I'm still not tired of winning.
Sieg fucking heil.
Other urls found in this thread:
Dick Status: Muh.
Also, CNN is boycotting the White House Christmas Party lol. Hmmm, I wonder why a mostly Jewish news organization would boycott a Christian holiday? My walnuts are wobbling.
He is still a capitalist.
Get out of here cuckchan.
go derail threads somewhere else, chaim
>>>Holla Forums
He's on a fucking roll. Here's one of the things he just retweeted.
He's also just called out the deep state itself and described it as corrupt and rigged.
Missed the first post, Shekelstein?
>Oy vey! The goyim aren't into consumerism/capitalism!
I hear they get docked if they don't get the first post.
Controlled opposition.
t. Bong
you're still a faggot nigger gas yourself
I understand your concern friend, but this is still an enormous salt mine, and it emboldens rightwing brits. Plus if this group really is shit, it draws attention away from real nawtzees, which is sadly necessary in Britainistan. It's a good move.
You mean Israel First?
Salt is endless, the comments just dont stop.
I dont really like him but fuck, what a madman
Most groups in the UK excluding National Action are controlled opposition sadly. Wear a national action pin and you're in prison though, terrorist group after murdering some nigger
I wish I shared your enthusiasm. The salt is great though.
britain first is not relevant in this instance, the fact Trump tweeted the truth in video format to the world is what matters.
Wtf? You guys are not from here?
You what are you guys? Libertarian faggots are not allowed here only NatSoc & NatSyn.
Go back to reddit.
I didn't realize but this was the BF deputy leader he just retweeted.
trumpcucks are delusional, they worship a kike who plays 4d chess on them by posting shit like this because it's all it takes to fool desperate mongrels
You know what time it is.
I am really concerned that these are some gay cuckchanners that migrated…
You are scum of the Earth and you will suffer greatly.
haha great, for all those upset he's not Adolf Hitler reincarnated, just be happy 44 million people get to watch muslims enrich people, because the media sure as fuck won't show them
I used think Trump is just a kike puppet, but after this massive public redpill… Maybe there still is hope.
Poor leftypol. You thought you were gonna get four years of hillary importing shitskin rape gangs, didn't you?
Looked at the responses and this is almost the usual "#notallmuslims, you yourself are at fault for making them to commit it". They are vigurously avoiding of ever discussing the videos and the topic. Only concentrate on attacking anyone who spread the video, calling it racist, xenophobic "far-right". Oh and the best part of this is that they try to make these as some sort of comedy by jumping into the same wagon of the mudslimes and joking about Christianity.
This is beyond insanity. They literally protect and see muslims as the most oppressed near extinct species. They don't fucking care about anything that the suffering and destruction those sandniggers bring. It's as if I'm looking at some sick people who enjoy being abused. And if those sickos are being killed by their lovable multiculturalism, I'd have no sympathy to them, the faster they are killed, the better the world will be. Traitors first, roaches and rats second.
Eh, that says a hell of a lot more about the fucked state of the UK than huurrr Drumpf ebil nahzi
Lashing out at news media, Trump brings up Joe Scarborough conspiracy theory
Aide found dead had said she felt ill
A U.S. representative's aide confided in those who saw her at the district office.
By BILL ADAIR of the St. Petersburg Times, published August 28, 2001
(((Media))) are claiming that the attacker beating up the dutch boy is neither muslim nor a migrant. Of course they don't mention that he is of Moroccan descent, or whatever.
Don't worry, antifa gets the bullet too
Dr. Michael Berkland, former medical examiner, arrested for storing human body parts in Fla. storage unit
It was actually written and published in a letter by Gregor Strasser, who was later assassinated during the night of the long knives.
This rat is already in the comments. Big nose once again.
That's the best one I've ever seen.
wtf i love eternally paying jews now
I remember that one, where the muslims made death threats on politicians lives directly in front of police, who protected them and allowed them to make those death threats. Great redpill.
didn't he rape an intern that mysteriously died?
you have to go back
Yep, and now it's in the news cycle.
Yes, just like Donald Trump is controlled opposition.
They've been here since the campaign got started, in ever increasing numbers. The shift in the board is revolting. It's basically become a cheerleading section with cringey tryhard memespeak hastily and crudely plastered onto the causes and industries that make up the Republican party's donor pool.
How soon before other women come out claiming Joe not only sexually harassed them but threatened them? It's only a matter of time now.
you do not belong here
MSM is taking massive hits lads, how soon till the fake news station sinks for good?
wew lad
Oh, great. The red texting cadrenigger bots from the election thread are back.
oh great torpedo shills from that one news cycle a while ago are back
controlled opposition retweeting controlled opposition.
why is Holla Forums happy about this?
How are the left able to see these videos and say Trump is the one spreading hate?
i wonder if trump is using operation prism against (((them)))
2 shekels have been deposited into your account. thank you very much chaim.
She looks kind of Jewish to begin with, and, although this video could be a move to gather funds by kikes, it may just as well be real.
Actual shills have dozens of IPs to choose from and change to at will, you mouthbreathing faggot. The only people posting through TOR are regular posters who get banned for anti-zionist or anti-capitalist remarks.
good goy.
Dubs demand that traitors die before enemies.
Actively trying to stop the jews from (supposedly) leaving their country!?
What cucked pos, on top of that they are using a nationalist slogan (Brittan first) while protecting foreigners (jews) and taking a shit on actual nationalists!
Almost all responses to Trump are by bots.
good goy.
Does the secert service investigate the responses?
For what?
He's a shill, possibly even paid. He almost got the first post, which shows he has some high tech Jewish shilling software, not to mention how out of touch his posts are. At any rate, paid or not, he's a faggot Marxist shill who deserves to get banned.
But… isnt hairy pot a kikel?
National Socialism isn't supportive of capitalism. You're coming across as the shill.
Productive capitalism it is, you fucking faggot. It's not supportive of (((speculative))) capitalism.
Newfag, don't even lurk for two years, just kill yourself.
Really makes you think.
Except it is. There's a difference between traditional capitalism that the entire world practiced since the dawn of history and finance capitalism which the kikes essentially created to enslave everyone through interest and debt, that's what the National Socialists opposed.
Stop shilling for Marx, torfaggot.
Trunmp is massacring them at this point.
Capitalism is fine as long as it is sublimated to the interest of the volk. Free enterprise is necessary to create free men.
We don't need to listen to your assertions. We have the actual policies and writings of the men who put it into action. Thanks but no thanks, jews.
Go fuck yourself, Moshe.
There's no such thing as capitalism sublimated to the interest of the volk. Capitalism is based on printing money out of thin air and the people who receive that money first "owning" everything and society being run for their benefit. Interest-free money isn't capitalism.
Reported. Why the fuck are you choosing to shill THIS thread with your narrative, yid?
I can't tell if you're this illiterate in economics or an actual shill, at any rate you're an embarrassment as both a Marxist and a shill.
Man, these shills are mad. Good job, OP. You're a pretty cool guy.
You Trumpniggers and your jewish fathers stick out like such a sore thumb here.
Reported. Zero effort.
This nigger can't even crypto correctly.
What effort is there to put in against a literal Republican shill trying to pretend he's an oldfag?
As much as I hate quoting leftypol, read a book.
Reported. Zero effort.
That's exactly what it is. How else does anyone own anything, but money? There's the real old way of being an ancient warlord, but that hasn't been in fashion for a number of years. So where does money come from? It comes from thin air. This is what WWII was fought over. This is what the war of 1812 was fought over.
when will he retweet anti-kike videos?
You niggers always stick out like a sore asshole.
Never. The only reason he's even running and pretending to be anti-immigrant is because it turns out non-White immigrants don't like and don't care about israel.
trump is a good goy. good goy never disrespect their masters.
You are a special kind of stupid
Yeah, about that.
I'm not familiar with your meme, maybe i have forgotten it, but hairy pot IS a kike.
The entirety of capitalism doesn't just equate to printing money out of air.
buy something and you own it, it's not money.
What? Please, go outside right now and go rape and pillage a city or a state. preferably california
Buy it with what, moron? Money. How many decades has it been since you could buy a mill, a farm, a workshop for goats? Quite a few, I'd imagine.
Nice try but that wasn't Hitler who wrote that.
It's funny how when the thread starts going one way they don't like, a (1) always shows up with GLP-tier pictograph agitprop.
In essence he isn't wrong. Hitler specifically went to war to gain resources by force that would enable economic security.
What is the argument at this point anyway? Hitler despised capitalism, that's a fact. What are you anons disputing?
Why would you want to do that? A fucking mill, farm or workshop for a goat? A horse, a horse! My kingdom for a horse! Money seems a lot more stable if you manage it correctly, currently, it's managed awfully.
Talk about ensuring that our armed forces are always on his side.
Still despite them not belonging here and having a completely incompatible culture, the real problem remains the talmudists.
Britbongs are already trying to get him banned again.
They are all half-jews and don't want their apple cart upset. They want to present a fictional representation of what National Socialism actually was – a genuine abolition of the left/right spectrum. All they want to do is copy-paste "sieg heil" over their dumb ass postwar judeo-boomer lifestyle.
No, they know that Holla Forums bitches about capitalism more than other people. Therefore, when they see someone bitch about capitalists, instead of Jews, they suspect him of being communist because they are either new or, in their ideological opposition to Holla Forums, they forget that NatSoc wasn't pro-capitalist. That's what this shitstorm is.
In the unlikely event Trump retweets holohoax infographics, you can be sure OP won't make a thread about it and it won't get (((stickied before there's even fives replies))).
What's the difference between the two? When all those Frankfurt kikes got kicked out of Germany they certainly didn't go to Moscow. In the 60s and 70s it was a pretty one-way street between the USA and USSR with movement of kikes. Wherever you find capitalism, you find jews happily setting up shop.
>Retweeting religion of peace being religion of peace is Religion of Cuck™aphobic
Your days in the sun are over, penny pincher.
Well, I'd say not all capitalists are Jews and not all Jews are capitalists. But that's totally irrelevant to my point. They see anti-capitalist sentiment framed as
as communistic in its motivation, as that's who is the enemy in Marxist theory, rather than, say,
Fundamentally, NatSoc and Marxists have similar enemies because they're ideologies reacting to the cultural, social, economic, etc., environment they were immersed in.
it's almost been a year in office and he still hasn't visited the uk or aus or canada…really makes you think
You dumb shills aren't fooling anyone but the stupidest of cuckchan faggots.
Get out, shill. You were blown the fuck out already.
Also communism, you shit shill.
I wonder if Trump is also having a passive redpill effect on everyone. Put aside any of the substance that might awken people. He's constantly upsetting millions by making them think about things they don't want to and being a thing that shouldn't exist. We have that hypothesis that this pushes people right by shocking their underdevelped brains with reality.
Where did I ever imply Hitler wanted a trade based economy or a gold backed currency? Oh, nowhere.
He also has the benefit of undermining authority. If you can't trust the president, then why can you trust any other jewish figure of authority in universities, sciences, government or law.
The salt is fucking delicious. Anyways P.J. "Tranny Sucker" Watson sure knows what optics is, bend over for that cock P.J.
The BBC has devoted so much time to this story, it's all I've heard about all day. They're so incredibly salty over this. Just now I heard them on the radio mentioning the National Alliance for some reason and muh neo Nazis.
Also can someone post the Dutch video? For some reason whenever I download it it won't play.
They get angry about people attacking capitalism because they are well-trained goyslaves and half-jews. You are giving them far, far too much credit.
