Harrison, Arkansas

Why did the mods delete the Harrison thread? It is a legitimate P.L.E. , one of the first. Is this board beyond compromised?

Other urls found in this thread:



Same reason homesteading threads always get deleted. You answered your own question.

For what? Sliding all the juicy pinned happenings?

No surprise there.

This is the correct answer, I was asking for the lurkers.

You idiots shouldnt post this kind of formation about organizing here. This is not a place for people to organize. It shows that you are shilling for your organization rather than being a regular user of the site. It's astroturfing rather than organic organization growth.

Reported for being a shill.

Kek, what organization is being shilled for? Please enlighten me Mr. Hall Monitor.

I'm not the O.P. of the other thread. I just notice what gets deleted and what gets slid. This reddit tier everybody is a shill shit is what killed this board.

I missed it so do you have the archive?

Pretty sure the report everything fags are the actual shills or refugees. Some anyway. The others are probably just autists who can't interpret nuance.

I guess some of us are too paranoid.

If you really are interested I will post most of the info that was there.

I am.

I have property in AK. Based state, if it weren't for all the niggers in Little Rock it would be one fine state.

My God, I went to a country fair near Little Rock 3 years ago… talk about visiting the zoo. These niggers just run around and do nothing. They don't even care to look at the horses or other animals. Only the white folk are enjoying the good stuff, they just want to ride on the merry go round and look stupid in front of their "fam".

So this is a IRL organization thread? Sage

Sage is a little more than commenting "sage"

Every city has niggers, for now. I would like this thread to be about the White population of the Ozarks.

More to come.

What do you think?

Have fun talking with yourself, loon

What's the opinion of the rest of the people in the town ? Because the only thing I see in this article is a bunch of leftists who never had to deal with nigs and sand nigs.

The town is straddled between carpet baggers and real Dixie. As with any news organization they are going to spin all White people that want to maintain a White area for White people as evil, and they use implanted jews and Chicago yankees for this purpose.
Pic is local.

So the carpet baggers heard about the "biggots" and decided to help enrich the town ?

Pic reminds me of my home. I've often thought that there needs to be a town/area where WN are free to congregate and live their lives. A well from where the pure waters may flow. I would move there in a heartbeat even though my town hasn't been niggerfied just yet.

That is how it usually goes. It's happening in my town as we speak. Yankees(probably crytos) and niggers have been showing up in my White town heavily the last two years.

I fucking hate that shit, isn't there a way to make them go away ? I'm sure some high tech low life type of guys could work their magic.

That is exactly what happened. They came down and bought up cheap land. Next one of their own won the position of mayor, that mayor wanted to bus in niggers to live in low income housing that was to be built on his property. The people put a stop to his plans.

Same, hence why I've taken it as a duty to make them feel as unwelcome here as possible. What said is what happens across the South. It remains fairly segregated so they have to come down to forcefully give us the magic of diversity.

Your mask is slipping Hymie.


And yet, the thread that is supposed to be about doxing commies has turned into a TWP/alt-right circle jerk, banning anyone that speaks ill toward the weird looking fuck and his mongrel wife. There's even a mention of their GoyFundMe page. If that isn't a direct funnel into a honey pot, I don't know what is.

That sounds more of a passive attack. Try again.

No, that sounds like I hang out on >>>/cyber/


Why don't you go back and derail a thread there?


You're the one derailing by accusing me of being a kike.


Sounds like the first town in America where Holla Forums ideology has been spread to everyone and not accepting it is verboten, unless youre an open race traitor and bitching about muh hate groups.

Am I losing it, or is that a fucking kike saying hes KKK?

Thomas Robb is no kike. Where do you get this shit?

Apperance alone. Ive never heard of him. Maybe I need to get my eyes checked.

Yeah you need to get your shit checked. Robb has no kike characteristics.