can't archive. Just caught this headline. Enjoy default Windows 7 sample OP image.


>It’s time for Twitter to scrap one of its founding principles: the idea that it is an anything-goes paradise, where anyone who signs up for a voice on its platform is immediately and automatically given equal footing with everyone else, and where even the vilest, most hateful and antisocial behavior should be tolerated.

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Like some sort of star maybe…

Speaking of the Jew York Times…



But that's not even remotely close to how Twitter works.

That's how it works for them, they just open an account and then buy a hundred thousand followers

Don't the chinks have a commie "social score" system NYT basically wants?

I, for one, would be fully in support of a bad goy mark. It would make for a nice counter to the blue check and really liven up discussion. And maybe if they went that route then l wouldn't have to keep getting new accounts.



The leftist fanatics have no self awareness. Censorship, maoist struggle sessions, branding people with marks of shame or approval, punishing / imprisoning people for wrongthink, massive corporate collusion and control, a victim caste system, overt and systematic racism towards whites….

Leftists literally do the exact things they claim others are doing to them (but aren't), and then turn around and claim it's acceptable when they do it because they are doing it against evil rightwing nazis. Except they call everyone that isn't in their SJW cult an evil rightwing nazi.

Every fucking time.

Do it, mark yourselves again.

That is horrifying

So they literally only want good goys as representatives of their country.

Capped for an excellent summation of why all commies and SJWs must die. To any of them lurking here, don't worry–I am going to oppress the fuck out of you, just like you cucks have always wanted. We all became edgelords because of you fucking cucks and your kosher bullshit.

Don't just talk about it, do it. Lift, self-improve, get a wife, build a family.

Am I the only person who thinks that the twitter blue check thing is a non-issue? A lot of us has sock-puppet accounts on twitter during the election, none of us were verified and yet we dominated the political discourse in the US for months. Taking away check marks from white nationalists does nothing to harm us or lower our influence whilst simultaneously making them look like a bunch of jerks.

Twitter is a garbage platform run by Pedo Jack and his Saudi pedophile friends. I hope the next child he abuses bites his penis off and he bleeds to death. They're considerably worse than a bunch of jerks. I agree with you that their blue check mark thing is stupid. I'm not too big on the DOTR idea but if it started at Twitter HQ, sign me up. Never been a filthier nest of degenerate cannibals.

The blue check is pretty much useless. It's mostly used by someone either losing an argument or can't support their own. "See, I'm verified. My opinion is worth more than yours" it's a big appeal to authority, when they have none to begin with.