No, they don't really seem to stick around in communist countries. They use their capitalist connections to attack monarchies and the Church, but seem to skedaddle the moment any enterprising military personnel might start removing them from their positions of privilege or stop supporting their criminal base of operations [israel].
So Hitler was a capitalist for printing currency?
You're communist ideology is so backwards you can't even pretend to make sense.
No, they don't really seem to stick around in communist countries.
No they just instigate communism, suck the goyim dry and live as kings over them until they move onto the next host.
Oy to the power of vey!
You see a lot of jews in North Korea? You see a lot of jews in Vietnam? I know there were a shit ton of jews getting the fuck out of dodge in the 60s and 70s – you can find them in Brooklyn [probably where you live, snipdick] – and nobody going back the other way. I do recall a whole lot of kikes flooding back into Russia after the USSR dissolved, though. And where was it that all of those occupation force jews in East Germany and Hungary went after the USSR collapsed? Did they go to North Korea? Or did they go work in England, Canada, and America? I forget. Maybe today you can remind me.
kill yourself you fucking moron.
hilter refused to be forced to rely on trade with other countries. they needed to have control over all resources required to sustain the stable economy. where these resources were not available to them hitler viewed war an means to gain control of these resource that might be present in other countries.
lurk, educate yourself more or fuck off back to the_donald.
You Marxists aren't very bright.
Just filter him.
This is a boring type of shilling, everyone can see that you are trying to reduce the momentum behind something successful
who knew
More or less correct, but it should always be emphasized that he wanted resources to feed and defend his people, not merely to have a stable economy.
Yep. You think we're blind, shill?
No, you don't. Because 300,000 of them, or more, left for the United States alone.
Reported for kike shill.
Never ceases to amaze me about his mentality while he clutches his pearls desperately
The kosher Kushner shills are running around like chickens with their heads cut off, trying to save their coin operated racemixing goy.
are you fucking retarded
Did you even follow the 2016 election? Name a single republican apart from jeb? who didn't trashtalk muslims 24/7.
Ben carson, huckaby, christie, rupio, deez nuts,
This is literally your argument, because you're completely incapable of defending the racemixer-in-chief.
You're pulling names out of your ass, aren't you?
2 seconds in jewtube: "Mike Huckabee wants Obama to wipe out muslims"
Republicans have been playing the muslim cars for more than 15 years now. Trump's cheap talk is fucking nothing.
Kushnerbots pretending to be low-iq centipedes
Based racemixer. Centipedes unite!
These Kushner shills have literally zero arguments.
What the fuck user?
Oh, I remember how this game is going, just like those old loli pill threads, Mr. Alpha Wolf
No argument whatsoever. You are literally defending a race-mixing zionist with "reported". Absolutely pathetic.
I'd juet like to point out that tornigger, and his buttbuddy /leftynigger/ in the span of derailing this thread
inb4 some Kushnerbot starts rambling about the wall and how based Trump is.
There are literally hundreds of statements where Trump talks about his zionist beliefs
0 arguments by Kushnerbots.
Bad goy, that's not a real chuppah.
I am not upset about this. It puts a smile on my face seeing these invaders make misstep after misstep.
Fucking sub-human mudshit
"A-are you tired of winning yet, goys?"
Reported and filtered.
Guess again.
Not to mention, citing jewscience and "seek help" are as big a tell has a hooked nose.
Dog blez Israel, be sure to buy the newest TV for Christmas for all you loved ones user.
Oh, you do see a lot of jews in North Korea? Where? Grabbing posters at the airport and getting shipped back to their kike American fambly in a coma? LOL.
"Look at this beautiful blonde aryan woman, goys. She is our true queen!"
#based #nottiredofwinning
based racemixer
You can report me, that won't put humpy dumpty together.
Gotta be honest. I am not tired of winning yet.
You know, this charade isn't fooling anyone in that repeated way that you've done in the past. By doing the same process again and leaving a false impression to keep your miserable existence afloat is absolutely bathetic.
Be triggered and fuck off.
So they funded all the yellows and then turned around and fought a border war with China from their base in Russia? And then the good, not jewish capitalists in the USA like Henry Kissinger positioned the country to side with China against the kike base in Russia? But none of the jews stay in their kike base of Russia – they all come to the US. And jewish China fights a war with jewish Vietnam, after the not-jewish USA fights a war with Vietnam to totally not protect jewish property in that country. That about right, according to you?
Btw, the Kushnerbots are being paid $100k a year to post things like "reported" and "==MAGA=="
It's such a joke
Save them while they're still up. Roger stone poured $60M into social media campaigns in 2016.
Wow, jews play both sides. What a shock, you fucking paid shill.
Trump always keeps his word.
Are you too stupid to pick up on when someone is being tongue-in-cheek? Of course Henry Kissinger is jewish, you fucking moron. That's the point. He is 100% kike, 100% capitalist, 100% American establishment. He's a regular adviser to the current zionist-in-chief.
does your carer know you're on the internet? Next time have them beside you when you need to read something.
stop projecting. you want HIGH ENERGY PRAISE GOD EMPEROR PRAISE KEKE faggoty posts then go back to cuckchan and it's bitch the_donald.
The deal in bongland (and straylia and leafland) is this: public order above all. The cops know muslims are shit disturbers, and they know about (((agent provocateurs))) so they crack down hard on public disorder offences like calling out Rotherham.
Of course, if there was a fire at the mosque, that would be a fire brigade issue…
Can someone summarise the major differences between a NatSoc and a commie?
Never play poker with your cards up. It's impossible to tell at this point, but there is some evidence (slim as it is, granted) that he isn't so high on the Jews. Meeting with a USS Liberty survivor is no small thing - I guarantee you the Israelis noticed that one.
shills are already here, i see
The only one who has exposed themselves is you. I'll go ahead and filter you and you'll lose the only person bothering to keep responding to you.
Oh man you would think Donald Trump had murdered someone - all he did was retweet a few videos
This is fuckin hilarious this latest storm in a teacup.
Reported for admitting to being a jewish shill.
I leave for a few hours and come back to lefty salt, Trump-loves-kikes concern trolling and god only knows what to call the rest of this pathetic shit. Someone is really triggered. Hail the God Emperor!
jesus christ
Shills in maximum overdrive itt
your pic related is showing
Normally i just filter you faggots but for some reason i feel like saying thank you today. While there are many reasons for me to support Trump, one of the biggest reasons why i do it is actually because of you. Experiencing 2 Years of cheap floodlike systematic repetitive anti-trump shilling has made me absolutely sure he is the real thing. Without you, i would probably only be half sure. I really want you to know that i am filled with morale everyday because of your additional assurance. In fact, because of that morale and newfound confidence i was able to start my own company and found traditional wife material. If not for that i might have been a demoralized basement NEET forever. And even if Trump or the next 8 years still might fail for some reason, i will still keep working hard in that time to make sure we keep winning personally even if i have to become the next Hitler myself. Now that i know what real winning is like, i pity you for just vegetating around like human garbage knowing you will never understand this inspiring feeling. Enjoy your few shekels while you still can.
I like the cut of your jib dubs user, nicely worded.
(Dubs checking dubs)
Fucking inspiring lad.
Are you insane? The last 2 years have been nothing but a ban-induced circlejerk where /r/The_Donald nu-pol retards fondle each other. Not that it is surprising that people who still support the zionist racemixer-in-chief are ompletely delusional.
Is it real?
Man, you've earned an entire quarter today, Schlomo.
And yet they still try shilling in the thread. Sad!
What cuckery.
ID dubs confirm.
Respect user, and CHECKED
stfu retard
lolbergs and natsocs have been allied on this board in the past.
In a high trust society, capitalism does work and is beneficial to the people.
You'd know that if you were legit
its bots
and they have grown sophisticated
What would you have expected from him? He's incapable to swallow it or even talk back. It's the same old tactics that he's been using for months or even a year now. Just remind yourself that you're not that miserable excuse who has been failing in every thread. You spend your life in happiness while he just wastes his life in shitposting and spamming while drowning himself in misery. At least he developed into such a joke that it's sometimes entertaining of watching a predictable clown hitting himself and blaming others for his own actions like some fucking leaf.
I demand olberman's face to be photoshoped into this picture! GET TO WORK, IM TOO DAMN BUSY RIGHT NOW!
Gas yourself kike
Why can't we have an objective assessment of the situation? Why do people here try to force others to have either total unwavering devotion to Trump or total unwavering hatred of him?
Trump attacking Muslims in a kosher way will not solve the underlying problems. Nor does it make him /ourguy/. The salt he will create with the "left" and some Jews will be nice but, that doesn't mean anything in the long term.
Any objective assessment of the situation shows that Trump is still loyal to the Jews and to Israel. Since this is the case, Trump is just another shabbos goy. At BEST one could argue this is "le step in the correct direction" and sure it is but, I still can't ever have unwavering support for leaders who are loyal to Jews and to Israel. So you pro Trump shills can fuck right off.
Early Syria from memory, around 2011-2012 when it started. Pretty sure it's not Libya.
There will be non shoah'd versions on LL.
And cheap shills from eastern EU use tor you faggot. Fuck off.
This thread is a hilarious example of irrelevant shit being posted by shills in order to create disagreements. Half of them are probably disagreeing with themselves.
Nice job you faggots.
Great examples include people with post counts over 20, 'trump is a gud goy' posting and similar.
Anything to avoid Holla Forums enjoying or associating positively with the burger shitposter in chief.
Look at this pathetic kike.
Who the fuck cares if Trump sends a zing towards Israel and then everyone can write about it for a few days, and then slowly but steadily all the people who were on the brink of ACTUALLY being redpilled go back to their new, carefully re-adapted reality.
This is so fucked. Yes it's a good thing that Trump is tweeting these kinds of things, but a lot of people straight up discards everything that comes out of his mouth anyway.
Please, do not for a second put your hopes to Trumpstein. He's not going to save you and the only way to get saved is to redpill NORMAL PEOPLE about kikes and their schemes. Until the average person is aware of ethnicity and subversive cultures genes, we're going to keep getting our reality re-adapted to fit our progress.
Unless u believe trumps Israel shilling is just what u need to do in today's climate.
100% delusional. You know as well as i do that every single user who did not support Donald Trump was banned. Do you understand what that means? It means that there are only 3 kinds of people left. 1. People who genuinely support him (/r/The_Donald retards) 2. Kushnerbots 3. People who keep their mouths shut or do not post in nu-pol centipede threads.
I fall into the last category, but with bait like OP, it won't be long before the last "shills" (people who tell the truth about the zionist racemixer-in-chief) are gone.
Wow, Trump tweeted something! This surely means effective action will be taken to help American whites, right?
They're worse than the EDL, they actually held solidarity marches to discourage jews from fleeing Britain.
Read a book
This poster is a kike. anyone who capitalizes the word jews is a kike. The correct spelling is K-I-K-E
That is what shillls do, they divide and then conquer. Its pinned in the Index.
you soft soyboy faggots are adorable in the way you think you're actually accomplishing something, I hope your family gets raped and burned alive by niggers
That's getting more difficult, they keep kicking them out of ISISrael.
This. They are obvious kikes and need to catch a ban.
One of Trump's pet coons perhaps?
