and now her Trump supporter cuck dad is begging for money to cremate his worthless spawn. Her stage name is (was) Roxy Nicole.
Blacked pornstar pays the toll and dies from drug overdose
Other urls found in this thread:
Stop spamming interracial porn
Guarantee you these cucks also supported her """"career"""" and never ever questioned her over sucking nigger dick for a living
forgot to archive the link
Would only support monetary wise if it would put a nigger in jail
Fake blonde dies from real drugs.
Dad must be proud
Fantastic. I hope more of them die soon.
Not anymore she ain't.
What a disgusting cunt
Wew lad.
Jail who? She did it to herself with her own hands.
Sage & halfchan go back to Holla Forums or 4/pol/
I need links to her videos!
What a pathetic twist of words this is. Oh no my daughter may have chosen to use and gotten addicted to degenerate drugs, but that doesn't mean she has to take any responsibility for it– it was all an accident, the same thing could have happened to anyone. Anyone who supports this broken husk of a man is somehow more of a cuck than him. Anyways sage because this thread is useless feelgood shlock.
She would've made a good waifu if the jews wouldn't have poisoned her brain.
Pornstars dieing unnatural causes of death is quite normal.
And nothing of value was lost.
Reported and fucking saged for obvious cuckshilling this faggot porn everywhere. Could have made this post without the obvious cuckold language and fucking blacked file you cocksucking kike.
You're contributing to the problem by white knighting a literal porn whore. No, she wouldn't make a good "waifu". She was 10x more subhuman than the niggers she fucked for money and at least as subhuman as the jew who payed her. An entire generation of poisoned minds because of trash like her
you are either an idiot, jew-collaborator, or a (refreshingly honest) jew
Princess got what she deserved.
Yeah, nah, fuck off rabbi.
don't hate the player, hate the game
holy fuck are seriously whiteknighting this radiator hose cap?
seriously fuckoff back to cuckchan you greasy faggot
She is a traitor and a fool and should have been called out and punished for her treachery. However, cheering her death makes you as bad as the kikes that used her.
You can guarantee that every step of the way there was a kike involved, (((introducing))) at parties, setting up the porn, and giving her the drugs.
Every post on here should be anti-kike.
Traitors are ALWAYS the responsibility of those they have betrayed. Grow a spine.
Read his post again.
"if the"
That poisoning started the day she was born, everything she saw on television and film, in newspapers etc.
In reality she was a retard, and could have been put to better use if she hasn't been born into a disgusting brainwashing pit.
Good riddance, they should have started the gofundme for the father when she racemixed, because she might as well have already been dead at that point. Poor guy, unless he was okay with it, in which case I hope he fucking offs himself.
Who said I didn't care about the kikes behind it? If I could I'd press the button and dissolve every single person keeping the porn industry alive. But what do you want me to do about the drug overdose of a nigger fucktoy used for anti-white brainwashing? You want me to fund her good goy family, you know, the one that didn't stop her?
BASED rehabilitated druggie coalburner tradwaifu from the (((porn industry)))!
I hate both, people like this always find a way to ruin things around them. Kikes don't change the fact that if you're a grown person you should be able to make decisions that are good for you and the people around you.
No it doesn't, it shows your stupidity will not be tolerated. Sleep with dogs, you get fleas.
Mudsharking is disgusting and so are the people who make excuses for it.
Shes only a month older than I. God that bothers me like nothing else.
Since I've turned 18, there are over 700 pornstars that are my age or younger. I keep that in my mind as an ever increasing number and a staple tantamount with international jewry in my generation. Pornography has become a symbol to me of the decline in my generation and adds to my anxiety tenfold, often it keeps me up late at night in anger.
Part of me is happy that this world is still predictable and still has consequences for actions, but part of me knows that shes a victim just as much as her viewers are. That she isnt anything more than a fly inhabiting a swamp, and unless we improve ourselves then there isnt any hope that people like her can be saved. I hope God is with her family.
Young user, every time you can't find a wholesome girl your age, and can only find coarse roasted whores with sharpie eyebrows and bad skin (from swallowing too much semen), think of what has been stolen from you. From (((porn peddlers))), to the artificial pop culture (((factories))) that churn out every form of degenerate """guidance""" leading what could be your treasured wife, into deforming their own natural beauty to go to clubs and grind on nigger cock, only to wake up unfulfilled at 30 from living a bad life and become angry at you for their decisions. But at least you won't go down with them, if you're here.
Dox on the dad? I'll find some of his girl's smut and send it to him for lulz. Some tasty facial shots to give him a heart attack and if not, shame him into killing his worthless ass.
Be sure to edit the video with cuts of cemeteries, coffins, ash urns, etc.
Then I guess my money is safe