New Veritas clip - didn't see a thread for it yet. Hooktube link below m88's
New Veritas clip - didn't see a thread for it yet. Hooktube link below m88's
My own shit attempt at fixing this post. Sorry for KikeTube embed.
Bumping myself because I feel eerily slid…not even a post ridiculing my fucking format…
OP is a fag, will watch though. Have a starving jew.
I found it weird it hadn't been posted yet - usually (((veritas))) has a usual group of shitposters that spread these directly after they are dropped. Sort of eerie that the threads hadn't happened yet while at the same time multiple obvious slide threads are popping up and floating to the top of the board.
Checked. It's depressing stuff.
Stop shilling this
Tbh why not shill nordbot made sites
OP here, I am currently away from proper facilities to make webms. I assumed hooktube would at least be better than just direct linking to fucking YidTube.
You phone cretins… Refer to →
WHy is this your excuse everytime?
Stop fucking phoneposting and lrn2youtube-dl and ffmpeg
youtube-dl -f webm https'':''//
Then tweak with FFMPEG
Not on a phone - desktop user here. Just not on my personal computer.
I'm not sure why he still does this but I guess it's still surprising how many retards there still are out there who believe the Russia bullshit. The "hacker" was revealed to be, gasp, not a Russian of any sort but a DNC insider by Julian Assange himself. His name was Seth Rich.
Protip: unlike cuckchan we try to implement some form of quality control here. If you can't into a good OP.
Would you like to have some tasty cum straight from my tap? Its nice and warm user :)
Enjoy your ban, TRSodomite
And you wonder why you get no traffic?
inb4 replaced by monkey after accident.
This needs a proper thread. There's a fucking manipulative rat in this one.
Fuckin this. Its very easy to spot their typing styles
I appreciate what they do but I really wish they had better bombshells. Leftists ignore anything to do with Veritas.
I guess when you're surounded by fellow semites there aren't enough foreskins to go around
Jesus Christ stop using command lines and simply put pwn in front of the YouTube URL.
example yadda yadda
site gives you multiple options for downloading the video