High Quality British Salt
First pic is from the husband of the MP who was shot before Brexit last year
Second is from the black MP who Theresa May appointed to lead an inquiry into institutional racism
Third pic is from the Archbishop of Canterbury (brought up by a Jewish father, although in fact his real father was a non-Jew who his mother had an affair with)
god the amount of derailing in this thread, POTUS retweeted videos of mudslimes being mudslimes millions of people now see this and all the other shit the madman is posting today and it's going to have an effect. Stop being such utter retards and start brainstorming for mass redpill doses on just what exactly mudslimes do in their own countries. one step at a time.
How I'd like to snap both his and the cameraman's necks. Subhuman scum.
Checked for Melania being really hot
Because nu-pol only exists to serve the jews. The nu-pol centipedes have been trained to stimulate their reward centers by 'mining salt' and engaging in circlejerk cuckoldry.
They don't give a shit about 14/88, about saving europe, getting out from under the central banking kraken, preserving white culture, etc. They're on a mission to mine salt for their own personal gratification and the Kushnerbots do their best to encourage this hedonistic behavior.
Gee, I wonder of who could be behind this?
You know what, you're right. I hate Trump now. Can't wait to vote for Sanders/Pocahontas in the 2020 election!
Y'know, this is the same bullshit logic that Scientologists would use when they would say that since millions of people worldwide have heard Tom Cruise blather about their cult, that means millions would somehow be roused into believing it and convert. It doesn't work that way, power doesn't work that way. You know what would have an effect? A law revoking dual citizenship, or a wall being built, or a repeal of the 1965 immigration act, or abolishing the HUD.
Then shut the fuck up and quit pretending a few twatter messages mean jack shit. If the above aren't realistic, then we need to get our asses into politics pronto and MAKE them realistic, instead of expecting a savior to come along, or, even worse, pretending that an ideoligically wavering jew-friendly boomer is going to save white america.
This isn't proof of anything against Trump, but Britain First is more kiked than the EDL. This isn't a victory.
This is frighteningly accurate.
Found the original video you faggots.
Was from Egypt, my bad. Apparently showing muds mudding is Religion of Cuck™ophobic and unverified propaganda. Fucking britcucks.
widely circulated
Yet unverified when Trump uses it. Hilarious.
Lmao keep crying fag
Wow, so amazing and interesting. It's almost like actually doing something to get the jewish blood funnel out of our throats it isn't.
trips of truth
The shills are truly shitter shattered ITT. It must be hard for them having Trump living rent free in their heads 24/7 but this level of desperation is truly something to behold.
I don't give a fuck about untermensch shitskins.
The ever increasing wordfilters make Holla Forums look fucking childish.
joeisjoe BTFO
The British media so so cucked.
You can tell these London based agencies are filled with Muslims.
You can criticize pretty much anything but the moment you criticize multiculturalism, Religion of Cuck™ and especially the Saudi's, you are banned permanently. It is like a brainwashed cult.
The activated part of my almonds considers that might be the point.
sage for offtopic
No, it's just a good shop.
Waves upon waves of OY VEY's in the distance…. the next 7 years are going to be great.
Ive seen this before. Please God, let me quench my bloodlust before I die.
You clearly don't have a problem with ardent zionists masquerading as outsiders, so I'm not really sure why you'd be flippant about the possibility. It seems right up your alley.
maybe once the US president brings attention to this attack this poor Dutch Boy can have justice. Kankerraad.
They allow their controlled opposition (Britain First, “Tommy Robinson” etc.) to remind everyone how incompatible Musli.ms are with us along with the heinous nature of their behavior, they play cops and robbers with them (as we see here) but this is all a farce designed to antagonise the public. Discussion on Is.lam is allowed, as long as it is framed in manic rhetoric (foaming mouth anti or pro).
The one thing you are never allowed to mention is the Jews. You will simply be removed, likely without discussion. No drama, you are gone.
who cares?
He's the president, he should do, not merely "twit."
Excellent. Godspeed user and hail victory.
kek mud couldn't take a cripple down immediately after kicking his crutch away
It's just dragging board quality down like ^ that faggot
Checked. Starting your own company feelsgoodman.jpg
Glad the mods shoah'd the (20+) kike.
good job, user
Every night, I always turn on World News and without fail, there is always one story about what Trump has posted on Twitter. And then I hear people say:
Checking these consecutive digits.
A lot of money has been spent to maintain this kayfabe of elections. You will see this shift every election year, with more division between the "left" and the "right" "sides."
Muzzies are shit. Jews are worse. And we'd have no real muzzies issues if not for Jews.
Seems real fuckin' legit.
not, it isn't.
They are zionist jews. Trump retweeting it really confirms what we always suspected. They only concentrate on moslems they completely avoid the kalergi plan, jewish involvement in bringing the damned moslems here obviously, because Golding, Fransen and Britain First are jewish controlled opposition. Like all so called far right groups.
The reason you're a shill is that you think that saying things and "twitting" things is the same as actually getting stuff done. He's the fucking POTUS lol
Just focus on the twatter, goys, ignore everything else he's doing, he's TWITTING
Yes. What they are really worried about is specific elements of multiculturalism interrupting their "onward Christian soldier" scam and degrading the ability of the zionist satellites to intervene on behalf of israel and its agenda. This is why the focus is exclusively on muslims [who are hostile to zionism] and mexicans [who don't care about israel and who in many cases want to take territory from the zionist entity] as opposed to communist chinese and indians, who are both rabidly anti-White and sympathetic with materialism and zionism.
Pretty much this.
You are not 'based' if you complain about Muslims while supporting world Jewry. One would not be any issue to Western nations without the other; that is, without Jews, the Muslim problem would not exist.
lmao, then why are you all butthurt about it, Chaim?
And the same goes for anyone who focuses solely on other gentile non-White problems, like Jared Taylor who claims nigger stupidity/criminality is as deep as the rabbit hole goes.
Kek you do this shit all the time, chaim. You're the pinktexting version of asses and elgoys.
Fucking funny as shit, I hope they don’t use it to continue to shoot down his travel ban…
Is this a moderator or just a salty admin shill?
Very true.
The Jew is the most dangerous enemy the world has ever seen. Hitler said as much on more than one occasion.
Don't bother, that faggot will never engage in good faith.
Dipshit, if I were a Chaim, I'd be glad for him being anti-pisslam on twitter.
What actually bugs me is that homosexual faggots like you equate twitting with doing.
You're not winning anything, you retard.
This thread equates twitting with doing, hence shill thread
You're assmad because I point it out.
Is it really that funny? I get the whole "hurr muzzies rekt!" shit, but really?
Trump re-tweeting anti-Muzzie shit from a Zionist organization in Britain that masquerades as a nationalist organization? That's 'funny as shit' to you?
Beyond the shallow kek of surreal horror at the prospect of the US president engaging in social media and being so obviously anti-muzzie, I don't find it especially funny. Mainly because of the Zionism.
It definitely moves the Overton window, but I think troll-tier stuff like this is mostly to keep shitlibs hysterically outraged. "Trump Derangement Syndrome" is a real pyschiatric phenomenon, browsing (((verified))) twitter shows that many are exhausted, demoralized and openly reliant on substance abuse to function. They're too busy screaming DRUUUUUUUUMPFFF at the latest atrocity to engage in organized, long-term action that might actually be effective, like forming PACs.
Fuck kikes.
It's the same thing all over again:
>Reality: nothing is done, nothing happens
3 or 7 more years of doing nothing? Please, I'd rather have Hillary, who would've awakened the normies to what the Deep State is actually up to.
Trump is not a red pill or a white pill - he is a sleeping pill. He took you back to sleep.
Perhaps because no one has really addressed Trump's blatant shilling for IZZ-REAALL. Before the elections, it was because >muh he can't win without pretending to like jews, and for the past year it has just been post like yours and that other faggot who "started his own company and found traditional wife material."
Look how mad you are, Trumpshill.
Cry some more. Keep flailing.
(((Paul Golding))), the leader of Britain First
user, the reality is that the people on twatter, the verified checkmarks, aren't the people who do the PAC formation and stuff.
I mean, really dude? Its like you're looking at a group of grunts slapping each other and stuffing shit up their asses and you think that's what the strategy is going to be, while seemingly ignoring the many generals in back rooms making plans.
There are no good Jews.
Completely disingenuous. I'm leaning toward mod.
Why should you NOT capitalize Jews? Its like capitalizing Christians or Zionists. no?
Pretty much. The republican vote-farming machine has been ginning up anti-mudslime rhetoric for the last 17 years. Funny enough, 2001 was also the year in which a lot of refugee resettlement efforts first exploded in the U.S. The kikes who run the """conservative movement""" love this sort of impotent dogwhistling, because it ensures their loyal dumb white goyim will vote for them, while also doing nothing to prevent the shitskin invasions that people are so concerned about. Working class whites have been falling for this trick since the 70's. Reagan gave a huge speech in Philadelphia, Mississippi, a tiny town famous for nothing more than killing a few of those Freedom Rider niggers, and made digs at "welfare queens", all to get the whites good and mad and at his back. Then what did he do when he entered office? Gave millions of spics amnesty. And I bet a lot of suckers at the time were excusing that bullshit because Reagan would just be a "stepping stone" to something bigger and better. Now look where we are.
This country is an embarrassment
A beaten dog is rarely impressive, and the kikes have beaten their English hound fiercely.
Nice try, Trumpshill.
Is he trying to get himself assassinated?
Hillary already sent her uranium e-mails through Pizzagate to Benghazi.
It's over.
No, it isn't. This kind of shit was amusing during the campaign when it seemed we had momentum and were moving towards something better, but now that reality has set in about just how entrenched the swamp is, it's no longer funny. The country is less white today, right now, than it was when Obama left office. Only the Low IQ are stupid enough to find petty crap like this funny.
One is inherently Jewish while is the other isn't. I think you can figure out the rest from there
I hope they're stupid enough to do something like that. The Day of the Rope would commence immediately. Trump probably knows that.
So much pink text - let me guess, gay?
It does though.
The fuck?
It does though.
What has he done? And if you post that "list of shit trump's done" graphic, I'm going to have to point out that like 75% of the things listed equate to no meaningful beneficial change or are outright lies.
What has Trump done?
I mean, we've got prototypes for walls, a travel ban that doesn't cover the most-dangerous countries, continued sanctuary city shit (possibly to cease post gov. shutdown?), a cuckservative added to the 3-Jew SCOTUS, continued refugee shit, the swamp remains undrained and got a few extra Jewish gators added to it… What did he do?
I voted for him. I supported him, and still basically do - at least, relative to the other options. But what has he done in his first year?
No, he's trying to keep the narrative going. Problem is, the election was this time last year, and she's still free and he hasn't removed every last mother fucker associated with the past regime or any establishment power structure.
That's pretty much my sentiment.
What the fuck?
He twitted, and talked. Twitted and talked.
That's it. Let that sink in.
This. It's exactly why pinktex-n-elgoys is shitting the thread up.
You need medication.
I dunno about 'Nothing', he's done some economic shit which can be viewed as genuinely beneficial… Not nearly as much as some would like you to think, but he seems to have done SOME things of merit.
I'm curious as to what the shill in question will go with as a narrative though. Should be informative.
That is to say, I am curious as to what they want me to think he did in his first year.
What ARE 4289 sealed indictments? Do you even know? Has anything come of it yet? Anything at all that you can point to as definitive proof of what those thousands of sealed indictments are related to and what they will lead toward?
user, its not a secret. Its blatant and obvious as can be.
source on webm?
