"Jewesses are ugly!"
I'll twist her little kike neck
How could you be so mean to such a pure girl?
Go back to shitposting on Holla Forums, Holla Forums.
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I'm sorry, I cannot allow aggie's love to be constrained to a single board
can there be anything more beta than pedestalizing some random ugly internet whore-? just by reading your bullshit I feel my T levels dropped a few points
youve never seen a real woman in your life have you, pedo-jew?
forgot to sage
They look cute.
She has autism, don't make fun of her!
I thought Holla Forums liked white women.
It's just curly, not brillo-pad tier.
jews aren't white
youre going to hell for being a pedophile , the gods do not take mercy upon the sexually weak
But she's got such pale skin
She's19 tho.
Pump and dump at best.
go fuck an asian then if you want a girl that looks 12 by the time shes 19
She does not!
haha. op is a pedo kike faggot
his love for 12 year old looking girls with underdeveloped bodies is already pretty self-evident of certain….psychological flaws
ignore the troll
and never breed with a jew, or any nonwhite, no matter how cute, its never worth it , youre damning your own seed
Now this user has some taste in parasites. Just remember to keep your distance for your own safety. No matter how it looks, if you make contact you'll be covered in fleas.
I heard she only fucks fat older "daddy" guys because they play in with her age fetish. So not only to you worship a mentally ill kikess, but even she wouldn't like you.
You might as well stuff the turkey before putting it in the oven
what is it with goons and obsessing over average-as-fuck jewtube whores?
Smh. I can't believe a Shia has to check an Orthodox Christian's trips. Good thing our two sects are chill. Orthodox-Shia friendship strikes not only in mideast but also on 8ch.
I'd burn the cunt just so the worms wouldn't have to experience another kike on my land.
She looks like she could be 30 or 10. Judging by how poorly Jews age, I'd guess the latter.
Im Germanic pagan you god damned shitskinned faggot. We will flay your people and crucify them, the way you treated the prophets of Mani, and I will join a Crusader organization and temporarily renounce my gods if I have to do so. I will have plenty of chances to reinvoke my vows to them when I sacrifice you to Wotan.
It doesn't matter what you're signaling as. The old gods are mad and awake again.
Also, what is wrong with her wrist?
Another subhuman that can't even shovel their own peoples' remains.
Is this hair or a tattoo?
Oh, it's cystgirl poster again.
Still not possessing better taste, eh?
You enjoy your malformed mutants.
Less competition for actual humans.
Could someone link her videos? She has holes in her clothes, she looks malnourished and she seems to have brushes. Jewish parents are sick. Are they pimping her out?
Kebab leave
Looks like soft semite hair growth to me. Nothing wired up for jacking equipment in the morning.
Who cares what she looks like long as she keeps house and the family unit together.
This is partially why I do not trust Holla Forums, you rely too much on made up females instead of your own genetics. It doesn't take much to come off as a man in public.
Holy shit the moderation of this board id awful and the mods should accept that and improve by hiring more hotpockets, this is retarded
Meeting awkward will always trump some swipe sadness on an app. Just don't lose your spaghetti and know your worth. Life is not that difficult.
Yes, it's important that they be kept in units. Easier to transport.