In the past they were fairly proactive, e.g. a kuro5hin.org user got a visit for a post where, as an idle intellectual exercise, he theorised about how to assassinate an official and get away with it. (Gloves coated in transdermal slow poison + handshake was what they came up with.) Now though they must be drowning in reports every day, so who knows. You can search twitter at any time and easily find multiple death threats against POTUS.
That's the shill line now? Lame.
Fair enough.
Keep changing IDs and waste your time by repeating yourself forever faggot. You have no power in this domain.
Your guess game is weak
I went over your list - all bullshit. Nothing important in it. Literally controlled opposition prolefeed.
Okay, but by retardSJW progressives logic anything that is even slightly critical of the religion of peace is anti-muslim so what are we actually talking about?
You niggers are way too predictable, literally the same argument everytime. Now then, i am quite bored right now so please enlighten me about what exactly Trump should do right now, mr shekelstein. Do i have to vote for hillary if he doesn't nuke israel within 5 nanoseconds?
Sic the SEC on Wall St and lock up thousands of the greediest kikes and the goodest goys in one fell swoop. But no, that picture of Andrew Jackson was just for jejs, if drumpf was going to blitzkrieg the financial kikes with the existing, established law of burger, he would have done by now. This is all just him trying to keep the jews' heads on their shoulders for another 3 - I mean 7 - years.
Well, look at it this way. If the sealed indictments were for say, Trump and his cabinet and all the Trump loyalists, or if they were for anons even, don't you think the MSM would be in full force screaming about how all the ebil nahtzees are going down hard soon? They would be able to resist spouting off at the mouth about how these sealed indictments are going to finally bring down the Trump monster, or at least heavily implying that the heroic Mueller has set the trap to kill off the alt-right, or some other nonsense to that effect. It's in their nature, it's part of their hubris to breathlessly spew an endless stream of rhetoric against their sanctioned opponents and take every opportunity to strike when they feel they have the upper hand or perceive a weakness.
Instead, not a peep. Not one single peep about these indictments from any of the kike MSM. That alone should be a hint as to the fact that these indictments are not going to turn out good for the swamp or at the very least, some of the swamp's golems.
That's the graphic I mentioned here
Almost nothing in the first section of that graphic - from "Lets start with trade" all the way to the Justice section - is worthless as regards your argument.
So basically, you admit that he did not actually do anything so far; slightly shifting some unserious bullshit policies is practically meaningless. You made (copied) a long list composed of nothing.
Way to go, Trumpshill.
Okay. Challenge accepted.
Stop the financial aid to Israel.
Easy enough, right?
There is absolutely nothing in all of his sections. I bet he doesn't even know what "sex trafficking" is lol. That's literally the best they have.
No. Also, why would I think the indictments were for Trump or Anons?
Because 1) it IS liable to target at least SOMEONE in the clutches of those in whose clutches the media lies, and 2) there is no story… yet. IOW: They don't know whats in it, and they're laying low until they DO know, and they'll probably continue to lay low if its at-all beneficial because it'll be removing Zionist drones or Marxist Jew-servants.
I'm not convinced of anything at this point, beyond the fact that some sealed indictments exist. But what for? We don't know… So why do they keep getting brought up when someone asks "What has Trump done" or what have you, when NOBODY on this board knows what the fuck those indictments are for, good or bad?
It just doesn't make sense in context m8, that's the problem.
Actually, the Justice section seems to have some good shit… Assuming its true.
Of course, the Justice section is followed up by Homeland Security (which is all outdated as ICE is now back to catch-and-release, and very unhappy about it) and the Defense section, which basically undermines everything else in there because its ZOGpill as fuck.
It's almost like you don't work or own a business.
Considering pedo busts are up through the roof this year, kikewood is burning along with U1/killary stuff hitting, I'd say the indictments are very likely swamp related.
Considering ISIS is basically fucked in Syria and the kurds are getting assfucked by 5 countries and the largest non-state standing army, Trump is definitely not helping the yids one bit. The CIAniggers are still cianiggering though but they are slowly being cut off as time goes on. Trump certainly isn't doing any more than virtue signalling/lip service there. The yids' hopes for greater ISISrael are dying each day.
It's all the same semitic shit, and if you think either is good, you don't belong here.
Either Holla Forums or /tok/ around the Eclipse. The images are from various sources
That's exactly what i mean. All of what you've posted has already been discussed hundrends if not thousands of times and you were BTFO every single time. I really like the morale you give me, but could you at least try to be original once in a while? Well, filter it is then.
In short - you admit that he did not actually do anything, then you go on to disingenuously say "I won." Get a grip, Saul.
I won't waste my time on your shilling. Bye, faggot.
kek. nice
from my phone
What the fuck? Are you actually fucking supporting globalism?
You're being utterly disingenuous with this one, and the idea that we're creating huge numbers of jobs is a falsehood, doubly so if your claim is to suggest such job creation is reliant upon globalism.
Very underhanded.
Its almost like you're a disingenuous shill pushing this false economic angle.
I said there was some good stuff, mainly in the justice section… Assuming its legit, of course, and I'm seeing signs that some of these 'sex trafficking busts' are related to men responding to adult prostitute ads and/or being caught with small amounts of drugs.
Do we have any information about who those people are at this point, and if not, why not?
I keep hearing this, but I'm not seeing it. Kikewood is doing just fine, even if a few kikes therein are getting assblasted…. But there's always more kikes. And I'm pretty sure nobody has been arrested yet.
Has any of it hit at this point? No. So why even bring it up?
Ah, that's why. Well, here's the problem: there is no evidence of such at this time. So, you can't hold that up as worth anything, because for all you or I know, it has nothing to do with any of the things you'd like to attribute it to.
Israel got US troops on the ground out of the conflict, and its not over yet. To say that it hasn't been helping the yids is making a very big assumption at this stage.
Like I said, big assumption.
Now, back to that globalism thing… Why are you pretending globalism isn't a tool of the enemy? Are you actually gonna try to just 'muh' youre way outta that shit?
How is export of nat gas to Poland not globalism? How does it not create a reliance upon US resources on behalf of Poland and interefere with Russia's efforts?
Why are we suppsoed to be amped about selling Communist Chinks rice? Why am I supposed to give a shit about Argentina buying US pork?
Look, I'm sure this benefits someone, but you cannot deny that this is globalism, it is a continuation of a platform, and that platform is not nationalistic in the least, nor widely beneficial to the common man in the US.
It's like this thread is a microcosm of Holla Forums. You can talk about anything, but as soon you talk about Trump's business ties and family relations to the jews you are banned permanently and your posts are memory-holed. Really makes you think.
Capitalism precedes communism by thousands of years and was the official economic system in hundreds of nations and empires, including the roman empire, the holy roman empire and every other successful nation including the US. You have to be either a marxist or a leninist to think that capital accumulation is a bad thing.
I was banned the other day for suggesting this image
was not 100% legit. I wouldn't be surprised if I were banned again for doing so.
That seems rather disingenuous user.
I'm not really concerned about the content of his tweets, it's the influence that he has on and off the platform that I care about. Either he's intentional with his posts and has some kind of strategy when it comes to riling people up like he does, or he just posts whatever he feels like and his staff don't see any reason to stop him (maybe they don't care and just like to do damage control for him, I don't know). Anyway, whether he's doing these things intentionally or not, I believe Trump is a massive vector when it comes to influence and memetics, more so than any person in recent history because of his position, his charisma, the current political climate, and inflammatory ability to always remain on the minds of the people.
Is it that people haven't realized the kind of power he has because they haven't looked into his Israel shilling? Probably not. I'm not sure what Trump's true thoughts are on God's Chosen People™, but if he is /ourguy/, I don't think he'd ever go full 1488 without the proper setup. He'd have to carefully lead the public to the JQ before making a move like that. I'm probably wrong, but that's my take on the whole 4Dchess thing.
Sealed indictments are a nothingburger. They'll stay sealed Trump's whole term and you'll keep bringing them up over and over as if something is about to happen. Prove me wrong.
I cannot imagine a world in which Donald Trump speaks out against world Jewry, given he'd be speaking out against his favorite child.
Trump is not "ourguy" in any meaningful sense at this stage - and if he is anything less than a stepping stone to someone better, then he'll probably just wind up being Reagan 2.0.
Daily Reminder that DACA is non-negotiable. They have to go back.
He's already the best President since Eisenhower (Kennedy doesn't count, his term was short enough that everyone can project what they wish he would have been on to him), not that that's saying much. Will it be enough? Maybe not, we'll see. But saying he's done nothing is plainly wrong.
1. select your text
2. move it a layer above everything else (layer via copy usually works best)
3. add layer in between text and the rest of the image
4. expand selection by 1-3 pixels
5. fill selection (in the layer created between the image and the text) with black
6. run the blur tool over it a couple of times
Will make your text orders of magnitude more readable.
Where are you faggots coming from?
Deportations have not increased.
Operation Wetback alone makes him better than anyone who followed him.
to illustrate my point
do this. It makes your text infinitely more readable
His actions in the Second Zionist War make him worse than anyone who followed him and just about everyone who came before him, save two in particular.
Proof? I'm pretty sure that's just SOP.
With WHO is the question… If its a bunch of cuckservatives, its not accomplishment. Do you even know who these people are? Have you investigated them? Do you have any evidence they are good from our POV?
I rather doubt you've examined it at all, I wager you're parroting media outlet reports, and haven't take the time to look into these people.
Its not easy - I tried, but there's a fuckton of them, and nobody on Holla Forums had any interest in looking them over, so it was left to my autism alone, and I'm not even autistic, so it didn't get done.
But from what I saw? More of the same.
But ICE is back at catch-and-release.
Something like 5% of them are user. We did the math.
And yes, Eisenhower was a tool of Jewry. He was shit. Utter, utter shit.
Kennedy was also utter shit, mind you, and his libshit hostility toward kikes (which is what got him killed) was little more BASED than Obongo's.
This is true. Thing is, hah, its funny: When you say he did nothing, suddenly all these people come forward holding up accomplishments… But when you look at them with any depth, it becomes clear it was a tiny victory, if any victory at all. Which begs the question of why you'd even bother holding it up on display.
user…. If not for the Jewry he had let into our lands and aided, we would not be where we are now.
Operation Wetback accomplished nothing… That said:
I wonder if Trump can claim such numbers.
You wouldn't be able to miss numbers like that. You would see it for yourself without having sensationalist articles funneled to targeted outlets on the internet.
Nobody cares what the correct term for it is.
checking satan trips
i agree, tbh. don't give a shit about the correct term
Name one President after him who wouldn't have done the same.
Because people don't seem to understand how unimaginably bad every single President has been for decades. Trump accomplishing anything positive whatsoever is already a massive improvement from the status quo of active participation in and encouragement of white genocide.
Trump isn't Hitler. But he's also not Clinton or Reagan, and that's a start that can be built on.
I can guarantee the Kennedy, Nixon, Carter, and Clinton would not have deliberately starved millions of German POWs to death. I can guarantee it.
The point is if you started a business and e.g. sold rice, it would benefit you. I have started multiple businesses and I'm no kike, anyone can. You just have to be motivated and have a plan and be able to network. Just because you don't do business, doesn't make it bad.
Calling it 'globalism' is just a kike term. It's business.
What's wrong with sending shit overseas to sell it? You can't sell it at home, so it may as well be sold to someone else. Would you prefer excess rice just be poured into a landfill?
Hitler certainly didn't sit there stockpiling excesses of german machinery, instead they bartered and traded it aka 'muh globalism' - still applies there too?
It's the same thing just sheckels used as intermediary today.
If you don't trade with people, or nations, you can't make any gains beyond a local market, which is always limited.
Jobs have been created and outsourcing stopped in many occasions. However from memory it's not too much, 100k or so? I have stopped watching every little thing he does in last few months or so
Exports are bad? Okay, just sell your shit in your own tiny little country (I live in a country smaller than some of your cities) and see how far that gets you.
There have been some high level pedo busts, few dems and similar in catalogue recently. That said they are the tip of the iceberg, I want to see CF and killary going down as do we all. but that takes time, hence (hopefully) the sealed indictments.
Kikewood is desperately shedding patsies and worstest kikes to keep the heat off. You do realize Weinstein is a reasonably high level kike? He has worked at the highest levels and in many massive films, including the biggest trilogy of all time.
That said I want to see analfantis go down and take his kikeschild family with him.
U1/killary hit the media two weeks back but was buried pretty hard.
King nigger got troops on the ground/bases in Syria and CIAniggers bought in mercs in 2011… trump has just been losing bases. Al Tanf was encircled and the border opened, he did nothing. SyAF even got to bomb ISISrael/cianiggers in a (((deconfliction zone))) at one point.
And it's not a big assumption. Spend some time in /sg/ or watch Syria. Huge changes and land retaking going on right now. Kurdroaches/SDFniggers + cianiggers/mossadniggers being shat on daily, russia doesn't give a fuck and trump isn't (and hasn't) done anything to stop them. Hezbollah is roaming freely and the kikes are kvetching like mad and bombing them from across the jordan border, because it's all they can do.
You say business and export doesn't benefit the 'common man'. Because the common man is not motivated enough to be invested in business? The common man just wants some shitty dead-end job to make sheckels and go home and watch sportsball?
That's not my problem. If you want it to benefit you, work for it. Otherwise shut the fuck up and go back to your shithouse job. No one is forcing you to do either route, but you want to bitch that it's not benefiting you? Well do something about it!
Hitler did it as did many other nations and empires as you pointed out. But if Trump does it, it's muh globalism/insert buzzword here, because anything he does is bad according to kike media.
However he is a little hypocritical with this quote in later years, Hitler was not a fan of shitty exploitation of workers and the materialist manifestation as a side effect though. That is up to each business owner to correct. I do my best and treat employees well, to the point they will get paid before I did if pickings were slim in past.
check out the body language and bullshitting voice, it's top jej
as much as I hate that faggot who wrote 'twitted', you're right
what pisses me off about this story is the outrage isnt because faggots are being tossed off buildings, or muslims smashing up christian artifacts etc its the fact the news is pissed that its come from a "right wing hate group"
quoting something from a certain group you disagree with is more offensive than people being murdered (not that i give 2 shits about faggots tbh)
He absolutely would not have. The entire Lewinsky ordeal was kikes taking advantage of Clinton's degeneracy to turn the screws on him when he was telling israel to fuck off.
I'm inclined to agree.
That's an incredibly disingenuous argument user.
If not for Eisenhower's cuckoldry to Jewry, we can't possibly know what US presidents would have been like going forward.
Oh, I do!
More disingenuous bullshit man. Disdainful.
Trump's tiny victories haven't made a meaningful dent in the state of US White affairs. White genocide continues largely unabated, and Trump? Well, he's a civic nationalist with strong ties to judaism and Israel, who disavowed any form of White identarianism… A coward, a pawn, does it even matter at this point which it is?
It is what it is man, and if you're trying to hold up these meager victories as worthwhile, as demonstrable of anything but the fact that Trump must be used and viewed as a stepping stone moving toward better, well, then I disagree.
Now here's where you lost me. Because he really is showing signs of being Reagan 2.0.
Hence why I reiterated that DACA is non-negotiable: if he doesn't send them all back, he's just another Reagan.
Its an impossible comparison!
Fuck's sake, it requires either you to imagine a 1940's era Bill Clinton, OR it demands you to imagine the post-WWII era transpiring in the 1990s. Neither of which is doable.
Would 1940's Clinton have done that? Would 1990's post-WWII Clinton have done that?
This isn't about comparison for fucks sake, its about facts - and factually, Eisenhower was a goodest goy faggot who served the kikes willingly and happily. He's a traitor, will always be a traitor, and no matter how shitty those who came after him become, he will always be a shitty traitor who served the Jew.
I always lol at how stupid and shortsighted you shills are. Like you think he could have even hinted at doing that without getting JFK'd immediately.
Israel does not mean to Jews what the typical Holla Forumsack seems to think. It is not a homeland. They do not have a homeland, nor do they want one. It is a lifeboat. Anti-Israel sentiment from the left means jack shit. King Nigger made some pro-Palestinian noises too, do you think that mattered to world Jewry? Fuck no.
Yeah, actually they seem to be quite upset at the general direction foreign policy took under his administration. They dumped all that money into Trump and his never ending whining about Iran, his continued intervention in Syria, his support for a Kurdish buffer state for israel, his acquiescence to jewish petroleum interests and demonization of alternative energy. Yes, jews seemed quite upset.
Your entire post here is nothing but empty rhetoric.
The platform of globalism has done more harm to the White population of the United States and the world than almost any other.
Hitler was extant in a totally different context than we are, so why would you even bring him up? And yes, were Hitler alive and doing that TODAY, it would be 'muh globalism', and it would be bad.
They aren't objectively good.
No evidence of this.
And he hasn't been charged with anything.
Then why is she still free?
I don't buy it lad.
There are 4,000 men on the ground, and the fact that King Nigger had CIA assets on the ground previously is not the same thing. You know this.
It is, because you're watching shit thats publically available and thinking you've got a good handle on the situation on the ground in fucking Syria, which is laughable in itself, not to mention that you're talking about the fucking Israelis here, which suggests that there is likely a lot going on that you and I aren't privy to, suggesting its entirely possible this is still going right along with Israeli desires.
I never said that. I said that globalism doesn't benefit the common man and that export is not objectively good.
You, on the other hand, claim "globalism doesn't real, its just business" and "export is objectively good".
Its pretty obvious which is more accurate.
Quite possibly the most Jewish thing you've said thus far.
Israel is the home base of world jeewry. Are you one of those "it's just the diaspora" TRSodomites who looks down on "ZOGpeople" who acknowledge the reality of zionist jewish power?
Put three divisions in the capital. Boom, solved. All of you who are so scared of the jews and think we need to do things slowly - while our race is being bred out - make me fucking laugh. What's there to be afraid of? With official government backing who exactly could stop us? The jews' gommunist golems? jejejej. White goodest goy boomers? Their knees are shot and they can't haul 60 pounds of ammunition so well anymore, their opinions don't matter. Fact is we really could round up all the jews tomorrow and shoot them in the gutter and literally nobody could stop us. The trouble is catalyzing the attitude into action, which is exactly the sort of thing someone with a bully pulpit, like oh, say, Trump, could easily accomplish. Lefties would cry and cry but they wouldn't volunteer to join the jews in their mass graves, I assure you. Every day without a genocide is a step closer to the end of whites.
Oh, missed this bit:
This is called context denial. You're pretending that Hitler's actions and Trump's actions are equivalent and thus open to comparison in a just fashion - but they aren't, the context is entirely different, the world was entirely different.
Stop pretending otherwise, and stop shilling for globalism.
I don't think Hitler would actually like you very much at all.
The election is over and I'm not into pretend anymore user.
This is overt exaggeration to create a strawman.
I always lol when I see it, because its a clear sign of someone desperately trying to create a counter-narrative.
The fact remains that Trump could do much much much more than he has done, if he were inclined, but he's not. Nobody was expecting him to 'instantly gas the kikes on day 1' but if you're legitimately going to sit there pretending there is nothing suggestive of Jewish control at this point, you're being disingenuous as fuck.
This completely based torposter. I do believe that there's been a concentrated shilling effort to get tor banned on this site. Where do you think the "torpedo" meme came from? Pretty (((organic))) amiright.
He will not stop legal spics from colonizing you
Good luck with your death
Having elements of capitalism like a market economy isn't the type of capitalism people mean in this context
This is neat i guess but ultimately it means nothing because he's still just a politician and because of that he won't be able to implement any change.
Confirmed jew shill…
try again mordecai
Oyyyy veyyyy
This is your brain on nu-Holla Forums
Sounds like a load of work in comparison to the stroke tool.
Now that is some historical archive copypasta shit
See, it's your inability to see the caveats I made that let me know you're a shill, and a demoralizer. Demoralizers are shot in war - it's coming.
That works but isn't there an option to simply add a drop shadow to your layer?
Polite sage
It's a fucking obvious shill bot guys relax. This is basic derail shilling. Newfags take notice.
wrong, he needed the resources to be able to continue the war (after he attacked poland for good reasons and everybody declared war) or else it would have been lost within weeks. It was still not enough because Rommel did not succeed. Thats why for example german tanks were sitting ducks, because they had not enough fuel.
That's cool and all, now when will he remove jews from his administration and family?
You're coming across as a mouth-breathing retard because "whether NS is pro-capitalist or not" is not the fucking thread topic. I was going to avoid this bait, but no one else is refuting it and stating the obvious. An abstract financial system debate doesn't magically invalidate video evidence of pisslam subhumans, nor does it mean that "no goyim may ever ever EVER use Trump for memes." Faggot.
If you're not a shill, how could you be that retarded and use Tor?
They were deleted for shilling, you should know this.
Wow whats going on?
Like pottery.
Nice, but God Emperor did this to placate his base while misdirecting the public from the net neutrality debate, Roy Moore election and (((Mueller's))) investigation.
I blame (((Jared))) – who sacrifices chickens – and the kikes.
He is the red pill personified
I saw CNN cover this earlier. The parenthetical Jake Tapper said:
of course (((The Netherlands))) would say that. They are run by kikes who want to kill the white race
this is exactly why the right is winning
we troll the left and the normie audience see how the left tries to make it partisan issue on everything, even on pathetic shit like this
they can't get to taking the high road because they are rabid affected by SJW disease
What is taqqiya?
Pic related is you, dumb faggot
Literal niggers, everywhere.
That Jayda one from the Trump retweets today, her grandfather was from (((the Netherlands)))
There's no "taqqiya" at play here, only kol nidre on the part of the kikes who convinced retards that they care about Britain.
Or do you really expect people to believe that Jayda Fransen is a "good jew" and "based nationalist kikess"?
Oh, you're the /bmw/ turboautist who spergs out and evades bans every time anybody says anything mean about kosher nationalists.
THE BLOOD LUST SHALL BE UNQUINCHABLE unquinchable is a word right ?
It's a word just spelled "unquenchable"
Wow, attacking Muslims, so brave. Maybe sticky a post when he calls out Kikes for killing millions of Europeans in Soviet Russia and in Germany after WW2.
What's that, he won't?
Do you have trouble distinguishing fiction from reality?
Exports ARE GOOD you dumb fuck.
I think the most important thing we all remember is, the only people who could possibly oppose or criticize a sitting president(R) are paid shills and Hillary supporters.
I think the most important thing we all remember is, the only memes shills have are stolen directly from Holla Forums and poorly shopped in MSpaint to fit their agenda
thanks fam and FUCK THE JEWS
The principle goal is autarky. As it is for us, so it would be for others. Do you know what autarky is? Are you sure exports are unequivocally good in all circumstances?
Trump isn't surrounded by jews?
Trump doesn't have jews in his immediate family?
Didn't we crucify Enoch for less?
Do you think she's a "good jew"?
I am truly happy for you, user. You were not a faggot today. May your success continue, and may your waifu bare you many white children.
Holla Forums can't create memes, they can just poorly edit Holla Forums memes.
Trump tweets Theresa May. Gets the wrong person. All the people telling he got the wrong twitter are just spreading it around faster.
That's some expert level trolling there.
Useful idiots are still useful.
women should be homemakers, not newscasters
Yes, useful idiots like you are useful to the jews, but what does that have to do with my question?
Is Jayda Fransen a good jew? Do good jews exist?
He just had to pick the most kosher cringe worthy group to shill, didn't he? I'm not talking about the Jews part, they are common filth tier.
It's times like this I can almost believe the 4D chess meme.
Dare I say it? 4d chess?
How is this winning? Conservatives are being btfo'd left and right. We're being systematically removed from social media, our websites are being shut down, anti-white/anti-male propaganda is being spread by mainstream media and allowed to flourish on social media, students from as early as kindergarten up through college are being indoctrinated to hates whites, males, and capitalism, antifa roam the streets assaulting people with impunity… it's a fucking bloodbath for us.
I am tired of coming here every day and seeing a bunch of clueless asshats celebrate victories over pointless and inane shit like this as if it actually matters.
While social media and mainstream media are gearing up to control the flow of information through the internet in preparation to win the 2018/2020 elections, we're all sitting here fapping it up to trumps tweets as he does absolutely nothing to prevent the onslaught against white males. Keep fooling yourselves. We're fucked next election. We're going to lose tons of seats in the Senate, house, and lose the presidency. After that, you can bet we will never win another election again. They will see to it.
Holla Forums is pro-(((capitalism))) now?
You faggots stick out like a sore thumb here.
A subversive jewess isn't a tool, you're the only one being used. You sound exactly like the faggots who defended Milo as "useful idiot" and look how that turned out.
There are no good jews.
Speaking of which… getting that thing into office should be our top priority. Can you imagine what John Flynt would do to the DNC with his grandstanding and generalized insanity? I'm not a cuck(R) like some around here but I don't love the (D) either; burning down the democrats suits me fine.
be more subtle next time, you went way too hard
If you say so, but how's it feel knowing a faggot and a woman, both jews, have done more to advance the white cause than you ever will?
No but reddit is.
Gas yourself kike
TRS continues to shill their faggy "movement", despite having BTFO six gorilliion times.
Cry more Holla Forums shill.
Fuck off back to halfchan obamaleaf.
Project more, /kike/ shill
Yet again, the jew cries out in pain as he strikes.
What did he mean by this?
And fuck off back to your homosexual pool party you enormous faggot.
You are dumber than a fucking rock. Where do they find jews this stupid? I strongly recommend you commit suicide today.
This is a thing?
You seem to be the expert, chaim.
You sure do.
Funny how another thread about lefties getting asspained has turned into a "more 1488 than U" derailed shitshow.
Fucking mods, do your jobs.
The only pain I feel is knowing you actually think you matter.
The only good Jew is a dead Jew.
Every. Single. Time.
Gee, I wonder why you wouldn't want that, kikel. You know we're going to kill you and your whole family right?
t. 16 year olds
The group isn't important at all. Nobody that doesn't get paid to "investigate" or just wants to be outraged as hard as humanly possible is going to see anything other than the videos.
He really is the gift that keeps on giving.
By enraging all the right people (idiots) he's getting attention from people who wouldn't otherwise bother to check his Twitter.
Now they're open to exposure of all kinds, with a few simple clicks and a bit of online research, even the laziest among the useful-idiots will learn a painful truth or two.
God bless this man.
The Holocaust never happened but it should have.
You're not going to do shit.
Same as yesterday, same as tomorrow.
A namefag, with earlobe spacing no less.
You should go back there.
Nice stale meme you got there.
Fat keyboard warriors LARPing as natsocs make this whole board look bad (which is the point).
Still waiting for that Ethnic Cleansing sequel?
So you're basically admitting being a disingenuous kike who deserves to be hanged by the neck until dead, right? Keep taunting jew. Every empire falls and when the local police are busy with other things, we know exactly who to kill.
It's like you learned nothing the past 2 years.
So Huffington Post is a credible source now?
Tell me where you live.
I would criticize him, but I don't have a reason to. I love every second since his presidency, and I can't get enough oof bitches like you squirming and failing. It's incredible.
No, I'm commenting on how your lazy ass does nothing outside of shitting up threads and making excuses for why you fail.
If you put half as much effort into actual action instead of fucking your own ass with your head you might be taken seriously.
White Lives Matter, regardless of pleas to the contrary.
Wow, so hardcore.
You're so fucking transparent, it's honestly quite tiresome, no wonder so many anons have abandoned this place to the retards, redditors, and literal kikes. I listed one easy thing drumpf could do to make me respect him - start enforcing the existing laws of burger against Wall St.
Not gonna happen, is it?
So? People are just going to see war crimes in a foreign country. No one doesn't know about the mistreatment of gays.
You still have the privilege of thinking it's a game for now. Now is not the time for fear, fear comes later.
Which is why your life doesn't.
Excellent contribution user, you certainly showed me. Peace be with you.
Furthermore, the blog that HuffPo cites as a source for Fransen being Jewish is a pro faggotry commie blog.
There are niggers ITT that are calling Fransen a kike because some some commie homo blog claimed her maternal line is jewish? I mean, perhaps she is, but it's pretty pathetic that you faggots take the word of the enemy as gospel when it's convenient to do so.
I don't play games.
Unlike you, I actually grew up.
He continues namefagging.
Your children won't live to grow up, if the world is so unlucky that you spawn one.
That's literally what the shills accuse him of though.
Attacking "muslim terrorists" to get support for israel, as the shills put it.
8 years of your anal bleeding
That's it? That's all you have in response to Trump's deliberate disregard for his own executive office? He puts a portrait of Andrew Jackson up and does nothing, and all the jewry and all the shilling and all the moderation and all the whining; asshurt; and pilpul in the world can't change it.
Kushner's not sending his best. Sad!
Pick one nigger
It's like you have the idea of an imagepost but you don't know how to do one. You've seen other people do it but you don't get the tune, because you're a dirty half-wit jew who will never, ever, ever be able to out-argue or out-think an Aryan. You don't deserve to die. You don't deserve to ever have lived, you are life unworthy of life.
I fucking love being white.
U mad bro?
Me? Oh no, I'm not mad at all… you really don't comprehend Aryan psychology.
Yeah you mad bro.
Did you really think you were going to reign in Hell, little kike? You are in for quite a surprise.
Her own behavior as a zionist sycophant isn't doing her any favors.
I'm not mad. I think this is a shitty thread and a shitty sticky, and I'm perfectly happy to fill it with shit. I think trump tweets aren't newsworthy and I want to see it replaced with a better story, for whatever whatever "better" means around here these days. Keep replying to me, keep up your inane posts, it makes me laugh because I'm getting what I want out of the deal and you're too dumb to have seen it until I pointed it out to you.
Being this butthurt
Why would I be butthurt? Scroll up,
is the dumbest pilpul kike I've ever seen on these boards, and that's really saying something. Read the thread before commenting dipshit.
They only get more pathetic, don't they?
Cry moar kike
i want to kill every person that has the nerve to call Religion of Cuck™ophobic
This thread is too D&C. Mods should delete.
280 characters makes all the difference.
Talk is cheap. What happened to her orange jumpsuit?
Not tired of winning.
My point still stands. Holla Forums used to have a much higher bar when it came to digging into and verifying jewishness than simply taking the word of some commie faggot blog.
Is this a Joke?!
Ho Chi Minh City is a popular resort town now, faggot. Give it a rest, nobody cares about this propaganda and lies any longer, until we see the jewish finance-industrial complex BTFO it's all just pissing in the wind while white families try to collect enough money to pay their heating bills.
>muslims kill (((anti whites)))
man if only muslims could be convinced to only kill anti whites and leave pro whites alone, imagine that world.
is American Dumbass! Fuck UK, AUS, CA! They attacked USA several times! Too bad we fought Germany in WW1 and WW2.
Will you kill yourself before or after the transgender cirurgy, you poor subhuman product of the kike education system?
English isn't your first language is it?
You're a fucking dumbass. Study these infographics and do not post again for at least 2 years.
Leave the communists alone, user. They have enough problems.
The people he is retweeting are sad zionist cucks who suck jew cock and get nothing in return, then continue to do it anyway because they think that will help them in their gay anti-Religion of Cuck™ "crusade".
When will you start gassing anti-zionists, they are after all removing kebab right?
Did Israel give him a memo or something?
You have various dubs but what you've said is as ludicrous as saying AntiFa is pro-communism.
Because I forgot to include the evidence in the post. The archive link is a (((Times of Israel))) article titled "British Jews say ‘no thanks’ to nationalist group’s support" which refers to these Britain First ziocucks.
It's a hilarious read.
meant to type pro-capitalism. Shit, I'm sleepy.
Do they believe their own brainwashing?
That's what makes it so effective. It's a lot easier to lie if one believes their own lies.
yes lets give the government even greater control over the internet, that will surely help us
(((Jared and Yael))) shills working overtime, I see.
>Don't question (((us))), goy
He gives me a bad feeling. But the fact that Trump is still going against the establishment forces me to ignore it.
Speaking about teaching people and reforming yourself, i think you should dwell more on attitude, its aspects and how it relates to other things.
The day he pulls off all funding towards Israel and makes troops get the fuck out of Germany is the day I'll believe he isn't a kike puppet. Bonus points if he disown his kike loving daughter.
I bet she'd look pretty good after a plastic surgery excursion and having her hair dyed
that's a faggot boy though so good riddance
when the pro-whites universally convert to Religion of Cuck™ and kick out the africans and asians back to their own continent citing the Prophet's ruling tbh.
Seriously. This is fucking stupid. Quoting huffpost. She doesnt really look jewish either. Her attitude says a bit dumb but a white.
You should have at least clicked the page they cite. Her great-grandfather's surname was "Silver", she's a kikess.
I'm not even kidding, Kushner looks more white than anyone else in that picture.
Is that real?
They've been at this shit for two straight years. It's tiresome and stale. But they are persistent in their message, I'll give them that much.
Trump is a kike supporter not a kike himself, you dumb fuck. The US is still ZOG even after the last elections. Leftards are pissed off but it doesn't mean Kikes are magically removed from office, reminder that they control both sides, dumbfuck. I guess you like being a blind horse instead of accepting the truth. Political violence in the long term is the only way out, otherwise you simply play by their rules.
Better get working on that truck bomb then.
Sadly I have neither a truck, a bomb or a visa to DC. A dozen nukes is more like what the US needs for acting like the world police. If you pay taxes you are responsible for your government's actions IMO.
How tiresome.
They're really putting on a show. Pointing to enrichment videos seems to make their blood boil.
the absolute state
No wonder that a thread about generating salt actually brought salt to this thread.
Yeah, the lie though is by omission, that guy is still (clearly) a Muslim.
Don't worry about (((Jared))), goy.
>Not a (((dual citizen))), goy
Are you brainless? The POTUS redpills the entire planet on the animal behaviour of Muslims that only a few individuals on places like this have seen, and you don't think that's worth mentioning? Tell me Moshe, did you really think you could pass here?
'its the muslims'
>implying what trump's doing isnt just a pretense for invading iran/syria
Why else do they try to distract this thread into something else? They are triggered and they can't get over it. Watch them bitching and laugh at them.
The absolute madman! kek
Deep State DOTR when?
They are triggered and worried about their paychecks.
Better question: why would you celebrate any holidays at all?
Holiday celebrations are for degenerates. Read Jeremiah10:2-4 (KJV) if you don't believe me.
So, did you finally get that $10 raise?
Your post turned that check into a Heil'ed.
Godspeed to greater victories user!
Why are you rubbing your hands? It's not even cold.
Good try. Thats called WW3, not going to happen. Same with best korea. Not going to happen ever.
Ever considered what happens when there are no boogeymen left?
No MIC spending and justification. Wake the fuck up.
You just use contrarian arguments and even run the border of contradicting yourself. Nice work.
Good try.
Have you considered of trying to create your own "late night show"? I'm absolutely sure that people will come to laugh.
1 day later, I am quite pleased that Trump isn't deleting them despite all the kvetching.
Donald Trump is a MOSSAD asset. Fuck what everyone thinks. Israel still gets $30 billion in shekels from the good goys in the U.S. (((Jared))) just watches over the goyim.
(((Kushner))) shills working hard, do you get paid overtime in Tel Aviv?
yeah honestly man, fuck Trump and any military that pretend the industrial complex hasn't been a huge problem since at least 9/11.
Fuck the LARPERs, put up or shutup.
What about her colleague in Britain First, Paul Golding? Doesn’t sound particularly jewish, tbh. I mean, they seem to promote exactly the same anti-Religion of Cuck™ rhetoric as Pamela Gellar, Tommy Robinson etc while skirting around the causes/subject of mass-migration, but surely this doesn’t mean they are jewish? Hmm?
He already called out the sheckel giving during election season.
You do realize he's done jack fuck all in Syria to the point the ISISrael niggers are nearly gone and the kurds are getting ass blasted by 5 countries? He sure is helping greater ISISrael.. by allowing their mercs to get fucked.
I know. Here's a meeting between Trump and his handlers. It's just shameful how they mock him behind his back.
That sure worked out, didn't it?
Nope, the main 'boogeymen' for the last few decades have been NK and Iran.
And nothing has ever happened to them, hence proxy meddling in Syria because it's the closest they'll get. They can't touch Hezbollah either.
A-stan sure isn't going to drive massive MIC spending either, fighting sandniggers with AKs and DShKs.
Qatar has so many sheckels it's not going to do shit. They'll just get stuff via land like CIAniggers do in Syria/Iraq anyway…
Sanctions have been reduced recently too.
Posting all the kike lip service shit he said is supposed to change my mind?
I look at what happens on the ground, not media bytes that shareblue love trying to blackpill with.
I do agree ISISrael needs to be cut off from the gibs. Fucking disgusting parasitic kike rats as usual.
Wtf i hate Trump now.
Reeks of "Free Palestine" faggots kvetching over their "oppressed brothers" being shown of behaving in their daily lives. Bathetic.
there wouldn't be a muslim problem if there wasn't a jew problem first
Aw fuck. You were only pretending? Fiddled again I guess.
dont bother, user
Holla Forums is either full of shills or retards, and you cant have any sort of proper discussion with people like them.
come to /new/ if you ever want to get away from it all
kek, look everyone. A foreigner who probably couldn't scrape together enough baksheesh for a bolt action .22 to hunt down the rats biting his ass as he sits in a pile of rubbish. Sad.
Seriously though, people read too much into this- it's a commentary on people in general, not a commandment to not have Christmas trees. Besides, everything in the Old Testament should be taken with a grain of salt (lots of Hebraic kvetching- not enough Jesus).
and what has he as the president actually done about these things?
Deserves OC
You know what I think? The faggots who keep shouting SHILLS are the actual shills trying to sow distrust among the real users. Quite a few of Reddit's largest subs have had their mods bought off or replaced, and Holla Forums is no different. Pinning a thread titled "SHILLS ETERNALLY BTFO" while anyone who doesn't praise THE KIKE EMPEROR in it is censored.
"kike" is (((their))) shibboleth. It's hard to explain to their boss if they say it.
They were obvious Holla Forums faggots, that's why they were gassed
And for you, pic related
Stunning and brave, will he call out SJWs and trannies next? What other uncontroversial low hanging fruit can we redpill the masses on? The American right totally hasn't been anti-Religion of Cuck™ since 9/11, this is a huge development worthy of a sticky. Based kosher nationalists tbh. If you don't stand with Israel I don't stand with you. Antisemite LARPers need to stop purity spiraling.
Fuck it Holla Forums I'm out. This is the straw that broke the camel's back. Enjoy cheerleading for Zionists, you bluepilled retards.
You can't leave user. If you do that means you were never part of this Filipino Mahjong Board Making Factory. Fuck off kike.
I like how triggered you are. You know you are inferior to us but keep trying. This provides me endless amusement
Traitors before enemies, jews before either.
Damn straight.
The MOSSAD has (((Jared))) – a dual Israeli and US citizen – making kike foreign policy in the Middle East. And Trump does nothing about it. Then Trump is going along with the (((Greater Israel))) plan.
Trump hasn't put boots on the ground, but that's because public opinion regarding his base would view US boots on the ground negatively. So Trump lets the Saudis work with the MOSSAD to fight, using US contractors.
Trump is a fucking Israeli/MOSSAD asset. You can't sit there and tell me that (((Jared))) isn't reporting activities back to (((America's Greatest Ally))). It makes sense, since the Democratic base is more anti-Israeli. So, MOSSAD got /theirguy/ aka Trump, elected and are probably feeding him intel.
Why the fuck was a US president elect being briefed by MOSSAD? Usually CIAniggers do that. (((Jared))) is kiked to the core. Kushner is a spy dream for Tel Aviv.
Note how hard this thread is being shitposted. (((Tel Aviv))) is trying to bury my reply discussing Trump being a MOSSAD asset and Kushner because, I named the Jew.
Watch Israel get another $30 billion shekels from the shabbos goyim in the US.
No matter how many times you switch IPs, nobody cares.
Based national globalist(Astroturf)
what a fucking faggot
From an intelligence standpoint, it makes sense for the MOSSAD to ally with Trump, especially with their own plant (((Jared))) writing US foreign policy. Also, he could be easily compromised through women, money or ego. I respect the MOSSAD can do that.
I guess I'm onto something when one of my posts causes the real Tel Aviv MOSSADfags to try and bury my post.
You'll get your $30 billion shekels, Tel Aviv-Yafo. Gas yourselves.
Forgot to add this, it's for (((Jared))).
The election was over a year ago, Cadre shill, drumpf can't keep coasting on his electoral victory forever. It's time to gas the jews and if Trump isn't helping he's just in the way.
Hi Holla Forums.
T-That's pure coincidence goyim.
If they're posting here, then does that mean there are trannies going un-fucked right now?
Holla Forums - Transexualvania
You are a heretic you fucking idiot. Don't you dare spout religion when you're wrong.
Pro-tip: Every last kike will die screaming, very soon. Including you.
What about Monarchists? Or Fascist Monarchists? What about National Fascist capitalists?
Keep spinning on that dreidel buttplug, faggot. Greater Israel is cucked and the jewish race is destined for incineration. Kill yourself now and save us the trouble.
Chabad-Lubavitch, kike.
We'll be returning you to the care of your father, the devil.
lol, Israel and the jews will be nothing but a scorch mark in history. It's inevitable.
Keep kvetching, kike.
You forgot the MOSSAD logo in the corner, fam.
Holy shit! This needs to be memed everywhere if true!
Not entirely true. Religion of Cuck™ has been expansionist and belligerent since the founding. Not every battle we had to fight was due to the kikes opening the gates. Both are massive problems, but in some ways, the Muslim issue is more time sensitive, because these animals really do breed like rabbits. Europe is a demographic time bomb.
Some good news regarding CNN:
Read item #2
Trump may be about to basically take CNN over and apart. And while I wouldn't quite call Fox "kneepads" for Trump I remember them changing their tune a lot since the campaigning days when they would make it pretty obvious they would prefer any other Republican candidate over him.
Not to downplay how shameful this is, but bear in mind the Independent is strongly leftist even by bong MSM standards, and as such not exactly an accurate reflection of what the average brit thinks.
>Owner(s): muhomo'd the pedo goatfucker Abuljadayel, (((Alexander Lebedev))), (((Evgeny Lebedev)))
The thing to do is to ask them if Jews are going around building criminal empires. Killing people left and right. Raping wherever they can and getting away with it because the justice system has given them a special status. Refusing to integrate into society by changing the local cultural landscape by dressing different and removing churches in the vicinity. Buying out businesses and hiring based on nepotism. And all the while the media giving them a special status as so protect them from the consequences of it. Then you tell them they don't have to answer that. It was a rhetorical question.
whoever made that first image obviously looks at enough jewish articles that he should know that jews argue every side and you can find articles praising him on basically all the same shit.
if anything, somone who read these would know that the main jewish complaint since he's been in office is about trump's image, at least from the israeli side. In almost every case they're mad about PR, not actions he is taking or not.
The final crusade is coming, find Christ before it’s too late. Only through the Lord will we be able to gather the strength to provide a final solution to the problem of the Saracen. Only with Jesus will we be able to show the truth about the kikes. The Synagogue of Satan’s time is comin to an end and with it the removal of all abominations / affronts to the Lord. The Kingdom of Heaven be righteously built here on earth.
Wtf i'm RubyMarco now?
At least it isn't the first post that's kiked anymore.
That's something!
in short, he's an agent of soft-redpills
He's good for our movement, and has been for the past 2 years or so. He's not Hitler though.
We should have more of these threads. The one thing that pleases me as much as Don's trollling does is watching the shill break their teeth trying to discredit him
is that a fish eye lense or are those titties bulging out at me
Another thing I've thought about today… Look at all the media retards giving attention to Britain First over this. Their base must've grown thrice overnight. This shows that there isn't a smooth chain of operations across (((globalist))) organisation. They would've never given them a platform otherwise. But journos know that other journos will take the "scoop" if they pass, so they went on and did it, whether they realised it'd help our cause or not.
Does leftypol even know that Capitalism is a British invention exploited by the kikes? I thought they read books over there.
We have /ourguy/ in the White House
You crazymad brilliant ingenious madmen
You will burn, kike-worshipper.
What's funny is, there are actually more instances of Jewish terrorism in the USA than Christians and Atheists combined, I do believe. Especially so if you count the machinations of ZOG, which encompasses just about everything.
You'd think that after 1 year the press and shills would have learned anything but no. They still keep chummin down the bait hook line and sinker continuing the retarded schtick that lost them the election. Dumb newfags
A while back Holla Forums announced that they would destroy Holla Forums.
Their plan was simple:
Invite halfchan and reddit
Guess it's because pic related.
If Trump wasn't a capitalist I would had gone mad.
They're as dumb as Holla Forums shills who get BTFO day after day yet still continue to try for some unknown reason. Total losers.
Yeah truth is a bitch, she doesn't care about your money or feelings. Cry me a river
I love the constant cheerleading!
I love the mods who support this!
Trump's tweet here really deserves its own thread. It may be the most important tweet of our lifetimes. The reason is these were the e-mails that contained the above top secret info that Hillary/Awan/Podesta et al were using and selling to very bad people–terrorists/enemies. It encompasses so many high level people that it's massive, massive treason across the government. It's explosive, but Trump so far has worked to systematically expose enemies while eliminating the most dangerous power base of this criminal conspiracy at the same time–MS-13, the media, many others quietly. The open fist of death won't come down for some time as this is enormous–the whole government blackmailed, the whole government involved in very bad treason involving selling nukes and classified technology to the enemy–all very, very evil and widespread. Trump is indeed in danger by going after this at all, no doubt about it, but this particular tweet shows he is going to try to bring the whole thing down. I believe we will see civil war no matter he goes about it. God bless him and god bless whites and western civilization–we can do this. Good luck everyone.
You're not white, and you never will be.
He probably just cares so little about May that he didn't know, or bother looking up, her twitter. The Virgin Double-Check vs. the Chad Guess
lel, the guy has the biggest platform in the world and at least some level of actual power, and you think flapping on twatter is real
I would love to see what type of person can even think such an absurd statement.
What about this?
You can't boycott a party that you weren't invited to user. This is the equivalent of someone who is getting dumped saying "No you can't break up me because I'm breaking up with you!".
oh yeah. i heard about one of the videos being false.
not kidding.
Read the full post before you respond, or please improve your reading comprehension and logic skills. This is precisely the approach Trump takes to dismantle a system that will otherwise dismantle him. He has to mobilize the public accordingly.
I read it, you're just talking out of your ass, earlober.
Like we were after the election or when he first took office and threw it all away?
Guess all israel first neocons are based too. Looks like we are modered by the_donald tier cult of personality boomers.
Kek. (((Jared)))
Stay Salty
I'm ok with this
Duke of Kekington's Royal Canadian Shitposters
Is an abnormal heart rhythm something they could uncover in autopsy, when the cause of death is a bump to the head? Maybe it is, I don't know, from a layman's perspective. I mean I could understand if there were a serious heart problem like a heart attack they could discern a serious loss of heart functioning, but how would you know about a minor loss of heart functioning that wasn't the directly causative factor in the death?
Just remind people that she was a shill for the globalist agenda, while Muslim rape gangs ran rampant in her locality, and the welfare of actual Britons was largely ignored (as was made evident when one such native, unable to avail himself of proper mental health care due to the system's lack of concern regarding white demographic decline, shot her; notwithstanding theories that he was a deep-state plant).
Wasn't cox killed to be an anti-Brexit martyr, only no bong gave a damn?
This. Does the Whitehouse traditionally invite heathen organizations like (((CNN))) to it's Christmas parties I wonder?
I wonder who's behind (((your))) post?
Good God man, you're hilariously out of touch.
you forget the power of the redpill.
stop bitching and start dropping. Now they've found Holla Forums they will never leave, the impact of the truth will undo the conditioning of their minds.
Oh great, laurelshill and hardyshill are here again, shitting up the thread. where is player number three in the tedious drama?
Sun Tzu knew his stuff, Trump is playing the media like marionettes.
It was worth tweeting
A nice summary of the loathsome bint here: archive.is
Trump is just fulfilling more of his promises, he's fighting political correctness and media censorship. I hope he goes after "youths" next one day.
They were anti discrimination actually.
Look at the vids, they targeted muslim attacks on Christians. The epitome of discrimination.
It's there to call out a double standard in society created by guilt, apathy and political correctness.
Logically - Trump didn't even post anything "far right".
He didn't attack the content of the religion, but a subsequent issue created from an extreme form of it.
He's saying - this should not be ignored due to political correctness.
Is not a wise move. That's basically going to infer that the system is so corrupted that they'll cover up abuse, other corruption, illegal behaiviour and the swamp itself.
He might be baiting them, but it would not end as they think.
Why the makeup darling?
Strong women don't need to overdo it. Just preach the truth.
That sounds like arrythmia, these are stressful times user, so this is a major issue for people with heart issues.
I know that personally with my own family.
Why do you do this?
It's forced meme-ing.
Just let it happen.
They're all over cuckchan lately too. Various boards, they do this:
I've seen this on /a/, /g/ and /mu/
You can tell they're shills too by pointing them out and they retort in the same fucking shill manner, missing tiny little details that distinguish them from normal posters.
/g/ is skeptical of him on cuckchan, but even they've noticed that something is up with some posters.
All that does is push people more towards him though.
I can't tell if that's the intention.
Apparently Jeremy Clarkson's new program starts soon btw.
Do not tell me brazzers did a tron scene. They are so over the top if so. Also obama doesn't even tie paracord because he doesn't own any knives or have any camping bags what a crying shame.
Tron girl by Key Awesome hipster trash
sage for off topic
This is the video the don should have retweeted tbh.
My regret is these are rather tame videos. Check thereligionofpeaceDOTcom for the best catalog of muzzie shit.
Also a great storehouse ok knowledge
Man they're really fucking angry about this one.
The cucks in my parliment disgust me, and I see more and more support for Trump in others here except for the soyboys and niggers I have to work with
You think its ours, with such a stupid bait?. Pathetic, at least try harded morons.
Success has many fathers, failure is an orphan, but you kikes will always be pathetic.
can't these fagots hold the camera still, it's giving me motion sickness
Then you might see what is going on.
The UK is a joke.
01000111 01000001 01010011 00100000 01010100 01001000 01000101 00100000 01001011 01001001 01001011 01000101 01010011 00100001 00100000 01010010 01000001 01000011 01000101 00100000 01010111 01000001 01010010 00100000 01001110 01001111 01010111 00100001
And I won't have it any other way.
Add shill accusations left and right to that list. Funny post, but to be serious I think that the state of this board isn't just to be credited to leftypol and faggots from halfchan or reddit. Powerful things are at work here, to break any semblance of productive discussion, and trust between users. For me, the downward spiral (train, if you will) started around the time of election discussions, among the spam of THE GOD EMPEROR meme.
you scream leftist cuck even as you try to fit in.
I know it's not necessarily congruent with the OP image but I'm impressed and want to put this here
what is up with the redditification of terms like 'deep state'
why do shills want to destroy terms like this?
Here's what really happened:
A while back Holla Forums announced that they would destroy Holla Forums. Their plan was simple: Invite halfchan and reddit.
Nice spacing though.
Fucken based gabidalist Blumpf showing the world that he's not ok with I S L A M. The tweets materialized a whole 10 feet of the meme wall!
Britain First are fucking kikes too, you absolute imbeciles
>muh Religion of Cuck™ is the biggest threat to (((((((western degeneracy))))))), forget about the tidal wave flood of niggres, goy!
fucking based!
I'm so glad we finally have a president that has the guts to stand up for israel. we gotta protect our JUDEO-christian values, fellow anons!
JIDF isn't sending it's best and brightest.
Let me tell you a little story
Nah m8, the Israeli jews are alright, it's the globalist shills like soros that we have to look out for! The non G-d's chosen people that oppose Israel like Syrians need to go. Assad is the real derrorist!
Reddit isn't sending it's best and brightest.
I was pretty excited for Donald Trump, it was a great election, I was really hoping that he was going to be /ourguy/
Hell, I even went to the inauguration. It was fun roaming the streets of such a retard-filled city. I had people flipping out left and right as I wore my MAGA hat.
The only thing that made me a bit nervous were all the "Jews for Trump" pins on the ground. I'm not even kidding, I found like 3 in one little patch of grass.
That's the moment that I realized I had been duped.
"Skin color doesn't matter, we all bleed the same patriot red!"
We literally elected a CivNat Kike-loving boomer.
based doland drumplfp
make controlled opposition great again
Based Israeli Nationalists and Blyat Boy are our greatest allies amirite?
Nice meme.
Cool story bro, tell it again.
You don't get paid for double posts though you sly kike.
Mods are asleep! Post criticism of Trump!
user, please.
Trump is going to move the United States Embassy to Jerusalem.
Looks like they finally showed up. Only took them four days of meetings lol
I fuck your blueshare shit threads up regularly. See your yesterday anchored threads for reference.
Whoa there youngin, I'm a 70 year old boomer and someone has to protect our Judeo-Christian values. My soyboy son may have voted for Trump "to trigger normies on twitter" but I know that he'll do right by us. I've already encouraged my kid to enlist so that he can protect our freedoms in Afghanistan.
Dog bress Ameriga ;_;
< everyone who calls out a controlled opposition kike puppet in the US government is a shariablue shill reeeeeeeeeeee checkmmuh DUBZ oF tRuTh
how many more tweets until drumpfstein actually does anything useful?
There's only one way out, and it's through National Socialism, not through democracy(R).
Whoa bro, let's not be antisemitic. It's purely a coincidence that jews thrive in a capitalistic society. In fact I love capitalism, only one of my kids got trampled in a nigger stampede on black friday. Thank you greatest generation for permitting us to have such a lavish lifestyle!
Who cares if he does anything user? He's triggering shitlibs! They're so salty!
are going to ban you!
the two are diametrically opposed.
ovens arent made big enough for your fat sorry ass. slice yourself into pieces first then into the oven with each.
It's ok, Putin will deliver us from the degeneracy of the west. There's going to be a nuclear war between Israel and Russia any day now, just you wait! The Sampson option is ready to go.
JIDF is in overdrive, not even being subtle.
Very poor and transparent orders. Trying hard to "fit in" yet standing out like a sore thumb.
How can you complain about the JIDF and post a pro-Trump image?
He's literally the greatest shabbos goy of our generation.
capitalism is our greatest ally
braise free markets :DDD
< ebryone whomstedly tries to educate me on controlled opposition is jidf reeeeeeeee muh feeeeeeeelingssssssss maaaaagaaaaaaaaaaaa
It's like they have no idea they literally glow in the dark
Just remember not to give them (you)s
Holy shit the concentrated shilling in this thread. They can't honestly think anyone takes them seriously when they go this far over the top can they?
It's pretty amazing the mods do absolutely nothing about it.
This whole thread is a complete trash fire.
Well, I guess the moderation always goes first.
So when's Hillary getting locked up and the swamp being drained? Wanna check some digits?
Your mods are controlled opposition you stupid fuck, does the fact that they ban anyone who criticizes the ZOG emperor not ring any alarm bells for you?
Seriously, wouldn't the CIA be shilling FOR Trump?
The "shills" who pointed out that Britain First is a jew-controlled Zionist front, or the actual shills who defended such an organization?
Just ignore that Holla Forums is flooded with r/t_D redditors, it's all good.
The cat likes to play with the mouse before he goes in for the final kill.
Yeah, I know the mods are controlled opposition.
They don't actually care about moderating, just controlling what views are acceptable here.
Apparently, they ban anyone that's anti-capitalist. I guess National Socialism is out the window.
When did it all go so wrong?
Stop being critical of Greater Israel you filthy goyim.
Honestly a lot of the oldfags got banned so many times that they just left, some for greener pastures, some left imageboards entirely I think.
Hillary's going to jail anyday now. Never forget the sealed indictments! A larper from 4chan told me the swamp was being drained.
Trump will surely deliver.
>if you jail and destroy your (((enemies))), they win
Fuck off with the exodus shill. Fuck outta here and take you pals with you.
Apologies my friend, I didn't realize that you were a shariablue anti-trumpstein SHILL
reborted for anti capitalist, anti mod, pro national socialist posting
What the fuck? Are there like, actual nazis here? I have about 10 BASED black friends (7 of them fuck my wife in an open marriage) and I am appalled at this.
How did you find this place?
You seem to be confused.
I'm suggesting that the mods banning criticism of capitalism means that they are also banning National Socialism.
I miss when this place was Holla Forumsitically incorrect, and not just trump shilling with a little bonus anti-semitism for local flavor.